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单词 Motivation
1. Jack is an intelligent pupil, but he lacks motivation.
2. Many of the boys have very poor motivation.
3. Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.
4. Increased motivation is more than an incidental benefit of reward schemes.
5. Money is my motivation.
6. They lack the motivation to study.
7. Being a teacher needs a high level of motivation.
8. What was the motivation for the attack?
9. He's intelligent enough but he lacks motivation.
10. What was your motivation for becoming a teacher?
11. Escape can be a strong motivation for travel.
12. What is the motivation behind this sudden change?
13. There seems to be a lack of motivation among the staff.
14. The motivation for the decision is the desire to improve our service to our customers.
15. Such measures are likely to result in decreased motivation of the workforce.
16. Organizations have an interest in ensuring that employee motivation is high.
17. Gross's skill in motivation looked in doubt when his side began the second half badly.
18. The motivation behind the decision is the desire to improve our service to our customers.
19. He admitted a lack of motivation and a feeling of sloth.
20. Motivation is the kick-start you need to succeed at work.
21. There is suspicion about the motivation behind the changes we are debating.
22. Most people said that pay was their main motivation for working.
23. Motivation to learn must come from the child; it cannot be artificially imposed.
24. His biggest challenge with this unit will be motivation.
25. Successful motivation depends on emphasising positive tangible benefits.
26. Success doesn't come from motivation. It comes from inspiration. RVM 
27. Motivation is a reflection of position within the hierarchy.
28. Unless you are trying to lose weight to please yourself,[Sentence dictionary] it's going to be tough to keep your motivation level high.
29. He's a bright enough student - he just lacks motivation.
30. By this time the children had lost all their motivation for writing poetry.
1. Jack is an intelligent pupil, but he lacks motivation.
2. Many of the boys have very poor motivation.
3. Unless you are trying to lose weight to please yourself, it's going to be tough to keep your motivation level high.
4. Increased motivation is more than an incidental benefit of reward schemes.
5. Money is my motivation.
6. Motivation to learn must come from the child; it cannot be artificially imposed.
31. That means it is essentially political in motivation.
32. Competition is a rude yet effective motivation. Toba Beta 
33. Motivation for learning is viewed as external.
34. What a sceptical or defeatist system needs is motivation.
35. Parental motivation came from high earnings.
36. What better motivation to follow a low-fat diet? 7.
37. It's vital to keep momentum and motivation going.
38. This provides still stronger motivation to seek new markets.
39. No desire, no motivation, no success. Dr T.P.Chia 
40. However, it is well known that the motivation of the person concerned is an important ingredient in successful independence.
41. The striving to become an effective member of society is part of the motivation that activates development of the personality.
42. How far is it affected by motivation, by a clear sense of purpose, as with the microwave ovens?
42. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
43. She believed that the motivation to lose weight could only come from people bottoming out emotionally.
44. In general, illiteracy and lack of motivation militate against reliability of figures from Third World countries.
45. The bird is powered by its own life and by its motivation. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam 
46. Once the motivation to stop arises, it is not so difficult to kick the habit.
47. But this all gets mixed up with motivation too: the horse must be motivated to learn.
48. Both motivation and emotion will be analysed as processes concerned with the control of human action.
49. Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. Jim Rohn 
50. The North have both the motivation and the coordination behind the scrum to brush aside a rebuilt Midlands team.
51. One motivation for the reform was the perceived disincentive to labour market participation generated by the current benefit rules.
52. Motivation can be increased in another way - by introducing credits for library instruction courses.
53. Learners are always given tasks to do whilst listening which encourages motivation and gives them a reason to listen.
54. A highly motivated individual, it is argued, will perform better than one with a low level of motivation.
55. The number of errors is heavily influenced by motivation of the staff.
56. Mr Greenspan is famously hard to interpret, and the motivation for his rate cut will no doubt remain unclear for now.
57. However, each also needs a strong measure of motivation to provide friendly and responsive customer service.
58. However, others saw a commercial rather than a political motivation behind the sale.
59. There will always be exceptions to this classification of factors influencing motivation.
60. My own initial year of literacy work confirms for me the presence of a limitless degree of motivation.
61. But the motivation behind it was an earnest bitterness at the hollowness of success.
62. For such clients, setting intermediate goals increases the chances of initial success, which will keep their motivation up.
