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单词 Twisting
1. The old peasant is twisting pieces of straw into a rope.
2. A snake was twisting around his arm.
3. The newspaper was accused of twisting the facts.
4. She was still twisting about in pain.
5. I didn't say that! You're twisting my words around!
6. Romantic chateaux and castles overlook the river's twisting course.
7. I didn't say that!You're twisting my words round!
8. Those children have been twisting the wreath off again.
8. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
9. The sweet peas are twisting up the canes.
10. The rhododendrons encroached ever more on the twisting drive.
11. You're twisting my words - that's not what I said at all.
12. She was staring down at her hands, twisting the ring on her finger.
13. After twisting and turning for a while, he managed to wriggle free.
14. She sat there nervously twisting the ring around on her finger.
15. Rosie said with that upper lip twisting in scorn.
16. One more tumbling, twisting trip sailing through the air.
17. Their bodies jerked up and down, twisting and jumping.
18. The distaff whirled, twisting the threads.
19. He fell across the wall, twisting, face up.
20. Dream Shakes, twisting layups, tough rebounds, key steals.
21. She knew every inch of its twisting rambling passageways, every tree in its old lovely garden.
22. He walked, his pace swift, down the twisting path, then hesitated where it veered off to the staff-cabins.
23. A twisting road led down into the bushes, and the Doctor set off down it.
24. Twisting in the cramped space, he got on his knees and leaned forward, bringing his head down to her bosom.
25. I thought she was just standing there twisting the neck of this duck.
26. He pulled down, twisting around to follow the line attached to his belt.
27. Care is needed when loading the roll to prevent twisting or kinking the film.
28. The old motels capitalized on regional pride and kitsch, cheerfully twisting their neon signs into oddball shapes.
29. Susan intuited that the Dream was evolving fast, recasting its inhabitants, twisting its externals.
30. The walk began by following a track which climbed steeply up a narrow, twisting valley.
1. The old peasant is twisting pieces of straw into a rope.
2. I didn't say that! You're twisting my words around!
3. Those children have been twisting the wreath off again.
31. Bailey converted again, with a twisting, spinning six-footer, and the Bruins had finally found some offensive rhythm.
32. Mossy boulders, strangely twisting tree roots and little streams splashing over stones are my delight.
33. She was fiddling self-consciously with her wedding ring, twisting it around below her knuckle.
34. I grabbed his wrist, twisting the hand away from my face.
35. She turns the water to steam and frees the light inside her, twisting and turning in a sparkling, spinning column.
36. The torch is switched on by twisting the head and you can choose between either a narrow or wide beam.
37. Most significantly in the short range, it could leave 49ers' offensive tackle Steve Wallace twisting in the wind.
38. Imagine three spiral staircases starting from the ground 120 degrees apart in plan view,[] and twisting round one another!
39. When she came downstairs, Nicholas was waiting in the hall, his hands twisting together.
40. The boy stroked the girl's side, twisting the walkman lead around his fingers in a one-handed cat's cradle.
41. You can easily make the curls by twisting gold gift tie and sticking it into the cake.
42. Two teachers using a system called Hwarang-do applying a combined neck strangulation and head twisting technique.
43. Isabel screamed again, twisting her head from side to side, catapulted brutally into panic-stricken hysteria.
44. There was a mild breeze twisting up the canyons, switching back and forth across the mesa.
45. Push the pipe into place with a slight twisting motion.
46. And now the old baggage was twisting everything; building something out of nothing.
47. There are splendid views of this great alpine barrier to the south from the twisting road between Urnerboclen and Linthal.
48. He had been driving along the twisting mountain roads when he'd crashed; that much she knew.
49. We followed a stream up Salubrious Passage before squeezing ourselves through a small twisting passage to bring us back above ground.
