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单词 Two-legged
1 They proved their collective worth in the two-legged Rumbelows Cup semi-final against Manchester United.
2 He hung on desperately as it staggered two-legged across the road and then, screaming, turned and galloped into the woods.
3 Because they are human beings and not two-legged souvenirs, Aborigines do not take kindly to having their pictures taken.
4 The other model traces our two-legged walking to earlier tree-climbing, a mode of locomotion that is used by all living apes.
5 You know the two-legged funny creatures with wants, needs, desires, and maybe even a few bucks to spend.
6 The expert panel initially considered sending a two-legged humanoid but judged a "rover-type" robot more practical.
7 This two-legged model, dubbed the pod attack walker,[] featured artillery cannons and a third retractable leg used for stability during long-range weapons firing.
8 Hope, the appropriately named two-legged Maltese puppy gets around by using a specially-designed device which features wheels from a model aeroplane.
9 NASA intentionally avoided the complex, expensive business of two-legged mobility, instead fitting the robot with a single leg, designed to fit into the foot-restraints used by astronauts during EVAs.
10 The two-legged, spiky-backed, blood-sucking alien-type chupacabra all but ceased to exist, replaced by the hairless doglike animals we see today.
11 Fashion: Taking Strides Rise above the current confusion over hemline height and take the two-legged option.
12 But family therapists say that, usually, four-legged diplomats need some help from the two-legged kind to succeed.
13 Liverpool will confirm the details and fixture schedules for the two-legged tie in due course.
14 But the current killer is believed to be the planet's two-legged prime tenant and all his fuel-gulping, air-polluting, habitat-destroying, climate-changing ways.
15 He is also likely to miss out when Liverpool get their Europa League campaign underway with a two-legged fixture against Unirea Urziceni on February 18 and 25.
16 Thellos season, the Second Group Phase has been abolished in favor of a two-legged knockout round.
17 It is nonsense, to be sure; but I conceit that every two-legged creature, that I see coming near me, is about to cover me with the poisonous proceeds of its impurities.
18 The Reds still hungrily chased another goal to leave everybody thoroughly entertained and already eagerly anticipating the two-legged final with Sheffield United.
19 This clarity is essential to market yourself and synchronizes yourself with other two-legged intellectuals like you.
20 Its bones and teeth suggest it may represent a population of two-legged carnivores that survived in the Antarctic long after other predators took over elsewhere on the globe.
21 Unveiled in 1996, P2 possessed most of Asimo's walking skills - including the ability to climb stairs - making it, as Honda puts it "the first self-regulating, two-legged humanoid walking robot."
22 This season, the Second Group Phase has been abolished in favor of a two-legged knockout round.
23 This will come as a shock to many Brits, who pride themselves on loving their four-legged friends a lot more than their two-legged neighbours.
24 Stumpy the Kangaroo, a resident of the sanctuary of the International Kangaroo Society (which is, curiously, in Ohio), lost a leg, a disastrous injury for a two-legged mammal.




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