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单词 Red guard
(1) They were all taken away by the Red Guards, broken one by one in the street.
(2) Chen Zhuo is one of the Red Guard leaders interviewed in the article.
(3) During his stints as a Red Guard and a soldier, however, Wei became disillusioned with the one-party socialist ideology.
(4) I am a Red Guard.
(5) Once, I entered the gate to see the Red Guard holding mallets crowding round my maternal grandfather sitting in the chair.
(6) These photographs take the backdrop of the Red Guard cemetery in Chongqing to illustrate various dichotomies .
(7) College students — the children of the Red Guard generation — began wearing Mao badges as a comment on China's slide from socialist ideals.
(8) As a teen-age Red Guard in the Cultural Revolution, he belonged to a rebel faction in his home town of Tianjin.
(9) In his teens, Mr.Zhang was a Red Guard in Chongqing, he said, but did not see any fighting because his parents made him stay at home.
(10) "When I was a Red Guard, " Wang says, pointing to his work, "I would have smashed all of this.
(11) THE FORMER RED GUARD. The tiny fourth-floor walk-up that Wang Keping shares with his mother, brother and sister is crowded with powerful wooden sculptures.
(12) No red guard would dare to destroy the thoughts of Mao, so the priceless tablets of Zhang Fei Temple survived.
(13) He remembers, Afterward Wu lost his academic post because of Red Guard reports.
(14) Others were dissatisfied rusticated youth and unemployed urban workers with Red Guard backgrounds.
(15) During the Cultural Revolution of the '60s and '70s, the Red Guard attacked the Shaolin Temple, along with other religious orders.
(16) Rather it was (and still is) Wu Dawei, an older man, whom he called China's "most incompetent official", and the American scribe summed up as "an arrogant, Marx-spouting former Red Guard".
(17) Japan Red Army - terroristic organization? Be still Japanese Red Guard?
(18) A few months later I received a charming reply on two sheets of paper that looked like they had been labored over for days by a Red Guard with little English and a faulty typewriter.
(19) Wild applause erupted when Zeng Fanzhi's painting of youths wearing absurd masks and Red Guard scarves went for $9.7 million, a new auction high for any Asian contemporary artwork.
(20) In another report from February Mr Wu is described as "an arrogant, Marx-spouting former Red Guard", referring to the youngsters who spearheaded Mao Zedong's chaotic Cultural Revolution in the 1960s.
(21) And whenever Mao denounced one of his former comrades, the Red Guard made it their mission to eradicate the offender.
(22) Anti-Bolshevik forces, known as the Whites, continually fought against the Red Guard, making progress even harder as the Russian Communist Party Bolshevik (RKPb) battled bankruptcy and famine.
(23) But Jianguo thrived amid the social turmoil, and became a leader of a Red Guard faction at his school.
(24) Although the Bolsheviks originally planned to put Nicholas on trial for crimes against the Russian people, the sudden approach of White troops caused the Red Guard to panic.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 5:50:09