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单词 Acquired
(1) He has acquired a reputation for dishonesty.
(2) The business was acquired from Orion four years ago.
(3) She has acquired a good knowledge of English.
(4) Infectious diseases can be acquired in several ways.
(5) The local council has recently acquired the site.
(6) He acquired the firm in 1978.
(7) Had he succeeded, he would have acquired a monopoly.
(8) Nobody knew how she had acquired her wealth.
(9) He acquired hundreds of books at last.
(10) Gradually,() I acquired a rudimentary knowledge of music.
(11) She had acquired much wisdom during her long life.
(12) I have recently acquired a taste for olives.
(13) He acquired the craft of wood carving in his native town.
(14) She acquired a knowledge of the English by careful study.
(15) The acquired any reason to ask you, have a permanence is only a short do.
(16) General Motors acquired a 50% stake in Saab for about $400m.
(17) The company has recently acquired new offices in central London.
(18) Old properties in the town have acquired a scarcity value.
(19) The company has recently acquired a new office building in central Boston.
(20) Elsie acquired a good knowledge of Chinese.
(21) Her manner acquired her universal odium.
(22) Story-telling has acquired the status of an art form.
(23) The man acquired my tape recorder.
(24) Everton paraded their recently acquired silverware.
(25) The college acquired a reputation for very high standards.
(26) The city has acquired a light rail transit system.
(27) A great part to the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way. 
(28) I'm hopeful and confident that the graduation ceremony will really be a completely new tart.I believe that the knowledge you have acquired will enable you to be successful in whatever field you may enter.
(29) I'm hopeful and confident that the graduation ceremony will really be a completely new start.I believe that the knowledge you have acquired will enable you to be successful in whatever field you may enter.
(30) A few years after his graduation from a university the man acquired the reputation of being a philosopher.
(1) He has acquired a reputation for dishonesty.
(2) The business was acquired from Orion four years ago.
(3) She has acquired a good knowledge of English.
(4) Infectious diseases can be acquired in several ways.
(5) The local council has recently acquired the site.
(6) He acquired the firm in 1978.
(7) Had he succeeded, he would have acquired a monopoly.
(8) He acquired hundreds of books at last.
(9) Gradually, I acquired a rudimentary knowledge of music.
(10) I have recently acquired a taste for olives.
(11) He acquired the craft of wood carving in his native town.
(12) She acquired a knowledge of the English by careful study.
(13) General Motors acquired a 50% stake in Saab for about $400m.
(14) The company has recently acquired new offices in central London.
(15) Old properties in the town have acquired a scarcity value.
(16) The company has recently acquired a new office building in central Boston.
(17) A few years after his graduation from a university the man acquired the reputation of being a philosopher.
(18) The term'alexia'is used to refer to any acquired disorder of reading.
(19) How can such a large quantity of know - ledge be acquired?
(20) I must have acquired ambivalent attitude towards women from her.
(21) The diving school has acquired a franchise for scuba equipment.
(22) We do not know which behavioural traits are inherited and which acquired.
(31) Decaffeinated coffee is an acquired taste.
(32) Broad beans are very much an acquired taste.
(33) Olives are an acquired taste.
(34) They acquired the target by radar.
(35) The news has already acquired currency.
(36) Olives are something of an acquired taste .
(37) He acquired another small airline and bulked up operations.
(38) I had acquired a smattering of Greek.
(39) He acquired mastery of four languages.
(40) He had acquired a taste for adventure .
(41) She had acquired a taste for European beer.
(42) She sought out and acquired all his early paintings.
(43) AIDS is an acronym for "Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome".
(44) I was wearing a newly/recently acquired jacket.
(45) The company has just acquired new premises.
(46) Senior government figures must have acquired in the cover-up.
(47) The crisis acquired a new dimension.
(48) I recently acquired some wood from a holly tree.
(49) She soon acquired a reputation as a first-class cook.
(50) I've never acquired a taste for wine.
(51) The weapons had been acquired by stealth.
(52) We've just acquired a dog.
(53) He earned/established/gained/acquired a reputation as an entertaining speaker.
(54) He acquired a property on present form.
(55) He acquired greater proficiency after a three-month intensive course.
(56) They have acquired refugee status.
(57) Abstract art is an acquired taste.
(58) He acquired a knowledge of carpentry and masonry .
(59) His character acquired him a good name.
(60) I've suddenly acquired a stepbrother.
(61) The picture was acquired by bequest in 1921.
