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单词 Overboard
1 One of the crew fell overboard and drowned.
2 A sailor fell overboard and was rescued.
3 He goes overboard about every young woman he meets.
4 They heaved the body overboard.
5 His sailing instructor fell overboard and drowned during a lesson.
6 Let's not go overboard.
7 The young man was washed overboard in the storm.
8 He was washed overboard by a huge wave.
9 He seems to have thrown all his principles overboard.
10 They had thrown their neutrality overboard in the crisis.
11 He fell overboard in heavy seas.
12 Don't go overboard on fitness.
13 Mary has gone overboard for some new Eastern religions.
14 Huge waves washed him overboard.
15 He was washed overboard in the storm.
16 She fell overboard and was swept out to sea.
17 She fell overboard and the sharks got her.
18 He threw all his old friends overboard once he was promoted.
19 All ideas of reform were thrown overboard when the new government came to power.
20 A man falls overboard!
21 Women sometimes damage their skin by going overboard with abrasive cleansers.
22 I hope politicians will not go overboard in trying to control the press.
23 Someone had fallen overboard.
24 He doesn't just like her. He's gone completely overboard about her.
25 She threw $2 million of energy shares overboard and bought computer technology shares instead.
26 And what happened,[] that a girl should fall overboard?
27 I told her just to cook a simple meal but she went completely overboard.
28 One error and he would have been torn loose and hurled overboard by the squalling wind.
29 I don't suppose there'll be more than six people eating so I wouldn't go overboard with the food.
30 After heavily losing the election the party threw their leader overboard.
1 One of the crew fell overboard and drowned.
2 A sailor fell overboard and was rescued.
3 They heaved the body overboard.
4 His sailing instructor fell overboard and drowned during a lesson.
5 Let's not go overboard.
31 Going overboard on nutritional supplements wouldn't necessarily help.
32 Wolfgang Petersen's movie chucks all these non-narrative elements overboard.
33 Eichenburger apparently slipped and fell overboard.
34 I threw the decayed rattan overboard.
35 Traditional values and old-fashioned rules of journalism have been thrown overboard in the competitive race for audiences and commercial success.