50. Twisting and turning, roiling and churning, the core and mantle were impinging on one another continually.
51. A false statement is a lie. Someone who is good at twisting the truth is a lair. Dr T.P.Chia 
52. The twisting of the chain into a helix is a large number of small twists by the individual amino acids.
53. At advanced stages of learning the student mounts his attacks in twisting, spiralling movements.
54. From here another narrow twisting road begins which runs the length of the Duddon valley.
55. How about a toaster that clicked because you activated it by twisting a taut timer dial?
56. Ever since I was a teenager, I have had the bad habit of pulling and twisting my hair.
57. Back in the main town, we explored twisting alleys which eventually led us to the old Frankish quarter.
58. The stem is circular in section, with a twisting, grooved design.
59. The lean wind grips him, twisting and pulling his hair.
60. Low branching and twisting then produces bundles of diverging and spreading fibrils which eventually fill out into the characteristic spherical structure.
61. The boy was twisting one side of his face in grotesque imitation of his grandfather.
62. They were spread over a wide expanse of riverbank, back at the twisting curling Shannon river once more.
63. My hands needed to stay still, with my wrists twisting up and down after each stroke to flatten out the oars.
64. And in the end a wadi appeared, a narrow, twisting gap that could protect them.
65. Cops gripping those billy clubs, one hand at each end, twisting hard.
66. The faceless presence, thrashing and twisting like a hooked shark, was drawn to its doom.
67. The quote was recorded six months before Dall was shoved aside by Ranieri to be left twisting in the wind by Gutfreund.
68. About 4,000 people marched along the twisting country road to the site,[http:///twisting.html] led by a traditional pipe band in full regalia.
69. He kept twisting himself on to the side of his affected lung, but did not wake when I altered his position.
70. Then she was twisting the handle and discovering Oliver was not home.
71. Twice in the morning he left the field, limping and in pain after twisting his knee.
72. Installing the twist anchors and screwing down the decking should prevent a problem with twisting.
73. Unfortunately he added to his list of injuries by twisting an ankle on landing.
74. It tends to go on strike by pulling a muscle or twisting a joint.
75. And every day of those five weeks has been a knife slowly twisting in a wound.
76. The people came from Bosanska Gradiska, 35 miles away on a twisting, tortuous track through the Snake Mountains.
77. Dust-wreathed propellers turn overhead, twisting and turning the grime of centuries into the crannies of the moulded ceiling.
78. This helps to avoid twisting an ankle when stalking these animals on the rocky terrain they favour.
79. Watch out for the internal grab ring - it's sharp! Push the pipe into place with a slight twisting motion.
80. He screamed with pain, dropping the jacket, twisting around to see Luke swinging his arm back and over.
81. Paths pottered through the site like the twisting streets of medieval hill towns.
82. The shear properties of polymers, however, are primarily determined by the wriggling, bending and twisting of the chains.
83. He'd spent a long time twisting bits of wire together and finding a safe way to steal electricity from the fusebox.
84. The wiry Estrada flashes a partially capped smile as she gratefully recalls her first maquila job twisting electrical wires with latex-tipped fingers.
85. The townspeople pulled at his arms and legs, twisting, kicking, punching.
86. She sat there, eyes glowing, twisting her handkerchief into a tight knot.
87. Cybil was twisting Paw-paw so that the lower half of the body was doing the hula.
88. Waist twisting exercises: these limber up all the muscles in the upper body and thighs.
89. Nor did I complain when he kept me awake, twisting and turning, sighing and moaning.
90. It is a giant squid, its long tentacles twisting about like huge snakes.
91. She stretched open her mouth, screamed, then spewed out the great twisting branch.
92. The blue rose on stubby wings, twisting acrobatically to slip the blow.
93. Once inside, one would go endlessly along its twisting paths without ever finding the exit.
94. They went down to the water's edge and Gran poked with her stick, mouth twisting in on itself.
95. He straightened up, twisting the silken threads, running them through his fingers.
96. Susan managed to free her right hand from her attacker with a violent twisting movement.
97. Work in a well-ventilated space Push the pipe quickly into the fitting, twisting slightly.
98. All through the night he lay awake, twisting and writhing, and moaning in low desperate tones.
98. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
99. Unwanted movement and twisting is prevented by a connecting Kevlar bar.
100. Underfoot, ice forms sharp peaks and treacherous crevices for slipping, tripping and twisting ankles.
101. Twisting your wrists forwards, turn your hands upside down so that your palms face upwards and your thumbs point away from you. 9.
