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单词 Call for
1. Well, I can call for help.
2. There's a telephone call for you, Mr Baron.
3. Let me transfer this call for you.
4. The old call for spiritual tend.
5. A call for a vote of no-confidence in the president was rejected.
6. A call for 100 bottles of blood was answered promptly.
7. He didn't even have the intelligence to call for an ambulance.
8. I will call for you tomorrow and we'll go to the park together.
9. There is a call for the concession of certain rights.
10. We support the call for the enactment of a Bill of Rights.
11. Please call for help.
12. "There's no call for talk like that," Mrs Evans reproved him.
13. I'll call for you at eight.
14. Is Derrick about? There's a phone call for him.
15. The ship radioed a call for help.
16. Dawkins ends his discussion with a call for liberation.
17. Paine's words are a clarion call for demo-cracy.
18. More work does not necessarily call for more men.
19. I'll call for you at seven.
20. Your plan will call for a lot of money.
21. The negotiations will call for considerable dexterity.
22. When will you call for the article?
23. Shall I call for you at eight?
24. All the neighbours heard a call for help.
25. The President made a call for national unity.
26. There's not much call for fur coats these days.
27. More work doesn't necessarily call for more men.
28. At first they resisted the call for reform.
29. I heard a call for help.
30. After he was attacked, he managed to stagger to the phone and call for help.
1. Well, I can call for help.
2. There's a telephone call for you, Mr Baron.
3. Let me transfer this call for you.
4. The old call for spiritual tend.
5. After he was attacked, he managed to stagger to the phone and call for help.
6. A call for a vote of no-confidence in the president was rejected.
7. He didn't even have the intelligence to call for an ambulance.
8. We support the call for the enactment of a Bill of Rights.
9. Please call for help.
10. "There's no call for talk like that," Mrs Evans reproved him.
31. I'll call for you at 8 o'clock.
32. Officials used loud hailers to call for calm.
33. Sorry, there's no call for office workers now.
34. I ordered a wake-up call for 6.30the next morning.
35. He will call for his book tomorrow.
36. There was no call for such rudeness.
37. We had best call for the doctor at once.
38. I'll call for you at 7 o'clock.
39. There isn't much call for such things these days.
40. There's a call for you,(http:///call for.html) Mr. Kevin.
41. Nobody answered my call for help.
42. You've been putting off making that phone call for days - I think it's about time you grasped the nettle!
43. There was no call for him to single you out from all the others.
44. Let's go to the night school together, and I'll call for you.
45. This election is a clarion call for our country to face the challenges ahead.
46. He asked me to call for him at four o'clock in the afternoon.
47. We have a bounden duty to respond to this call for help.
48. Last night's defeat should be a wake-up call for the team.
49. The doctor had been on call for 48 hours and was exhausted.
50. The call for a boycott could be enough to seal the fate of next week's general election.
51. After an initial surge of interest, there has been little call for our services.
52. I'm sorry to interrupt, but there's a telephone call for you.
53. You can make a local call for under 2p a minute.
54. We are grateful to all those people who answered our call for help with fund-raising.
55. He dialled the operator and put in a call for Rome.
56. There's no call for that kind of language! I'm doing my best!
57. "I'll call for you at half ten," she said decisively.
