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单词 By no means
(1) This list is by no means exhaustive.
(2) She is by no means pretty.
(3) Aggression is by no means a male-only trait.
(4) It is by no means certain that we'll finish the project by June.
(5) This is by no means an exhaustive list but it gives an indication of the many projects taking place.
(6) These truths were by no means self - evident when Galileo first suggested them.
(7) This by no means the first time you have been late.
(8) The Mafia is by no means ignored by Italian television.
(9) In movies, talent by no means guarantees success.
(10) The problem is by no means peculiar to America.
(11) The evidence is by no means conclusive.
(12) The inquiry is by no means cut and dried.
(13) This proposal is by no means a sure thing.
(14) This is by no means out of the ordinary.
(15) Although useful, the accessories are by no means essential.
(16) The list is by no means exhaustive .
(17) He was forceful, but by no means a zealot.
(18) The outcome is by no means guaranteed.
(19) She is by no means an inexperienced teacher.
(20) She is by no means stupid.
(21) I am by no means an unsociable person.
(22) Poverty and deprivation are by no means confined to the north of the country.
(23) That was by no means the end of the matter.
(24) These problems are by no means peculiar to this country.
(25) Politics is by no means the only arena in which women are excelling.
(26) It is by no means certain that the game will take place.
(27) She's by no means really mad; she puts it on in order to gain attention.
(28) Lenin's word was by no means accepted as holy writ.
(29) Although by no means a cure, it goes a long way towards making the patient's life more tolerable.
(30) It's by no means certain that she'll get the job.
(1) This list is by no means exhaustive.
(2) She is by no means pretty.
(3) Aggression is by no means a male-only trait.
(4) It is by no means certain that we'll finish the project by June.
(5) This is by no means an exhaustive list but it gives an indication of the many projects taking place.
(6) These truths were by no means self - evident when Galileo first suggested them.
(7) The Mafia is by no means ignored by Italian television.
(31) Although such a case is rare, it is by no means unique.
(32) Discipline problems are by no means restricted to children in families dependent on benefits.
(33) For someone who can't read, shopping is by no means a straightforward matter.
(34) East Anglia is by no means typical of rural Britain.
(35) She is by no means poor: in fact, she's quite rich.
(36) This latest movie proves Altman is by no means losing his touch.
(37) He was by no means a lone voice criticizing the government.
(38) This degree of inequality was by no means true of all Victorian marriages.
(39) His six-year transition programme has by no means been a complete failure.
(40) Applications for summary judgement are by no means unusual.
(41) An exodus from California is by no means inevitable.
(42) Pound's case is by no means so clear-cut.
(43) The journey is by no means easy.
(44) His amorous adventures, however, were by no means over.
(45) It is by no means an exhaustive list.
(46) The list shown here is by no means exhaustive.
(47) His disappointment was by no means an isolated example.
(48) But it is by no means a foregone conclusion.
(49) It's difficult, but by no means impossible.
(50) By no means all the composers were Protestants.
(51) But success was by no means guaranteed.
(52) By no means all leases come under these provisions.
(53) Their political affiliation was by no means uniform.
(54) By no means all revolutionaries were converted to social democracy.
(55) It is by no means easy to resolve such issues, and we can provide no firm solutions here.
(55) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
(56) Religious believers are not morally superior. Nonbelievers are by no means amoral. Dr T.P.Chia 
(57) In his own day the two kinds of profession were by no means incompatible.
(58) The categories discussed and exemplified above are among the most problematic in translation but are by no means the only ones that cause difficulty.
(59) Since then, imprisoning corporate officials has become less novel but by no means universal.
(60) Deposits of galena are widely distributed but by no means equally accessible to early centres of civilization.
(61) I was by no means immune from this brand of humour.
(62) And there was Matthew Prescott, too: she was by no means averse to him.
(63) This relationship between object and unconscious is by no means obvious.
(64) But large numbers of people set a value by this differential service, by no means restricted to those one could regard as rich.
(65) That preliminary report on a matter by no means without complexities and evidential difficulties is being carefully considered.
