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单词 Teens
1. Both my daughters are in their teens.
2. She was in her teens when she met him.
3. She came out as a lesbian in her teens.
4. She went through an identity crisis in her teens .
5. Retailers are glomming onto a new fashion among teens for outsize clothes.
6. All my children are in their teens.
7. His son is in his teens.
8. She's had skin problems since her teens.
9. His parents divorced during his teens.
10. He's in his early/mid/late teens.
11. Most people who smoke began smoking in their teens.
12. She was in her early teens.
13. Carol lost interest in ballet in her teens.
14. She began writing poetry in her teens .
15. The early teens are often a difficult age.
16. You reach puberty in your teens.
17. Though still in his teens, Tom is shrewd at a bargain.
18. He was a rebel in his teens but he's a respectable citizen these days.
19. When I was in my early teens I went through a phase of only ever wearing black.
20. Converted in his early teens, he entered the ministry in 1855.
21. I married in my late teens and was taken in by his charm — which soon vanished.
22. A high proportion of crime in any country is perpetrated by young males in their teens and twenties.
23. I have never lost the weight I put on in my teens.
24. He didn't want to share a room with his brother once he reached his teens.
25. We moved to York when I was in my early teens.
26. Since her parents died early, she had to paddle her own canoe even in her teens.
27. A high proportion of crime is perpetrated by young males in their teens and twenties.
28. Diana and Laura have been firm friends since their early teens.
29. A minority of children are sexually active before they are in their teens.
30. The signs are that indulged children tend to become unmanageable when they reach their teens.
1. Both my daughters are in their teens.
2. She was in her teens when she met him.
3. She came out as a lesbian in her teens.
4. She went through an identity crisis in her teens .
5. A high proportion of crime in any country is perpetrated by young males in their teens and twenties.
6. I have never lost the weight I put on in my teens.
7. He didn't want to share a room with his brother once he reached his teens.
8. Retailers are glomming onto a new fashion among teens for outsize clothes.
9. His son is in his teens.
10. You reach puberty in your teens.
11. Since her parents died early, she had to paddle her own canoe even in her teens.
12. Though still in his teens, Tom is shrewd at a bargain.
13. A minority of children are sexually active before they are in their teens.
31. I came out as a lesbian when I was still in my teens.
32. He's described as being in his late teens, tall, and of slim build.
33. She fell in with the wrong crowd in her teens.
34. Supporters say the program helps teens become sexually responsible.
35. But in her late teens she lost interest.
36. Weiss runs a drop-in center for runaway teens.
37. Also on the rise are repeat pregnancies among teens.
38. People tend to read Rebecca in their early teens.
39. Marijuana use by teens doubled between 1992 and 1995.
40. The sex education program encourages teens to abstain.
41. Teens are being urged to abstain from sex.
42. Teens were loitering in the parking lot.
43. Girls in their early teens are particularly vulnerable to negative influences.
44. An old wino had stopped a young man in his late teens who was carrying a huge sack of groceries.
45. In his teens,(Sentencedict) he learned to drink and swore an allegiance to the pint.
46. Dougal had officially dismissed his conscience when he was in his teens.
47. Sandy had run away from home several times in her teens.
48. In human terms, this would be somewhere in the teens.
49. The teens, agitated by their restriction, were randomly leaving their living quarters and vehemently hurling obscenities and spitting at staff.
50. The teens and 1920s, in particular, were years of extraordinary and consistent rainfall.
51. This was a back-door way to get a curfew for teens.
52. Many feel reluctant to take a back seat and allow their children to enjoy the special attractiveness of the teens and twenties.
53. All 15 victims were in their teens or early 20s, slim and petite, almost always with long, dark hair.
54. In California, for example, a disproportionately high number of Hispanic teens are giving birth.
55. The easiest way to ensure this was to choose a very young woman, still in her teens.
56. Most were in their teens during the last stock market panic, the Black Monday crash of Oct. 19, 1987.
57. They describe gang members as ranging in age from early teens to late twenties.
58. Two young men in their late teens mugged for the camera, adopting the pose of a couple of affable tough guys.
59. In his teens he had begun to fiddle with the concept of a substitute for direct current.
60. Seeing their own children in their teens may bring their own adolescence forcibly to mind, along with its unfinished business.
