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单词 Misinformation
1. This was a deliberate piece of misinformation.
2. His election campaign was based on misinformation about the rival candidates.
3. There's a lot of misinformation about AIDS that needs to be corrected.
4. The public have been fed misinformation about the health risks.
5. Often, negative attitudes are based on misinformation.
6. Half the time they specialize in misinformation, undercutting their message with their pictures.
7. As editor, Stein did more than bring misinformation about leprosy to his audience.
8. Her foster brother's misinformation must be dispelled, but what did she say?
9. Misinformation about Forum East was nothing new.
10. One method of spreading misinformation is the double agent.
11. Let's stop the rumors and misinformation about AIDS.
13. Misinformation from bureaucrats or phony experts who have never crawled into a collapsed building kills you.
14. There is much misinformation on both sides, particularly surrounding Islam,(sentence dictionary) the religion of many Turks.
15. Unnecessary anxiety has been caused by media hysteria and misinformation.
16. Their feelings were that black history was so falsified by whites that misinformation about Drew seemed unimportant.
17. The crucial question for evolutionary biology is where the balance is struck between signalling real information about your state and signalling misinformation.
18. But Sullivan said that even physicians from historically black medical colleges face some mistrust and misinformation as a legacy of Tuskegee.
19. Much of what is currently discussed in the media about schools and education in general is based on misinformation and ignorance.
20. As much as the Net is the greatest source of consumer advice, it's also the great source of misinformation.
21. Critics say the Internet has amplified the problem of medical misinformation.
22. There are three reasons why breaking through the barriers of misinformation and apathy are especially crucial now.
23. According to Kramer, the Internet is a storehouse of lies and misinformation.
24. Yesterday's letter spelled out Mr Patten's concern that councils were helping hostile groups fight opt outs with misinformation campaigns.
25. "For months, the Democrats have run television commercials filled with misinformation about the Republican Party," said Dawson.
26. We are concerned that much public discussion of the future of Social Security is based on misinformation about its financing.
27. Critics say that while a certain amount of medical misinformation has always been in circulation, the Internet has amplified the problem.
28. These will go a long way to lessen the real danger of accidental war or nuclear catastrophe due to misinformation.
29. Recent comment has been disfigured by a good deal of misinformation.
30. In other words, well - informed consumers watch for information and check for misinformation.
1. Unnecessary anxiety has been caused by media hysteria and misinformation.
31. Failure to alert promptly where an alert is required by the Regulating Authority is deemed misinformation.
32. There is much misinformation and propaganda that the government puts out.
33. The most important element , however, was the misinformation provided to the Germans by double agents.
34. But the power of the Internet is like a two-edged sword. It can also deliver misinformation and uncorroborated opinion with equal ease.
35. In turbulent economic times, globalisation has become regarded as a dirty word, tainted by a toxic mix of misinformation, misconception and misanthropy .
36. This foolish, recurring misinformation about mineral oil and petrolatum is maddening.
37. The use of information or misinformation can be a very effective fighting tool.
38. The astronomers from Minnesota, who planted this mishmash of malicious misinformation into the press late last week, must now be rubbing their hands together with glee.
39. Contrary to some misinformation and misconceptions,() herpes rarely affects pregnancy.
40. But some people take those quotes as gospel, and that can lead to misinformation and misunderstanding.
41. Security administrators a severe challenge on with the mass data and misinformation caused by security facilities.
42. May-be Michael Bay leaked the photos to spread more misinformation, which he will tomorrow fess up to in his latest "I tricked you guys" message board posting.
43. But ignorance and misinformation about the health hazards of beryllium die hard.
44. The results from nine of the 13 singlecountry studies have been made available in this way, and the consequence is a farrago of misinformation.
45. In addition, the patient or surrogate may correct any historical misinformation at this time.
46. Much misinformation about the female body circulates in mainstream consciousness.
47. Control experiment with general electrocardiograph, the result indicates the system meets the request of sickroom wardship and no misinformation alarm.




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