(66) In other words, the habit is by no means incurable.
(67) By no means did I mean for this to happen.
(68) The experience of those small business operators, shared with me in understandable confidentiality, is by no means unique.
(69) A particular theorist may argue with the interpretations of other conspiracy theorists, because by no means all theorists agree with one another.
(70) Yet Liquid Gold is by no means the worst offender.
(71) For Jaq by no means equated iron duty with iron rations.
(72) By no means the most beguiling feature about this outstanding car, but a unique offer that could be a trend setter.
(73) This list, by no means complete, is an indictment of a careless society.
(74) This list is by no means exhaustive and is only intended to illustrate some of the most commonplace reasons for the non-reporting of crime.
(75) When the uniform was off, the results were by no means as exciting as she could have wished.
(76) This is by no means an easy thing to accomplish; nothing of real esoteric value ever is easy to attain.
(77) But this is by no means a tale of automotive Flat-Earthers.
(78) Needless to say, this system by no means produced the religious liberty for which people had originally fought.
(79) The problem is by no means limited to analytical instruments.
(80) Transnational migration, by no means a novel phenomenon, is also a prominent feature of many communities.
(81) Although the relationship is by no means an egalitarian one, it has become more harmonious and more easy-going.
(82) We are by no means blind to the risks of a Gore presidency.
(83) Such loyalty is by no means automatic or the inevitable consequence of propinquity.
(84) International Agreements on the Laws of War Formal multilateral agreements are by no means the only source of the laws of war.
(85) But by no means do all ordinary children do well(Sentence dictionary), nor all deprived children poorly.
(86) The definition of public expenditure is by no means clear-cut and must depend upon the question at issue.
(87) Although she definitely did suffer from claustrophobia, Sylvia was by no means the worst case I have seen.
(88) Thus we can see that the discourse of lyric poetry is by no means unusual in its mobilisation of deixis.
(89) By no means, Watson; even now quite a few scientists continue to doubt.
(90) Although the old Victorian building with its spine of hutted wards was a vaguely familiar place, it was by no means home.
(91) It is, however, by no means beyond the bounds of possibility that the issue could arise again.
(92) Many resorts but by no means all, are continuing to develop, sometimes rapidly and intensively.
(93) However, the match between theoretical school and policy implication is by no means exact.
(94) Talk radio and talk television hosts, mostly but by no means all conservative, are proliferating and gaining influence and popularity.
(95) While such notions may all contains some elements of truth, they are by no means complete explanations of criminal behaviour.
(96) By no means all the conflict within the Frankish kingdom stemmed from the centre.
(97) It is by no means certain that you'll get your money back.
(98) This was by no means simply a matter of higher education becoming more utilitarian.
(99) The popular notion that words do not hurt you is by no means endorsed among women survivors of male violence.
(100) Came the intense medical examination, much of which is commonplace today, but by no means in vogue in 1928/29.
(101) Though enunciation is given to such feelings on occasion, it is by no means pervasive.
(102) And then the dark-greens are by no means united in forming a simple statement of what it is to be an out-and-out green.
(103) These gave them some confidence that they were indeed seeing neutrons from fusion, but they were by no means definitive.
(104) It is a coastline that can be enjoyed throughout the year and is by no means an exclusively summertime haunt.
(105) The extreme social and economic difficulties they faced on independence meant that the emergence of recognizably democratic party politics was by no means certain.
(106) It is by no means rare for there to be confusion about whether or not a dismissal has actually taken place.
(107) But Kirchberg is by no means lacking in things to keep you occupied.
(108) This huge expansion was by no means carried out solely by governments of the left.
(109) Edinburgh's transport Railway histories are innumerable and road passenger transport histories are by no means rare.
(110) However, this is by no means the first-ever space station.
(111) Although vengeance had been wreaked on the assassins in Edinburgh, that was still by no means the main administrative centre.
(112) But audience size is by no means the only factor advertisers are interested in.
(113) They were Quaker, kind, loving, getting old, simple people but by no means simple minded.
