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单词 Guardian
1. His aunt is his legal guardian .
2. She has become the self - appointed guardian of the nation's conscience.
3. The Turkish situation makes the lead in tomorrow's Guardian.
4. The court constituted him legal guardian of the child.
5. The advert appeared in "The Guardian".
6. The court appoints a legal guardian for the child.
7. The US sees itself as the guardian of democracy.
8. The Guardian carried the front-page headline "Drugs Firms Shamed".
9. She described him as a typical Guardian reader.
10. He draws strip cartoons for "The Guardian".
11. The newspaper has become the self-appointed guardian of public morals.
12. Children under 17 require an accompanying parent or guardian to see this film.
13. A delightful guide was my guardian angel for the first week of the tour.
14. The legal guardian must act on behalf of the child.
15. Our roles as child and guardian had now been reversed.
16. The ill-advised conceit of the guardian angel dooms the film from the start.
17. Editorial comment in "The Guardian" tended to support the government in this matter.
18. C., to lead the charge against the Bay Guardian.
19. Robin Barda for the minors' guardian ad litem.
20. William Helfrecht for the guardian ad litem.
21. It is particularly important therefore to appoint a guardian.
22. Ever watchful - my guardian angel.
23. George was Lennie's guardian angel.
24. So Anna became my legal guardian.
25. Statistically, some 100,000 Guardian readers will be problem drinkers.
26. Those documents are now in the possession of the Guardian.
27. The form must be signed by the child's parents or guardian.
28. In the absence of a will the courts decide who the guardian is.
29. The article appeared on the front page of the Guardian.
30. The National Party is lifting its profile as socially conservative guardian of traditional values.
1. His aunt is his legal guardian .
2. She has become the self - appointed guardian of the nation's conscience.
3. Those documents are now in the possession of the Guardian.
4. The form must be signed by the child's parents or guardian.
31. R: Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian.
32. Education i. guardian of ideals Western frontier.
33. A Guardian journalist, Sarah Tisdall, was not so fortunate.
34. Karen Davies, solicitor, for the guardian ad litem.
35. Perhaps you have a guardian angel.
36. Actually, Guardian letters are divisible.
37. Saudi Arabia sees itself as the guardian of Islam.
38. The friendly deal was struck after lengthy negotiations between lawyers and Official Solicitor David Venables, the girl's court-appointed guardian.
39. Did you read Julie Burchill's column in the Guardian this week?
40. A senile old person might also be assigned a legal guardian.
41. At the end of every set of three levels a stomach-churning guardian awaits.
42. Mrs Thatcher herself is seen as the guardian of these traditional wisdoms.
43. A serving probation officer employed full-time in that capacity can not act as a guardian ad litem.
44. Joined the Guardian in 1963, and served successively as deputy editor,() managing editor and City editor until 1974.
45. Documents seen by the Guardian show Aviatrend promising to supply 5m rounds of ammunition.
46. A guardian must be either a local social services department or a person accepted by them.
47. The soul was accessible to the gaze of your guardian angel.
48. Such a request would be unusual in public law applications as it would duplicate the role of the guardian ad litem.
49. His argument was backed by the Attorney General, in his role as guardian of the public interest.
50. She started at the Guardian in 1993 as city editor.
51. It belonged to an editor from the Guardian, the main sponsors of Writers Internationale.
52. He told the Guardian that he believed senior management took deliberate steps to hush up the dangers.
53. Telegraph/Times readers were more ambivalent, however, and our small sample of Guardian readers preferred the press by a big majority.
54. The guardian is given the important task of assessing whether this degree of understanding has been achieved.
55. He discovered that his guardian, Aunt Mimi, had not legally adopted him.
56. Where a guardian ad litem has been appointed the solicitor must take instructions from the guardian.
57. Even at ten, I knew that I had become the guardian of her life and she the tenuous sleeper.
58. Children under 17 will only be admitted in the company of a parent or adult guardian.
59. The fourth defendant, T., who was unconscious, was represented by the Official Solicitor as guardian ad litem.
60. Guardian Royal Exchange Assurance pays the cost of second class rail fares.
61. He is to be congratulated on his excellent choice of guardian angels.
62. When the Guardian arrived half an hour later, she plucked it from the letter-box with impatient hands.
63. Our insurer, Guardian Royal Exchange, has an excellent reputation for speedy settlement. 9.
64. Alice was to be handed over to a guardian nominated by Richard, who would marry her after his return from crusade.
65. The guardian must continue to perform his other duties but can not give instructions to the child's solicitor.
66. Neville Cardus gained a devoted following for his lyrical cricket writing as well as his musical reviews for the Manchester Guardian between the wars.