63. Such models comprise theoretical constructs of variables which are interrelated, and significant in influencing the outcome of a purchase motivation.
64. Meeting others in the same position, having a chat with friends about dieting endeavours, these things help to maintain motivation.
65. The motivation issue is not an easy one to discuss, since it is an item which is seldom adequately defined.
66. Although his verbal craftsmanship deserves high praise, we do wonder about his motivation.
67. The Government's prime motivation is to carry out an act of revenge on coal miners and coal mining communities.
68. Theories of motivation A number of theories are built upon some conception of human nature.
69. To start the process of formulating goals you need to ask yourself some fundamental questions about your own motivation.
70. The stronger the desire, the greater the motivation. The stronger the motivation, the greater the achievement. Dr T.P.Chia 
71. Such interests, unique to the individual child, often reflect disequilibrium and are affectively charged sources of motivation.
72. A sense of inferiority affects the motivation of a child to learn.
73. Streetwise keeps students' motivation strong ... Teenage students at intermediate level can easily become bored and frustrated.
74. The first dilemma has been discussed: the managers gradually learned that their subordinates varied extensively in skill and motivation.
75. This should provide evidence of interest and motivation in as many areas as possible of art, craft,[http:///motivation.html] design and architecture.
76. Fat calipers, motivation tapes, an exercise video, and some recipes pad out her product.
77. Vision is the parent of motivation. The foundation of courage, and the fuel of persistence. Dr T.P.Chia 
78. Proper training of food handlers has a vital role in improving their morale and motivation and ensuring that standards are met.
79. She stated that the company was providing the best possible working environment and Paul was responsible for his attitude and motivation.
80. That motivation disappeared when it was discovered that the universe is expanding.
81. Economic constraints or limitations can be overcome given a sufficiently high motivation to do well by the individual entrepreneur.
82. One of the clearest messages from our Cellulite Roadshow was lack of motivation scuppered most peoples plans.
83. They give us something to do, some motivation and measure of control during a period otherwise fraught with anxiety and apprehension.
84. The central reason that this was not enough is to do with his motivation.
85. We consider their initial motivation for management and then follow as they evolve a new professional identity and managerial character.
86. Is there anything distinctive about motivation and morale within the public sector?
87. Our measurements at those focal points soon began to reflect the power of motivation, pride, and commitment.
88. Must Aegisth tote a live snake for us to realize that lust was the motivation for the murder of Agamemnon?
89. Can universal day-care programs provide the specific love, motivation, and discipline that a particular child needs?
90. The high motivation, skills and adaptability of the new arrivals create social tensions that will be expressed in economic jealousy.
91. Motivation is therefore a causal relationship between effort expended, the performance attained and the reward related to the performance.
92. Performance and Motivation Deep emotions and anxieties emerge during periods of fundamental change.
93. Watson discusses the meaning of work and separates motivation to work into intrinsic and extrinsic satisfactions.
94. Behavioural theorists add that tall structures impose rigid supervision and control and therefore block initiative and ruin the motivation of subordinates.
95. Its cavalier treatment of human system factors produces alienation and stifles motivation.
96. The motivation and enjoyment from this activity had been pupil centred.
97. That manifested itself in a lack of motivation and commitment in the work force.
98. Kitcher deals with the motivation of creationists: evolution contradicts the early chapters of Genesis.
99. They had to distinguish between problems because of a lack of ability from those of a lack of motivation.
100. All this when her only motivation was to go the extra mile under all circumstances.
101. It is natural for some people to carry a slightly heavier load because of ability, experience, motivation or pride.
102. The unforced pace builds children's confidence and keeps their motivation strong.
103. Delegated authority without a meaningful consultation process would spell disaster for teacher morale, motivation,[] commitment and hence effectiveness.
104. It posed a challenge both to her religious motivation and her feminist principles.
105. This chemical has several important functions, including regulating motivation, mood and movement.
106. Of course motivation is not permanent. But then, neither is bathing; but it is something you should do on a regular basis. Zig Ziglar 
107. Motivation is the fuel, necessary to keep the human engine running. Zig Ziglar 
108. Site visits can awaken motivation, and pupils learn by direct experiences which are not dependent on reading ability.
109. Underlying these questions are contextual issues of relevance and motivation.
110. None the less the motivation for it would come increasingly from the scholarship roles of the sociologists in society.
