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单词 Tempting
1, That pie looks tempting.
2, I made him what I thought were several tempting offers, but he wouldn't bite.
3, In the end, I turned down Raoul's tempting offer of the Palm Beach trip.
4, That cake looks very tempting.
5, That pie looks very tempting.
6, It's tempting to speculate about what might have happened.
7, It is tempting to idealize the past.
8, A weekend in Rome? Mm, sounds tempting!
9, It's tempting to believe her story.
10, She felt it would be tempting fate to try the difficult climb a second time.
11, It would be tempting fate to say that we will definitely win the game.
12, You're tempting fate by riding your bike without wearing a cycle helmet.
13, It is tempting to think of morality as a guide to human conduct.
14, Fire officials said developers are tempting fate by building deep into the scenic canyons.
15, You can catch these insects by tempting them to fly into a trap.
16, He made its program explicable and tempting.
17, All very tempting and very affordable.
18, It is tempting to pick the reformers.
19, Their soups are also very tempting.
20, It is tempting to believe so.
21, The lunch menu includes some tempting vegetarian offerings.
22, These are tempting explanations for fertility decline.
23, Current hardcovers offer some tempting summer reads.
24, It was a tempting offer.
25, These high yields can be tempting but dangerous.
26, The swimming is safe and very tempting in the lake's crystal clear waters.
27, Eddy dangles a very tempting adulterous carrot in front of Richard and suggests a convivial evening of wife swapping.
28, When the business started to have problems,(http:///tempting.html) it was very tempting to walk away.
29, As soon as you start to talk about never having played on a losing side, it is tempting fate.
30, Lenders in general often appeared to be financing the tempting rates offered to first-time buyers at the expense of existing borrowers.
1, That pie looks tempting.
2, I made him what I thought were several tempting offers, but he wouldn't bite.
3, In the end, I turned down Raoul's tempting offer of the Palm Beach trip.
4, You can catch these insects by tempting them to fly into a trap.
31, The thought of revenge was tempting, though ... Angel One sank deeper into the luxurious heat of the steaming water.
32, It may be tempting to talk a great deal about what you have learned about diet, nutrition, exercise, and weight control.
33, I've recently received a very tempting job offer from IBM.
34, Rising equity prices hurt bonds by tempting some investors to shop for better returns in the stock market.
35, The chocolate cake was tempting but I couldn't have any because of my diet.
36, It was very tempting - only £50 for a ticket to the fight - but I decided to save the money.
37, It was tempting to think that Helen had turned him against his father, but John doubted this was the case.
38, It is tempting to discuss Freud's ideas much further since they have permeated modern psychological thinking.
39, To see these activities as representing the apotheosis of Morris Zapp and the eclipse of Phillip Swallow is tempting but too simple.
40, I was a bit dubious at first, but I was hot and sticky and the water looked tempting.
41, Flitting from one flower to the next, whichever looked the most tempting, but totally incapable of feeling any real passion.
42, It is rather tempting to think of this room as a boudoir rather than a chapel.
43, It is tempting to refer this accuracy of localisation to qualitative differences within the scale of pressure sensations.
44, The hawks could all-too-easily become tempting targets for the soldiery.
45, With a major typhoon hovering over the horizon, it would have been tempting fate unnecessarily.
46, Although they always look so tempting on the garden centre shelf, they are known to be very hard to please.
47, The prospect of eating there again was so tempting to residents that all of the reservations have been taken.
48, Of course, it would be tempting to suggest that the independent rights of children are being forgotten in all of this.
49, The town offers a tempting range of shops, olde-worlde pubs and restaurants.
50, It has been suggested that it is tempting to conceive of morality as a guide to human conduct.
51, Inside you'll find tempting recipes from around the world, all beautifully illustrated.
52, Tempting as the warm, crusty sourdough bread is, go easy.
53, Dining out is a real pleasure with a wide and tempting choice of menus and venues at a very affordable prices.
54, Remember, always do your best, don't let them hook you, however tempting the bait.
55, It is tempting to draw sharp contrasts between magic and science, just as it is between science and religion.
56, Endill tried to cheer him up, tempting him with games of marbles underneath History class or journeys into the corridors.
57, It's tempting to squeeze but by doing so you can cause infection and scarring.
58, If the though sounds tempting but you fear the pounds will pile on, think again.
59, This was tempting a different breed into the job - it could now be seen as a rewarding all-year-round career.
60, The sweet trolley in particular is very tempting, with a choice of five or six home-made sweets.
61, Tempting, he thought. Plunge in and head for the fire tower.
62, It is tempting, but completely illegitimate, to slide from analysis of the production of official solutions to their implementation.
63, It is tempting to see here an iconoclastic attitude towards male-female roles.
64, Contained in the pages of the book are tempting recipes from around the world.
65, Although it was very tempting, accepting it would be the kiss of death for the concept.
66, By building houses in the steep canyons, Californians are tempting fate in the form of mudslides and fires.
67, Overhead, tempting us with its promise of warmth, the sun glints mischievously along the summit cornice.