67. Above them towers the snow-capped Mount Illimani, symbol and guardian of La Paz.
68. Now he wonders if Sir Hugo is not his father, the very guardian whom he has come to love and admire.
69. Therefore a new agency, the Fair Trade Commission, was established to act as an independent guardian of market competition.
70. A guardian ad litem appointed in emergency protection proceedings will usually continue to act in any care proceedings which follow.
71. Meanwhile(), the guardian ad litem appointed on behalf of the children was preparing her report.
72. In practice, social work records where relevant are likely to be introduced into the proceedings via the guardian ad litem.
73. You're his guardian angel - the one person keeping me away from him.
74. Earlier Bill Scanlon, a solicitor representing the boy's guardian, said accommodation at the secure unit is £500 per day.
75. In an interview with the Guardian last month, he said A-levels were too easy for the brightest children.
76. The Guardian of the Gates found a pair that would just fit Dorothy and put them over her eyes.
77. From his self-proclaimed position as guardian of the rightwing flock, he has become a sacrificial lamb.
78. Section 41 imposes a duty on the court to appoint a guardian ad litem in most public law proceedings under the Act.
79. A portrait of the Virgin Mary looms behind him like a heavenly guardian.
80. The guardian ad litem is expected to convey the child's views to the court.
81. No-one as protected as that would ever be so abandoned as to defy her guardian.
82. Last year the Guardian joined forces with the international campaign to free poor countries from debt.
83. The final phrase seems to recognize that the Lords have some merit as a residual guardian of the constitution.
84. The child's solicitor must serve and accept service of documents on the child's behalf where there is no guardian.
85. If it does not, all its claims to be the guardian of the citizen and service user fall to nothing.
86. The first time the Guardian used him in a libel action we were summoned to a conference in his London chambers.
87. Near the Guardian bureau there is a small park, overlooked on three sides by tall buildings.
88. It reaped 60 % of votes on the Guardian website.
89. Is it true that teachers vote Labour and read the Guardian?
90. The Guardian of Feb. 29 reported that the foreign intelligence service had been disbanded following allegations of illegitimate espionage and fraud.
91. Her brother Martin, a Guardian reporter and steam-train enthusiast, did likewise.
92. The knowledge of an empiricist's guardian angel would presumably be neither embodied nor built in.
93. Over the following year Mirror readers as well as Guardian and Telegraph readers proved relatively stable in their political preferences.
94. There is an hierarchical structure, but managerial authority is respected as a benign guardian of company interests.
95. The Manchester Guardian was a mass medium in Manchester from its foundation in 1821.
96. My friend and his wife have always been convinced that they were in the company of guardian angels.
97. The Guardian, in its wisdom, plucks out of the blue a figure of £200 million.
98. In the front was a guardian of brazen hue and dragon form lighting the skies with his radiance.
99. Once cast in the role of Guardian of Truth and Traditional Wisdom, a scientist ceases to be scientific.
100. If you wish success in life, make perseverance your bosom friend, experience your wise counselor, caution your elder brother and hope your guardian genius. Joseph Addison 
101. You have to get the signature of the child's parent or guardian.
102. Has he not already demonstrated that Kant wants to set himself up as the enlightened guardian of women and other immature persons?
103. A Guardian student survey published this week confirms the university law schools' worst fears.
104. To be a Vestal Virgin meant both to be a guardian of the hearth and to be absolutely pure.
105. Very often a guardian ad litem will be appointed before the directions appointment so that he may attend.
106. Alternatively,(http:///guardian.html) the doctor may seek the concurrence of a relative who is neither a parent nor a guardian.
107. Either way the notion is both ill-informed and ridiculous and it comes from paying too much attention to newspapers like the Guardian.
108. A parent or guardian can always apply for a s8 order in the course of care proceedings.
109. No discrimination case, though, was as bizarre as the one that arose when I was representing Guardian National Bank.
