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单词 By hand
1. This toy was made by hand.
2. The screws can be undone by hand.
3. All their toys are made by hand.
4. The suit was sewn up along the seams by hand.
5. The package had been delivered by hand.
6. Her wedding dress was stitched by hand.
7. He wrote out the list laboriously by hand.
8. He brought up the child by hand.
9. Being short of sickles, they are reaping by hand.
10. Farm-workers milked cows by hand.
11. You'll need to feed the paper in by hand.
12. The note was delivered by hand.
13. Each pleat was stitched in place by hand.
14. The bark is stripped from the trees by hand.
15. Each individual table is finished by hand.
16. The monks copied their manuscripts out by hand.
17. Huge catfish are skinned and dressed by hand.
18. The letter was written by hand.
19. It is manufactured by hand.
20. Milking a cow by hand is a skilled process.
21. The fabric was painted by hand.
22. We had to wash our clothes by hand.
23. The lamb had to be brought up by hand.
24. Election boards will count the ballots by hand.
25. Delicate clothes should be washed by hand.
26. The designs are printed onto the fabric by hand.
27. The villagers used to pound the grain into flour by hand.
28. We received a typewritten letter with a note added by hand.
29. I'm trying to make a spreadsheet up to computerize everything that's done by hand at the moment.
30. Until the 1980s almost all olives were packed into jars by hand.
1. This toy was made by hand.
2. The screws can be undone by hand.
3. All their toys are made by hand.
4. I'm trying to make a spreadsheet up to computerize everything that's done by hand at the moment.
5. It is manufactured by hand.
6. Instead of writing her shorthand by hand, she could use a machine.
7. According to the symbol on the label, this sweater should be washed by hand.
31. You can pump up the tyres by hand or with this special machine.
32. Rice farmers here still plant and harvest their crops by hand.
33. She addressed them by hand in her beautiful italic script.
34. In those days books had to be set by hand.
35. Instead of writing her shorthand by hand, she could use a machine.
36. In the past, this sort of work was all done by hand.
37. The frozen ground will have to be picked up by hand before machine digging can begin.
38. I'm delivering my work by hand - I'm not taking any chances.
39. The initial section of tunnel had to be dug by hand.
40. In times gone by, all crops were harvested by hand.
41. According to the symbol on the label, this sweater should be washed by hand.
42. The dish was made of silver, beaten out by hand.
43. Books were previously set by hand but much of the work is now done by computer.
44. The frozen water surface will have to be picked up by hand.
45. They delivered their wedding invitations by hand.
46. Air was supplied by hand pump.
47. Next the film is gently flattened by hand.
48. Yet each was built by hand to exacting standards.
49. The rug was made by hand.
50. You ought to wash that sweater by hand.
51. By hand, stir in 1 cup chocolate chips.
52. But they are hardly unique in the desire to produce something by hand for reward of the soul.
53. She roasted wheat in the oven and ground it by hand in an old coffee grinder for our breakfast cereal.
54. Sorting rubbish is still done largely by hand, often by low-paid or immigrant labour, and is filthy and dangerous work.
54. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
55. Most problems can be cleared by hand, using rubber gloves to lift debris from the bottom of the gulley.
56. A workman adjusting a machine removed the fence and turned the machine by hand in order to do the job.
57. In the acoustic shop, a surprising amount of work is carried out by hand.
58. By hand, stir in 1 cup chocolate chips. Pour batter into a greased 9-by-13-inch pan.
59. He started to dig by hand a massive pit-at least 7m deep and 16m across-outside his back door.
60. Molly often stayed in her office late into the night, responding by hand to the vast numbers of letters we received.
61. All the valve and operating fittings for the above locos were completed and burnished by hand at Wolverton Works Brass Shop.
