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单词 Aloft
1, The balloons were already aloft.
2, The smoke rose aloft.
3, He held the trophy proudly aloft.
4, Currents of warm air keep the hang-gliders aloft.
5, She held the glass aloft.
6, He emerged, triumphantly holding a baby aloft.
7, We held our glasses aloft.
8, The flag was flying aloft.
9, He went aloft to check the sails.
10, Our fighting spirit soars aloft.
11, The sailor climbed aloft to look for land.
12, The hero was borne aloft on the shoulders of the crowd.
13, The national flag was flying aloft.
14, At length Fand halted, spear held aloft.
15, Women in bonnets with placards aloft.
16, At any given hour there were aircraft aloft on combat air patrol, killing time, waiting for orders.
17, The rattle of the sword he had held aloft echoed across the cobblestones.
18, They led him, left hand aloft, through into the house,(http:///aloft.html) down a short passage and then some cellar steps.
19, The principal thing in this world is to keep one's soul aloft
20, If you would go up high, then use your own legs! Do not let yourselves carried aloft; do not seat yourselves on other people's backs and heads.
21, He was suddenly jerked off his feet and borne aloft.
22, If you would go up high , then use your own legs ! Do not let yourselves carried aloft; do not seat yourselves on other people's backs and heads .(F. W .
23, The golfer is pictured on many of the front pages, kissing his trophy as he holds it aloft.
24, But the memory of him holding the Jules Rimet trophy triumphantly aloft is etched on the memories of millions.
25, Attractive young women fanned him as he simultaneously read, wrote, waved an axe and held a flower aloft.
26, She is staring into a large stone bowl held aloft by stony lions.
27, She was dressed in black gauze and held a strobe light aloft like a mitre.
28, The film was of large happy female peasants dancing, with garlands held aloft.
29, They had an instrument for disembowelling him which they waved aloft in the highest court in the land.
30, Where was my mother in her white apron and holding aloft a wooden spoon?
1, The smoke rose aloft.
2, He was suddenly jerked off his feet and borne aloft.
3, The sailor climbed aloft to look for land.
31, Perched precariously on top of the load was the loader, holding aloft the corn-dolly for all to see.
32, It was surprisingly easy to get the wing aloft with a step backwards and a sharp tug on the front risers.
33, The Olau Hollandia has a pocket-sized swimming-pool in the bowels, luxurious cabins aloft and couchette-style below.
34, He looked aloft at the distant ceiling, and at the expanse of sparsely-curtained window space.
35, The two children began a fast stamping dance around and around, the rescued ball held aloft in triumph.
36, Like a rabbit borne aloft by a hawk, Semele hung gasping in his grip.
37, But the motive behind her achievement was not self-interest alone, nor the desire to carry aloft the banner of feminism.
38, Glamour aloft was also provided by the great airships Graf Zeppelin and Hindenburg.
39, The birth is recorded in an odd shot of the nurse gleefully holding aloft the bloody placenta.
40, Hughes held the stick aloft, a coil of silver at its head.
41, And the Chapter 7 bankruptcy reorganization will float aloft on clouds of harmonious enthusiasm.
42, He was spared further speculation by the descent of Miss Harker, candle aloft, like a vengeful ghost.
43, Instead, Mr Fittipaldi held aloft a bottle of orange juice from his farm.
44, In the postcard Jack wears his cocoa-brown suit and white hat and is held by his left arm, slightly aloft.
45, He described times when the radar crew received requests for winds aloft at eighty thousand feet, ninety thousand feet.
46, The six-man, one-woman crew plans to spend 17 days aloft, a shuttle record.
47, Miss Fergusson,(/aloft.html) umbrella aloft and pistol at her belt led the way with the certain tread of the righteous.
48, V., a plastic bag of some clear solution held aloft by one of the paramedics.
49, Sanson drew out the head, holding it aloft by the hair to show the crowd.
50, Kruger took up a sword-sharp scimitar and held it aloft for blessing.