(62) He acquired kudos just by appearing on television.
(63) Art is an acquired taste — no one is born knowing that Michelangelo is wonderful.
(64) In 1986 GM acquired a controlling interest in the sports car maker Lotus.
(65) The ball seemed to have acquired a life of its own.
(66) The actor James Dean acquired the status of a cult hero.
(67) The term'alexia'is used to refer to any acquired disorder of reading.
(68) Southern acquired 11.2 per cent of Sweb in a dawn raid on Monday.
(69) The company has acquired an unhappy knack of slipping on banana skins .
(70) In her last job she acquired a reputation as a troublemaker.
(71) She acquired the painting at a jumble sale for the princely sum of 25p.
(72) He acquired a law degree by taking classes at night.
(73) How can such a large quantity of know - ledge be acquired?
(74) I acquired lasting respect for tradition and veneration for the past.
(75) The bronze statue had acquired a hard green patina with age.
(76) The Brady bill acquired its name from its best-known sponsor(), James Brady.
(77) By sheer ability and force of character he has acquired the present position.
(78) He has acquired a reputation as this country's premier solo violinist.
(79) Skill is acquired through repeated practice, and practice makes perfect.
(80) In 1992, United Distillers acquired a 75% shareholding in the company.
(81) She acquired a four per cent direct stake in the business.
(82) I must have acquired ambivalent attitude towards women from her.
(83) I was suitably vague as to exactly how I had acquired the money.
(84) Words have over the centuries acquired meanings not easily traced in dictionaries.
(85) Some smoking and alcoholic drinks are an acquired taste and are not in born.
(86) During this period he acquired a reputation for being a womanizer.
(87) The diving school has acquired a franchise for scuba equipment.
(88) EWS carried out further bloodletting by sacking senior employees, but has acquired a new chief executive.
(89) The ability to use a language can be acquired by the act of using the language.
(90) She has acquired an email address and a site on the WorldWide Web.
(91) We do not know which behavioural traits are inherited and which acquired.
(92) The job gave her the chance to apply the knowledge she had acquired at university.
(93) Some women have acquired status as heroines.
(94) The words are acquired from the community.
(95) These attitudes have acquired their own shorthand titles.
(96) They are like sushi, maybe an acquired taste.
(97) Whisky is an acquired taste.
(98) It was acquired by Berkshire Hathaway Inc.
(99) It is an acquired taste but very refreshing.
(100) Many inner cities have acquired reputations for violent crime.
(101) Americans have recently acquired a taste for gourmet coffee.
(102) Data were acquired by scanning in three-dimensional mode.
(103) Mr Wilbraham acquired five businesses within 15 months.
(104) In April local councils acquired an important new power.
(105) Her acquired accent sounded suddenly very strong.
(106) We have steadily acquired businesses since then.
(107) Some collections are acquired through the museum's own initiatives.
(108) Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot of acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime. Mark Twain 
(109) Firstly, over the past few years, it has acquired various software businesses with related but incompatible products.
(110) The next missive was a postcard from the college library, which had acquired a book for her on inter-library loan.
(111) I rarely drink in the week, and I've never acquired a taste for wine.
(111) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(112) With the help of the Greyhound Bank it acquired Dan Air assets but grew quickly as its order book grew.
(113) He had also acquired rights to a property with the intriguing title Shadow on the Sun.
(114) The remaining 50% will be acquired through gifts and purchases over the next few years.
(115) Specifically, under rapidly changing market conditions, acquired information is time-critical and tends to have a shorter lifetime.
(116) Once they began, they acquired momentum of their own, and the size of the purge made it credible.
(117) Coins may also be acquired from various sources; local finds or gifts of collectors may give very different pictures.
(118) Some grandparents were acquired through adoption, or through remarriage following family break-up.
(119) The statue was acquired at great expense by the City Corporation.
(120) In addition, 785 works were acquired by gift and bequest.
(121) Among the most debated changes is one that would affect minority shareholder rights when a company is acquired.
(122) Most TableCurve users will already have acquired the necessary good sense to avoid such pitfalls.
(123) If I left a table in Fif's that I'd just acquired, I might attract attention.
(124) A new one has to be built from scratch but fabrication can only start when plans are eventually acquired from York.
(125) Verio acquired NorthWestNet in March 1997 and has since built one of the country's largest business Internet carriers.
(126) More wisdom is acquired by people during hardship and adversity - and what is learned from failure tends to make people wiser. Dr T.P.Chia 
(127) In September 1984, Caparo made a bid for the remaining shares and subsequently acquired them.
