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单词 Indefinite
1. The store will be closed for an indefinite period.
2. The project has been postponed for an indefinite period.
3. He has rather indefinite views on the question.
4. She'll be away for an indefinite period.
5. He is indefinite of himself.
6. He gave me an indefinite answer.
7. The workers have been on indefinite strike since July.
8. The trial was adjourned for an indefinite period.
9. She will be away for the indefinite future.
10. Teachers find the report's terminology so indefinite that it is confusing.
11. The picture has been loaned for an indefinite period to the National Gallery.
12. Our plans for traveling are deliberately indefinite.
13. The prospect of indefinite leave was anathema.
14. The boys received an indefinite prison sentence.
14. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
15. The whole text has a fragmentary, indefinite quality.
16. See how indefinite are our shapes, see how tenuous our hold on this world grows?
17. Note the indefinite article - A judicial view, not the judicial view.
18. The deferral is indefinite if reinvestment is in non-depreciating assets such as freehold land and buildings.
19. Strikes An national and indefinite strike of bank workers began on Sept. 12 for pay increases of up to 297 percent.
20. The next day the union voted to begin an indefinite strike.
21. Junior and middle-ranking civil servants have pledged to join the indefinite strike.
22. They seem determined to string the talks out for an indefinite period.
23. If found guilty of smuggling drugs, she could face indefinite detention.
24. Human rights organizations opposed the emergency powers, which allowed for indefinite detention without trial.
25. Indeed the view has sometimes been expressed that there is a clear advantage in keeping the scope of this privilege indefinite.
26. Unlike many similar discounts which sprang up after Abbey National had made its move, this one is for an indefinite period.
27. Thus, he conceded that a scarcity of workers might keep wages above the subsistence level for an indefinite time.
28. The unions are balloting 24,000 members in four companies next week on an indefinite strike.
29. With recycling and an adequate source of power, this immense population is sustainable into the indefinite future.
30. After a ballot earlier this year, the 3,000-strong workforce had planned to take indefinite strike action from August 21.
1. The store will be closed for an indefinite period.
2. The project has been postponed for an indefinite period.
3. The next day the union voted to begin an indefinite strike.
4. Junior and middle-ranking civil servants have pledged to join the indefinite strike.
5. He is indefinite of himself.
6. He gave me an indefinite answer.
31. Anyway, we're here for the indefinite future and I've been given the job of furnishing the hotel.
32. And it will provide free and unlimited local calls for an indefinite period.
33. And very often an indefinite article possibly with some er a noun phrase with some modifier.
34. In 1985 a conference of PGCE tutors drafted a description of a core curriculum whose status remains indefinite.
35. On the following day doctors and medical personnel announced an indefinite strike, which was promptly declared illegal.
36. These-spells of autocracy were once frequently longer and of indefinite duration, sometimes, indeed, extending over decades.
37. As the Gay situation unraveled, reserve guard Charlie Taylor was granted an indefinite leave of absence for personal reasons.
38. However, it will not do so an indefinite number of times.
39. On October 31st, 1983, an indefinite overtime ban was called in protest against pit closures.
40. The refugees will be housed and fed here for an indefinite period.
41. Two somewhat indefinite entries under Letcombe Basset specify only Hampshire.
42. On Aug. 13 an indefinite ban on all public demonstrations was announced.
43. Control formats based on escape sequences can be of indefinite length, and page description languages can be extremely powerful.
44. The iterated game is simply the ordinary game repeated an indefinite number of times with the same players.
45. Furthermore,[http://] expectation of an indefinite number of future meetings means that deception or conflict are much less attractive options.
46. These articles, definite and indefinite, now increase the specificity of the lexical meaning of the nouns.
47. The Creation is followed by an indefinite future within historical time.
48. Olivier Nwaha Binya'a appears to be held in indefinite administrative detention without any opportunity to challenge his imprisonment.
49. A literary text is compatible with an indefinite number of contexts yielding indefinitely many readings and re-readings.
50. For its part, the government has shelved its demands for entrenched veto rights for minorities and for indefinite power-sharing with whites.
51. Before leaving, the teacher had requested an indefinite leave of absence, but the school board had denied his request.
52. An indefinite curfew was imposed on seven police districts in the city and troops were called in to restore order.
53. Frontiers, the indefinite open spaces at the farthest edges, are beyond the borders and boundaries of known territory.
54. Surrogate twins of a homosexual couple have been granted indefinite leave to stay in Britain.
55. An object can be described from an indefinite number of different perspectives.
56. Hence it is transmitted vertically to the next generation and then, vertically again, to an indefinite number of future generations.
57. The five unions who called the indefinite strike said up to 80 percent of postal workers stayed away from work in some areas.
58. His parents welcomed him, assuming he was back for an indefinite stay and perhaps interpreting this as a change of heart.
59. You have one that would make it clearly indefinite and one that would make it clearly definite.
60. The position now depends on whether the period of exclusion which has been ordered is permanent, indefinite or fixed term.