58. There seems now no need to call for the doctor.
59. The spicy flavours in these dishes call for reds rather than whites.
60. This is the last call for passengers travelling on flight BA 199 to Rome.
61. Some actions by the authorities ran counter to the president's call for leniency.
62. Most of the workers have ignored their union's call for strike action.
63. This election is a clarion call for our country to face the challenges of the new era.
64. There has been very little response to our call for help.
65. A truck driver used his CB radio to call for help.
66. There isn't much call for black and white televisions these days.
67. There had been an unspoken agreement between them that he would not call for her at Seymour House.
68. There isn't a lot of call for small specialist shops nowadays.
69. This is the last call for flight BA872 to Moscow.
69. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
70. Doctors work an average of 90 hours a week, while a few are on call for up to 120 hours.
71. Sorry to bother you, but there's a call for you on line two.
72. The Prime Minister seconded the call for discipline in a speech last week.
73. Senator Prior spoke out, adding her voice to the call for new laws to protect the environment.
74. This is the last call for passengers travelling on British Airways flight 199 to Rome.
75. They were prompt to respond to our call for help.
76. The Finance Minister has renewed his call for lower interest rates.
77. We received a call for help over the ship's radio.
78. Las Palmas has become the traditional port of call for yachts on their way to the Caribbean.
79. It will shortly be put up for sale under the terms already communicated to you, which, to recapitulate, call for a very minimum of publicity.
80. The man at reception says there's a call for you.
81. After the conference, there was the usual photo call for everybody involved.
82. Shall we send these books, or will you call for them?
83. The traffic regulations call for that all vehicles should keep to the right.
84. There was a call for moderation on the part of the trade unions.
85. The charity issued a call for donations to assist victims of the earthquake.
86. The knee-jerk reaction to this is to call for proper security in all hospitals.
87. The call for a one-day national strike was dismissed as gesture politics.
88. There is no call for us to adjust the price.
89. The UN continued to call for a return to civilian rule.
90. The Libyan leader Colonel Gadaffi repeated his call for the release of hostages.
91. There has been a call for greater clarity in this area of the law.
92. Police call for crackdown on young thugs.
93. She was murdered before she could call for help.
94. Call for me at the rectory, why don't yer?
95. There is little call for antique furniture.
96. I'll call for a taxi now.
97. Call for details of your nearest stockist.
98. There was no call for him to do that.
99. He will call for a higher minimum wage.
99. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
100. Three particular problems call for comment, however.
101. It did not call for a graham cracker crust.
102. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
103. Despite this, the independent unions continued to call for strikes and became increasingly involved in political protest.
104. They call for horseracing bosses to modernise procedures at racecourses.
105. Battalion always had at least one maintenance ship on call for situations like ours.
106. The general practitioner is a first port of call for people with all manner of distressing circumstances.
107. Some Democrats on Capitol Hill have joined in the call for an independent counsel to investigate campaign fund raising.
108. That's the call for the leading hands to collect the rations from the rum bosun.
109. Different conditions call for a great deal of imagination on the course, but there are a few basics that always apply.
110. A call for papers has been issued and abstracts should be submitted as soon as possible.
111. The number to call for camping reservations in Yosemite is 1-800-436-7275.
112. Forbes' insistent call for a 17 percent flat tax has altered the debate, giving it more of an economic hue.
113. Callers are given appropriate phone numbers to call for help, and perhaps an explanation of Medicaid or Medicare.
114. Messengers ran out to call for help in men and gear and food.
115. Admittedly these recipes call for extravagant amounts but you can compensate by eating smaller portions.
116. Three Cheers for all of your, and grateful thanks for your response to our call for new members during last year.
117. Lawyers, on the other hand, often call for changing even settled practice in midgame.
118. The healthy individual has no compulsive morality because he has no impulses which call for moral inhibition.
119. Over the radio comes the call for a pick-up in the next street over.
120. Sorry we shan't be able to call for you when we're ready to make the arrest.
121. A call for papers for the new journal appears opposite p 721, and we welcome contributions now.
122. Many cake recipes call for all-purpose flour, but those that suggest cake flour do so for a reason.
123. To expect Paul to call for the abolition of slavery at this point in time is to be guilty of unhistorical thinking.
124. The creme gel formulation is ideal for smoothing and protecting and costs £4.50 - call for your nearest salon.
125. The time is now right to rally round the call for independence.
126. Kwasniewski has said he may dissolve parliament to put the issue to rest and call for new elections.
127. Hong Kong has been an important port of call for the U.S. Navy.
128. No one could therefore call for the closure of incineration plants at a stroke, because noxious chemicals have to go somewhere.
