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单词 Resort to
1 One has sometimes to resort to these little devices.
2 His punishing work schedule had made him resort to drugs.
3 If negotiations fail we shall have to resort to strike action.
4 She would never resort to the law courts to resolve her marital problems.
5 Many teachers and students resort to Beidaihe beach in the summer vacation.
6 We may have to resort to using untrained staff.
7 Neither side wants to resort to violence .
8 They felt obliged to resort to violence.
9 We had to resort to desperate measures .
10 He urged people not to resort to retaliatory violence.
11 Officials fear that extremists may resort to violence .
12 Vets have had to resort to killing the animals.
13 He got hold of the money legally, without resort to violence.
14 The conference resolved to resort to force to recover the lost territory.
15 The best means we should resort to is to build a long dam along the river.
16 The peasants believed their only choice was to resort to violence.
17 Sometimes I just have to resort to the carrot and stick approach with my children.
18 I had to resort to violence/threats to get my money.
19 Don't resort to cheap copies; save up for the real thing.
20 In the end,[] we had to resort to brute force to get the door open.
21 He couldn't have passed the exam without resort to cheating.
22 It's pathetic that grown men have to resort to violence like this.
23 Don't resort to alcohol to relieve your stress.
24 Finally, the King could resort to borrowing.
25 Extremists on both sides resort to violence.
26 They can resort to Byzantine, even Machiavellian manipulations.
27 He claimed his punishing work schedule had made him resort to taking the drug.
28 We hope they will be able to resolve the situation without resort to force.
29 There are hopes that the conflict can be resolved without resort to violence.
30 Congress has a responsibility to ensure that all peaceful options are exhausted before resort to war.
1 One has sometimes to resort to these little devices.
2 His punishing work schedule had made him resort to drugs.
3 She would never resort to the law courts to resolve her marital problems.
4 Many teachers and students resort to Beidaihe beach in the summer vacation.
5 He couldn't have passed the exam without resort to cheating.
31 So they had to resort to indirect tactics.
32 Why should women resort to such devious tactics?
33 The Peeping Tom was not himself likely in the circumstances to resort to violence, and the constable was certainly not.
34 In extreme situations, it may be necessary to resort to arbitration.
35 Officials fear extremists on both sides may resort to violence to try to derail the redeployment.
36 The same method can not be used for a polymer and one must resort to comparative techniques.
37 If this strategy fails, however, you then have to resort to sterner measures in the shape of video floodlights.
38 Plan A obviously wasn't going to work, so we had to resort to plan B.
39 People become so desperate to make contact with beasts and fowl that they resort to going on nature trails.
40 Schools in mid, north east and north west Essex resort to excluding pupils far less than elsewhere in the county.
41 Moreover, the excessive resort to public ownership is a drag on economic development.
42 The largest pair of Stillsons may shift the nuts, but you may have to resort to cutting through the pipes.
43 Indeed, social morality leaders came to believe that earlier marriages would discourage resort to prostitution.
44 Many governments thus resort to financing expenditure through domestic bank borrowing and printing money, both of which are inflationary.
45 The judiciary only resort to disciplinary action in the most blatant cases, where the alternative would make us look even worse.
46 Our technique permits continuous recording from the upper oesophageal sphincter for periods of several hours without resort to sedation.
47 The ability of a resort to quicken the pulse as I approach.
48 With encouragement, a competent amateur can diagnose species and varieties without resort to parsimony analysis.
48 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
49 We must therefore resort to more indirect methods, such as the variation with time of copper-alloy composition or technology of production.
50 Even higher organisms resort to fermentation as an auxiliary process when the oxygen supply is insufficient.
51 The Master tried both persuasion and threats but ... was compelled at length to send for a constable and resort to force.
52 In a compliance system, indeed, resort to formal processes is often regarded as a sign of failure.
53 When fighting the good fight against such a reprobate there is no need for critics to resort to dishonesty and excess.
54 To obtain the tensions, we resort to the copper wire again and make up rectangular loops which are sealed by soldering.
55 Similarly young children resort to screaming because they can not use words to describe what they want.
56 Coelenterates will resort to territorial squabbles in the aquarium just as they do in the wild.
57 It does not deal directly with possession of weapons, nor with the legitimacy of resort to war in the first place.
58 If all this fails, you may have to resort to another tactic.
59 In assessing a recent downturn, they refuse to resort to the dissembling language of corporate reports and quarterly statements.