111. Losses in speed and agility are compensated by greater experience(), concentration and motivation.
112. The duke's motivation is one of the most controversial aspects of the period.
113. The motivation of the already infected is altruism, the desire not to infect others.
114. Murdoch's motivation was simply profit, and his cynical attitude had already led to a mass exodus of high-minded journalists.
115. Business understands that continual criticism and complaint are not conducive to high motivation, high productivity and high quality.
116. Love, then, stands supreme as the more excellent motivation for the manifestation of spiritual gifts.
117. Lacking familial motivation and psychological stability, he can not persist responsibly at work even when he can find it.
118. An important feature of McGregor's approach is that it shows how management assumptions are important in determining motivation and morale.
119. And each week around 80 demonstrators from the region meet in Middlesbrough to get a motivation injection.
120. The clear, lively illustrations in full colour add to children's motivation.
121. Desire is the key that unlocks the door to motivation, courage, determination, excellence and action. Dr T.P.Chia 
122. For some fathers, the motivation to be involved with their children has powerful psychological roots.
123. The activities of the business partners provide other sources of instruction and motivation for students besides those provided by teachers.
124. Poverty generally increases the motivation to offend and diminishes resources available for investigation and crime prevention.
125. A number of models exist which can help to develop a conceptual framework to explain motivation at work.
126. It also helps to answer the familiar question about adult motivation.
127. The characters are one-dimensional, and none of the action is faithful to any psychological motivation.
128. He possessed no sense of reverence for the giant fish and wanted to kill them all without Understanding his primitive motivation.
129. Providing this atmosphere gives the learner the motivation to go ahead and to try to achieve still more.
130. Proving that I could do it, and do it well, was finally my sole motivation when I began my exams.
131. Olson's early work laid particular emphasis on individual behaviour and motivation.
132. Although they do not provide the real experience, they aid and increase understanding and motivation. 3.
132. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
133. She may lack motivation to increase knowledge and improve skills, and appear uninterested.
134. But Merseyside and Manchester both proved last week that it is possible to concoct high drama without substituting motivation for mutilation.
135. We shall be concerned with a number of general questions about motivation and morale: 1.
136. The model is developed from research they have conducted into the relationship between job characteristics, motivation, and job satisfaction.
137. This is Gurr's full theoretical and comparative statement on the motivation for violent political conflict.
138. We can measure productivity but with motivation we can only make certain assumptions that improved motivation may lead to improved performance.
139. It requires motivation towards making new connections as a way of resolving existing ambiguity.
140. The mutual dependence of profitability and growth, as we will see, makes the assessment of management motivation particularly problematical.
141. Self motivation, initiative, excellent written and verbal communication skills and attention to detail will, however, be vital.
142. It discovered that social problems-issues of motivation, attitude, and expectations-were a greater obstacle than lack of programs.
143. Of motivation to get good grades in school or to be a good cook?
144. The motivation was there and forms part of the picture, but it is not dominant.
145. Rewarding performance Motivation is a choice to channel energy into certain activities in the expectation that valued goals will be rewarded.
146. Assessing the magnitude of these conflicting variables and their impact on management motivation is clearly problematical.
147. Desire is the first and most important ingredient of powerful motivation, and powerful motivation is essential to success.
148. We have always argued that the main motivation for government funding of research should be wealth creation.
149. The principal motivation for this comparison is to help decisions about the allocation of health care resources.
150. Much of what we do in teaching is based upon faith in the power of external motivation.
151. Those who say – "I need motivation" will never create inspiration that will take them to their destination. RVM 
152. This last has always to be measured in terms of numbers, and can take no account of degree of motivation.
153. Kerry aides Thursday denied there was any political motivation behind sending it.
154. It is considered that the self concept and the values a manager holds are of central importance in understanding motivation.
155. The logical impenetrability of the administration's calculations at Camp David inevitably fuels speculation about the motivation for convening it.
156. This finding is echoed in one study of job motivation among industrial employees.
157. Does the Minister not understand why there is suspicion about the motivation behind the changes that we are debating?
158. This also gives a good opportunity to educate about diet and test that knowledge in practical terms as well as enhancing motivation to comply.
159. Character as a Criterion Character is the motivation behind right actions: Responsibility is a desirable character attribute.