62. In the end they were made of specially manufactured rubber and painted by hand.
63. Although it was once carried out by hand, machines using centrifugal force are now used instead.
64. This imposes no real burden in small problems solved by hand.
65. Clean down bags with specialist products in a bath; synthetic bags in a large machine or by hand with detergent.
66. Women gathered at streams to wash clothes and gossip, and they weeded rice fields by hand.
67. The only sure way was to pick out all the eggs by hand, every last one of them.
68. This computerised index replaced a card index system that used to have to be updated by hand by bureaux staff.
69. After they are separated, the keepers feed the chicks by hand and must teach them to swallow whole fish.
70. Presidents have been promising lower taxes since Washington crossed the Delaware by hand in a row boat.
71. Next, switch from auto-focus to manual and practise setting the focus by hand while you watch the effect in the viewfinder.
72. The cost will simply be kept for each project as a running total entered by hand in a cost ledger.
73. The clear eggs can be found by searching through the mop, strand by strand and removing them by hand.
74. And the only way I figure we can get to it now is to dig a well by hand.
75. Shred meat by hand or in short bursts in food processor. Stir in the shallot mixture.
76. Dug by hand, the miles upon miles of tunnels were a remarkable achievement of both cleverness and will.
77. Using yarn from bobbin, knit back by hand through each back bed needle.
78. Mixers can accomplish the primary goal as efficiently as we can by hand.
79. You can do this by hand with abrasive paper and a sanding block.
80. The list can be prepared by hand, using your own notebook or a booklet available free from many insurance agents.
81. Normally he could hear the timbers behind them being put into place by hand, pushed quietly against the clay.
82. In an age when many shops use decals or masking tape and spray paint, Olin still paints his pinstripes by hand.
83. I lifted the brass fender and got to work pulling the crude green tiles away by hand.
84. Large seeds, such as sweet peas, are easily spaced by hand, but other techniques are needed for finer seeds.
85. With computer analysis it can also reach a far higher level of sophistication than can be achieved by hand methods.
86. The letter had been delivered by hand, and was addressed to Mrs Zippie Isaacs.
87. The crop is nurtured by rains, not artificial irrigation, and the harvest is gathered by hand.
88. Finally it was taken into the adjoining paint shop where the painting was done by hand, a laborious task.
89. She ground cornmeal and made tortillas by hand, then fried them.
90. Don't wash a down bag in a washing machine, but by hand in the bath tub.
91. But serious or lighthearted Central News always brought you the offbeat, like the catfish who loved to be fed by hand.
92. There was nothing for it but to attempt to dig them out by hand.
93. In the weeks to come, Felicity would show me patches sewn together by hand.
94. Cast off stitches 2,3,4, and 5. Knit stitch 6 by hand.
95. Evolving Hardware Hardware design has traditionally been done by hand, and more recently with computer-aided design and optimization.
96. Of course, more work is required to obtain smoother results, and this is an important consideration when doing calculations by hand.
97. The crystal glasses have to be carefully washed by hand and the Royal Doulton china stored away.
98. He removes the chocks and starts the plane by hand.
99. The clothes were agitated by hand, using a wooden dolly, which had four short legs and a long handle.
100. One stable owner at Evesham in Worcester is having to clear ragwort from his land by hand.
101. They boiled laundry in tubs, scrubbed it on washboards until knuckles were raw, and wrung it out by hand.
102. The 1957 photo shows him holding a scale model of an ocean liner he built entirely by hand.
103. Saturday I made a patchwork cot cover by hand, I have good practical skills.
104. All reaping must be done by hand using sickle and scythe due to the difficulty in using modern machinery.
105. Shred meat by hand or in short bursts in food processor.
106. Phil Physioc, his brother, father and sons built a little stone summer cabin upon it by hand.
107. It was an incredible feat of engineering(), dug by hand.
108. It is an essential mechanism of language to assemble by name what is toilsome or impossible to assemble by hand.
109. The three-day dyeing process is done by hand on their patio.
110. Every single car is built by hand at the company's headquarters near Turin.
111. Then again by hand, knit two tubular rows on these same eight stitches.
112. Poorer airports, many of which have not introduced the necessary technology, will have to spend longer searching luggage by hand.