61. One of the teens, 15-year-old Jeremy Jermaine Joseph, was arrested in connection with the shooting Tuesday night.
62. The law exempts youths accompanied by adults, working teens and married teens.
63. The National Institute on Drug Abuse has estimated that 1, 000 teens die annually by breathing fumes from easily accessible products.
63. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
64. How can we leave them in the lurch, in their teens, like that?
65. His is a temperament well calculated to flatter and intrigue readers in the early teens and to draw them into vicarious adventure.
66. Birth rates for teens peaked in 1991 and have been declining since.
67. Louis had been a prizefighter when he was in his teens, a fancy dresser and an outstanding dancer.
68. If they start talking high teens, good luck to them.
69. They are often cheap-looking paperback books, usually in series with names like Sweet dreams, Teens, Couples, and Plus.
70. In her alternative class for pregnant teens at school, she was surrounded by 13 -, 14-and 15-year-olds.
71. Instead of Etienne, however, he saw a young lieutenant, barely out of his teens.
72. Since then, there has been a running drug scare, complete with pics of comatose teens and tales of deathbed agonies.
73. The man, in his late teens or early twenties, died instantly.
74. Each year, 200, 000 teens age 17 and younger have children, many from unwanted pregnancies.
75. Soon, however, California teens may no longer be contemplating whether to pierce or not to pierce.
76. The center, which offers psychological services to children, teens and families, runs the grandparent-grandchild support groups on a shoestring.
77. For the playground has become a fashion showpiece for the province's trendy teens and juniors.
78. Scar tissue all right; a birthmark she'd had removed in early teens in case it turned malignant.
79. The trick facing the milk industry is to keep kids in the milk habit into their late teens.
80. In 1992, adults asked a higher percentage of teens to volunteer than in 1996.
81. Once, when he was in his teens, Mabel had told Tom that he should marry Kitty.
82. The racial and ethnic background of pregnant and parenting teens varies, of course, in different parts of the country.
83. During his teens, his father was building a law practice in Brooklyn and teaching law part-time.
84. We particularly need people in their late teens - early twenties age group - to promote our young, slim image!
85. By his early teens he was an accomplished pianist and guitarist.
86. By their teens, these children need liposuction before they can walk.
87. The youngest on board are in their teens, said Coast Guard spokesman Bruce Pimental.
88. These barbarians are young men and boys, in their teens and early twenties.
89. She could have been in her late teens, twenties, or perhaps early thirties.
90. There, in her early teens, she got into rock music, especially Led Zeppelin.
91. We can't stop teens from having sex, but we can help them to avoid getting pregnant.
92. They serve as role models and sources of factual information for other teens.
93. He comes to collect her when she's in her early teens(http://), and makes her his wife.
94. During his early teens, McKenzie was a competent soccer player but, as he grew his nimble-footed agility was lost.
95. When teens get involved in volunteering, they sense quickly the benefit to both the community and their own souls.
96. Before speaking to the religious convention, he toured a curfew center for teens who violate the law.
97. Later, in my early teens, I read each of themthe first of my many self-imposed reading programs.
98. There were four black guys in the car, late teens to early 20s.
99. Rescued by human teens and taken to the vet, Keelk recovers and begs for help to rescue her family.
100. The teen said yes, Arancibia told police, and the three teens surrounded the couple.
101. Young boys recruited at an early age by soccer clubs often suffer from burnout before they're out of their teens.
102. Tijuana in the late teens already was developing the reputation of a wide-open town.
103. Pain Teens open up in a cloud of dry ice that fills the stage and eventually leaks out on to the dance floor.
104. I found the early years far harder to cope with than the teens and others often agree with me.
105. After a national report on the high suicide rate among gay and lesbian teens,() in 1992 Gov.
106. Ever since her teens she had sensed such shortcomings in herself, but had shied away from any kind of self-analysis.
