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单词 Velocity
1. Eventually, the star attained the velocity of light.
2. The speedboat reached a velocity of 120 mph.
3. Light travels at the highest achievable velocity in the universe.
4. Light travels at a constant velocity.
5. Martinez had good velocity on his fastball.
6. Jaguars can move with an astonishing velocity.
7. Acceleration and velocity are both vectors.
8. Gazelles can movewith astonishing velocity.
9. Einstein's theory links energy with mass and velocity of light.
10. He always used high velocity lead bullets in his rifle.
11. A bullet goes from this gun with a velocity of 3000 feet per second.
12. This critical speed is called the escape velocity.
13. This instrument is used for measuring wind velocity.
14. Velocity and fusion sucking up the shocked air.
15. In fact, it is traveling well above escape velocity.
16. Turns reduce velocity and restrict the amount of air that gets to the register.
17. At apogee its radial velocity reaches zero, so it once again has a purely horizontal velocity.
18. Derive the velocity profile for optimum acceleration of this system.
19. Scheduled to ship in September Velocity 3.0 will cost £17,000 for an entry level development seat with add-on seats costing £2,000.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
20. Still traveling above escape velocity, it slowly rose and grew fainter over Alberta, until it was no longer visible.
21. The serum concentration of IGF-I and growth velocity both improved with increased calorie intake.
22. The great decline in velocity from 1980 to 1986 may seem to support those who say that monetary policy had little influence.
23. In the Jupiter fly-by, the ship had used the gravitational field of the planet to increase her velocity.
24. There were early experiments, some of them successful, in which objects moving at high velocity were arrested by the camera.
25. The look.up table entries can be calculated, using the methods described in Section 6.3 to determine the optimum velocity profile.
26. As the sun shrinks it rotates faster, and flings off its outer, much cooler shell when it reaches escape velocity.
27. It is likely that these coherent structures originate through an intermittent instability of the velocity profile.
28. Alternatively, he can predict the result of measuring one combination of position and velocity.
29. The principle of using a Doppler shift to indicate flow velocity can be applied with sound waves instead of light waves.
30. Reciprocal motion Reciprocal motion, positive and negative at constant mean velocity, is unnerving, mechanistic and inhuman.
1. Eventually, the star attained the velocity of light.
2. The speedboat reached a velocity of 120 mph.
3. Light travels at the highest achievable velocity in the universe.
4. Einstein's theory links energy with mass and velocity of light.
5. A bullet goes from this gun with a velocity of 3000 feet per second.
31. Firstly, the mean velocity profile may be liable to local instability, somewhat analogous to instability of laminar flow.
32. The turbulence is being kept going by the working of this against the mean velocity gradient.
33. Overall severity of gastrointestinal symptoms influenced the final height centile as it had height velocity during the initial years of follow up.
34. Since it does this without increasing the money supply, it is raising the velocity of the existing stock.
35. Instead, they had a quantum state, which was a combination of position and velocity.
36. This collision changes the velocity of the second particle, just as if there had been a force between the two matter particles.
37. The wind had increased in velocity and was now a low, angry howl.
38. Calculations of frequency and wave velocity of motility could be derived directly from the screen.
39. Maintaining a given velocity round a curve requires acceleration towards the centre of curvature.
40. The mass column density along a line-of-sight for a constant outflow at velocity v is therefore.
41. The 109 V8 has constant velocity joints within its hubs.
42. The smaller the proportion, the lower the demand and obviously the higher is velocity.
43. As the radius of the star is reduced the escape velocity increases until eventually it reaches the velocity of light.
44. Their impact energy per gram increases with the square of their relative velocity.
45. Jupiter is a very massive planet, and its escape velocity is correspondingly high.
46. The statistical description of a turbulent flow starts by dividing the velocity and pressure field into mean and fluctuating parts.
47. It causes the wake to increase in width and decrease in velocity deficit with distance downstream.
48. At large r the velocity fluctuations become independent of one another and R asymptotically approaches 0.
49. Some of the gases from the explosion and fireball may reach escape velocity.
49. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
50. Height velocity in the first year after operation increased dramatically compared with year before operation among patients with growth potential.
51. Simultaneously, they interact with the mean flow, so that the velocity profile also has three-dimensional variations.
52. Velocity rose as inflation raised the cost of holding money. 5.
53. Even modest-sized impactors can blast atmospheric gases off of Mars at speeds above escape velocity.
54. Decreasing the velocity will mean that the spacecraft moves away from perigee less quickly.
55. Accelerating violence and horror eventually hit maximum velocity and warp into nonsense, no matter how erudite the script.