160. These determinants include motivation, culture, social class, the family and so on.
161. There is no clear theoretical model to explain the relationship between motivation, job satisfaction and performance.
162. These differentials give us important clues about the motivation and causes of the fertility decline.
163. These transmitters modulate many of the functions impaired by depression - sleep, appetite, motivation,[http:///motivation.html] pleasure and so on.
164. As with all learning, motivation is the key to success.
165. Does motivation vary between individuals and between different types of occupations? 6.
166. Motivation is heightened, factual knowledge increased, and opinions may be modified.
167. Stale images cancel one's perception and deviate one's motivation.
168. Luxury consumption is always connected with motivation of flaunt.
169. That was the motivation to bring home the bacon.
170. When positive transformation occurs, the criminal motivation is repressed.
171. What is the motivation for utilizing supercritical fluid technology?
172. To the employee's motivation is the insurance premium discount.
173. Distinguish between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation.
174. These deplete and destroy motivation.
175. The motivation of sperm donors varies.
176. New moon motivation is among them an IDC company.
177. The motivation is simple: the desire to intensify competition.
178. Study tips: Your mutable motivation brings adaptability.
179. But Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue denied any military motivation.
180. Manages the Sales force through training, motivation, and appropriate compensation policy.
181. Study motivation has inspiriting function, directional function and intensifying function.
182. As soon as you start to slack off, their satisfaction and motivation decreases.
183. Stock option motivation is an effective motivation method for our country software enterprise.
184. Chinese consumers are beginning to recognize good coffee, too, spurring interest and motivation among growers.
185. The identity, motivation and methods of Chinese hackers are rarely traceable.
186. After the alternation, motivation effects on peasant household are also weakened.
187. Chapter IV analyzes the reform the United States government regulation of the background and motivation.
188. Analysis of autologous blood donor motivation . [ comment ] .
189. A sound structure of Corporate Governance consists of restraint mechanism and motivation mechanism.
190. They a goal is identified as unreachable and lead to a decline in motivation.
191. The air element of gemini brings communication, intellect and speed. your mutable motivation brings adaptability.
192. The motivation of Soviet jewry living before 20 century 70 s is firstly reviewed.
193. Creating a healthy company culture aiming at high morale and employee motivation.
194. Additionally, an external threat may vary in motivation[], which could also indicate different security measures.
195. The CEO gave board a lot of motivation to legislate new laws.
196. Maintain your motivation by listening to or reading inspirational material each day.
197. Abstract: Luxury consumption is always connected with motivation of flaunt.
198. Skills: Communication skills; Power of execution; Motivation & coaching skills.
199. M is for motivation, self - discipline and spurring yourself on as well as motivating people to excel.
200. Chapter One will explicate the researcher's motivation and offers the orientation of this thesis.
201. The Air element of Gemini brings communication, intellect and speed. Your mutable motivation brings adaptability.
202. Certainly, Chaplin's artistry was unparalleled, so whatever his motivation, we are thankful.
203. Teaching willingness has an intervening effect between learning motivation and learning satisfaction.
204. Most importantly, which kind of motivation produces the best software?
205. The carrot - and - stick theory of motivation works reasonably well under certain circumstances.
206. Motivation provides learners with the impetus andintentions and goal - seeking acts.
207. That is to say, motivation is unimportant factor affecting performance level.
208. This is why an understanding of motivation is so important to leadership and managership.
209. The altruistic motivation of the artist and sponsor is essential to the creation of mandala.
210. Lincoln eloquently the point what I'm trying to make: motivation, concept and implementation.
211. It provided the motivation for controlling smoke and dust emission from industrial plant.
212. All of these companies have ample motivation to move into China.
213. I should leave, how to turn that feeling into me ascensive motivation?
214. This subliminal session to increase your motivation is meant for general purposes.
215. Cognitive factors may mediate the influence of social support on academic motivation.
216. Antithetical to arbitrariness is non - arbitrariness,[http:///motivation.html] which includes motivation and iconicity.
217. Motivation Forces that energize, direct, and sustain a person's efforts.
218. The limbic association area integrates information relating to affect, motivation, and emotion.
219. In a slip of the tongue the schemer exposed his true motivation.
220. Enterprise's subculture environment has been evidently causing negative influence on students learning motivation. "




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