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单词 Meadow
1 This meadow epitomizes the beauty of the whole area.
2 The meadow is peopled with wild flowers.
3 The cattle were pastured on rich meadow grass.
4 Two cows were browsing in the meadow.
5 The meadow has been ploughed up.
6 The track leads across a meadow.
7 There are many lambs capering in the meadow.
8 The children ran free across the meadow.
9 Lambs gamboled in the meadow.
10 The fence extends to the meadow.
11 The river flushed the meadow.
12 Meadow Farm is 50 square kilometres in area.
13 The path cuts the meadow diagonally.
14 The horses in the meadow were being pestered by flies.
15 The seeds of dandelion were carried to the meadow by the wind.
16 Flowers bestrewed the meadow.
17 We can't cross the meadow there because the river is in flood.
18 In the spring,[] the meadow is a mass of daffodils.
19 There was a path through the meadow to the village.
20 Ankle deep in mud, we squelched across the meadow.
21 He described Port Meadow as a green jewel.
22 Meadow pipits and skylarks, redpolls and linnets.
23 Meadow pipits flitted across the grass and skylarks chirruped.
24 Among the plants are meadow clary, silver centaury and early gentian.
25 The wind ripped through the trees and blasted a curtain of rain up the meadow.
26 For six months they camped out in a caravan in a meadow at the back of the house.
27 Last week, the department's road builders began to bulldoze a water meadow on Twyford Down.
28 The urban child needs to be given opportunity to explore the quieter reflective world of woodland and meadow.
29 But the 33-year-old former champion vowed he would be back for another crack at the title in Flushing Meadow, New York.
30 Each day after my morning class I return to the meadow, following the path toward the heights.
1 This meadow epitomizes the beauty of the whole area.
2 The meadow is peopled with wild flowers.
3 The children ran free across the meadow.
4 Lambs gamboled in the meadow.
5 The path cuts the meadow diagonally.
6 The seeds of dandelion were carried to the meadow by the wind.
7 Flowers bestrewed the meadow.
31 The trees thinned and they fled across an open meadow.
32 The path descends to run by the Allt Coire Ardair. On the open moorland you might see meadow pipits and wheatears.
33 To them it was what it seemed to be, a pleasant green meadow.
34 When she was satisfied that the men had gone back to their car, Mary hurried towards Smiling Meadow.
35 They went two abreast across the meadow and stopped at the edge of the wood on the far side.
36 The castle, is located across an open meadow to the rear.
37 Another area needing careful management is the water meadow, where control of water flow is vital.
38 Song not unlike Meadow Pipit, but more prolonged and musical and often delivered at greater height.
39 I lie in the meadow, or I kiss your child I draw on feeling banked up for that time.
40 Creeping thistle, haunt of the charming meadow brown butterfly,[] can become a real pest if it gets a foothold.
41 These basic land uses of arable, pasture and meadow were, of course, supplemented at different times.
42 Then the car hurtled on to the deceptive green meadow - and into it!
43 The land is now part of the Bay Meadow thoroughbred racing complex and is used as a training track.
44 She lifted it over the fence and set off across the little meadow, gathering speed and thoroughly enjoying it.
45 She walked in the woods at the edge of the meadow and looked at the trinkets in the boughs.
46 Putting an arm round her shoulder, he crouched down and used a stick to draw the meadow in the dirt.
47 While Janine and John cooked supper, he led us on a trek through the woods and around the two-mile meadow.
48 However, Edgar Chance showed that a cuckoo using a meadow pipit's nest is nearly always attacked while she is laying.
49 He trotted along the path to the footbridge, crossed it and raced out on to Water Meadow.
50 In Britain the main hosts are the reed warbler, meadow pipit, dunnock and pied wagtail.
51 As the men cleared away the dishes, a three-quarter moon rose and shone through the windows that looked toward the meadow.