113. At first he had no press but, undaunted, wrote the paper by hand!
114. Pollen must be transferred by hand from one flower to the stigma of another flower on a separate plant.
115. Avoid accidents with the strimmer by protecting young trees with plastic tubes or weed by hand.
116. In this situation I knit the joining rows by hand,[] making sure on the final row to knit using large stitches.
117. These he and his wife Catherine colored further by hand and bound into books that sold few copies.
118. The cards show a strong emphasis on quality with many products still being finished by hand, giving them special appeal.
119. In a bakery, the bread is rarely kneaded by hand but by large mechanical mixers.
120. In exceptional cases proceedings were noted by hand and recorded verbally by the researcher upon return to base.
121. The cost of making them by hand is prohibitive.
122. This woodwork was finished by hand by a cabinetmaker.
123. A small wheeled vehicle typically pushed by hand.
124. Farmers used to thrash their wheat by hand.
125. This synthetic tuft carpet is made by hand.
126. Aphids, mealy bug and thrips cause deformity in new growth. Treat with a diluted pesticide or remove pests by hand. Never use a soap-based insecticide.
127. Sound inspection is to check wheel internal defect through knock gently by hand or small wooden hammer.
128. Turn the pump shaft by hand to see if it turns flexibly.
129. Immediately after concrete is placed, it should be compacted by hand puddling or a mechanical vibrator to eliminate voids.
130. The slip form was drawn by hand winch and the concrete deck was regular.
131. Martin washed woollens that day, by hand, in a large barrel, with strong soft-soap, by means of a hub from a wagon wheel, mounted on a plunger-pole that was attached to a spring-pole overhead.
132. Any Notice may be delivered by hand or sent by fax with confirmation receipt followed by first-class mail posted within 24 hours or by overnight courier.
133. Laundry, such as sheets and linens, that can be ironed mangle rather than by hand.
134. After rectal stent was slenderized in ice water, it was inserted into the strictured rectum by hand or sigmoidoscope.
135. Many institutions exchange information by hand because of incompatible computer systems.
136. The farmers used to thresh the grain by hand, but now machines thresh it.
137. Move to release the hand handle:Have a power fail can move to operate the garage door by hand.
138. They could even build them by hand in a virtual world, using computerised gloves.
139. Training activity management can be started up according to the preset activities in the training plan or by hand.
140. The common quality problems of galvanized tube produced by hand and half-submersion sets and the cause concerned are introduced, and the related resolution method is put forward.
141. This makes it easy to form and to ( into ) shapes by hand or by machine.
142. The addresser should sign the letter by hand and in ink above the typed name which the typed post title follows immediately.
143. We should the adhibit of solder paste before screen printing by automatic machine or by hand.
144. Instead, they harvest their own, store it and then prepare it by hand, a painstaking process that includes washing away the resinlike saponin coating that protects the seeds.
145. The rhythm is based on a regular (heart) beat, provided by hand clapping or drums, based on this beat the variety and richness of African rhythm feeling enfolds .
146. The texts were transcribed by hand, a laborious process that encouraged typographical shorthand.
147. From the solution, BN - PCS - PMS fibers were prepared by hand - drawing.
148. There are instances Listed where the poor quality of the piles made with earth boring tool by hand can be handled.
149. Wing Wah is famous for its shrimp wonton soup, which comes with springy, curly noodles that are still made by hand.
150. Aligning by light. helpful to mark out by hand for shearing.
151. Aligning by light , helful to mark out by hand for shearing.
152. He creates very ornate handles for the famous Finnish knives by hand.
153. Handbill : Publicity sheet, normally printed on one side only, for delivery by hand.
154. He does not milk the cows by hand: he has an electric milking machine.
155. These rugs by hand are valued more than machine-made carpets.
156. In Cremona, home of the Stradivarius violin, artisans from around the globe learn to build instruments the way the maestro did: by hand, one at a time.
157. This bracelet is made of platinum, beaten out by hand.
158. One of the primary reasons for this is primitives and instructions are wrapped in a huge switch statement in C, which is a pain to maintain by hand.