129. Where there is no call for a continued food market, market buildings have proved highly adaptable.
130. There isn't much call for typewriters since computers got easier to use.
131. These call for an increased use of soloists as cantors and for some direction of the congregation, often by means of an animateur.
132. She shouts that if I get soaked I needn't expect sympathy, and I call for her to join me.
133. Jobs like this call for various database programs, each tailored to a specific task.
134. Social and economic stability and the natural order call for a full two weeks of diligent goofing off.
135. Mass production methods call for detailed planning and sophisticated control procedures.
136. He also appeared to call for a referendum on Maastricht - against Government policy.
137. One would call for $ 6. 35 million in public loans to leverage $ 30 million in private investment.
138. Two principal heads of potential liability are cited to justify this position and call for consideration.
139. An essay in Science, Engineering or Technology may call for a survey of the literature on a specific topic.
140. Hold on please, I have an overseas call for you. Go ahead, caller.
141. The following examples illustrate the type of situation that could call for the utmost in tact and diplomacy.
142. But it should be remembered that the memorial did not call for the dismissal of a single woman.
143. Today, doctors' leaders call for a full inquiry into the dangers of brain damage in boxers.
144. This belief will call for radical changes in employment, management and corporate strategy.
145. Perhaps she had known it would happen, perhaps he had answered her call for the same reason.
146. She could hear cars and lorries swooshing past and tried desperately to call for help but she had no breath.
147. The programmes were broadly similar in their call for a gradual transition to the market and a return to more state control.
148. The governors, nevertheless, bowed to pressure from Republican congressional leaders not to call for reopening welfare legislation for major changes.
149. The transition to democracy and market economies will call for much patience and persistence.
150. Far more than the usual call for school reform to produce more competitive workers in the global economy.
151. Hip replacements were once a rarity: now they can be carried out easily and the call for them has escalated.
152. What the report does call for is the total elimination of taxation on profits realized for the sale of appreciated assets.
153. It is a crusade to recapture Jerusalem, nothing short of a call for a new theocracy.
154. I thought maybe you could give Eddy's mom a call for me.
155. In Cairo 14 Arab League countries condemn the invasion and call for an immediate withdrawal.
156. My job entailed being on call for shipping in the harbour and for this reason I was loath to live outside Stornoway.
157. They keep the television at the front of the bed, and receive friends there when they call for tea.
158. They tell of phone numbers one can call for horoscopes, fortunes, curses, cures.
159. Isolation, the call for a lonely struggle against hostile critics, will not help.
159. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
160. The authors propose two ways forward: they encourage a change in attitudes and they call for some specific legislative measures.
161. They call for more research on the physiological and immunological changes caused by eating disorders, especially bulimia.
162. Available from salons only - call for your nearest stockist.
163. Arrange things so that there is always some one in the building who is on call for machine problems.
164. Resolutions continued to call for further economies and lower taxation, so the government got no credit for what it had done.
165. Some, like Senator Joe Biden, who opposed the use of force in the Gulf call for it now.
166. Open admissions was an easy call for the Left and the Right; for liberals, it was torment.
167. The charity used the occasion to call for fresh action to tackle the root causes of world poverty.
168. But he breaks with conservative Republicans who call for a moratorium on legal immigration.
169. This is the last call for limericks with an electoral theme.
170. The opposition call for a boycott of the election was almost universally observed yet the Government still claimed a landslide victory.
171. A key area of contention is the call for the wilderness to be opened to oil and gas drilling.
172. This would be as unrealistic and premature as Mr Rugova's call for immediate recognition of an independent state.
173. First, the memorial did not call for the dismissal of any women employed in Edinburgh at the time.
174. First there was Sir David Calcutt's report, with its call for a statutory complaints mechanism to curb press excesses.
175. It does not necessarily call for an ethical content, so facts are often distorted or falsified for self-interest.
176. It is such a cohesive, well-oiled unit that the band rarely has to call for outside assistance.
177. One was the poor, he said, repeating his call for people to help former welfare recipients move into work.
178. Powerful traditions call for its refusal; but nationalist pride may incite people to accept what they would instinctively reject.