52 A plan to build one in a meadow several years ago was derailed by environmental problems.
53 Vaughan eventually found Tyndale in Antwerp and had several talks with him in a meadow outside the city walls.
54 The area also has a range of fragile eco-systems and rare plants including button grass, alpine meadow and snow gum.
55 They captured him in a meadow across the road from the camp and pinned him down.
56 After a morning walk through the meadow, my shoes were completely soaked through.
57 A couple of candles burned on a milk crate, and the moon lit up the meadow below us.
58 Therefore the net effect of cattle on a meadow is that the grasses benefit.
59 Water was conducted into the meadow via artificially constructed channels and elaborate sluice gates and allowed to flow across the grass.
60 On a barbed-wire fence dividing the railway embankment from the meadow a lamb was caught.
61 A few miles outside Idar I found a meadow by the side of the Nahe where I could picnic.
62 Meadow Mill now forms the nucleus of a small trading estate.
63 Wyatt waved, picked up his suitcase, and started across the meadow.
64 If they were not going to cut Low Meadow there would be a lull in the work of the farm.
65 Both meadow and arable land was allocated in this way.
66 She watched as he crossed the meadow and felt the familiar jolt in the pit of her stomach as he came near.
67 Again the enemy pushes through the meadow and up the hill, and the battle is renewed.
68 Pass through this and cross the meadow to reach a metal gate with a stone stile at the side of it.
69 A glorious meadow carpeted with long, swaying grass with butterflies hovering lazily above it.
70 At the top of the meadow I reached back to run my hand over the few wispy hairs on his scalp.
70 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
71 At one extreme are pure, natural ecosystems like an alpine meadow or a mangrove swamp.
72 Good meadow hay consists of the same grasses and clovers as a good pasture.
73 Hippies and vets mingled in the meadow all through the day.
74 There was a barn at the far end of the hay meadow, away from the house and the other barns.
75 This point was appreciated by members of the audience thinking of Alton's own water meadow problem.
76 Liessa and the Loremaster were waiting on a raised dais at one end of the meadow.
77 This faces out on to a flooded water meadow full of grazing buffaloes.
78 She stood up on her toes to get a better look at the silent, snow-sunk meadow.
79 Male meadow voles have bigger hippocampi than females and are better at finding and remembering their way through mazes.
80 A steep path cut down from the quarry edge to the meadow.
81 They look a bit like our familiar meadow pipit apart from the chestnut colour of the throat.
82 Upland valleys present additional problems because of their often numerous isolated field barns - sometimes one for each hay meadow.
83 We stood on the cliff top to welcome them, swallows and house martins, meadow pipits and skylarks.
84 We rode until we passed an overgrown meadow which must once have been part of an apple orchard.
85 In the countryside, large working farms interrupted a landscape of mountains, meadow, marshland, and abandoned quarries.
86 She kept a Tiger Moth at the time, housed in an old barn, using the South Meadow as an airstrip.
87 I think Concorde's a wonderful design but I wouldn't want it in this water meadow.
88 Shrewsbury eased their worries with a 2-1 win over fellow strugglers Halifax at Gay Meadow.
89 The Rockets seem happier hacking their way through the brambles than skipping across a grassy meadow.
90 The path begins a mellow contour through an oak-dotted meadow before reaching the seasonal creek at the bottom of Triunfo Canyon.
91 A flame leapt out unexpectedly, caught on some dry grass, and raced across a half-dead meadow with frightening speed.
92 To leave the ever-present tension of Great Meadow was like shedding stiff, formal clothes or kicking off pinching shoes.
93 Meadow pipits, commonest of upland birds, negotiated undulating flight paths over white tufts of cotton grass.
94 When you are ready, the person you have been yearning for will enter the meadow, and approach you.
95 It was a timeless scene: a brick house, a mown meadow, a man and his boy playing ball.
96 He goes off with the boy for months to a remote meadow, where he builds an altar and prays without cease.
97 And the whole village marched through the meadow and up the hill to Polly's house.
98 Be shall mow with other tenants the meadow of Ersanyre and shall have his bundle of hay.
99 There is a children's play area and 13 acres of riverside, meadow and woodland walks to enjoy.
100 He shall make hay with the others in that meadow and the lord shall give them 12d.
101 They went through the gate across a meadow of yellow grass.
102 On the open moorland you might see meadow pipits and wheatears.
103 At Sandhurst in Berkshire, we have relocated several acres of wild flower meadow from the site of our new superstore.
