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单词 Flattery
1) Flattery will get you nowhere.
2) Flattery brings friends, but the truth begets enmity. 
3) Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Charles Caleb Colton 
4) He was laying on the flattery with a trowel.
5) Salespeople are often accused of using artificial flattery.
6) She isn't very susceptible to flattery.
7) Beauty, find thyself in love, not in the flattery of thy mirror.
8) The flattery made her expand.
9) The film star is blase about endless flattery now.
10) She was very susceptible to flattery.
11) James was extremely susceptible to flattery.
12) Expert flattery may purchase an honest man.
13) He thinks he can get his way through flattery.
14) I was disgusted by her fulsome flattery.
15) The minister is averse to/from flattery.
16) I find his flattery odious.
17) She falls for his flattery every time.
18) She persuaded him with flattery.
19) He is ambitious and susceptible to flattery.
20) Flattery usually works like a charm with him.
21) You're too intelligent to fall for his flattery.
22) Flattery is not his style.
23) She bought favour with flattery.
24) she kecked at his flattery.
25) He was laying the flattery on with a trowel.
26) He's highly susceptible to flattery.
27) His letter was dripping with flattery.
28) I was really pleased when he said how well I'd done,[http:///flattery.html] because he isn't known for flattery.
29) The greater a man is, the more distasteful is praise and flattery to him.
30) The greater one's love for a person, the less room for flattery. The proof of true love is to be unsparing in criticism.
1) He was laying on the flattery with a trowel.
2) Salespeople are often accused of using artificial flattery.
3) She isn't very susceptible to flattery.
4) I was really pleased when he said how well I'd done, because he isn't known for flattery.
5) He's highly susceptible to flattery.
31) Men are often reached by flattery.
32) With a little flattery I might persuade him to do the job.
33) She used flattery to worm her way/herself into his confidence.
34) Just remember—flattery will get you nowhere. There's no use trying to be nice to me so I'll give you what you want.
35) Flattery will get you nowhere / anywhere you wish to go.
36) Insecure people are often easily swayed by flattery.
37) And officialdom shows disturbing signs of believing the flattery.
38) Flattery corrupts both the receiver and the giver. Edmund Burke 
39) Tolkien probably did not approve, thinking this mere flattery.
40) Flattery indeed. Other manufacturers should follow suit!
41) Knavery and flattery are blood relations. Abraham Lincoln 
42) The President, once contemptuous of flattery, now submitted to it; enjoyed it, even.
43) Well, that's a form of flattery - I accept the compliment.
44) Flattery and insults raise the same question: What do you want? Mason Cooley 
45) Just praise is only a debt, but flattery is a present. Samuel Johnson 
46) Bored dowagers with wisps snuggling on the shoulders, whispering flattery and malicious rumour in their perfectly sculpted ears.
47) The difference between appreciation and flattery? That is simple. One is sincere and the other insincere. One comes from the heart out; the other from the teeth out. One is unselfish; the other selfish. One is universally admired; the other universally condemned. Dale Carnegie 
48) We may succumb to flattery because it makes us feel good.
49) Men enjoy listening to flattery, and are more likely to be nice to and do things for those who compliment them. Dr T.P.Chia 
50) Flattery is like cologne water, to be smelt, not swallowed. Josh Billings 
51) With subtle flattery she had gradually been accepted by the housekeeper.
52) Positive criticism is a good friend. Insincere flattery is a fake friend. Dr T.P.Chia 
53) This proud, but humiliated, most complicated of politicians was not averse to flattery.
54) Flattery is like friendship in show, but not in fruit. Socrates 
55) If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, what should we make of a band like the Replicants?
56) O, that men's ears should be To counsel deaf, but not to flattery! William Shakespeare 
57) I'll choose the best person for the job, so flattery will get you nowhere.
58) But if imitation is the sincerest form of flattery,[http:///flattery.html] O'Neill knows it is no guarantee of success.
59) Nothing in this world is harder than speaking the truth, nothing easier than flattery. Fyodor Dostoyevsky 
60) She used a mixture of persuasion and flattery to get what she wanted.
61) If we did not flatter ourselves, the flattery of others could never harm us. Francois de La Rochefoucauld 
62) Naturally, I can resist anything but flattery and lapped it up like a hungry cat does milk.