179. In a recent meeting with council officials, he reiterated his call for its retention for the rugby team.
180. A uniform call for special deposits, it was argued, could upset their foreign business very substantially.
181. The tsar responded immediately to Valuev's call for the acceleration of the reform of the courts.
182. Prince Charles could never have dreamed of this twist to his call for respectful allegiance to the past.
183. Meanwhile, the Montana state government seems unlikely to take on the call for translocation and a reduced cull.
184. The call for special deposits was used on fifteen occasions between June 1960 and the end of 1966.
185. Forbes also reiterated his call for a balanced budget amendment, but said his version would include a tax cut.
186. The other, much more risky, is to abolish this anti-reform parliament altogether, and call for new elections.
187. When plans call for grilling, sauteing, or broiling, quail takes well to marinating for flavor enhancement.
188. The plan is also expected to call for cuts in fighter jet programs and two rounds of base closings.
189. Among the demands was the call for the imposition of a super-tax on personal fortunes and company profits.
190. She continued to call for help every minute or so but, as time passed, her hopes diminished.
191. He repeated that the Action Committee should call for change.
192. Increasingly, businesses began to call for a return on their investment in public education.
193. A call for collaboration between the four Thames regions and higher education institutions is made.
194. It was then time to call for the gunners and pilots to dislodge the defenders and exact vengeance for dead comrades.
195. Now a third player is beginning to call for an equal role in the international arena.
196. This call for help provokes a specific urgent reaction and interaction in the listener.
197. Indeed, many forms of treatment by hypnosis do not call for the patient to utter a word.
198. There are problems that call for imagination and ingenuity, and there are others that call for a total lack of it.
199. Prices range from £40 to £58 but expect to pay up to £100 in London - call for your nearest salon.
200. Politically, that was an easy call for the Likud Party leader.
201. Full and part-time courses are continually running so call for up-to-date information.
202. They call for more research, and dismiss study after study which fails to satisfy them.
203. She tried to speak, to call for help, to explain herself, to scream, but no words would come.
204. I mean, did Gephardt call for making the rescue of the environment the central organizing principle for civilization?
205. In this section, we shall present four types of evidence which plainly call for the distinction to be observed.
206. But there are further dimensions of that call for which union schemes have not yet come up with adequate solutions. 1.
207. Fox has voiced support for President Bush's call for a regional energy policy.
208. The report did not call for positive discrimination but suggested that male, old-school attitudes still prevailed in hospitals.
209. More complex needs will call for multidisciplinary assessments, careful preparation, and time for patients to consider their future.
210. The Football Association is likely to call for a ban on alcohol at football games.
211. The very first day her ad ran, she got a call for a hairpiece to be worn at a trendy wedding.
212. Hierarchy has added immense value to the world, and pundits who call for its demise are either fools or cynics.
213. These call for fresh thinking and approach, and a willingness to change function.
214. A call for papers has been issued and the deadline for abstracts is 4 May 1992.
215. I expected that the President would read it, decide on his priorities, and call for more detailed suggestions.
216. They reiterated their call for a popular referendum on the country's future political system.
217. The old bloke at reception comes out and says there's a call for Claire Parsons.
218. Call for a catalogue and discover the world of computer digital sound.
219. Other analysts say investors themselves may call for a reprieve from the offering calendar.
219. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
220. His call for a new spirit of experimental investigation was later codified and converted into a more concrete programme by Francis Bacon.
221. The relevance of this variant comes earlier in the poem whose opening stanzas call for a painting of Ariadne deserted on Naxos.
222. He and the Pentagon continued to call for very high levels of defense expenditure.
223. Now parents, governors and staff are joining forces to call for seat belts on coaches.
224. Two incidents in which workers suffered breathing difficulties have now prompted doctors to call for new warnings to workers.
225. Because the government abandoned any formal incomes policy there was less call for it to maintain close relations with union leaders.