56. According to an experiment carried out in 1897, light always travels at the same constant velocity.
57. He was in no hurry, and it was dangerous to move at a high velocity so near the ship.
58. It shot backwards at an incredible velocity, rattling its passengers up and down.
59. This could be a direct consequence of the high internal velocity dispersion in the molecular clouds.
60. This would facilitate the calculation of peristaltic velocity and the speed of contractility of gut smooth muscle with high temporal resolution.
61. The more precisely you measure the position of a particle, the less precisely you can measure its velocity, and viceversa.
62. Momentum is mass times velocity, so both factors influence the size of centripetal force.
63. The Figure shows the mean height velocity during each year according to severity of gastrointestinal symptoms.
64. Instead, both position and velocity would have to be smeared out with some probability distribution around the nucleus.
65. This is exactly the case of NBFIs increasing velocity that we discussed above.
66. When this Doppler shift is converted to relative velocity it turns out that the velocity varies sinusoidally with time.
67. As an identity, the quantity theory is no more than a way of calculating the velocity of circulation.
68. The flow outside the interface, although called non-turbulent, does involve velocity fluctuations.
69. Individual features in this emission are much broader in velocity than any seen in the emission from the disk.
70. Our model requires two sites of learning so that constant head velocity can generate constant eye velocity.
71. The final technique for producing a velocity profile involves a voltage.controlled oscillator with the controlling voltage generated by an analogue circuit.
72. The mean velocity also varies vertically, and we shall confine attention to two-dimensional flow.
73. This term represents the action of the velocity fluctuations on the mean flow arising from the non-linearity of the Navier-Stokes equation.
74. The motor velocity increases under the influence of the positive torque and the equilibrium position is attained with maximum velocity.
75. The result of this is that the molecules are actually accelerated further and travel at hypersonic velocity out of the engine bell.
76. Because the energy of a moving body is proportional to the square of the velocity.
77. The recoil from this emission changes the velocity of the matter particle.
78. At any point on the ellipse between apogee and perigee a spacecraft will have both a horizontal and a radial velocity.
79. Now if we wish to use Newtonian mechanics we must relate velocity and acceleration to the same particle.
80. This soldier carries a hand gun, a simple firearm which can propel a lead or stone shot with considerable velocity.
81. This has plane wave solutions which are transverse waves travelling with velocity c, properties that electromagnetic waves also possess.
82. The Lift's wide, so the angular velocity is higher on the outside.
83. A maximum velocity at the equator reduces to a theoretical nil at the poles.
84. In most turbulent flows, for example, only the mean velocity can be measured with a Pitot tube.
85. An electrically heated wire is cooled by the flow, the rate of cooling depending on the velocity.
86. When considering circular motion it is often easier to work in terms of the angular velocity rather than ordinary linear velocity.
87. All had been ejected with considerable velocity; within minutes, they were hundreds of yards away.
88. A significant fraction of their water content can emerge from the explosion at a speed below the escape velocity of Mercury.
89. In addition, there is no difference in velocity between movements which are long and those which are short.
90. During its lengthy pass through the atmosphere, the body loses 0. 8 kilometers per second of its velocity.
91. These changes arise from changes in the laminar velocity profile.
92. A spacecraft at point A carries out a burn that increases its horizontal velocity.
93. As the star shrank, the gravitational field at the surface would become stronger and the escape velocity would increase.
94. Velocity is important. Kinetic energy frees the brain and confuses the enemy.
95. The subsequent path it takes will depend on whether the A V increased or decreased the velocity.
96. However, these velocity fluctuations are entirely irrotational and are dynamically quite different from turbulent fluctuations.
97. The ability to define characteristics such as mass, velocity, inertia and elasticity is also planned.
98. Finally, consider the transformation between frames momentarily coincident in velocity near a massive spherically symmetric body.
99. The velocity, the sheer power and the technology of the rocket perhaps makes all the more pitiful our meagre destiny.
100. In principle, of course, correlations involving the pressure fluctuations as well as the velocity fluctuations may be formulated.
101. Notice that one frame in free fall can have a very different velocity and acceleration from another such frame.
102. To escape from the Moon's gravitational field, a sample must be accelerated to a velocity above 2.4 kilometres per second.
103. In classical mechanics one can predict the results of measuring both the position and the velocity of a particle.
104. At light-speed, however, their very velocity gives them the ability to exert pressure.
105. The investigation of the flow past obstacles or of boundary layers requires a uniform flow with minimal velocity fluctuations.
106. Charging in from the Vauxhall end like a cavalier, he pinned Ramprakash's fixed pad with an inswinger of some velocity.
107. These variable factors include the depth of the water, its temperature and transparency, and its velocity, among others.