(128) They are rich in proteins and vitamins of the B group, but they are an acquired taste.
(129) For many people, her dry humor is an acquired taste.
(130) He believes, rather, that such abilities are acquired through a steady upward progression within a company.
(131) Cash flows A company has set up fair value provisions for the reorganisation costs of a subsidiary it acquired last year.
(132) But this knowledge is not so easily acquired as blithe references to the problem might suggest.
(133) Foundation skills are acquired in the first five years of life.
(134) Those that live in more arid climates have acquired water-conserving techniques.
(135) She returned to the restaurant and put her newly acquired knowledge to work.
(136) The best and longest-lasting tans are acquired slowly - quick tans are usually fast burns and peel off in a trice.
(137) It was too fizzy and too gassy to drink and I acquired a taste for real ale.
(138) He himself had acquired a cadaverous appearance; a shrinking manikin within his leather and steel-scale carapace.
(139) Learning Co. agreed to be acquired for $ 606 million in cash and stock.
(140) I mention Husserl because I think that it may have been via Husserl that Wittgenstein acquired his own interest in intentionality.
(141) Hongkong Land acquired a 14.9% stake in Trafalgar House and then attempted, but failed, to push its holding to 29.9%.
(141) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(142) On nationalisation, the divisions had acquired around 300 power stations, initially grouping them for management at an intermediate level.
(143) The vast reservoir of information he had acquired was bursting to be expressed.
(144) I had the feeling that she had suddenly acquired the powers of a clairvoyant.
(145) There, a brokerage house, acting as underwriter, legitimately acquired inside information from one of its clients.
(146) Considerable collections can often be acquired in a single auction room lot.
(147) The numbers refer only to mergers of large companies where assets worth over 5 are acquired through the merger.
(148) And he says he has acquired some skill in communicating technical ideas that he uses in presentations for Lucas.
(149) Larger companies in the industry acquired smaller companies, while the overall market demand for propane remained relatively stable.
(150) How had the new city fathers acquired the wealth and prestige to embark on these schemes?
(151) Hobert was acquired from the Raiders for a third-round draft pick in the offseason.
(152) A good book enlightens and empowers your mind, and it is worth reading over again and again – new lessons are learned and new perceptions are acquired. Dr T.P.Chia 
(153) Before long, the firm acquired a reputation as a top provider of programming and debugging services.
(154) They acquired a Tucson resort in 1991 and a Hyatt hotel in Houston in 1992.
(155) The Wall is designed to block the flow of information legitimately acquired by one department, to other departments.
(156) We tend to expect pupils to find words in dictionaries, because we assume it is a skill which is simply acquired.
(157) It may be that the old pictographic signs acquired a special magic power associated with the remote past.
(158) They also found that on their return many women were unable to utilize the skills that they had acquired before having children.
(159) The argument that acquired immunity may bias the measurement of parasite resistance or limit the progression of those parasites deserves comment.
(160) He acquired a lasting scientific interest in mucus, possibly augmented by digestive problems of his own.
(161) Gensia and companies it has acquired lost $ 45. 8 million last year on sales of $ 58. 3 million.
(162) Thus there was little that could be acquired and developed immediately by those other builders who had an urgent need for land.
(163) The on-line provider of home financial services and discount mortgage broker acquired Cybersight and its FlyerWare software.
(164) Matthew had acquired a tank which trundled over the carpet emitting small but sharp percussive explosions accompanied by a shower of sparks.
(165) One of his red-letter days was the time we took him for his first ride in our newly acquired Rolls-Royce.
(166) In 1706 Lord Chesterfield acquired the property and demolished the original house.
(167) The company was acquired last year by the regional brewer Riva, best known for its Dentergens wheat beer.
(168) Rights were acquired in literary properties that would never be filmed.
(169) Once acquired they must be guarded against other jealous male bowerbirds anxious to steal them for their own bowers.
(170) My wife Kay recently acquired a disabled sticker for our car, and we found provision for disabled passengers greatly improved.
(171) He had already acquired some ex-episcopal lands back in 1647-8, in settlement of earlier debts owing to him on the public faith.
(171) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
(172) Some very prominent fathers have gone out of their way to share lessons acquired through family tragedies.
(173) He was now a young Anglo-Catholic who acquired the Catholic sense of divine rights in the Church which no State can touch.
(174) Unlike his brother Clarence, he acquired no ready-made affinity which he could exploit when he came of age.