110. In other cases early appointment is clearly desirable so that the guardian can attend the first directions appointment.
111. It is possible therefore for the court to appoint a solicitor even though a guardian has been appointed.
112. Let no politician claim that there is a bias within the corporation towards the Guardian.
113. Paul Myners, 51, has been appointed non-executive chairman of the Guardian Media Group.
114. Before motoring became firmly established, the brigade was not only the district's guardian but also one of its greatest attractions.
115. When Sara was 7, Aunt Maggie became her legal guardian.
116. Where a guardian ad litem is not appointed initially there is power to appoint at any subsequent stage in the proceedings.
117. He has Carlos Alfonso, Giants bullpen coach / guardian angel.
118. Their attempts as detailed in Easter Monday's Guardian might well misfire.
119. The court must obtain the consent of the child's parent or guardian.
120. Where the court has appointed a solicitor the guardian ad litem may apply for termination of his appointment.
121. Indeed in November 1979 the Guardian had published a wholly imaginary story about 900 miles of railway being under the axe.
122. As they encounter the end, both Cage and Penn are embraced by guardian angels.
123. Section 42 gives the guardian a right of access to social work records.
124. Aitken was jailed for perjury and perverting the course of justice after his failed libel action against the Guardian and Granada Television.
125. Over on the opposite corner, the Guardian Angels staged a counter demonstration.
126. These outbreaks of disorder have presented a major challenge to the Thatcher Government's image as the guardian of public order.
127. However, this would not have been worth as much as the Guardian payout to the average investor.
128. The guardian must be selected from the panel maintained by the local authority for the area which the court serves.
129. The press is a guardian of the public weal.
130. She is Anna's guardian ad litem for the trial.
131. Are you the legal guardian of this boy?
132. Their uncle was declared guardian to the orphans.
133. He became the legal guardian of his brother's daughter.
134. Before the Chronicle I used to take the Guardian.
135. Your father chose to leave me your guardian.
136. Dreadnought(/guardian.html), " Tench wrote in the Guardian newspaper.
137. Our personal guardian angel resides in our auric field.
138. The guardian act negligently towards his ward.
139. I fell in love with my guardian angel!
140. According to the 2008 Guardian university rankings, Sussex has Britain 's best chemistry department.
141. The guardian is burning with impatience, delivers some Specialized hospital the baby, after the inspection discovery is the pneumococcal pneumonia.
142. I want to be a guardian angel, guardedly you for ever and a day.
143. Totem: An animal, a plant, or a natural object serving among certain tribal or traditional peoples as the emblem of a clan or family and sometimes revered as its founder, ancestor , or guardian.
144. He rallies new volunteers in every Scottish town. -I knight thee Sir William Wallace, guardian and high protector of Scotland.
145. Paul Cordasco, a spokesman for Burson-Marsteller, told the Guardian on Thursday that the assignment was "not at all standard operating procedure" and was against the company's policies.
146. Rickman took the idea to the Royal Court after reading emails written by Corrie and posthumously published in the Guardian.
147. Heidi Schaeffer and Amanda Silverman from PMK. My guardian angel Beth Kono. My producing partner Meagan Riley-Grant and if I'm forgetting anybody, please don't kill me.
148. The steel tripod used to hold a steel pan is deemed to be a guardian spirit of the family. It carries the meaning of stability, peace, purity, etc.
149. Calls upon a Guardian Spirit to watch over the friendly target .
150. Hospital accommodation costs in respect of a parent or legal guardian staying with an Insured Person who is under 18 years of age and is admitted to a Hospital as an In-Patient .
151. Calls upon a guardian spirit to heal and watch over the friendly target.
152. When a topiary guardian spots an intruder, it stays perfectly still until the intruder comes within 30 or 40 feet.
153. Mama was a dynamo: a hospital volunteer, spotless housekeeper and neighborhood guardian angel, always helping someone.
154. Today's families may include both the biological mother and father or a single parent or guardian, grandparents or other extended family, same-gender parents, or foster parents.
155. Use: Increases Intellect and Spirit by 30 for 60 min. Guardian Elixir.
156. "If the Prince felt that number five was too runny, he could knock the top off number six or seven," Paxman told Saturday's Guardian, which is to serialise the book next week.
