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单词 Protected
1, We protected him against his enemy.
2, The floor was protected with overlapping sheets of newspaper.
3, The police should be protected by body armour.
4, The device was protected by patent.
5, The book is protected by copyright.
6, A high wall round the estate protected their privacy.
7, The building is protected by armed guards.
8, The fruit on the lower branches was protected from the sun.
9, The interests of British citizens living abroad are protected by the British Embassy.
10, This part of the community needs to be protected from racial prejudice .
11, The tent protected us from the worst of the weather.
12, The country's car industry is so strongly protected that foreign cars are rarely seen there.
13, He always made sure that any cuts were protected by sterile dressings.
14, Ancient monuments are protected by law.
15, Your mailbox can be password protected to ensure security.
16, The grating protected a window in the men's room.
17, The interests of the minorities should be protected.
18, The club occupies the land under a protected tenancy.
19, The database will be protected by copyright .
20, The drugs are protected by patent.
21, Dikes protected the lowland from incursions of the sea.
22, A screen of bodyguards protected the President.
23, These electric wires are protected by a rubber covering.
24, The Far Eastern markets are heavily protected .
25, The country's car industry is so strongly protected.
26, Genetically engineered plants can be protected by patent.
27, The varnish protected the table from being damaged.
28, Keep the camera well protected at all times.
29, His work is no longer protected by copyright.
30, Businessmen are trying to shake off habits learned under six decades of a protected economy.
1, We protected him against his enemy.
2, The floor was protected with overlapping sheets of newspaper.
3, The police should be protected by body armour.
4, The device was protected by patent.
5, The building is protected by armed guards.
6, The fruit on the lower branches was protected from the sun.
7, The interests of British citizens living abroad are protected by the British Embassy.
8, This part of the community needs to be protected from racial prejudice .
9, The tent protected us from the worst of the weather.
10, The country's car industry is so strongly protected that foreign cars are rarely seen there.
11, He always made sure that any cuts were protected by sterile dressings.
12, Businessmen are trying to shake off habits learned under six decades of a protected economy.
13, The tsar protected his personal prerogatives.
14, The First Amendment has a penumbra where privacy is protected from governmental intrusion.
31, Thick bony plates protected the dinosaur against attack.
32, The tsar protected his personal prerogatives.
33, Databases are generally protected by copyright.
34, Spotted owls are a protected species .
35, Trees should be well protected from the cold during winter.
36, For some people, marriage is an anachronism from the days when women needed to be protected.
37, The nose of the space capsule is protected by a heat shield.
38, There is widespread concern that new houses will be built on protected land.
39, No less than 35 per cent of the country is protected in the form of parks and nature sanctuaries.
40, The First Amendment has a penumbra where privacy is protected from governmental intrusion.
41, Both wage-earners and salaried officials were protected by the new regulations.
42, I was concerned that I was not protected and would get a sunburn.
43, Unemployment insurance means that you are partially protected if you lose your job.
44, They were arrested for trafficking in the eggs of protected species of birds.
45, She felt secure and protected when she was with him.
46, Delicate plants must be protected from cold wind and frost.
47, Thrushes are a protected species so you will not find them on any menu.
48, In England, thrushes are a protected species so you will not find them on any menu.
49, Military bases were protected by captured enemy soldiers who were housed there as a human shield.
50, The birds are additionally protected in the reserves at Birsay.
51, The nerves are protected by thin sheaths of fatty tissue.
52, A heavy stockade around the cabin protected the pioneer from attack.
52, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
53, Outside the protected environment of institutional care he could not survive.
54, You are protected instantly if a thief misuses your credit card.
55, Although some marine mammals are protected by environmental laws, many remain unprotected.
56, The plant is protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act.
57, The aircraft base is protected with specially designed shelters which are built to withstand ground and air attacks.
58, People need to be protected against such unwarranted intrusions into their private lives by journalists.
59, In the past, the region had been protected by its forbidding geography and the extremities of its climate.
60, Many of these sites?of immense scientific interest?are not legally protected.
61, The circuitry in this fighter aircraft has been protected against strong magnetic fields.
62, These programs are, of course, protected by copyright.
63, Both are protected by diplomatic immunity.
64, The monks protected Jews in flight from Nazi persecution.
65, Now protected, its numbers do not exceed five hundred.
66, His personal wealth, well protected, was still very considerable.
67, Basically the policy protected farmers by guaranteeing a price for their products and by setting up barriers against imports.
68, If this is the only payment we make, it will not affect your no claim bonus or protected no claim bonus.
69, How would commercially sensitive information of one company be protected?
70, After 1951 Winston Churchill and his Conservative successors protected the welfare state, maintained full employment, and conciliated the trade unions.
71, In short, many corporations and data centers have computing security policies and practices that dictate how data must be protected.