63) Flattery is like cologne water, to be smelt of, not swallowed. Josh Billings 
64) Adults do not need to be rewarded by implausible flattery.
65) But if imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then Anonymous 4 must be blushing all over.
66) The skirt did not reach her calves at the ideal point for flattery.
67) Mondell had a weakness for flattery and a less than athletic mind, and Roosevelt was a master at exploiting both.
68) Everyone likes flattery; and when you come to Royalty you should lay it on with a trowel. Benjamin Disraeli 
69) A request like yours requires flattery and groveling.
70) Flattery is his stock in trade.
71) John found himself surrounded by insincere flattery.
72) That guy is a pushover for flattery.
73) To seek or gain favor by fawning or flattery.
74) Flattery bring friend, but the truth beget enmity.
75) The constant flattery from his subordinates made him bigheaded.
76) I'm a newcomer and no good at flattery.
77) Flattery is nothing but soft soap.
78) Marked by effusive and insincere flattery.
79) I was disgusted by his fulsome flattery.
80) The imperfect version had more of "life" in it: in the midst of flattery and display, the sound of sense suddenly and movingly made itself felt.
81) Flattery is from he teeth out . Sincere appreciation is from the heart out.
82) Among such friends, however, and such flattery, he did revive.
83) Cut out the banana oil ; flattery will get you nowhere!
84) Remember, everyone loves flattery, but don't go over the top.
85) Enter the door, there was no gallery, as previously seen, as the smell from the hospitality of flattery, and endless self-praise.
86) You will vomit up what you have eaten, and all your flattery will be wasted.
87) Flattery cuts no ice with Alison , she's far too shrewd.
88) One such wasOtokichi , the youngest of the three found enslaved near Cape Flattery.sentence dictionary
89) Cut out your banana oil ; flattery doesn't work here.
90) Others followed suit, their flattery made zhang chong even more on wings.
91) She was affable , vain, subject to flattery, and this combination, he knew quite well, might produce a tragedy in a woman of her home position.
92) More generally, Schumpeter seemed to be playing the role of grand seigneur, and he tended to flatter where flattery was not due, no doubt satirically.
93) Fourteen monthslater the crippled junk and its survivors were washed ashore on Cape Flattery,in current-day Washingtonstate, along with the bales of rice and boxes of fine porcelain.
94) Flattery be like cologne water, to be smell of, not swallow.
95) In a city where flattery was the daily currency of conversation , Jill fearlessly spoke her mind.
96) However, the flattery of the bourgeoisie may conquer the weak-willed in our ranks.
97) Accustomed to flattering , flattery died upon his lips when he addressed Lone.
98) What weakness is it that you can never tolerate? --- Sycophancy and servile flattery.
99) Philinte contends that honesty must be balanced with manners, arguing that flattery might justly take the place of offensiveness.
100) Flattery in its most palpable form had lost its force with her.
101) Nature have hardly forme a woman ugly enough to be Insensible to flattery upon her person.
102) So I think Ambrose Bierce must have been wrong about God being called lord for the purposes of flattery only.
103) Remember, everyone loves flattery, but don go over the top.
104) No girl doesn't like flattery and no confidence man doesn't know it.
105) At that time, being banned from trading in a bucket-shop was tantamount to the highest degree of flattery for any speculator.
106) Devilism is a feature just opposite to the kind nature of human beings. In Lear, it develops into being thirsty for flattery words, dividing a nation's territory and being ready to revenge.
107) Don't let his flattery blindfold you to his true intentions.
108) All women have one weak point - they are easily enchanted by men's flattery.
109) I will not deny that Mr. Harding felt gratified by such flattery.
110) What weakness is it that you can never tolerate and servile flattery.
111) Cut out the soft soap ; flattery will get you nowhere!
112) By deceit and flattery they endeavored to induce Zwingli to enter their convent.
113) Remember , eVery abundance one loves flattery, but don't go over the top.
114) Adulation ever follows the ambitious, for such alone receive most pleasure from flattery.
115) Murmelstein worked on me for hours with a wearisome flood of flattery and argument.
116) If one thing could stir his temper or excite his contempt More than another, it was to see a man be fooled by flattery, or elate with popularity.
117) Flattery is like cologne water, to is smell of, not swallow.




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