(114) On the other hand, although e-mail messages are faceless, they are by no means characterless.
(115) It must surely be much more pleasant and by no means as painful to work with friendly and docile ferrets.
(116) Employment for agricultural labourers was correspondingly limited, and by no means all holdings were too small for subsistence.
(117) And Cavaillon, although the most important, is by no means the only big market centre in the neighbourhood.
(118) It can also - though by no means always - result in a similar egotism and aggression.
(119) It is also helpful to know that he or she was by no means alone and that many others suffered in the same way.
(120) The earlier attempt to discredit the police had not succeeded, although the way the police treated the public was by no means satisfactory.
(121) Of much greater practical significance, and by no means obsolete, is the power to punish for contempt.
(122) The minority community is by no means united behind census changes.
(123) However, if you have creative ideas and good material, face-to-face contact is by no means necessary.
(124) It is by no means certain that the Tory tax offensive has gained much ground.
(125) Most surviving examples are funerary, often commissioned quickly in response to unexpected death from disease, by no means uncommon in antiquity.
(126) While this longitudinal study is one of the most famous, it is by no means the only one.
(127) It is also mathematics, of course, but Euclidean geometry is by no means the only conceivable mathematical geometry.
(128) After all, this was by no means the only mystery surrounding Dad: almost nothing about him was straight forward or simple.
(129) North Hill is soon reached, then Worcestershire Beacon, but it is by no means all downhill from there.
(130) It is by no means clear that the process of financial innovation has run its course.
(131) By no means the next Nirvana as too prone to cuteness.
(132) Thus, the relationship between constitutionalism and liberalism ... is by no means a simple or straight forward one.
(133) It is by no means certain that the courts would always be willing to redefine the mens rea requirement in order to secure an acquittal.
(134) It is by no means so simple for the insurer who is ignorant of that until in some senses it is too late.
(135) Although it is by no means certain that the courts would uphold such a contention, groups should nevertheless exercise care in this area.
(136) Linda, although by no means particularly attractive, had a big bust.
(137) Not unnaturally, Kasparov(), Karpov and the other leading aspirants to the title were by no means happy with this decision.
(138) Leopards are by no means always so ambitious in choosing their victims.
(139) If you do manage it, the fight is by no means over.
(140) Secondly, by no means all abnormal changes in mood signify a psychotic disturbance.
(141) Colm Henry is unquestionably Ireland's best known rock photographer, although he by no means limits his skills to the music area.
(142) It's by no means certain that it will be ratified.
(143) However, by no means all groups in the population have benefited equally from prosperity or from generous expenditure on social services.
(144) The extent to which life is difficult in old age is by no means all determined by nature.
(145) Let us not forget, however,(http:///by no means.html) that witchcraft is by no means the excuse for all mistakes and misadventures.
(146) Liputin's teeth are by no means the only things that hang by a thread.
(147) The regimes under which nationalised industries function are by no means the only examples of vertical devolution under the United Kingdom constitution at present.
(148) But goat glands were by no means his only forte.
(149) The range of wines available for under £3 is vast, and by no means is it all rough plonk.
(150) The cleared land, a broken and undulating mix of heavy clay and difficult sands, was by no means rich.
(151) Social Security has reduced poverty, and last, but by no means least, it has been a good deal for participants.
(152) This approach by no means necessarily reflects lack of sympathy for the lot of the least privileged in society.
(153) Parthenogenesis is rare among vertebrates but by no means unknown.
(154) The distinction between a racial group as opposed to a religious one is by no means clear cut.
(155) The state was by no means a constituent part of the productive relations, which economic theory has been called upon to study.
(156) Determining the costs and benefits of regulating insider dealing is by no means a straight forward task.
(157) As he snored, she told him Florence was full of jobs for the likes of him and by no means all were living-in.
(158) The fact that they have seen nothing is by no means an immediate death blow for all grand unified theories.
(159) Furthermore, there are good grounds for assuming that the distinction between sentence processing and discourse processing is by no means a clear one.