68, It is tempting always to produce all the information that can be extracted by a particular statistical technique.
69, It may be tempting to break the silence, but you can only do that by being more dogmatic or by compromising.
70, The climbing predator is in no position to start chasing after the cackling parent bird, nomatterhow tempting it may be.
71, It was tempting fate to run the new car in public-but McLaren had thought of that.
72, The barbels are long and are very tempting to other fish, which may pick at them, damaging the ends.
73, It was tempting to see its potential as another fun palace or shopping centre or - this being Liverpool - housing estate.
74, It was tempting to ask, in view of his once held political ambitions,(http:///tempting.html) whether he had ever regretted staying in business.
75, Or, still more tempting, to send an electric shock interactively to senders of the more offensive messages?
76, Tempting little offshore islands, washed by warm blue seas - it seemed almost too good to be true!
77, It would be tempting fate to travel without a spare wheel.
78, Moreover, it is tempting to translate them directly into human social and political affairs.
79, It is tempting for leaders to confuse the popular will with the voices of those who shout the loudest.
80, Voters, in fact, are not clamoring for big tax cuts, tempting as they may be.
81, It's tempting to wonder what he'd make of wordsmiths all around re-writing his work; mellowed out or gobsmacked?
82, It is tempting for any regime to claim that its very survival proves that it has consent and support.
83, It is tempting to underestimate the scale and radical nature of changes occurring around us, socially or geographically.
84, The industrial use of oil, 3. 4in, constitutes an even more tempting alternative fuels target.
85, Appetisers Serve these tempting snacks with a glass or two of your favourite festive fizz.
86, It was very tempting, but it would be stupid to go across now, until I knew more about the tides.
87, It is tempting, then, to call time on G8 summits.
88, In presidential politics, numbers like these are extremely tempting, particularly in a close election.
89, Tempting as it is to criticise them back, this will make them even more defensive.
90, It's always tempting when visiting an aquatic outlet to buy on impulse.
91, It was very tempting to just stay put but the longer we put it off the worse it would be.
92, It may be tempting to describe urban centers in the developing world as almost beyond hope.
93, In the new part of the town, wide boulevards house a range of tempting duty-free shops for buying silverware and ceramics.
94, As well as its unparalleled choice of about 70 different champagnes, Oddbins now boasts around 50 tempting imitators.
95, It's very tempting to leave your jacket and tie at home when the temperature starts to soar.
96, This became a difficult order to follow after silver was found in tempting abundance at a place called Los Frayles.
97, If your company is short on cash, it becomes very tempting not to remit these taxes.
98, But they may be more dangerous there, because of the great bulk of official paper which sometimes supplies tempting shortcuts.
99, Shops and garden centres are fully stocked with row upon row of tempting treasures to add to our gardens.
100, The task they serve evolves as they are developed, and it is tempting to continue tinkering endlessly.
101, It would be easy, even tempting, to take a pot shot at us.
102, It's definitely tempting to dismiss this peculiar, fledging series as trivial.
103, The truly enormous condor, with its wingspread of ten feet, is a tempting target for the idle rifle.
104, Wealthy tourists are tempting targets for bag snatchers.
105, He was tempting me, baiting me.
106, The Widow Douglas'splendid hospitality was a tempting bait.
107, She was tempting him to cheat on his wife.
108, A nap is a tempting idea.
109, It must be tempting to nobble a rival.
110, It now carries a tempting current yield of 13%.
111, At first glance, it would be tempting to agree.
112, Tempting apple blossom, freesia petals and warm vanilla bean.
113, After three decades of peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific, it is tempting to dismiss the possibility of tension and conflict in that critical region.
114, Relationships with co-workers can be especially tempting,because more and more people have no time to socialise.
115, The death of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, its founder, after a year, was a fatal blow to the first vision; Islamist rhetoric was a tempting tool for his successors.
116, It may be tempting to carryout a few tasks when a deadline is looming, but leave this to others while you get on with managing the project.
117, Bombed-out bank valuations, on the other hand, look less tempting, given the root cause of their problems: opaque, potentially toxic balance sheets.
118, Now, given that, it might seem tempting in retrospect to conclude that the Plaza Accord was a bad idea.
119, Although it"s tempting, it doesn"t work. By all means gloss over the unflattering things. But out-right fibbing NEVER pays.
120, When economic times are tough it is generally thought that the pawnbroking industry booms--after all gold and cheap loans are tempting for credit crunchers.
121, Don't badmouth your former employer, no matter how tempting. You'll look unprofessional and give the interviewer reason to suspect you're difficult to work with.
122, The natural harbor in the modern capital of Castries and the ideal climate for planting sugar cane made it a tempting prize.
123, It's tempting to imagine riverboats hauling freight, green fields stretching out from either bank, industrial towns and cities drawing water for their factories.
124, Because SCA is a component model, and has a programming model as part of its definition, it may be tempting to assume that interoperation also includes portability, but that is not the case today.