60 With a resort to force, things flourish for a time, but then decay.
61 As a partial solution, Combined Fleet decided to resort to a special stratagem that had already worked successfully once before.
62 Is it any wonder that more and more women resort to wearing jeans and anoraks?
63 The ruling class, by contrast, was ruthless and cynical in its resort to violence.
64 Merrill felt that students resort to these tactics when they see no other way to address the problem.
65 Sufferers constantly compare themselves with others, check their appearance, use clothing to conceal perceived problem and may resort to surgery.
66 Worse yet, it may resort to additional expedient action to disguise or defuse the consequences of previous counterproductive actions.
67 A policeman may be able to restore the public calm without having to resort to an arrest.
68 As for the rapists, I bet they are unsuccessful in attracting females, and so resort to desperate means.
69 Many people resort to sucking on candy or mints to increase saliva, yet that puts teeth at risk for decay.
70 Many homeless teenagers resort to stealing when their money runs out.
71 When they misbehave, we resort to various sanctions, including old-fashioned spanking at times.
72 These should allow you to make your full presentation without resort to the full notes.
73 Shana was forced to resort to humouring me rather than getting into arguments with me.
74 The dazibao writers regretted the fact that they had to resort to this medium for making their opinions known.
75 All strikers had to resort to some extent to borrowing, credit, casual work and other ways and means of managing.
76 Its main attractions are the optimal utilisation of permanent grassland and the control of internal parasitism without resort to therapy.
77 Implementing them means we have to resort to some tough measures in the short and medium term.
78 With no help around, you may have to resort to another tactic - a risky one: going to ground.
78 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
79 Dentists will only resort to extraction of a tooth when all other treatments have failed.
80 The metal employers' federation says half its members may resort to the escape clause.
81 Rarely do they resort to actual blows to end disputes.
82 Resort to the photocopier is often determined by economic factors.
83 In any case, there may be no need to resort to the drastic measure of buying with friends.
84 It means you may get your way without having to resort to desperate remedies.
85 Some people even resort to emotional blackmail and games, which can end in making everyone unhappy.
86 He took his top fifty officers to a resort to hold their annual financial planning meeting.
87 Indeed it may well be that the most powerful person is some one who does not have to resort to physical force at all.
88 A purchaser of shares may need to resort to petitioning the court to buy out minority shareholders.
89 Since the passage of Proposition 209, those seeking such programs must resort to a statewide initiative to amend the California Constitution.
90 Any peasant short of ready money now had to resort to a usurer.
91 So when a blizzard or a budget standoff sends them home, some federal workaholics resort to extreme measures.
92 A violent headache can be safely dissolved within minutes without having to resort to aspirin or paracetamol with their accompanying side-effects.
93 In 1981 the government had to resort to crash purchases of kerosene to meet shortages.
94 Other restive ethnic groups will now be quicker to resort to arms.
95 That Government were able to carry through virtually all that legislation with hardly any resort to guillotine motions.
96 She vowed that never would she resort to such cheap tricks.
97 What is more, if people resort to blackmail and other threats, why not throw them into jail?
98 He thinks some states and cities will resort to pump-priming their economies with spending on things like roads, airports and waste-management.
99 The suitcase might have signs on or pictures of a holiday resort to add effect.
100 Increasing resort to factory production is a late step in matching output to a rising market.
101 Shall we resort to entreaty and humble supplication?
102 We have no choice but to resort to arbitration.
103 However, he may soon need to resort to Vin.
104 Worker must not resort to violence in industrial dispute.
105 If you wish to zero in on a particularly weak station, however, you must resort to a little math to alter the length of the crossbar.
106 Since this dispute is not negotiable, it is necessary to resort to arbitration.
107 Many people come to the summer resort to water ski.
108 "Remedy" means any remedial right to which an aggrieved party is entitled with or without resort to a tribunal.
109 Due to the asymptotic freedom of QCD, the determination of heavy baryon mass spectroscopy must resort to non-perturbative technique.
110 If both sides had radar-proof aircraft, American pilots could have to resort to old-fashioned dog fights, which would mean some of their planes almost certainly would be shot down.
111 Article 59 The insurer shall not resort to legal proceeding to demand the payment of the insurance premiums of insurance of persons from the applicant.