102. The road was narrow and twisting, the surface frequently broken, and left unrepaired for years because of the war.
103. Intense heat had melted and buckled the twisting frame that caught fire.
104. The delicious smell was twisting his simple mind into knots of ravening hunger.
105. I just hoped that all that flexing and twisting of the hull would not burst the 3, 000 rattan lashings.
106. Southworth closed the accounts book, a smile of satisfaction twisting his lips.
107. Martin put a couple of slick fakes on cornerback Larry Brown, turning and twisting him every which way.
108. I watch my gloved hand twisting the doorknob.
109. That the twisting kaleidoscope, moves us all in turn.
110. Rope is made by twisting threads together.
111. To form by twisting intertwining, or interlacing.
112. The trucks climbed the twisting mountain road.
113. Turning the page here is like twisting a kaleidoscope.
114. This is a warren of narrow twisting old streets.
115. Make a twisting motion with one hand as you slide it up and down, and swirl your tongue around the rim of the head, paying particular attention to the frenulum.
116. Dazzling visual effects, gem explosions and twisting diamonds spice up the game experience.
117. Paradox Realm: A temporary Realm created by a huge backlash of Paradox, wherein a mage must unravel the bizarre twisting of the universe to escape.
118. A principle and method are presented which are applied to measure twisting moment and rotation velocity with the help of microcomputer.
119. Ikopi are fleet-footed ungulates native to the swamps and forests of Naboo. The sturdy - legged animals have golden coats of short fur, and grow a crown of twisting antlers.
120. My favorite was a twisting turnaround bank shot that Bryant executed more than once in the six-game series.
121. Larvae are active, that is disturbed when twisting, back, roll down, or droop silking.
122. Carefully placing the coins back in the jar and twisting on the cap, she slipped out the back door and made her way six blocks to the pharmacy with the big red Indian Chief sign above the door.
123. Old World woodpecker with a peculiar habit of twisting the neck.
124. Repeated twisting, awkward postures, and heavy lifting can all contribute to back pain and injury.
125. Television commercials showed kids twisting apart Oreo cookies, licking the cream center and dipping the chocolate cookie halves into a glass of milk.
126. The dog sprang to the middle of the road and began leaping and twisting in circles.
127. Fire your jet - spray to drench your babe as she races through twisting turns and spirals!
128. The first main products: twisting products. cation lattice series, seersucker, Chiffon, crepe GGT, spandex satin, pearl hemp, Jiali yarn, muddle, small jacquard products.
129. The towing device is installed between twisting device and cutting device, to tow the steel bar.
130. Twisting tongue was the recessive heredity of single gene of autosome, and the non-twisting type was the dominant character.
131. The no load twisting moment measuring instrument of ball lead screw is introduced in the paper.
132. Thus, when we calculate the interior force of sheet, we mainly calculate bending moment and twisting moment.
133. No maintaining measures such as lubrication and twisting moment is needed, so the maintenance cost is decreased.
134. That fidgety girl keeps twisting her fingers and shaking her feet.
135. These ideas are favored because such actions required up-and-down motions of the arm, and fossil evidence indicates that the dino king was incapable of rotating or twisting its arms.
136. You sit around twisting the facts to suit your inbred theories.
137. Auto - lock - Spring - loaded , twisting mechanism on a karabiner gate that locks by itself when the gate is closed.
138. Testicular torsion is the twisting of a testicle on its spermatic cord.
139. Pain, twisting my weak XinBi a wilted flower, by wind.
140. Heel cap : Should be anatomically shaped, padded but firm, preventing foot from twisting over.
141. Mr. Martinez moved around and up the poll with the athleticism of an accomplished gymnast, twisting, turning and pivoting with balletic grace.
142. Otherwise I couldn't heard facial muscles of the Styx ferryman twisting...
143. No turning or twisting would avoid this dead end to which she had come.
144. The plane curved beam theory with rectangular section is employed to explore the bending and twisting coupling vibration characteristics.
145. This strange Malaysian gastropod has a shell that defies the standard laws of shell twisting.
146. I asked him to sit down and he, after balking a second, sat quietly in the chair with his hands sandwiched by two legs, nervously twisting his fingers.