(160) I think they will find that most authorities will agree that it has proved a major obstacle but by no means the only one.
(161) For individuals, the costs of maintaining a safe environment are, however, by no means all in the category of indirect taxation.
(162) It is by no means so obvious what the input and output of a pragmatic theory should be.
(163) He was a slight man, a little above average height, but by no means a. prime physical specimen.
(164) But they are by no means the prime determinant of history.
(165) This by no means complete account of development is sufficient for present purposes.
(166) Approval is by no means certain, despite two rounds of late-stage clinical tests that appear to demonstrate the Serono drug works.
(167) The average height of a man was six feet, while seven-foot giants were by no means uncommon.
(168) Some prophecy should therefore be painful to receive, particularly to the outsider, but by no means all.
(169) Excavators have found skeletal and cremated remains in some megalithic structures, but by no means all.
(170) The copyright vote was by no means an isolated case.
(171) These are by no means the only mechanisms but they are amongst the most important.
(172) Monsanto's patents are by no means the only barrier to producing golden rice, but they are a major one.
(173) Celibacy is, at best, the lesser evil; by no means is it regarded as a panacea.
(174) Worse, they feel it has little relevance to everyday business decisions, where right and wrong are by no means always clear-cut.
(175) Ash rings are characteristic of submarine eruptions, but they are by no means confined to marine environments.
(175) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(176) The fact that this was the only major correlation emphasizes that creative development is by no means easy and is always expensive.
(177) Angular momentum is the momentum associated with rotational motion. Search engines are by no means infallible.
(178) Non-redundancy dismissals By no means every dismissal occasioned by the need to restructure the business or to make economies is due to redundancy.
(179) By no means was McRae the only driver to suffer misfortune.
(180) The motivation behind the creation of these mevleviyets is by no means clear in every instance.
(181) This form is widely - though by no means universally - adopted in writing text for young children to read.
(182) This fresh ecumenical contact and its opening of new horizons has by no means been restricted to the meeting of Christians with Christians.
(183) Swahili's cultural heritage was by no means the cultural heritage of all.
(184) By no means all prison inmates are convicted sentenced prisoners.
(185) The Renaissance did not neglect scientific research, but it by no means gave it top priority.
(186) But putting news directors on the defensive is by no means a bad thing.
(187) By no means can Ford's failure be wholly attributed to his personal inadequacies.
(188) The most creative artists were by no means always preoccupied by social criticism.
(189) This list is by no means exhaustive but broadly covers the field.
(190) In capitalist society: The development of the productive forces is by no means a smoothly rising curve.
(191) I tried to figure him out; he was by no means the worst of the bunch.
(192) That notion had a long history, and had by no means been deserted by post-classical law.
(193) Yet it is by no means the only, or the first, function of language in human life.
(194) By no means all priests were dependent on income from the Church.
(195) John Major looks set to remain on his perch - although he is by no means secure.
(196) But the road to Duma ratification is by no means clear.
(197) But by 1273, when both the original parties to the 1259 agreement were dead, the issues were by no means so clear-cut.
(198) In fact, although Constanze was not such an accomplished singer as her two elder sisters, she was by no means musically illiterate.
(199) Redundancies have by no means been restricted to those nearing the end of their careers or whose job performance has been subject to criticism.
(200) However, FM radio's future was by no means secure.
(201) This scene is by no means easy to shoot.
(202) These cutoff values are by no means recommended values.
(203) It is by no means accidental.
(204) The amniotic fluid is by no means stagnant.
(205) He will be by no means surrender to intimidation.
(205) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
(206) The strife , however, was by no means ended.
(207) Introduction of Zhongyuan MahjongThe is a Mahjong solitaire game with very simple rules but by no means a game being easy to win.
(208) On matters of principle we should be clear - cut in attitude, and by no means be equivocal.
(209) The task of determining the stress intensity factor is by no means a simple one.
(210) The Italian Renaissance blossomed and this was by no means impossible.
(211) Evolution and phylogeny are a factual system based upon the temporal order framework of fossils, which by no means can be deducible solely by any data analysis.