157. From the angle of childrens benefits, visitation right is different from parental right and guardian right.
158. Another Guardian writer, Cath Elliott, is often assumed to be a lesbian by men who take offence at her dislike of rapists and sex murderers.
159. However, as parent or guardian, you have to AGREE with your child's decision to waive the right to an attorney.
160. An optical scanner can really read personas and transfer them to the guardian shade of a computer.
161. Guardian Spirit will now heal the target 50% of their maximum health.
162. In 1966 Hubbard created his own "intelligence" organization,(http:///guardian.html) called the "Guardian Office" (GO) [now called OSA].
163. James Hansen, a climate modeller with Nasa, told the Guardian today that corporate lobbying has undermined democratic attempts to curb carbon pollution.
164. A guardian who appropriates the property of his ward forfeits double the amount.
165. The guardian read his ward a sermon on his extravagance.
166. I personally have never actually seen the Guardian Angels, but I always am glad to hear stories of citizens being "street smart" and looking out for one another.
167. It is feared that children without the protection of a guardian spirit may be stolen by witches and turned into spirits.
168. To be a friend as well as a guardian of the people.
169. Thus the flower became known as the "Guardian Thistle" and out of gratitude a national emblem of Scotland.
170. The Great Pyrenees is a very versatile breed, making it a great companion, watch dog or livestock guardian animal, provided it receives appropriate training and socialization.
171. Nature's Guardian: This ability can now trigger while the Shaman is sitting.
172. But his brother Wei Wenzhong told the Guardian that the victim had no history of heart trouble and that the family's request for a second post-mortem was denied.
173. Talking to The Guardian, Peccadillo Pictures managing director Tom Abell stated(), 'It's a huge dent in our business.
174. "We are flying aircraft on an average flight time of one hour around Europe, " Ryanair CEO Michael O'Leary told the Guardian.
175. It will go on at the Guardian and Observer newspapers'Newsroom exhibition Farringdon, North London.
176. British "Guardian" quoted Meng Gula piracy expert as saying, do not rule out the hostage is shot to death in the melee. "The U.
177. In the film The Guardian, the viewer is taken into the world of United States Coast Guard rescue swimmers.
178. When we were newlyweds, I promised you that I be a guardian angel for you.
179. There was four guardian stones , looks like a dolmen on the step, but survived just one which you can see below.
180. Keyboard Guardian can also email log files with recorded data to the specified address every specified amount of time, which is useful to remotely monitor one's computer.
181. Do you have her durable power of attorney for legal affairs, or are you custodial guardian?
182. Mr English, an associate editor of the Guardian, is a polymath who wears his learning lightly.
183. The cognition of the villagers at Guanlin about the godship of Ancestor Spirit and Guardian Spirit has deep meaning. But their cognition of regarding Guanyu as the God of Wealth is larruping.
184. There was a further twist yesterday when it was announced that Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, had ordered the guardian council to investigate claims of election fraud.
185. Ian Carter, a co-author of the report and an ornithologist for Natural England, told the Guardian: "Any time you add any kind of weight to a bird, it will have some kind of effect.
186. She does this with the help of her three Shugo Chara (guardian characters or her would be selves), Ran, Miki and Su.
187. Mister Rogers says the Manchester Guardian newspaper used it in nineteen seventy-eight.
188. A guardian of the person is entitled to regulate his education.
189. St. Thomas Aquinas, one of history's foremost experts on angels, stated that all people have guardian angels.
190. He also writes a regular column for the London Guardian.
191. He maintained that he had killed the Guardian of the Emperor's vaults, and took his place ruling over the natives of Wayland.
191. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
192. Do you think that each one has a guardian angel?
193. Thanks largely to some splendid muckraking by the Guardian, it is now clear how one tabloid obtained some of its headlines.
194. The cost of transportation and the loss of income for both the patient and the guardian or escort are major inhibitors for women in access to public health care.
195. Guardian Spirit: It is no longer possible for simultaneous killing blows to trigger the heal from this ability multiple times.
196. Okay, so she's leader of the American Coven and guardian of Savannah, the teenage daughter of a black witch.
197. Rising numbers of vulnerable jobseekers are being tricked into losing benefits amid growing pressure to meet welfare targets, a Jobcentre Plus adviser has told the Guardian.