104 If we don't get the last meadow itself it will do for bedding.
105 lambs gambolling in the meadow.
106 We had to splosh across the wet meadow.
107 The meadow is not yet mown.
108 An ox as grazing in a swampy meadow.
109 Lakeside subalpine meadow in Qinghai important for the ranch.
110 Trees made the meadow a bowery maze.
111 A brook meanders through the meadow.
112 The cattle fattened on the meadow grass.
113 Cattle were grazing on the meadow.
114 There are lambs frisking in the meadow.
115 The young deer were leaping about in the meadow.
116 The country is made up of meadow and marsh.
117 The stream glides through the meadow.
118 The meadow was the scene of bucolic gaiety.
119 We stroll through a meadow full of tall grass.
120 You're betting I'll put up my meadow as collateral.
121 A mother Bengal tiger and her cub rest in the tall grass of a meadow.
122 The meadow is bare, but in a little while the heart-shaped celandine leaves will come in their accustomed place.
123 It has been suggested by the authors that the modern avifauna here might succeed from the meadow and forest-meadow type in late Pleistocene to current plateau wetland type.
124 Around 30 people have staged a naked protest against GM food. The protesters spelled out "no GM" with their bodies in a meadow at Forest Row, East Sussex.
125 The turnover rates of species were gradually hoisting from the centre of timberline to sub alpine meadow and forest zones, and highest at the edge of timberline.
126 The native British Autumn crocus, otherwise known as "meadow saffron" or "naked lady", is recorded in early herbal guides as a treatment for inflammation.
127 By comparison of the insecticidal activities Artemisia Linn hedinii Ostenf. et Pauls. has been screened from 16 species of poisonous plants in Tianzhu Inartificial Meadow, .
128 The appraising models can show the herbage good or not quantitatively in Haibei alpine meadow area.
129 The profusion of meadow flowers provides the local hill people with one of their treasured harvests.
130 Near Spokane, Washington, and Coeur d'Alene, Idaho,[http:///meadow.html] the Sun Meadow resort is another cold-climate nudist retreat with ample side attractions.
131 If you are an elf, where do you hope anchor is in? You pick answer person very clever! Sky, laky , meadow, forest, the sea. Very clever anthology (psychology checks.
132 In back of us were the woods, below a stretch of meadow, then the sea.
133 The adaptability of meadow brome is very strong in the most parts of the Loess Plateau.
134 I really enjoy the ingenuity of scientists testing optimism and pessimism in starlings, episodic memory in scrub jays and meadow voles, joy in rats.
135 But, still in a faint, golden glow from her dandeleonine dream, she fingered the typewriter keys absently for a little while, with her mind and heart in the meadow lane with her young farmer.
136 In the Horqin sandland, the soil seed bank and the seedling bank in fenced sandy meadow were studied by using methods of sampling quadrats and germinating.
137 As it crossed the meadow , I could see it was a black timber wolf.
138 Pollen morphology of 10 plant species in tessellated meadow of Inner Mongolia was observed and described particularly under Scanning Electronic Microscope(SEM).
139 In the meadow with the rows of sweet-scented hay, through which he had ridden the day before, there lay motionless across the rows one soldier with his shako off, and his head thrown awkwardly back.
140 Using an approach of spatial sequence instead of temporal sequence, this paper studied the composition and diversity of plant species on zokor-mound along a successional gradient in alpine meadow.
141 Kang Longsi the hunting ground is half moist upland meadow climatic region.
142 The genet and ramet of P. anserine at the non-degraded alpine meadow were higher than those at the degraded alpine meadow.
143 In this paper, it is suggested that the salt vegetation along the Hexi Corridor in Gansu can be divided into salt desert[], salt meadow and salt marsh.
144 This paper studied the effects of alpine meadow degradation in the source region of Yangtze and Yellow Rivers on the clonal growth characteristics of typical stolon plant Lagotis brachystachya.
145 At the far end of the meadow two slates in the wall, which at this point replaced the hedge, indicated a stile.
146 An experiment of planting Rumex K-1 was carried out on meadow solonchak with results showing significant effects on desalting and ameliorating the soil.