147. Under that tree, the statue, twisting his fortitude handsome face, a wriggler.
148. So the calculation of the proportion of twisting moment between the front bar and back bar is based on an accurate calculation.
149. The tentacle was now some way across the room, twisting and turning with queer sudden movements.
150. Either of two small Old World woodpeckers(Jynx torquilla or J. ruficollis), having a sharply pointed bill and the habit of twisting the head and neck into contortions .
151. Shilong a hole twisting, natural scute , Long are tired of red, brilliant.
152. The aim of it is the problem of screw twisting, nail pulling and screw twisting and ice plane.
153. After the instrument is demarcated, it can be used to measure the no load twisting moment of the ball lead screw and its variation.
154. But for unknown reasons, in the remaining cases the twisting did not presage a flare.
155. Masidun is a utensil used when twisting hempen threads in old times.
156. He began to rock again, and Michaelis stood twisting the leash in his hand.
157. Blade Twisting: The delay on the daze effect has been reduced.
158. Compared with the prior art, the utility model has the characteristics of multifunction, large twisting moment[ ], various application modes and long service life.
159. Digging is done by forcing the borer into the ground and twisting the handle.
160. A general model is developed to analyze drill string vibration considering the coupled relations between longitudinal vibration, lateral vibration, and twisting vibration.
161. Reorganization and reformation of petroleum industry is a arm twisting behavior of system revolution.
162. Patients with generalized dystonia grapple with involuntary muscle spasms that lead to uncontrolled twisting and turning in awkward, sometimes painful postures.
163. As in all twists, the twisting action of Bharadvajasana begins in your pelvis, from your pubic bone, and moves upward.
164. I imagined it infinite, made not only of eight-sided pavilions and of twisting paths but also of rivers, provinces and kingdoms...
165. Methods: The analgesic effects were assessed by hot-plate test in mice and twisting response induced by ethanoic acid in mice.
166. But after strong arm - twisting by Mr Kerry and others, Mr Karzai capitulated at a news conference.
167. They brought him out of the hills over the twisting narrow passes.
168. The results showed that severe twisting of vermicular graphite is caused not by the effects of modifying elements, but by the interaction of graphite and austenite.
169. Is it possible to be partners when one side conducts internal and foreign policy through diktat and arm twisting, while the other values democratic persuasion?
170. The utility model discloses a skidder capable of removing snow, which is used for removing snow twisting, drawing, etc.
171. Suzuki opened the seventh with a twisting shot to left-center field, but Hideki Matsui snagged it in front of the warning track .
172. The red roofs, narrow and twisting streets are unique characteristics of Porto.
173. I decide compose oneself, discover that car is twisting tango to leave ahead.
174. At present, some criminological researchers quote classics while twisting the author's meaning, "transform" classical works, and mislead readers.
175. This is an example of cecal volvulus. Volvulus is a twisting of the bowel.
176. Compared with other populations, the Bouyei nationality has a lower frequency of rolling, twisting and pointed tongue.
177. Learn about twisting colors for a candy cane ornament when making hand-blown glass ornaments for Christmas in this free holiday video.
178. The invention discloses a low-tension yarn unwinding device of a double-twist spindle, which belongs to the technical field of twisting devices in textile machinery.
179. At the funfair, near the ghost train , the marshmallow twister is twisting.
180. Servo motor control set - inch delivery line, cutting around the end or back-end- a peeling bark James twisting line tin automatic machines.
181. It is pointed that design principle and processing principium for stable twisting moment tapping machine. And reliability of the construct is confirmed through testing of self made tapping machine.
182. A new study reveals that dragline silk, the stuff spiders use to rappel, has a molecular structure that makes it resilient to twisting.
183. Perfectly spaced gear increments allow the vehicle to go from strength to strength on the open road, and they give you complete control when negotiating twisting roads or uneven, loose surfaces.
184. Twisting languidly through the sky towards the horizon, this is one of Nature's most stunning - and rarest - displays.
185. After 400 pages of misbehavior, Bushnell still declines to reform her characters, twisting the plot once more just when another writer would have gone straight.