107. Despite that perception, 69 percent of employers say they are hiring just as many teens as they did 10 years ago.
108. Tim had very bad acne when he was in his teens.
109. If you are in your late teens you may be very happy to be pregnant.
110. Of the 3, 351 teens surveyed, 53 percent said they eat dinner with the family regularly.
111. Two men in their late teens or early twenties came into the office and pointed their guns at the cashiers face.
112. Iced teas, especially Snapple and Arizona, have been hits with consumers in their late teens and early 20s.
113. Unfortunately, the show's message to millions of impressionable teens is that it's OK to take drugs.
114. By her early teens she was under contract to a management firm.
115. From his late teens on, he fought many battles against the Crows, the Shoshones, and the Army.
116. Men only seem able to do it when they are in their teens - which is when they peak sexually.
117. All three started smoking as teens, smoked for decades, and claimed to have tried unsuccessfully to quit.
118. Expect lows this evening in the teens in the city and near zero in the suburbs, the radio station said.
119. During their mid teens many adolescents left home to enter farm service or to begin an apprenticeship.
120. Worse yet, black and Latino teens were far less likely to be asked to volunteer than whites.
121. Later on, in my teens, I built model airplanes and boats.
122. As I got nearer, I saw they were young people, mostly in their late teens and early twenties.
123. His precocious skill is immediately evident in the Piano Trio Suite Op. 8,(sentence dictionary) which he wrote in his late teens.
124. His interest in stamp collecting dates from his teens.
125. She's not yet out of her teens.
126. She is in her teens.
127. But teens have the mental ability to be self-aware.
128. Teens ought to reserve their private space.
129. To be sure, teens often deny outright any possibility that their uncool parents could possibly influence them in any way, and particularly in regard to religion.
130. I also volunteered with the Boy Scout troop that I had been affiliated with while I was in my teens.
131. SOUTH HADLEY, Mass. — At first, it seemed like a morality play: school officials stand by as an innocent high school freshman, new in town, is harassed into suicide by a pack of older teens.
132. "Once the dominant new fashion trend emerges, teens will rush back out to the stores, " says Klinefelter.
133. One of the teens who visited Philadelphia this spring, Haidary told the Inquirer, "My grandmother prayed that I wouldn't go ... because I'd be a lonely girl in a kafir [infidel] city.
134. Nearly half of all teens say they would act unethically to get ahead or make more money, if they knew for sure they would not get caught.
135. She started writing plays in her early teens under the influence of Eugene O'Neill.
136. Mental illnesses that can be seen in teens include depression, eating disorders such as bulimia or anorexia nervosa, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and phobias.
137. A assemble of teens and a stager natator verify a agency activate from Ventura, CA to the San Fernando Valley in visit to agency downbound a prized taken surfboard.
138. The brand's "Christmas Field Guide" Quarterly catalog stirred up trouble in 2003 with 45 images of teens engaging in sexual behavior.
139. Teens with earlier parental - mandated betimes were less likely to suffer from depression and suicidal thoughts.
140. You probably picked up the habit in your teens—an age when rebelliousness is linked to smoking, research shows.
141. More than one in every four teens aged 13 to 15 who are arrested for aggravated assault is a girl.
142. My late teens and early twenties were really rough years.
143. They say that in tropical countries people usually marry in their teens.
144. She measures everybody against Frank who was a kissing cousin of hers in her teens.
145. According to The Leading Question's recent research report, as many as 65% of UK teens are streaming music on a monthly basis.
146. Teens, we learned self-willed.
147. But as credit-card issuers and Congress race to crack down on over-borrowing, do we risk barring the door so tightly that teens miss out on opportunities to learn financial responsibility?
148. Of the 769 healthy children and teens in the study, ages 12 to 20, more than 99 percent had lead levels below 10, with an average level of 1.5 micrograms per deciliter.
149. Amos moved to Los Angeles in her late teens to become a pop singer.
150. On the average, however, males married in their mid-twenties, and females in their early teens (ie, soon after their first menstruation).
151. Dr. James Lupski of the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston was diagnosed with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease in his teens, as were three of his seven siblings.
152. This was true even in teens with no family history of drug dependence.
153. Then his motorcade headed for the Sasha Bruce House, a facility for homeless teens, where he grabbed a paint roller and helped volunteers who were fixing up rooms.
154. The teens spend more time in cyberspace than in the real world of friends and family.
155. Gothel knows the secret that many American parents act out but are slow to acknowledge: that confining their teens in enforced preadolescence helps them feel younger too.
156. In this chart, throughout the teens and twenties, the male bisexual population is mostly observably gay men.
157. A part of the brain called the dorsal - lateral prefrontal cortex appears especially undeveloped in teens.
158. She is not yet out of her teens , ie is under 20.
159. An American military plane unloaded a team of Air Force soldiers from Florida, while a Coast Guard plane loaded a group of U.S. teens on an evacuation flight.