51, The aromatic smoke of cooking fires floated lazily aloft.
52, A Saturn rocket hurled Apollo aloft.
53, The monument towers aloft on the square.
54, An albatross aloft can be a spectacular site.
55, The Gothic fastigium reaches to the clouds, the golden status of Archangel Michael was holding a sword aloft.
56, The study dismisses another blimpish idea, though: that of pumping sulphurous chemicals up a long pipe held aloft by a large tethered balloon.
57, Maples make those little whirlybird seeds you see spiraling down in droves each spring. Their papery little wings keep them aloft so they can find a good place to germinate and make a new maple.
58, Because white castle towers aloft to go up in high hill, its all around annulus hill and laky .
59, TAO Yuan - ming had a strong regressive conscious and a bright and aloft personality.
60, This usually grants a hang glider a good ten-minute flight back down to Earth, even if there are no rising thermals to help keep the craft aloft.
61, Therefore this consideration alone ought to be abundantly sufficient to make us to renounce the world and to carry us aloft to heaven.
62, Lay out aloft, there, half a dozen of ye -- foretopmaststuns'l!
63, See only among them a piece, a Cang Ying towers aloft on abrupt rock, volant be about to fly.
64, Lockheed Martin's Persistent Threat Detection System is a tethered aerostat filled with helium designed to stay aloft for long periods of time to provide surveillance of broad areas.
65, What airplane tows you aloft if you are in a glider?
66, The balloons clear panels (left) transmit sunlight to heat-absorbing opaque panels opposite, heating the air inside and keeping the balloon aloft.
67, 'Pew ,'he cried ,'they've been before us . Someone's turned the chest out alow and aloft.'
68, Request winds aloft ( upper winds ) between Guangzhou and Kun Ming FL 210.
69, She had to lift up the continued atramentous face-veil that afraid from aloft her adenoids every time she capital to alteration a forkful of aliment into her mouth.
70, A whitish speck flattened against the rock does not prevent the condor from soaring aloft.
71, The burst of an atom bomb creates enormous radiation aloft.
72, Todd Reichert's ornithopter is an engineless plane that stays aloft by flapping its wings like a bird.
73, Maximum Time Aloft (MTA) - how long can you make your boomerang stay in the air with a single throw?
74, These action if a woman is accused of behaving break and bringing abashment aloft her family.
75, Meanwhile(), fifteen of Africa's aloft active of accompaniment accept been affair in Mali to accede what THEY can do to abetment political and bread-and-butter development.
76, Indoorsman and indoorswoman are byproducts of libertinism and network, holding aloft the banners of freedom and X Generation, they dwell in deep seclusion and rarely come out.
77, Etchings on a temple wall in Abydos, Egypt, depict a mythical solar boat borne aloft at dawn (file picture).
78, When a bird aloft on the wind, it forgets wind that is helping it to fly.
78, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
79, Mulberry-dyke fish-pond constitutes a mesh texture whether in overlooking aloft or standing in, and deep impression would be branded to anyone.
80, Does the eagle fly up at your command to build his nest aloft?
81, The ores arrive by ships from Africa; the refined metal is sent aloft to orbiters manned by Igigi, then transferred to spaceships arriving periodically from Nibiru.
82, The bearers raised the canoe aloft , adjusted the poles to their shoulders.
83, A 40 meter observation tower towers aloft on the region.
84, Avionics is software - innumerable lines of code that help to keep today's fly - by - wire planes safely aloft.
85, While perched aloft, the aye-aye taps on trees with its long middle finger and listens for wood - boring insect larvae moving under the bark. It employs the same middle finger to fish them out.
86, THE UBot whizzes around a carpeted conference room on its Segway-like wheels, holding aloft a yellow balloon.
87, Droplets or ice crystals are small enough to remain suspended aloft indefinitely.
88, The pollen can be carried aloft and travel great distances in the upper air stream.
89, Again investigating the things aloft under the ground. He is what we would call today a scientist a natural scientist.




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