72, High railings guarded the small courtyard gardens, the gates of which were usually protected by push-button security-code entry locks.
73, The list itself contains a description, and it is generally possible to tell from that which features are protected.
74, The First Amendment may be invoked against infringement of the protected freedoms by law or by law-making.
75, Abuses of the investigative process may imperceptibly lead to abridgment of protected freedoms.
76, Throughout, the operation of the Tube will remain in the public sector, with the rights workers currently enjoy protected.
77, Like his men, he was protected by magical Buddhist amulets that were knotted into the scarf.
78, The shrimp are protected from the cauldron, though, by seawater drawn up beside the rising plume.
79, The open countryside will be protected, but recreation and nature conservation will be encouraged.
80, Their campsites, graves, and houses had been buried and protected by a volcanic eruption.
81, The winter-run chinook was listed as a protected species under the state and federal endangered species acts in 1989.
82, We are thus not persuaded that the Hyde Amendment impinges on the constitutionally protected freedom of choice recognized in Wade.
83, The hard core was protected by changing the theory underlying the observation language, so that telescopic data replaced naked-eye observations,[] for instance.
84, Beneath them the underside of the command module comprised a specially designed shield that protected them from the heat of re-entry.
85, The vegetation within, protected from the dry air, begins to decay and the mound starts to warm.
86, One way to nudge nature along is to provide a protected environment for trees.
87, The courthouse itself was protected by barbed wire and ringed with police.
88, It will be said that children should maintain their innocence and should be protected from such distressing subjects as bereavement.
89, Moreover, 87% think that the Royals should be protected from photographers when not on official duty.
90, When discovered, her face and upper body were protected by a large woven winnowing basket.
91, Some computer inventions have to be protected by copyright rather than patents.
92, The tubes are protected in a plastic pouch and bubble wrap.
93, The gear is protected by a cyclone fence topped with razor wire.
94, The protected block will not be affected if you later add or delete lines within the block.
95, Tariffs will be lowered across the board, but some industries will be protected for another 15 years.
96, The town, protected only by a dry-stone wall, surrendered within a few days, on 8 January 1746.
97, I am very concerned about women, their rights and how they are looked after and protected at work.
98, Please continue to pray for us that we are protected and guided aright.
99, As migratory fowl, the egrets are protected by federal law during the April to September nesting season.
100, These tracks are segregated from motorised traffic along their length and protected at crossings, as in the Konopkastrasse example discussed earlier.
101, Protected by their enormous allowances and comfortable working conditions, they feel free to carry on behaving how they wish.
102, The flysheet zips are protected by a small weather flap.
103, He was carefully dressed in a dandified fashion in white flannels and a large panama hat protected his head.
104, The team were still wrapped together in the comfort zone of a four-year period when each had cosseted and protected the other.
105, At present, only 2 percent of the country's forests enjoy any protected status.
106, The overriding need is to ensure these park trees are not merely protected but replanted.
107, It was an old graveyard, protected by the high walls from the bustle and intrusion of the outside world.
108, Smearing and bigotry, as well as unfair and unjust pronouncements are constitutionally protected in America. Dr T.P.Chia 
109, That way he can not be targeted by missile fire or some spells and will be potentially protected from war engines.
110, The work can then be cleaned, polished bright and the surface protected with a final coating of clear lacquer.
111, And it should be leased, not bought, and the purchasing agreement should be protected against swings in currency.
112, Tucked away unobtrusively in an angle of the river wall, it was also protected by a brick overhang.
113, At first they were protected by Catholic rulers, and seen as penitents entitled to alms and succour.
114, She was set on fire by a shell exploding among the cotton with which her engines were protected.
115, Such speech is still protected by the First Amendment unless it causes substantial disruption or interferes with the rights of others.
116, And in the delirium of recognising her power she felt protected, safe in his arms.
117, Having lost their antifreeze after nine days in the cozy cabin, they were no longer protected.
118, At this hour they were all barricaded and fortified, protected by wire and armed with heavy padlocks.
119, In other words, they could no longer be cushioned from reality, or protected from the need to compete and win.
120, They protected the individual, firm or group from the specific adversities to which it was subject.
121, The cedar lining that once protected fine cigars from deteriorating is equally efficacious at preserving cardboard rectangles from insect damage.
122, In 1972 the Government of Sind Province declared the river dolphin protected by law and prohibited its killing and trapping.
123, The flysheet is silicone protected on both sides, something that not many manufacturers do.
124, This is because the older workers' protected situation may make employers reluctant to hire them.
125, It explains why it is important that you are protected against it.
126, It needs to be borne in mind that the computer program will be protected by copyright law regardless of the patent situation.
127, It is usually protected from damage by being run inside a drain pipe, and rises slightly to avoid air bubbles.
128, The employee is protected from coercion by the employer because of other employers for whom he can work and so on.
