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单词 forehead
释义  Related topics: Humanfore·head /ˈfɒrəd, ˈfɔːhed $ ˈfɔːrəd, ˈfɑː-, ˈfɔːrhed/ ●●○ noun [countable]  HBHthe part of your face above your eyes and below your hair 额,前额Examples from the Corpusforehead• His black hair was tousled, blown by the wind, shining strands of it across his brown forehead.• Estes' forehead brushed the live wire.• I kissed her forehead and her cheeks, her hair and her throat.• Joe stood at five feet, nine inches, and his hair was receding markedly from his forehead.• I pulled it off gently, so as not to wake him, moistened a handkerchief with cologne and wiped his forehead.• He pushed the pad aside, took a sip of orange juice, wiped his forehead, and went on typing.• Their faces are split by blue scars down the forehead and nose.fore·head nounChineseSyllable  face part eyes below your the your Corpus of and your above




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