112 They are then exporting unemployment. If the countries with massive surpluses allow this to occur they cannot be surprised if deficit countries even resort to protectionist measures.
113 In the Alps and Apennines mountain ski resort to enjoy the pleasure of the driving range.
114 A woodworker can join a chest together without resort to nails or glue.
115 Evans thinks it's unlikely terrorists would resort to smallpox in a biological attack.
116 They are obliged to resort to the most ingenious contortions and combinations.
117 Many women resort to suicide, some by self-immolation, to escape their misery, according to Afghan and international human rights advocates.
118 In addition, the Arc de Triomphe and the Palace of Versailles, are people visited the resort to be.
119 As we know, the profoundly deaf patient cannot resort to the hearing aid device, however, through cochlear implant, such an effective way, it is completely possible for them to restore hearing.
120 On the other hand, we may resort to argument from thermodynamics.
121 You man have to resort to this- a refund or perhaps some form of credit.
122 Untalented sports teams often resort to dirty tricks to win.
123 Less should countries willfully resort to force in tackling energy issues.
124 A surrender may be effected without resort to a capitulation.
125 Men who resort to violence do so mainly because they are conditioned by patriarchal cultural norms to equate manhood with aggression, dominance over women and sexual conquest.
126 He never has to wonder or resort to inductive reasoning.
127 However, practical constraints mean that some citizens resort to other means of dispute resolution than the judicial or quasi-judicial process.
128 He had to resort to threats of court action to get repayment.
129 The resort to air charters turned out to be a fiasco.
130 If you're going to resort to the tried-and-true missionary position, perform oral sex on her first or take you time to ensure she's really wet before penetrating her.
131 When foreignization is not feasible, the translator should resort to domestication as a supplementary method.
132 Carbon sequestration is a last resort to mitigating climate change.
133 The excessive resort to public ownership is a drag on economic development.
134 But after years of low or no growth, a sharp currency depreciation could be a last resort to kick start the economy.
135 The exploiting classes resort to every possible means to grind down and exploit the labouring people.
136 When two nations both resort to nuclear deterrence the consequence could be mutual destruction.
137 Yet, even when I resort to saying I'm recovering from a severe stomach flu, the host still ends up forcing or sending me on a guilt trip to indulge in this celebratory dessert.
138 When the work load becomes too difficult, some kids may resort to cheating.
138 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
139 They also resort to theories, predictions, and intuitions that are inherently incapable of exact proof.
140 Since the dispute is not negotiable, it may be necessary to resort to arbitration.
141 Obviously we had to condemn the Indian resort to force in unequivocal language.
142 They are prepared to resort to violence in support of their beliefs.
143 Some will resort to veiling their own opinions in a halfhearted attempt to direct the decision.
144 I love tasty food but I do not always have enough time to cook something special (and I resort to the all-time-favorite of spaghetti and marinara sauce).
145 You should use dirty tricks , and resort to every conceivable means.
146 To enhance the efficiency of applications and improve the performance of IP network, ISPs resort to IP Multicast technologies wishfully.
147 Chenglong Road Avenue, the City Expressway and other major arterial roads make for easy access, therefore, it can be called the nearest golf leisure resort to the heart of Chengdu.
148 To resort to a metaphor, drawn from mythology, we have, in Eurydice twice lost, the most potent image we can find of the relation between Orpheus the analyst and the unconscious.
149 Some countries had to resort to barter to obtain foreign goods.
150 Mr Harschbarger had to resort to a chainsaw to cut Gracie free.
151 The analyses resort to Gear's Algorithm of variable time step to control the integration tolerance.
152 Faced with the challenges of cultural differences and difficulties of language transformation, literary translators will consciously or instinctively resort to the alternative of "creative rebellion".
153 Double barrelling can be quite effective, and sometimes I should resort to firing three barrels .
154 Being extreme, his perspicacity has no need to resort to the same things as the highbrow literati.
155 Yellowknife Golf Course, there are many big crow, so the local rule is: a crow take away the ball, it can resort to a ball, no penalty shot.
156 We resort to a constraint programming approach to formulate and solve the optimization problem.
156 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
157 As he had a weak case and could not defend himself , he had to resort to sophistry.
158 Additionally, China forswore resort to force in the resolution of territorial claims.
159 Investors are no longer resort to sell technology stocks, but turn a profIt'selling the shares.
160 Now they resort to universal freedom and, which is itself a generalisation per se.




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