160. But I was a teen-ager once, and I am the father of three teens (and one pre-teen). I am a brother to two teens and uncle to many more.
161. Alateen can also help teens whose parents may already be in treatment or recovery. The group Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) also offers resources for people living with alcoholics.
162. More than two million American women use DMPA, including approximately 400,000 teens, and more than 11 million use oral contraception.
163. In this article, I'll describe three no-win situations that commonly arise between teens and parents and then suggest some ways out of the trap.
164. Considering that depression can cause poor self-esteem and sometimes even body dysmorphia, it's also possible that depressed teens would self-report "substantial" acne more often than their peers.
165. Alexander the Great acquired his warhorse Bucephalus when he was in his teens .
166. One evening in her late teens, Yue - Sai gave a piano concert.
167. Since rock is basically music for teenagers, rock 'n' rollers have seized on and exploited the natural rebelliousness of teens with much success.
168. So it is with the forebrain's myelination during the late teens and early 20s.
169. "Western people usually see dragons as cold-blooded reptiles, like snakes, " said Jonathan Haagen, copy editor for the Teens.
170. These fears were further complicated in my late teens by a five-year spell of illness – glandular fever leading to ME – which also played its part in putting me off sex.
171. And research presented at the BA Festival of Science in 2006 revealed that teens also have a neural excuse for self-centeredness.
172. The alleged film would follow Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte through their teens into their twenties, based on author Candace Bushnell’s novels "The Carrie Diaries" and "Summer and the City."
173. What is life like for Eskimo teens on St. Lawrence island?
174. Learn how to properly swing a driver in this free instructional video golf lesson for teens.
175. She was at her prettiest in her late teens, but even then she always had somebody who was prettier.
176. in that unusual daylight operation, men ranging in age from teens to early 40s were rounded up in liverpool and in two areas outside of manchester, one to the north of the city and one to the south.
177. Older teens might enjoy going out for a hamburger or a latte at their favorite place.
178. The study further solidifies what we've known for some time - teens are heavy-duty users of text messaging services.
179. So Tapert imaged the brains of two groups of high school students: binge drinkers and a matched group of teens with no history of binge drinking.
180. Some STDs (like AIDS) can literally make sex a life-or-death situation, and many teens take this very seriously.
181. O'Keeffe said that while parents need to have open discussions with their children and teens about their online media use, parents probably don't need to be "hypervigilant" about computer use.
182. In his teens, Mr.Zhang was a Red Guard in Chongqing, he said, but did not see any fighting because his parents made him stay at home.
183. With drug-addicted parents, Liz Murray (see photo, center) and her elder sister were homeless and starving as teens. They lived on the streets and once shared a tube of toothpaste as their "dinner".
184. Younger teens then yank the rocks up with a pulley.
185. With an extreme form of social anxiety called selective mutism , some kids and teens may be too anxious to talk at all in certain situations.
186. Sixty-three of the teens had brain scans while they took the tests.
187. WebWatcher cites data from the Pew Research Center that states some 75% of those aged 12-17 now own cell phones, and half of teens send over 50 messages per day.
188. In my teens I loved writers like Dostoyevsky, Kafka and Balzac, but I never imagined I could write anything that would measure up to the works they left us.
189. The original Latter-day Saint, Joseph Smith, acquired at least twenty-eight and perhaps sixty wives, some of them in their early teens, before he was lynched, in 1844, at age thirty-eight.
190. I remember watching Heigl in My Father, the Hero, with Gerard Depardieu, when I was in my early teens.
191. He was allowed neither to dress himself nor to cut his own food; and into his teens, milking what remained of his marketability as a prodigy, she forced him to wear short pants and long hair.
192. On the other hand, 70 percent of teens still want to be rich in the future; 29 percent want to be famous.
193. This adaptive-adolescence view, however accurate, can be tricky to come to terms with—the more so for parents dealing with teens in their most trying, contrary, or flat-out scary moments.
194. The increases were largest among black teens, whose birth rate climbed 5 percent in 2006 from the prior year.
195. These teens attributed their lack of condom use to a reduction in sexual pleasure when using the contraceptive and a concern that their sexual partner would not want to use a condom.