147 Visit the right habitat: extensive wetland reed beds (reed warbler) or windswept moorlands (meadow pipit) are the most likely locations for cuckoos.
148 The marsh hawk, sailing low over meadow, is already seeking the first slimy life that awakes.
149 There are several gates providing ingress to the meadow in this picture.
150 Lowland trees may lean to this side and that, though it is but a meadow breeze that bends them, or a bank of cowslips from which their trunks lean aslope.
151 The results indicated that there was an ecological succession of wetland soil types and its restoration successive series followed the order of aeolian sandy soil, meadow, bog soil and then peat soil.
152 Marsh orchids, marsh and meadow thistles, meadowsweet and ragged robin thrive.
153 I could hear the Prussians drilling in the meadow behind the sawmill.
154 The genet and ramet of P. anserina at the non-degraded alpine meadow were higher than those at the degraded alpine meadow.
155 That night, in a meadow on the banks of the Kansas River, we put up our tent for the first time.
156 They are hidden behind Caribou Mountain, which can be viewed from Big Flat, a stunning mountain meadow near the trailhead .
157 Changes and mechanism of soil respiration in subalpine meadow of Xinjiang were analyzed.
158 It is a typical meadow flower, growing in a variety of plant communities such as dry fields, meadows, but also in scrubland , open-canopy forests and waste places.
159 He started to school the luck of coming upon Becky at the head of Meadow Lane.
161 Bearded eccentrics in cluttered attics, and lavender-scented maiden aunts, will continue to practise it,[] just as there will still be people who bake their own bread or scythe the meadow grass.
162 Sweat trickles down my back as I traipse through a meadow of tall grass, ironweed, asters—and lots of poison ivy.
163 Conventionally interfered meadow and mild degraded meadow can be opened to tourists, but with taking appropriate short-term exclosure to restore normal meadow vegetation productivity.
164 The marsh hawk, sailing low over the meadow, is already seeking the first slimy life that awakes.
165 She plowed the meadow into a garden and set up brooder house and barn.
166 By altering the small animal's brain hormone chemistry, scientists have made a promiscuous meadow vole faithful - just like its prairie vole cousin.
167 Nature meadow have rather high penetrance , Huaqing No. 3 pasture has notable effect in preventing and curing loss of soil and water, soil self-restraint and cutting down floor runoff.
168 The meadow is prickly spiky grass, and through it runs a narrow broken path.
169 The effect of the soil conditioner MDM on ameliorating the meadow alkali soil was investigated by pot culture and field experiment.
170 Make fun of downstream alertly spatial security, had better be beautiful with meadow or board, avoid cement ground and waxed area.
171 Never had they noticed the roses so vivid, the willow - herb so meadow - sweet so odorous and pervading.
172 We punted up towards Grantchester and had a picnic in a meadow.
173 We have observed the species of the wild medicinal plants on the basification meadow in West Jilin.
174 The Prussians are drilling in the meadow behind the sawmill.
175 These change make the meadow depastures system and depasture kind also produced tremendous change.
176 Symbiotic nitrogen fixation of legumes with azotobacteria was a hot topic of scientific research, but less focus on alpine meadow community.
177 The results showed that mountain land meadow was the best in quality, and the drought desert and desert grassland were the worst.
178 Caption :Meadow, a Black Angus yearling calf, tries out her new prosthetic hind legs at Colorado State University's James L.
179 An area, such as a prairie or meadow, of grass or grasslike vegetation.
180 As they talked on, the evening turned blue, light fog brushing the meadow grass.
181 The City Council passed the ban on the principle that a nonsmoker shouldn't have to inhale even a tiny amount of secondhand smoke, whether in a bar or a Central Park meadow.
182 Twin white-tailed deer fawns feed in a grassy meadow in Kentucky, US. Their reddish-brown coats will turn to a grey-brown as they mature in the autumn.
183 However, subalpine meadow possessed higher species diversity than herb communities within fir forest.
184 Prof Thomson began his research in the late 1980s after buying a remote plot of land and building a log cabin in a meadow full of glacier lilies.
185 Huge and centrally located, Hyde Park is one of London's best-loved parks with more than 4,000 trees, a lake, a meadow and rose gardens.