159. Compising stick : A hand - held, wooden or metal tray in which a compositor sets type by hand.
160. Making pasta by hand with a rolling pin can be a real chore.
161. Populating a file like this by hand runs the risk of inadvertently creating duplicate IP addresses or host names, so this is a good example of using the built-in command line to eliminate user errors.
162. Worst of all, the rigger had neither locked up the latch by hand, nor had he attempted to verify if the latch was in locking position, during the rigging stage.
163. BrIt'system of signalling by hand signs used by bookmakers at racetracks.
164. The nonmetal material engine hood can be opened complete by hand, convenient for engine maintenance.
165. The hydraulic turning system can make turning by hand after the engine flameout.
166. Busbar TrunkingSystem is now designed mainly by hand, which is cockamamie and inefficient.
167. Sand core for the blade was made by hand drawing the pattern from core box. The way of core making is feasible on a medium scale production.
168. Replanting it with trees by hand, however , would be ridiculously expensive.
169. Similarly, the drawings representing the structures used to form the transistor logic gates and interconnects were done by hand.
170. All lead castings were produced at first by hand in many cases from single cavity molds.
171. Transfer documents should be signed by transferor and transferee by hand or printing.
172. But Willard creates all by hand in an astonishing process.
173. Compared the space curve data from the two methods and formula's calculation by hand, the result indicates the system which held is higher precision and effective satisfied with practical application.
174. It could not need after dispose(for example,[] using the grinding wheel polisher by hand )4. It advances the welding speed and reduces the man-hour .
175. My teachers used to write out the drafts of their books and papers by hand, with expensive, though smudgy, fountain pens, and the departmental secretaries would type them up over the summer break.
176. However, the hoisted design of mast-crane is generally taken by hand at present, and moreover, the reliability and security is lacked in the design bases on the old mechanics model.
177. There is a pattern of black and white line drawings for quadrochromatic and computer - painted by hand.
178. Our products are made totally by hand, copper - plated surface made the flowerpot looked maore shiny.
179. No effort will be able to break apart gently by hand.
180. The result of application shows that mathematical solution of model by compute is better than that by hand in the calculation values.
181. For regular applications or those applications whose topologies coincide with that of multiprocessor system, it is feasible to assign tasks to processors by hand.
182. Baiguan bribery case, he has made by hand town Jiangxia bloodbath , making Prince Edward spent again.
183. HandWash: Spread the product directly on stains, blood spots etc. Wash by hand after several minutes.
184. Our company will true-blue go along with extensive customers by hand in hand to inaugurate baking enterprise!
185. It is a fairly nerve-racking procedure if done by hand, but it definitely increases your confidence in dealing with the rest of the installation.
186. Anyone willing to grind enough kitty litter by hand is a much more patient person them me.
187. So far, I've built a little Delphi application that can execute an SQL command, but I also had to enter the example "CREATE TABLE" SQL command in the Memo field by hand.
188. This procedure requires the operator to close the valve as tightly as possible by hand (gloved hands are recommended), then vent the pressure in the valve outlet and reclose the valve immediately.
189. So how does your computer or handheld electronic device end up in developing countries(), where people remove usable metals by hand?
190. Glass is separated by hand at the dump and ferrous metal removed by magnet.
191. The bed surface is divided to back board and seat board. The dentiform bar lifting framework is operated by hand wheel. Back board can be fold up and down to suit various body positions.
192. The spinning wheel, in all likelihood moved by hand, was known by the beginning of the Christian era.
193. He cradled the grain with a scythe and tied it by hand with straw.
194. Adopting the Bordeaux superior brewing technology, specially selected the good quality grape by hand, the tannin soft and lusciousness, charming blackcurrant and black berry aromas.
195. I had often stood next to her, mesmerized, as she carefully stitched each stocking by hand.
196. Wash by hand or by machine. We suggest using alkaline detergent.
197. At that time,[http:///by hand.html] potatoes were tediously peeled and sliced by hand.
198. We are going to have to go to the automatic teller machine and draw money out to pay salaries by hand.
199. Mould-made paper: (1) Paper made by hand in a mould. (2) Paper made on a cylinder machine.
200. But the trap is attached to an air pump operated by hand.




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