(175) A position of dignity is more easily improved upon than acquired. Publilius Syrus 
(176) Haematological malignancies arise as a result of acquired mutations which disturb the normal balance between self-renewal and differentiation.
(177) And so it acquired its contemporary, pejorative connotation of idle chatter.
(178) But the Moodies, propelled by pseudo-symphonic arrangements and mysticism, always were and always will be an acquired taste.
(179) How was it, then, that Masailand acquired its reputation for corrupting those sent to rule over it?
(180) It is already clear, however, that the notion of acquired distinctiveness is of central importance in discussions of perceptual learning.
(181) What happened is indisputable: students, and the institutions to which they belonged, acquired a bad name universally.
(182) Spenser could consider himself a gentleman only on the basis of having been to university and acquired a Master of Arts degree.
(183) At last my boyish figure had acquired some status and a more attractive description: gamine.
(184) The National Trust acquired this unusual property in 1951, but few records were kept of the garden's early management.
(185) Morphologically it represents the most anterior region of the head and has secondarily acquired a basal hinged attachment.
(186) Analysts are divided over whether Fore and the other expensively acquired businesses will ever make a decent return for shareholders.
(187) The written examinations would provide the opportunity for assessing whether the student had acquired a sufficiently analytical approach to the subject.
(188) Elga Group has changed its name to Protean and has acquired Carbolite, the electric furnace and oven specialist.
(189) Genetic epistemology is the science of how knowledge is acquired.
(190) Millions of voters have acquired a stake in the wider ownership of shares and homes and a voice in union affairs.
(191) Having acquired the taste, a service career became increasingly attractive to them.
(192) The argument concerning the destination of the nation's art treasures has, however, acquired a bitter aftertaste.
(193) Tod sins singly ... He has acquired a taste for alcohol and tobacco.
(194) During the period of the Tudor monarchs in the sixteenth century, Parliament acquired enhanced status.
(195) Its traditional civilization, which already embodied many different beliefs and attitudes, acquired new religious elements from outside.
(196) Her recently acquired aspirates gave way completely under the stress of emotion.
(197) Robinson tinkered with his lines, breaking up the Wayne Gretzky and recently acquired Kevin Stevens combination after three games.
(198) If volatiles are acquired during accretion then most of the volatiles are initially buried deep in the planet.
(199) When the Kyburgers sold Burgdorf to Bern in 1384 the townsfolk had already acquired burgher rights.
(200) It is only with thought, practice and feedback that the necessary skills can be acquired.
(201) Much of this is actually linguistics(http://), however - something of an acquired taste.
(202) In 1998 the business was acquired by a Dutch company.
(203) Curry is an acquired taste and heavily spiced food is surely not suitable for the stomachs of very young children.
(204) He treated Abram well for her sake and Abram acquired sheep and cattle.
(205) The principal element of fixed assets is land and buildings acquired for development projects.
(206) Their recently acquired understanding very often prevents them from achieving a full-blown panic attack.
(207) Learning isn't acquiring knowledge so much as it is trimming information that has already been acquired. Criss Jami 
(208) It acquired its stake in the early 1980s, hoping eventually to acquire the tobacco group.
(209) Infections newly acquired during this tail will therefore be under selection pressure.
(210) Indeed, Fleet was eager to liquidate the preferred shares, because they legally precluded it from integrating those newly acquired assets.
(211) Warranties to be limited to events occurring after the Vendor acquired the Business.
(212) A majority holding in Aimnet was acquired in May, and Verio completed the acquisition this fall.
(213) Or, of course, it might simply be a habit the person has acquired that has no particular significance.
(214) It didn't last, but at least she acquired a title.
(215) A recently acquired photo-copier has proved a great time-saving boon for note taking.
(216) These days the practice of story-telling is so rare that it has acquired the status of an art form.
(217) He acquired it partly by accident, for war was near when he ascended the throne.
(218) It is not known if they are acquired through upbringing or inheritance or acquired later through experience.
(219) It was believed that much of the information was acquired by way of his employment as an investment banker.
(220) New fish may be a hybrid I recently acquired a Red Parrot fish.
(221) Others acquired a harder outer membrane to later become skin-like materials.
(222) They acquired joint and exclusive occupation of the flat in consideration of periodical payments and they therefore acquired a tenancy jointly.
(223) For example, how can such a vast quantity of knowledge be acquired?
(224) The King claimed that all the funds acquired through the passport sales had been accounted for.