186 Lowland trees may lean to this side and that, though it is but a meadow breeze that bends them or a bank of cowlips from which their trunks lean aslope.
187 While a farm girl was milking a cow, a bull tore across the meadow toward her. The girl did not stir, but continued milking.
188 The medication's active ingredient is colchicine, a complex compound derived from the dried seeds of a plant known as the autumn crocus or meadow saffron (Colchicum autumnale).
189 'Ah, ' said the grasshopper, 'But, you see, the meadow is now white instead of yellow. We now have michaelmas daisies and yarrow flowering there.
190 George harbored no misgivings as he strode across the meadow.
191 The combined states of soil humic substances were studied after undecomposed organic materials were applied into sodic meadow paddy soil.
192 A little town will spring up on the hills around the meadow.
193 Four of young Sika deer gathered at the meadow to eat grass in the night.
194 The charnel ground, or durtro,[http:///meadow.html] consists of a large fenced meadow with a couple of temples and a large circle of stones at one end where the ceremony takes place.
195 I missed you as the poppyhead misses a solar meadow, - said the first daughter.
196 Along came a meadow mouse, no bigger than an acorn.
197 But there a vast meadow of the, where the bad and the good flip-flop acrobatically.
198 We can see the faintest hint of green beneath last year's dead meadow grass and buds are just beginning to grow on the branches.
199 A fine shadow was flung over the deep green meadow, darkening all.
200 Near the stable he whee 1 ed again. Six times he crossed the meadow.
201 Ground-floor Rooms, Meadow Building, Venice, Brideshead, the ship in the Atlantic, and the Continent all have their own significance in the novel.
202 The salty meadow community of Hutubi, Xinjiang was analyzed by DCA, CCA and DCCA.
203 This was Tess Durbeyfield's habit, her temple pressing the milcher's flank, her eyes fixed on the far end of the meadow with the quiet of one lost in meditation.
204 Selected the way of multiple character index, we selected Ameri- can Bromus inermis and other two fine energy-herbs and advanced the model of constructing endurable, perennial and mixed meadow.
205 The content of organic carbon in the soil profile of Calamagrostis angustifolia meadow was higher than that of island forest, but the difference was small.
206 When combined N was appropriately applied to soil, on which alfalfa and meadow fescue had been planted, it could promote increasing nitrogen fertility in soil.
207 The 5)marsh hawk, sailing low over the meadow, is already seeking the first slimy life that awakes.
208 This adorable calf named Meadow is believed to be the first calf ever fitted with double prosthetics.
209 But, still in a faint, golden glow from her dandelion dream, she fingered the typewriter keys absently for a little while, with her mind and heart in the meadow lane with her young farmer.
210 Accordingly, develop sense of meadow stock raising energetically great, imperative.
211 A couple of mule deer are on the lookout for wolves and other predators in a meadow in Yellowstone National Park.
212 The meadow mouse has slept in his 5)snug gallery in the sod, the owl has sat in a hollow tree in the depth of the swamp, the rabbit, the squirrel, and the fox have all been housed.
213 The meadow pipit is quite a widespread species, found across the UK(/meadow.html), and not limited to farmland; numbers appear healthy.
214 It slumbers between broad prairies, kissing the long meadow grass, and bathes the overhanging boughs of elder bushes and willows, or the roots of elms and ash trees and clumps of maples .
215 A sloping meadow rose behind the bench , protected by a stand of lodgepole.
216 The meadow, but a little while the heart - shaped celandine leaves will come in their accustomed place.
217 The meadow moth, Loxostege sticticalis L. is an important migratory pest in North China, but its exact overwintering area and migratory path are still not clear.
218 The Sisters' Garden includes an apiary, butterfly meadow, and a turtle formed by a rolling hill.
219 The main alpine meadow landscape, mountain rhododendron forest, the original fir forest, herbs and so precious.
220 Caption :Meadow, a Black Angus yearling calf, tries out her new prosthetic hind legs at Colorado State University's James L. Voss Veterinary Teaching Hospital.
221 It reminds of a peaceful river, wandering across the deep green meadow, covered by arboreous shadow, finally pouring into the mist-covered boundless sea.




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