198. Its capital was Bodoni, and its leader was General Pica. The Guardian"s phones rang all day as readers sought more information about the idyllic holiday spot."
199. Fortunately, the area's 17th-century wooden teahouses and restaurants come alive when night falls, and Gion's guardian shrine Yasaka-jinja is also worth a visit (00 81 075 561 6155; Gion-machi; free).
200. Guardian Soulmates encourages Guardian readers to pair off with other Guardian readers, presumably in order to spawn a new generation of Guardian readers.
201. Guardian of a vampire's nest; dragonencapsulated in a polished black enamel.
202. Competitor aged under 21, this application form must be countersigned by guardian.
203. "India needs to be more aggressive in pushing ahead hydro projects (on the Brahmaputra), " Jairam Ramesh, the Indian environment minister, told the Guardian during a recent visit to Beijing.
204. It is feared that children without the protection of a guardian spirit may be stolen by witches and turn into spirits.
205. A topiary guardian is a shrub or bush sculpted into the shape of an animal and them animated by arcane magic.
206. Did not use up tutelar responsibility to guardian, or the person that the Internet bar does business of deregulation, byelaw stated condemnatory measure.
207. The god of procreation, guardian of gardens and vineyards, and personification of the erect phallus.
208. Doctor suggested that the guardian brings to think positive slightly Pediatric hospital Pu the surgical department or the uropoiesis surgical department makes the further inspection.
209. Priapus Greek Mythology Roman Mythology The god of procreation, guardian of gardens and vineyards, and personification of the erect phallus.
210. The deal under the 1972 Civil List Act confirmed by background Treasury papers in the National Archives seen by the Guardian means they can only ever vote to increase it.
211. The guardian of devildom takes down the detailed features of each human beings that comes up from the earth on his blacklist.
212. The guardian of a person limited capacity for civil conduct shall be his agent ad litem.
213. 'Commander of the Army of the Kingdom of Scotland ' - the outlaw Wallace was now knighted and made Guardian of Scotland in Balliol's name at the forest kirk, at either Selkirk or Carluke.
214. If this could be implemented in sub-Saharan Africa, he told the Guardian, "the proportion of people with HIV would run to under 1% in less than 50 years".
215. But as The Guardian reported last month, the pressure to industrialise the far western province of Xinjiang is likely to further erode food output, reducing the government's options.
216. Aegwynn had no idea that the world's newest Guardian was already possessed by its greatest nemesis.
217. A topiary guardian follows the orders of its creator if he is within 90 feet.
218. Caesar also notes the druidic sense of the guardian spirit of the tribe, whom he translated as Dispater, with a general sense of Father Hades.
219. Reporting from page Bharat Chronicle, he said that by giving the role as guardian to the woman, he has empowered and provide better life to them.
220. Among Indian deities, the unusual-looking guardian is known for its rambunctious nature.
221. There wasn't enough pasture, " Jakov Japtik, a Nenets reindeer herder, told the Guardian.
222. Creating a topiary guardian begins with acquiring a perfectly sculpted topiary of a boar, lion, or triceratops.
223. "We're very much not saying this is pie in the sky stuff," Mike Cavenett, from the LCC, told the Guardian.
224. But, she did point to a 2009 story in the Guardian newspaper about an out-of-court settlement with an alleged phone-hack victim.
225. Might your guardian angel working in the best interests of your highest, most noble self?
226. Should a student withdraw from the school, the student's parents or legal guardian undertake to give, in writing to the International Department Manager, a notice of termination.
227. Final guardian of the imperfect magic item, he replaced the sand in the hourglass with ashes from a funeral pyre of his massacred brothers, making it much more powerful.
228. The judges who apply the law and act as the interpreter of the law have been regarded as the guardian spirit of society and the personification of justice.
229. He a silent guardian, a watchful protector, a dark knight.
229. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
230. In the last resort a minor may elect a guardian himself.
231. What do you want from the crocodile guardian, young Chaldean ?
232. Lilac is a guardian of Elysium with fantastic skills; the mystic power seems to come from her Demon parents who once rejected her.
233. If the guardian has done his duty of guardianship, his civil liability may be appropriately reduced.
234. California appeals court has overturned a previous ruling that appointed a guardian to oversee their estate.




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