(225) The distinction between rationalism and empiricism relates to a distinction between knowledge acquired by reason and knowledge acquired by the senses.
(226) Of the operations acquired by Verio as of the beginning of 1998, over 85 % are on the national systems.
(227) The patina the bronzes had acquired during burial was much admired, and people assumed that they had originally been patinated.
(228) It exists only in use and may be imparted and acquired through apprenticeship and practice.
(229) Labour today is rather like a car company whose models have acquired a reputation for unreliability.
(230) Knowledge of the world in only to be acquired in the world, and not in a closet. Lord Chesterfield 
(231) These are especially acute where a substantial private company is being acquired in a Reverse or Super Class One transaction.
(232) We have acquired a reputation as the dumping ground with lightning speed.
(233) A code of conduct relating to the use of software acquired for educational purposes has been adopted by the University.
(234) NTN acquired the rights to broadcast game data from football games in 1987.
(235) To be successful, a former member must have served on an influential committee and acquired expertise on controversial issues.
(236) But no sooner had a man acquired a little power than the tyrant in him emerged.
(237) Transcendental Meditation has never acquired the reputation of a sinister cult, but doubts are sometimes voiced about it.
(238) The tour also visits several conservancy preserves, including newly acquired Watson Brake Mounds, one of the oldest mound complexes known.
(239) The survey also found that 17 out of the 23 airlines capitalise interest on advance payments for aircraft being acquired.
(240) The man had become a myth and acquired the definite article.
(241) Victor Matthews, Trafalgar's vice-chairman, was in the familiar self-made baron mould and duly acquired his barony from Mrs Thatcher.
(242) One explanation for this finding would be that H pylori infection is acquired by people throughout their lives.
(243) This is because it must include all assets which might be acquired for investment purposes.
(244) Acquired by bequest in 1921, it used to be considered one of the Metropolitan Museum's greatest early Northern paintings.
(245) He acquired a stake in a small lighting business which bought candles from the Wandsworth factory.
(246) But his athletic prowess dovetailed with his particular experiences, and his body, for him, acquired almost magical power.
(247) With initial cognitive differentiations, the first acquired feelings are observed.
(248) Both cut to pieces anything animal in their path, and both have acquired a mystique of terror in their own land.
(249) Mother's love is peace. It need not be acquired, it need not be deserved. Erich Fromm 
(250) It is an acquired taste for sensitive palates but a lot of hungry people are only too happy to tuck in.
(251) Nevertheless, the base of their power lay within the territory which they had acquired by the late 530's.
(252) He has acquired an autonomy and influence staggering even by the standards of a country where anomalies are institutionalised.
(253) The elaborately staged conferences have acquired a reputation for issuing high-sounding communiques urging remedial economic or monetary action.
(254) Apart from the wad of Reichsmarks that Joyce had acquired at the bureau de change, they had nothing at all.
(255) Once slated for thousands of homes, the Daley Ranch was acquired by the city for $ 21 million in January.
(256) The new company also acquired five franchised units and raised more than $ 12 million for working capital.
(257) Physical, logical-mathematical, and social knowledge are not acquired directly but are constructed by the individual.
(258) Recently acquired 70 new buses equipped with front-end bike racks that can accommodate two bikes.
(259) As he acquired further land and office in the north, the affinity inevitably widened.
(260) AC Transit recently acquired 70 new buses equipped with wheelchair lifts.
(261) He acquired from his mother a love of hymns and a deeply spiritual religion.
(262) Mr Pinault acquired an asset that subsequently produced lots of much-needed cash.
(263) The median clearance time of newly acquired human papillomavirus was 6 months.
(264) Expert power refers to the possession of a specific body of knowledge acquired either through formal academic training or job experience.
(265) Heinz Co. acquired the ailing food company for an undisclosed amount.
(266) In this way the original insights of New Right thinking have acquired for themselves a bad name.
(267) The Boston Museum of Fine Arts has recently acquired several paintings by Salvador Dali.
(268) Acquired dyslexia involves a loss of reading ability as a result of brain injury.
(269) Conflict: there is ample opportunity for this information to be acquired and used by other divisions within the conglomerate.
(270) This proved a vain hope, as the young student soon acquired a following of like-minded people.
(271) You probably acquired yours with a beta test copy of Windows.
(272) AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
(273) From him the church acquired the disposition to be authoritative and unquestioned.
(274) In addition to the tractor, we have acquired a new rice transplanter.




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