108. Velocity had fallen to 2.2, an annual rate of decline of nearly 5 percent.
109. Increasing the specific impulse implies producing a greater exhaust velocity.
109. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
110. Throughout the campaign troops have been issued with various flak jackets which give a degree of protection against low velocity rounds.
111. The maximum possible impact velocity for a solar system body striking Earth is a little more complicated to calculate.
112. Figure 21.26 shows velocity profiles at two distances downstream from the start of the heated section.
113. The same relationship exists between particles and information when we come to talk about the velocity of light in general.
114. The first covers transducers, horns or velocity transformers and acoustic input and amplitude, and mentions health and safety.
115. Currents of the velocity quoted above are obviously capable of severe erosion and considerable transport.
116. The pressure of the expanding gas gets converted to velocity.
117. Figure 21.4 shows oscillograms of the velocity fluctuations at different distances from the centre line of a wake.
118. That pulse generator for switching telly channels we developed for computerising remote control of shell velocity measurements on Pendine Sands.
119. Their natural state would be movement at infinite velocity, so that they would be everywhere in the Universe at once.
120. That is, the angular velocity is more than doubled.
121. Reflectivity depends on the velocity and density of rocks.
122. An increased velocity is randomly dispersed.
123. They sediment toward the bottom of the centrifuge tube at a velocity.
124. Equation ( 4 ) permits a simple deduction of the relation between the phase velocity and the period.
125. An appropriate velocity of airflow can make the workers more comfortable.
126. And if the velocity, if the speed is way larger than the critical speed, you are in regime two and then you have a dependence r with the square root of r.
127. Siemens PLC S7-200 as the control center, Anchuan F7 frequency converter as the implementation devices, it realizes changing frequency velocity modulation control for automatic washing machine.
128. The new planet was discovered using what is called the "radial velocity method" which involves detecting small wobbles in a star caused by a planet as it tugs on its sun.
129. The vehicle control system runs in velocity mode. The cable drum control system runs in torque mode.
130. It has been found that when temperature falls, the settling velocity decreases(), and the thickener's throughput capacity reduces.
131. The test apparatus to friction disc of wet clutch in automatic transmission can change some test parameters, such as sliding velocity, turning inertia, normal applied force and lubrication volume.
132. There is no finite velocity of propagation, and we speak of a standing wave.
133. Two control loops are devised: a conventional PID regular is used to control the position and velocity of the trolley, and a fuzzy logic controller is proposed to the anti-swing control of the load.
134. There is a velocity difference across the radius of the pipe.
135. It is proved that the normal pressure on the sliding surface, sliding velocity and surface characteristic have influence on variety laws of frictional coefficient on the sliding surface.
136. The association chain implied is general reactivity, delocalization, heat of reaction, activation energy, velocity constant.
137. The kinematically admissible velocity field and strain rate field extension forging of rounds have been established.
138. The higher velocity of STM signal is been gained by the multiplexing of N STM - 1 byte.
139. "In the slow light (with a group velocity slower than c) case, the central part of the main wave packet follows the group velocity, " Du explained.
140. In this paper, we have analysed the influence of temperature on the velocity signals when the hot-wire was used for measuring turbulence.
141. At the recognition stage, we propose a kind of modified MCE model to decrease computer capacity and further to enhance computer velocity.
142. The atomic particles resist being accelerated past the velocity of light.
143. Conversely, in many experiments it is possible to measure all the velocity vectors.
144. Amplifier self - oscillates at a frequency depending on the velocity of the fluid.
145. Using these formulas and a 1-D LDA, mean square value of 2-D turbulent velocity fluctuation and Reynolds shear stress have been measured for water flow in a square duct.
146. Precision fire of AA gun must accurately confirm and correct muzzle velocity deviation and adjustment.
147. Seismic velocity can occasionally be affected by porosity and temperature.
148. Normally the shear velocity is about half of the compressional velocity.
149. On the other hand, an adjustable mechanism of the adaptive particle velocity is proposed through the division of particle levels, which obtained by computing adaptive value.
150. Excessively long fall distances are required for drops of raindrop size to attain terminal velocity.
151. He incorrectly used the product of velocity and weight to define momentum.
152. The pore velocity is the velocity with which a tracer moves through a porous medium.
153. Usually, we use three components velocity detector to measure X-component, Y-component and Z-component of velocity field. We use the hydrophone tu measure stress field.
154. Flow motion in space of the vortex tube is superposed to free vortex of inlet plane, sink and the constant axial velocity by means of hodograph transformation and superposition theory.
155. The fuzzy control already has obtained the satisfactory effect in the alternating and direct velocity modulation system and the servo system.




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