61. The mayor of Bucharest on Aug. 28 declared an indefinite ban on all meetings and demonstrations in central Bucharest's main squares.
62. To avoid a league suspension, Favre was prohibited from drinking beer for an indefinite period.
63. However, tenured teachers do not have a right either to a particular position in a school district or to indefinite employment.
64. An indefinite number of people read Shakespeare.
65. The structure has an indefinite life.
66. He gave an indefinite answer.
67. His thoughts, ambiguous and indefinite, troubled him.
68. Indefinite integration as the reverse process of differentiation.
69. The original plan was to hold an indefinite stoppage.
70. I ruled against the indefinite article.
71. There was an indefinite prolongation of the peace talks.
72. He gave me a very indefinite answer.
73. Why must we make this statement indefinite?
74. We can't use the indefinite article with this noun.
75. He's away for an indefinite period.
76. The indefinite integral is an antiderivative.
77. For parallel connection by ports of linear, time-invariant and initial slack multi-terminal networks,[http:///indefinite.html] the effect on network transfer function is analyzed by using indefinite admittance matrix.
78. The traveller was a thickset, square-shouldered, yellow, wrinkled old man, with grey eyelashes overhanging gleaming eyes of an indefinite grey colour.
79. Results There were 18 cure pulp teeth in negative or indefinite with electric pulp testing of 102 teeth of shift or vibration in trail group.
80. Several types of using reverse substitute method in indefinite integral are given in this article.
81. There are in English two articles: the definite article and the indefinite article.
82. The traditional formal semantics holds that all the indefinite noun phrases should be interpreted as existentially quantified phrases.
83. Aimed at characteristics of indefinite demand and the short-life cycle of the epidemic commodity, the manufacturer adopts complete returns policy to the retail.
84. The many indefinite exists in the design parameters and influence factors of the working stress and allowable stress of the K - H three - ring planetary reductor.
85. A seal can make and hold a single note for what seems like an indefinite period. You hear it in the distance and it sounds like a railroad train with its whistle stuck at a nearby station.
86. It seems better to regard questions of this sort , as to the quality of residence, as primarily relevant in considering whether the propositus has the intention of permanent or indefinite residence.
87. Hospital rule is an effective tool in the calculation of indefinite form limit.
88. A brance - and - bound method is provided for the indefinite quadratic programming problems under convex constraints.
89. An indefinite name for a light distillate of petroleum covering a wide range of gravities and boiling points.
90. A definite integral is an indefinite integral evaluated over an interval.
91. This paper give a series Integration formula of indefinite integral by inverse function method, which use the relationship of a function and its inverse function and the Integration by parts.
92. As has been pointed out, the action or state denoted by the present perfective (progressive), though referring to some indefinite happening in the past, has some connection with the present.
93. The discourse representation theory holds that the indefinite noun phrases themselves do not have quantified feature, they only introduce a free variable.
94. Each of the counterweights is formed of a bar element, having a constant section throughout most of its length and being obtained by cutting to size a bar of indefinite length.
95. The Lot 9 order includes LVT(1) airborne and LVT(2) ground-based Low Volume Terminals under the Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity contract awarded in January 2000.
96. Kean's inguen has the question, whether do we enter the stage regarding him are indefinite, before decision, we need and so on to look again.
97. The direct action of changed conditions leads to definite or indefinite results.
98. Singer and actor Edison Chen Koon - hei announced he is taking indefinite retirement from the entertainment industry.
99. Its application situation on heat shearing blade, plate and nodular indefinite chill roll are introduced too.
100. These delivery orders are issued under a previously announced contract modification on an existing indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity contract.
101. This order was made pursuant to a previously awarded indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity contract.
102. Its application situation on heat shearing blade, guide plate and nodular indefinite chill roll are introduced too.
103. After making public apologies and admitting to his infidelity, Woods said he would "take an indefinite break from professional golf".
104. The part which nature has in any work of man,[] is indefinite and incommensurable.
105. He's a critic of "umbrella" contracts, which allow large amounts of diverse work to fall under one contract, like what are known as "indefinite delivery–indefinite quantity" contracts.
106. The indefinite content and the endless arguments between different schools shows that the western macro-economics is immature.
107. LUFS is a hybrid user space filesystem framework that supports an indefinite number of filesystems transparently for any application.
108. Because of general phenomena of indefinite data or even imperfect existing, information systems that are presented to user are mostly incomplete.
109. I began to walk about the room, examining various indefinite objects in the half darkness.
110. From the formulation of two kinds of three-dimensional abnormal magnetism, we deduce the result of indefinite integral transformation and draw a parameter plots by the parameter equation.
111. A stem cell is a cell that can divide for indefinite periods in culture and is at least 'multipotent' — it can give rise to specialised cells (such as neurons or skin cells).
112. The Lot 8 order includes LVT(1) airborne and LVT(2) ground-based Low Volume Terminals under the indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity contract awarded in January 2000.
