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单词 foreign
释义  for·eign /ˈfɒrɪn $ ˈfɔː-, ˈfɑː-/ ●●● S3 W1 adjective  1  FOREIGNfrom or relating to a country that is not your own 外国的,国外的 foreign students 外国学生 Can you speak any foreign languages? 你会讲外语吗? the success of foreign companies in various industries 外国公司在各行业的成功 I thought she sounded foreign. 我觉得她说话像外国人。 transactions in foreign currencies 外汇买卖2  [only before noun]FOREIGN involving or dealing with other countries 对外的,涉外的,外事的,外交的 OPP domestic America’s foreign policy 美国的对外政策foreign investment/trade etc Foreign competition provides consumers with a greater variety of goods. 来自国外的竞争为消费者提供了更丰富的商品。 our budget for foreign aid (=financial help to countries in need) 我们的对外援助预算 the Chinese Foreign Minister 中国外交部长3  be foreign to somebody formal a) STRANGEto seem strange to someone as the result of not being known or understood 是某人不熟悉的 SYN be alien to somebody The language of finance is quite foreign to me. 金融用语我相当生疏。 b) TYPICALto be not typical of someone’s usual character 并非某人的本性 Aggression is completely foreign to his nature. 争强好胜绝不是他的本性。4  foreign body/matter/object formalDIFFERENT a piece of dirt, glass, or other material that has got inside something, especially someone’s body, and that should not be there 异物,外来物体 cells that are designed to attack and destroy foreign bodies 负责攻击并摧毁异物的细胞 —foreignness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusforeign• The budget calls for cuts in foreign aid.• Toyota is the leading foreign car company.• The tour went through seven foreign countries in two weeks.• The reserves are composed of convertible foreign currencies, gold and International Monetary Fund special drawing rights.• International investment involves the added dimension of dealing in foreign currencies, providing the opportunity for additional profits.• Some of the hotels accept foreign currency.• efforts to increase foreign investment• "Journey of Hope" won the Oscar in 1991 for best foreign-language film.• The soldier threatens me in a foreign language, so that his precise meaning is lost but his hostility is coruscating.• There was no address, and the writing was in a foreign language.• Can you speak a foreign language?• America's foreign policy• The value of foreign trade fell by 8 percent.foreign aid• It has not much increased funds for the military or for foreign aid.• The development of the continent is now dependent on foreign aid.• The elements which are essential in most conservation policies are often contradicted by the limitations and objectives of foreign aid.• The governments of developing countries construct huge projects through foreign aid and investment.• They could simply ship the necessary drugs to sick people in the poor world as part of their overall foreign aid effort.• Few foreign aid workers have dared to venture into Helmund province.• Five foreign aid workers were murdered and others came under fire.• The United Nations said it was considering evacuating foreign aid workers.Origin foreign (1200-1300) Old French forein, from Latin foris “outside”for·eign adjectiveChineseSyllable  or Corpus a own your country is that not relating to from




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