196. "Long before they reached their teens they were earning their keep" (J. M. Barrie).
197. Debbie Pickford of Allstate Insurance says teens are especially at risk from distracted driving and not just because they lack experience on the roads.
198. "Teens definitely have much greater awareness of what's going on around them now than they did eight years ago, " says Klinefelter.
199. He charges $ 220 day for adults, $ 175 for teens, and $ 110 for kids under 6.
200. Teens and adults who drop out of school or leave work are artlessly accurate by their parents.
201. A cross country and track athlete, Cassey encourages teens looking for an outlet to seek activities such as sports teams as a means of finding acceptance.
202. DEBBIE PICKFORD: "What we know from research on teen brain development, is that teens don't really have fully developed brains until they're twenty-five years old."
203. Frustrated by rising gas prices, two high school teens got fed up and decided to saddle up.
204. Therefore come Valentine Day, teens and oldies must swear by the name of holy Ave Maria that they will continue showing deep love and affection towards one another.
205. Debbie Pickford of Allstate Insurancesaidsays teens are especially at risk from distracted driving and not just because they lack experience on the roads.
206. Two days before meeting the U.S. teens, as FORBES ASIA trails the hyperkinetic Chan around Hong Kong, he bounds up several flights of an old apartment building, bursting into a room of photographers.
207. The auction of the card got over last week only. The T206 baseball card features Wagner in his teens clad in Pittsburgh Pirates uniform.
208. This was ture true even in teams teens with no family history of drug defendersdependence.
209. Abigail Baird, a Vassar psychologist who studies teens, calls this neural gawkiness—an equivalent to the physical awkwardness teens sometimes display while mastering their growing bodies.
210. One of those literary, award-winning adult novels that I secretly think was written for teens all along (see To Kill A Mockingbird).
211. In my late teens I was happy when I got my own place to live in so that I could cross-dress in private.
212. At university, a doctor explained that the mood swings through my teens had been manic depression, but it seemed no more significant than saying that I'd had German measles.
213. I am surprised that none of the entrepreneurs developed an app for classifying teens on sight so parents can rapidly tell the difference between goth, emo, scene and hipster without having to ask.
214. Still, if the company is seeing Ebitda margins in the 20s and that shrinks to the high teens, it's still a good company and maybe valuations will come down and Baidu will actually look worth buying.
215. Indeed, recent literary tropes suggest that vampires can peacefully coexist with ordinary teens in many of the world's high schools, provided they are sufficiently hunky.
216. In her 2005 book Families Like Mine: Children of Gay Parents Tell It Like It Is, Abigail Garner compiled stories from teens and adult children with lesbian and gay parents.
217. A recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study found nearly 70 percent of children and teens drank milk, but 20 percent weren't drinking low-fat milk.
218. Bill Gates founded Microsoft Corporation while he was in his teens.
219. The market-research firm NDP released a study in April that revealed that teens and women are now using beauty products in significantly fewer quantities, down 6 percent from 2008 to 2009.
220. When teens drive the course alone, in what Steinberg calls the emotionally "cool" situation of an empty room, they take risks at about the same rates that adults do.
221. However, some fear that recent surveys showing a drop in the perceived danger of inhalant use among teens may portend an increase in use.
222. Most of the teens were white, about - third were overweight andthree - quarters didn't take a daily multivitamin.
223. It will never be exactly what you want, but you will wear and cherish it from your teens until your first pay check.
224. Parker left home during his early teens, and while working at a dairy farm, he fell in with Mike Cassidy (whose name he would eventually take in his honor), a horse thief and cattle rustler.
225. This true even in teens with no family history of drug dependence.
226. The typical urban heroin addict has dropped out of school by his early teens.
227. For example, he notes, Sandy, a slender female in her teens, tore her bedroom door off the hinges one night.
228. In her teens, she competed in numerous Assemblies of God Fine Arts Festivals in the duet category, winning at the local, state, and national levels with her distinctive vocal style.
229. So, for me, it goes back to that issue of the Bill Henson scandal [and his exhibitions featuring nude teens]. People said, 'How can you do this, how can you sexualise a child?
230. SUDDENLY, tragedy strikes , hurling the teens into blind panic.
231. Sheldon: Apparently, a semi-incestuous Teens for Jesus Fourth of July Hoedown didn't count.




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