226. Because neurological syphilis is so rare these days, the call for lumbar puncture is limited.
227. Opposition parties repeated their call for the election of a national constituent assembly to draw up a new constitution.
228. Services in Derbyshire were so busy that they needed to call for assistance from neighbouring Nottinghamshire.
229. Call for brochures about six months in advance, especially if you want to rent during a peak tourist season.
230. The minister may also call for the retirement of a chief constable.
231. Available from salons only, call for details of prices and stockists.
232. Obviously it's going to call for very different motivations, and ways of living, than those we are used to.
233. If you'd like more information on the seven car 605 range, call for a free information pack.
234. Call for first class cover at a really competitive price.
235. Most shops heeded Herri Batasuna's call for a 24-hour strike.
236. This is the last call for flight 372 to Atlanta.
237. To his disgust he found that the workers would no longer respond to his call for mass meetings during working hours.
238. A call for papers has been issued and the deadline for abstracts is 14 February 1992.
239. Mayhew's remarks represented the first American call for revolt against England.
240. Convention center plans call for expanding upon an outdoor parking lot adjacent to, and south of, the existing center.
241. I don't mean to disturb you, you looked miles away -- but there's a call for you.
242. Forbes' campaign maintains that his ideas, including his call for a flat tax, are powering his rise.
243. So SunTran canceled its initial call for bids and issued a second one, to which three companies eventually responded.
244. Free them ... relatives call for release of men jailed for murder.
245. The offer still stands, augmented by responses to a recent e-mail call for more donors.
246. The Congress endorsed a call for neutral countries to mediate between the belligerents.
247. These call for a minimum level of earnings at strategic intervals throughout the relationship.
248. The chief bridesmaid, if she is not making a speech, can then lead the call for a speech.
249. He explains how he felt a tingling sensation down his left-hand side but did not immediately call for help.
249. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
250. Speaking to reporters outside his apartment Thursday, Lebed renewed his call for Yeltsin to resign.
251. This week President Mitterrand renewed the call for an early conference.
252. Restoring old frames can call for specialist help, but nevertheless there are several techniques that can be practised at home.
253. RFPs often call for a technology that is unproven.
254. We have a call for Mr. Harold Sabin.
255. There are a lot of pronouncements - one of which is to call for the closure in Guantanamo.
256. Commercial photography, fashion model shoot graphic design and print - Call for quote.
257. Recently, headed by America and Japan, a call for an appreciation of the yuan heated up.
258. He is expected to call for action against Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.
259. National blood pressure treatment guidelines call for a systolic pressure of 130 or lower.
260. Zhang Ling , here is a call for you, from Huang Hai.
261. This is the final boarding call for Flight 664 to Yemen.
262. There's really no call for it. A quick temper isn't going to fill your belly.
263. Matt Farrell : Shouldn't we call for backup or something?
264. Economic globalization and trade liberalization call for an elimination of tariff wall.
265. UPBEAT movers and shakers call for governments and policymakers to up their support for the industry.
266. Many people are frightened when they see a rattler and call for help right away.
267. Seeking answers, some call for increased education, some put the onus on parents.
268. That prompted President Bush to call for increased international pressure on Tehran.
269. Mr. Mercer ? There was a call for you but I'm afraid your party was cut off.
270. Sorry, there is a trunk call for you. Please hang ub your receiver.
271. His call for the sixty - thousand - dollar check at the time had been purely fortuitous.
272. The Mounties are quick to respond to a call for help.
273. His call for a book of the trains had been a sheer piece of impromptu.
274. HDTV proposals call for various numbers of lines: 787, 1,050, 1,125 or 1,250.
275. The Chinese capital is the first port of call for countries and companies that need money.
276. The military government was driven to the last ditch by the universal call for liberty.
277. But why does the King call for Gong - gil so often?
278. Mr. Bernanke has avoided publicly criticizing the White House's call for an independent consumer regulatory agency.




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