125, She was grateful to her companion for not tempting her to swerve.
126, Plymouth University students visited Cornish seaside resorts , tempting young holiday - makers with surfboards and cinema vouchers.
127, They might prove irresistibly tempting to identity thieves and marketing firms.
128, Lk .11:16 And others, tempting Him, sought from Him a sign out of heaven.
129, The result: a Lowland single malt whisky with the tempting aroma of toasted almonds, caramelized toffee and the signature smooth, delicate, Auchentoshan taste.
130, It's tempting in this instance to embed some processing of list elements into the sort operation, such as the one shown here in Listing 5.
131, It is tempting Providence to go in that old boat.
132, It is tempting to want to do everything every Lord's Day, but we must also keep in mind that physical rest is a significant part of spiritual rest.
133, The most tempting place in Yanghuo is the Slabstone Street,which has gained a new name as "The Western Street".
134, And yes, contrary to the tempting title, these may not be secrets but these are things that tend to be forgotten in the daily minutia you face.
135, It is tempting to identify the Roman Mithras with the Persian Mithra, except that there is no known Persian legend or text about Mithra killing a bull or being associated with other animals.
136, Fyodor Dostoyevsky denies rational characters and deems that logos tempting people to crime.
137, Sometimes it's tempting to re - characterize your actual feelings and motives.
138, Shopping, travelling and real money proved far more tempting than idealism.
139, Muffin (Mini Size) are Anytime Treats. Dig into our Tempting Coffee Bean home-style selection of Cranberry, Banana, Chocolate Chip and Original Flavor.
140, It is best employed from a distance, as its ball-shaped cognitive unit is too large and tempting a target for enemy fire.
141, If you're slimming, resisting tempting goodies becomes a measure of your "success" as a woman.
142, I saw a tempting bait indeed, and not to be resisted by one of my occupation.
143, It is tempting to read too much into the conflation (are you calling the president a terror leader?) or to look past it entirely (the names sound similar, big deal).
144, I long to be seductive and tempting. What's Helen got that I haven't got?
145, They lie still under ultra - violet lamp, tempting fate with skin cancer.
146, For Searle and growing pharmaceutical company, the prospect of a birth control pill was tempting - and terrifying.
147, Although tempting, fad diets and diet pills are usually not effective and in many cases cause additional health problems.
148, It is almost tempting to use as an analogy the Laffer Curve, which was popular for a while in so-called Reaganomics .
149, Because changing queue manager names in a point-to-point network is disruptive, it is tempting to reuse the same names for queue managers and channels during failover and migration.
150, She refused to fall in , however , with Clovis 's tempting suggestion of a primeval dance party.
151, A walk over the crust to Asnybumskit, standing there in its inviting simplicity, is tempting to think of, -making a fire on the snow under some rock!
152, These dishes look very tempting, but of course, the proof of the pudding is in the eating.
153, Counterintuitively, soft rings—made of rubber or leather, for instance—can lead to more severe injuries, Shindel says, because it is tempting to fasten them too tightly.
154, Simply seeing pictures of tempting food can light up the pleasure-seeking areas of obese peoples' brains.
155, Dumbledore knows that staring into the Mirror of Erised too long makes considering the rewards of the Dark Side all too tempting or may also make madness a ponderable alternative.
156, It's tempting for them to go on a drinking binge in the festival.
157, It has always been tempting for humans to mythologize snakes.
158, In the chaotic hybridity into the busy, no time to organize travel the feelings of those beautiful people tempting frustration with the piece was put aside.
159, The justness of procedure is the procedural principle of tempting investigation, balancing unjustness of means and value of lawsuit.
160, It was the opposite—a kind of 3)siren call tempting me to give up my dream.
161, Well, duh. But seriously, a beach home or downtown pied-a-terre can be pretty tempting.
162, It is tempting to do so, but it is easy to mistranslate words and it will slow down your progress eventually, or even worse might lead into embarrassing situations.
163, It's too tempting to simply read, rather than lecture, from a complete text.
164, I am tempting you with bonnets and bangles and leading you into a pit.
165, BOSTON (Reuters Life! ) - Dieters may find some welcome assistance from a new nasal spray that could help resist the appetizing aromas of cinnamon bun stands, pizza parlors or tempting bakeries.
166, In power - struggles with national governments, claiming voter support must be tempting.
167, Immediately to the left in Sainsbury's is another familiar sight: a "chill zone" for browsing magazines, books and DVDs, tempting impromptu purchases and slowing customers down.
168, You might not even be thinking about buying a cupcake or splurging on a massage until you see a tempting offer come in from Groupon.
169, So starting with a clean slate must be very tempting, but then again, it would be a huge engineering effort for them to do this.
170, Crimes tempting, abetting and deceiving someone into drug addiction offended against state control on stupefacient and drugs and against person mentally and physically.
171, Another tempting option for policy - makers is to tinker with bank regulation.
172, Kant notwithstanding, it is tempting to agree with my hypothetical apologist that absolutist morals are usually driven by religion.




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