(212) However, this is only one account, and by no means an uncontested one.
(213) This is a contradiction, but cannot solve by no means that if for the wave orange stonecrop juice, does not have the following 3 means to be possible to refer.
(214) Hades was by no means prepared to meet her request.
(215) These are by no means identical utterance; but there is a marked resemblance.
(216) We could by no means reach an agreement on that point.
(217) For that matter, Paul is by no means a storyteller either.
(218) The massive petty crime is implements under the ethyl alcohol function, this by no means coincidence.
(219) The brain is by no means immutable, even in adulthood.
(220) I am by no means convinced that you would be gone with such celerity.
(221) She is nevertheless by no means a drinker, and one weak drink usually lasts several hours.
(222) George Eliot's family was by no means intellectual. Rather , they were politely conventional.
(223) That form of male vanity is by no means absent from the seafaring tribe today.
(224) The reddish colour of suburban water by no means suggests unsanitary conditions.
(225) He looked clever and ill - a combination by no means felicitous.
(226) You are by no means the first French people to visit Hong Kong.
(227) While they were by no means rich music hall provided the Chaplins with a comfortable living.
(228) Public security people: by no means let any malefactor to escape.
(229) To be quite fair, the phrase is by no means self - explanatory.
(230) Futuristic though this sounds, FSO is by no means a new idea.
(231) At the beginning of college life , the unadaptable among young freshmen is by no means rare .
(232) Though Verrazano is by no means considered to be a great explorer, his name will probably remain immortal, for on Novenber.
(233) Pleasure is by no means an infallible critical guide, but it is the least fallible.
(234) Of manner of their concerned FTC forecasting is theoretic merely by no means.
(235) Galileo was by no means the first person to use a telescope.
(235) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(236) By no means are we out of the woods just yet.
(237) I fully persuaded that this double parallelism is by no means an accident or an illusion.
(238) Harlem Renaissance came into being in the high tide of modernism. It is by no means an accidental phenomenon.
(239) The relevance of acoustical principles is by no means limited to sound and hearing.
(240) But must wait till by no means implements next year, now is a regulative appropriate opportunity.
(241) Succession in control of such an enterprise as the Family was by no means hereditary.
(242) I grant that the difficulty is great, but it is by no means insuperable.
(243) It is by no means clear that the financial markets will not relapse into panic.
(244) Sends the group is the oxygen deficit common symptom, but has by no means sends the group certainly to have the oxygen deficit.
(245) We believed that, has foresightedness judgment truly the customer,(http:///by no means.html) whether do they most regard as important by no means are "the low price"but are create "the added value".
(246) Thus, econometrics is by no means the same as economic statistics.
(247) Morris Townsend though he was by no means ostensible, was the real occasion of the feast.
(248) Both techniques needed sufficient oxidizing atmosphere. When roasting with sodium chloride, it was by no means the more oxygen the better.
(249) But, unfortunately, law by no means confines itself to its proper functions.
(250) Chinese endued with this happy temperament we believe to be by no means rare.
(251) Her popularity saw a boost, and student drug and alcohol addiction — though by no means eradicated — decreased from one-third to one-fourth in the mid-80s.
(252) In Peru 1,700 years ago, hetero-anal intercourse was by no means rare.
(253) The occurrence of such things is by no means fortuitous.
(254) European interests in Indian religions were not by no means confined to the movements like Theosophy.
(255) The general, a man by no means notable for docility and long - suffering , flew into a rage.
(256) A degree is by no means an essential qualification for a journalist.
(257) Yet Chiang by no means had complete control over the areas still Unconquered by the Communists.
(258) That if you have various orbits which have the same semimajor axis, that the period is the same and the energy is the same, and that's by no means obvious.
(259) Quintana is a crafty southpaw with good skills and is by no means a walk - over.
(260) Although this so-called continuous speech-recognition approach has indeed improved accuracy, it is by no means infallible.
(261) The atmosphere of the meeting ways by no means so congenial as in former days.
(262) However, our life journey is by no means a plain sailing.




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