36 Jonah volunteers to be thrown overboard as a sacrifice to the deep in order for them to survive.
36 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
37 My problem is, I have a tendency to go overboard with compliments.
38 Then we had thrown overboard everything that was biodegradable and kept the rest in a special rubbish barrel.
39 Although Levin sometimes goes overboard with jokes, his breezy, slightly irreverent tone is a welcome one.
40 This area of business is so important that the nuclear nations should throw overboard all thought of evenhandedness.
41 She'd probably die of pneumonia, if Nathan didn't throw her overboard first.
42 The vinyl coating on the flight-deck Hueys was peeled off and thrown overboard.
43 They were to stay on the alert for any soldier unlucky enough to go overboard.
44 The tragic yachtsman, a Tynesider in his 40s, was washed overboard as he tried to change a sail.
45 Then more cans of the gas, so carefully loaded the day before, went overboard.
46 He stripped off his clothes and jumped overboard to free the straps when they got stuck under the raft.
47 A Soviet kitchen hand, hit on the head and thrown overboard.
48 I suggest wiring them up and trailing them overboard to thaw.
49 At that, they leaped overboard and instantly were changed into dolphins, all except the good helmsman.
50 Their bodies were weighted, bound and gagged, and dumped overboard.
51 The bears and the buffalo jumped overboard; at least one bear was recaptured and put on display.
52 When they reached the middle, he ordered the oarsmen to stop and with a last farewell he stepped overboard.
53 The captain would throw a log overboard and observe how quickly the ship receded from this temporary guidepost.
54 Gifford had gone overboard a bit in the blues though ... For some reason this thought made Edwin chuckle to himself.
55 Its captain, a desperate man with a criminal past, might throw the children overboard.
56 I decided to go overboard with processors and connected three digital multi-effects units and a mono delay.
57 They are not allowed out of this dark passage, in case they fall overboard.
58 Some of the food had been washed overboard, and the rest would follow or soon be ruined.
59 It was feared he'd gone overboard and air and sea search was launched.
60 Don't you think you went a little overboard on the decorations?
61 The remains of the Con federate machinist who was torn to pieces were shoveled into buckets and thrown overboard.
62 In Nicodemia people were bundled into barges, taken out to sea and thrown overboard.
63 First, he said, the treaty on conventional forces would likely be thrown overboard.
64 But the flare was useless and I tossed it overboard.
65 He was about to dump the contents of the porridge tin overboard when we remembered our hitch-hiking friend.
66 You are demonstrating to them how to recognize, name and communicate their feelings without going overboard.
66 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
67 One error and he would have been torn loose and hurled overboard to be smothered by the driving spray.
68 Two of the crew were pitched overboard when a big wave hit their ship.
69 In the confusion of fighting the fire, the dinghy had gone overboard and was drifting away, trapping the crew.
70 The road yaws out in front of us, and it is clear that yet another armadillo has been chucked overboard.
71 We'll see how much people want to throw overboard.
72 Pump out port No.1 ballast water overboard.
73 He's gone overboard about a starlet.
74 A ship bound for Australia had sent to the Sailors' Home for a stoker in place of one who had thrown himself overboard off Gibraltar in an attack of delirium tremens.
75 He lingered in the folly of despair about those sordid lodgings in Diisseldorf, as one might circle vainly about the spot in the ocean where some pearl of great price had fallen overboard.
76 According to the Prince Edward Island Guardian, the hobby began with a glass Pepsi bottle that Hackett threw overboard while fishing.
77 Seat cushion (flotation device): A life-saver is someone falls overboard.
78 If I ever fall overboard, just drop anchor and I'll swim to you.
79 Nevertheless, before tea went overboard inBoston harbor the lawless settlers had penetrated to the crests and valleys ofthe Appalachians and were scouting into forbidden lands beyond.
80 A few hours later, then Immigration Minister Philip Ruddock was out telling the world, and the "children overboard" scandal became legend.
81 Don't go overboard or you may end up in the poorhouse overspending to impress someone who may only be around for a short time.
82 What did you figure to do when you drove overboard with the gaff?
83 In a fit of bad temper, Dougie threw the deep fat fryer overboard.
84 Each throw overboard inflatable life raft (each 18P) to be fitted on port and starboard side of poop deck. The life rafts shall be on the special racks, together with hydraulic relief device.
85 He watched me pull down the Jolly Roger and throw it overboard , then he said , 'I expect you'll want to go ashore now .
86 Peter tells Wendy how Captain Hook lost his hand to a Crocodile after falling overboard from his ship the Jolly Roger, during one of his recent duels with the Pirate King.
87 Then I'll make it look like he got tangled in the anchor line and went overboard.
88 I dropped upon the thwart again , none too soon , for I was near overboard.
89 However, if the Pisces man goes overboard with his dreaminess, he is likely to be dumped by his straight forward and brutally practical Virgo partner.
90 In this scenario, ill-written software itself intended to patch the Y2K glitch might go overboard and read an intentional 9999 end-of-file value as a date and convert it into an explicit 1999 date.
91 The ship put about to pick up the girl who had fallen overboard.
92 With regard to the use of images, Mei Yaochen does not go overboard for a particular image, but express the tremendous interest in image cluster.
93 We made Alassio in the evening, lay to, hauled up our winecasks, and have them overboard.
94 You can still go overboard with interrupting people or drowning them out, but if you don't do it too obnoxiously it's accepted as part of the package.
95 But be careful: Don't go overboard and prefetch everything in sight, or you'll make things worse!
96 There are several vitamins that you can go overboard on: vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin E, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc.
97 And, again dodging the boom, I ran to the colour lines, handed down their cursed black flag, and chucked it overboard.




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