113. The integral calculus basic concept is a circular function indefinite integral and the definite integral.
114. When meets the industry murkily not booming, exceeds limit Ratio of Non-performing loan high to become a bank indefinite tense the bomb and the anxiety.
115. Cancer stem cells are defined as rare cells in cancer tissues with indefinite potential for self-renewal that drives tumorigenesis.
116. A new view is put forward about the trigonometrical Function Rational Formula Indefinite Integral, which is, how to make the indefinite integral belong to all the continual periods.
117. The delivery order was awarded under NASA's Rapid II indefinite delivery indefinite quantity contract.
118. Because some combat effectiveness indexes which are related to human behavior are difficult to be quantified with belief function to explore indefinite problems.
119. FCCU(fluid catalysis and cracking unit) is a highly non-linear, time variable, long time delay, intensive coupling, parameter distributed, indefinite and complex system.
120. An indefinite alteration had come over his whole person and manner.
121. The indefinite integral concept is raises for the solution derivation and the differential inverse operation.
122. It is based on the concept of indefinite admittance matrix, and uses an algebraic method of symbolic code in the generation of symbolic network functions.
123. The risk decision of long term indefinite investment was analysed according to probability theory and by means of risk-adjusted discount rate.
124. Indefinite article : used to indicate that a thing is not identified as unique.
125. He simply announced on his personal website that he would be leaving the professional golf tour for an indefinite period, causing great losses for the US golf circle and his main sponsors.
126. The integral calculus primary coverage includes: Definite integral, indefinite period classification.
127. Hospital rule an effective tool in the calculation of indefinite form limit.
128. In a subjectless sentence, you("have")is a marker of an indefinite topic.
129. At first, the indefinite integral of binary fractal interpolating function generated by IFS is proved, and its IFS is given.
130. The encounter of subjectivity reflects people's indefinite and unconfident mentality to grasp the future.
131. There are in English two articles: definite article and the indefinite article.
132. The indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity Theoretical Studies and Engineering Services (TSER) contract has an option for five additional years.
133. The Indefinite Admittance Matrix (IAM) method is One of useful methods for analyzing linear time-invariant networks.
134. Fault type, fault location, fault time and indefinite variables such as ground resistance can be obtained at the same time.
135. He gave me an indefinite answer, ie neither ` yes'nor ` no '.
136. There are four solutions of indefinite integration in paper:direct integration, the first exchangeable integration, the second exchange- able integration, parcel integration .
137. After making public apologies and admitting to his infidelity, Woods said he would "take an indefinite break from professional golf". Whether Woods will play in 2010 is still up for question.
138. This paper studies the application of identical transformation trigonometric function in indefinite integral, and hopes that it may bring some help to students in this aspect.
139. It was in line with this understanding that China supported the indefinite extension of the NPT.
140. Agents can not only be proper nouns, indefinite noun phrases, unanimated noun phrases, but also be gerunds and clauses.
141. The discourse representation theory holds that the indefinite noun phrases free variable.
142. This SBIR Phase III contract is an Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity procurement vehicle available to the U.S.Army and other U.
143. And in this study, an unified matrix solution was given based on the systems of linear indefinite equations with integral coefficients and generalized inverse matrix.
144. Early application of PET has mainly been in diagnosis of indefinite and solitary nodus of the lung.
145. He was transferred to Shoal Creek Mental Institution for an indefinite period.
146. Then, by introducing a corresponding Krein space stochastic system and applying projection and innovation analysis, the minimum of indefinite quadratic form and its existence condition are derived.
147. Raja Petra Kamaruddin, the prominent blogger, who unveiled dirt on Najib faces indefinite detention without trial.
148. The concept and the representation of music in its own 'semantics field ' are polysemantic and indefinite.
149. The Xijir Ulan tectonic melange belt is the western part of Xijr Ulan-Jinshajiang sutural zone, because study in low degree in the past, it is still indefinite.
150. John Dalton first used symbols to designate single atoms of elements, not indefinite amounts, and Jons Jacob Berzelius gave many of the current names.
151. The main loop enters an indefinite loop, waiting for events and calling callbacks, until someone calls gtk_main_quit() by closing the window.
152. In the second case, we are tracing out the impact into the indefinite future of a single, one-short change in investment.
153. In the ease of small sample or indefinite error distribution , there is a problem of unlikelihood of statistical referrer .
154. A computational problem about indefinite integral in some textbooks pointed out and gave a method to solve it.
155. But the King was still determined "never to acknowledge the independence of the Americans, and to punish their contumacy by the indefinite prolongation of a war which promised to be eternal."
156. Mr Woods has done that by announcing on his website that he is taking an "indefinite break from professional golf".
157. An interest in real estate for an infinite period of time (fee simple) or an indefinite time (life estate).
158. The writer analyzes indefinite views on criminal responsibility in China's criminalistics and holds the view that there're form definition and nature definition in criminal responsibility.
159. It might not have right at the time, but it's indefinite quantity giving it another try.




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