186. Twisting arises in boards through the presence of spiral or interlocking grain.
187. It lands, twisting back on itself almost like a snake-- Zuleika gathers for a leap as-- Quaritch raises the gatling gun and-- The manticore launches at him and-- P-P-P-POOM!!
188. The twisting architectural structure, together with the courtyard and airhead garden,[http://] yields varied space effect.
189. A ballast intended to be supported only by rigid metal conduit, a fixture stud, or similar devices shall comply with the requirements in Section 18, Pullout, Bending, and Twisting Tests.
190. For this problem is equivalent to the bending of a rectangular cantilever plate by a twisting moment at the free end.
191. Does twisting the leftmost knob turn on the left-front burner, or does it turn on the left-rear burner?
192. For those with arthritic or rheumatic conditions, side - bending and twisting postures should be gentle and modified.
193. Try twisting a skewer through the sides of a balloon instead of the ends. What happens?
194. The car climbed a twisting stretch of road through solid dogwood.
195. The twisting balancing rod is used lifting weight of the cop - building mechanism of ring spinning frame.
196. The course emphasizes on the explanation about the basic principle of the twisting destabilization and the crankle destabilization.
197. Objective To raise the ability to diagnose and cure testicle twisting.
198. And back in the Victorian days they had these cool armillary globes, with the planets twisting around on little brass rings.
199. Carefully placing the coins back in the jar and twisting on the cap, she slipped out the back door and made her way 6 blocks to Rexall's Drug Store with the big red Indian Chief sign above the door.
200. On the basis of the analysis of the twisting vibration of rotary sucher-rod string, a formula of calculating every harmonic vibration eigenfrequency is presented.
201. Sometimes she tried to sit up and fell back and began twisting again.
202. There are still lifes, ships on bumpy seas, country scenes, twisting rivers and abstract shapes.
203. Below our fields, twisting and winding, ran the clear blue waters of the Illinois River.
204. The flexibility is all in the wing and it bends without twisting.
205. After jumping about on the carpet and twisting the human frame into uncomfotable positions, I sat down at the breakfast table in an.
206. Lace: Ornamental openwork fabric formed by the looping, interlacing, braiding, or twisting of threads, originally primarily of linen.
207. She had a way of stamping she foot and twisting her hands in her pinafore ...
208. The function of analgesia of the Oral Rehydration of Ophidic Distille is tested by the method of twisting the mouse, radiating the mouse, trigeminus electronic of rats.
209. You broke my heart?Locking doors and twisting. Lost lock key is that I, perhaps your own.
210. But the players don't use skate, they use bobsled and hurtle down twisting course.
211. The woman resembles a volant Feng Diao, before twisting human body desire, fly, very beautiful feeling.
212. Martinez moved around and up the poll with the athleticism of an accomplished gymnast, twisting, turning and pivoting with balletic grace.
213. It is advanced equipment of communication cable factory test and repair core wire , pair twisting wire at present.
214. Designs and computations were made for major components such as twisting moment of the valve axle, neck and air jar diameter.
215. She had a way of stamping she foot and twisting her hands in her pinafore ... furious.
216. This paper has studied the theory and mathematic model of twisting machine's to-and-fro guiding-yarn and put forward a new way of servo to-and-fro guiding-yarn system and realized it.
217. Twisting tongue is the recessive heredity of single gene of autosome , while the positive type is the recessive character.
218. Using the saw with an excessive depth of cut setting increases loading on the unit and susceptibility to twisting of the blade in the kerf.
219. Universal joint, a key part of main drive system in rolling mill , has the characteristics of complicated structure and bearing impact twisting moment when working.
220. She laughed,[/twisting.html] twisting her shoulder in a horrible parody of coquetry.
221. A water snake glided smoothly up the pool, twisting its periscope head from side to side.
222. To observe the analgetic effects by means of hot plate pain model and body twisting caused by acetic acid.
223. People lean forward to move forwardlean back to reverse course , and turn by twisting the handle.
224. SH4300 type gabion mesh machine is one kind of special equipment for twisting metal wire hexagonal mesh with big wire, big mesh and wide breadth.
225. If this positioning is reversed there is a risk of the carabiner twisting and allowing the rope to escape or the carabiner to unclip itself.




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