129, The White Lions protected him from many assassination attempts and his personal retinue of Sapherian wizards countered all death-spells.
130, In other cases an innocent recipient may be protected at least until he becomes aware of the confidential nature of the information.
131, In diverse cultures men pursue and acquire, while women are protected and bartered.
132, In exchange, the companies would be protected from punitive damage awards on past misconduct but not future misconduct.
133, Why should people who do something truly egregious be protected by an arbitrary limit on their punishment?
134, Some 175 protected sites, including 50 Sites of Special Scientific Interest, are threatened by road schemes, environmentalists say.
135, Periods of this order should be allocated to the major problems and decisions, protected from disturbance.
136, The 20 percent. contribution will be abolished, the rebate system will be improved and single retired people will be protected.
137, The cook stood up on the forward side, so that the shed protected him when there was a favourable wind.
138, The room is safe, enclosed, protected from the harsh glare of artificial light.
139, One former Garcia confidante has testified in court that his old boss handed out millions to government officials who protected his shipments.
140, These walls are now covered in an amazing number of climbs ranging from the well protected to the very bold.
141, It is only at the end of the term of copyright that what has been protected passes into the public domain.
142, He protected less profitable state farms by writing off their debts.
142, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
143, Then, their ears protected against the piercing whine, they activated the suction pump.
144, As so often, local bureaucrats have been protected by national bureaucrats who fear that they will be tarnished by association.
145, But, given the destructive power of modern weapons, they did not believe that civilization could be protected by war.
146, This tunnel is the only entrance to the city itself, and it is protected by a fortress at each end.
147, Stand a glass dome on a round stand and you have a protected display space.
148, In the east of the country they live on fortified ranches protected by private sub-machine-gun toting armies.
149, Twenty-five percent of the funds would go for discretionary grants, with the protected communities also having access to this money.
150, Any infant protected by an amulet bearing the names of the angels would be immune from her attentions.
151, Sixty-five National Trust tenants offer bed and breakfast accommodation in beautiful areas of countryside protected by the Trust.
152, In general, the photograph will be protected by copyright which will be owned by the publisher or perhaps a freelance photographer.
153, The gun manufacturers do the responsible thing, children are protected and Clinton earns political capital.
154, If teachers' statements are constitutionally protected, they can not be reprimanded, transferred, or otherwise disciplined for making them.
155, It can be protected only by national action in concert with that of another power.
156, However, opponents charge that the new Internet regulations amount to unconstitutional censorship that would criminalize expression protected by the First Amendment.
157, But a federal appeals court held that in this case it was not a constitutionally protected educational activity.
158, We've fitted a compact disc player and protected it with a new security system.
159, She's protected Michelle's father's identity for all these years, so she's quite capable of protecting Michelle.
160, The tempestuous Belle was nurtured and protected in Cleveland to the point of outright embarrassment for management.
161, The rule protected States from intervention by other States in their external affairs and maintained the inherent bilateralism of international law.
162, The vital section for the south to defend was the left flank,() which protected the routes to Seoul and Inchon.
163, Thus school officials are protected for good-faith actions taken to fulfill their official duties.
164, Both savings and loans are protected by life insurance, and also by insurance against fraud and theft.
165, Surrounding buildings had to be protected by a wall of water to stop them being engulfed by the flames.
166, Anthony took him to the Pugin bar where they found a quiet corner protected from the worst of the Pugin wallpaper.
167, Each is protected by a layer of zinc, which drips on to the ground when it rains.
168, Therefore, the designation of specially protected areas is perhaps quite effective as a deterrent.
169, The home thereby acquires a special significance; an institution protected by the males, if necessary by aggressive actions towards others.
170, Power of Sigmar Magnus the Pious is protected by the awesome power of Sigmar guarding over him.
171, Zips: all zips run freely and are protected on the flysheet by a weather flap.
172, Although new housing will be encouraged within these areas, important open spaces and the amenity of residential areas will be protected.
172, try its best to gather and create good sentences.
173, Sectoral policy can also lead to unexpected problems as protected national entities themselves attempt to compete in international markets.
174, In areas where gardens are protected and some extra care is provided, most cabbage varieties can be virtually a year-round crop.
175, They are a bulwark against that dark night: the candle that protected us in childhood.
176, The Fondation Amazonie invites donors to help purchase strips of rainforest, with a view to creating protected areas.
177, Purines protected by Jun are denoted by asterisks whose size correlates with the degree of protection.
178, The entrances to the path will be protected by bollards and a chicane, to stop any unauthorised traffic.
179, Unfortunately in 1971 I was not protected from that most pernicious word by those inverted commas.
180, In this way the timbers will be protected from repeated desiccation and expansion, potentially a grave danger to such ancient wood.
181, They reckoned that my extra weight had protected my heart, and I was also wearing heavy, rubber-soled safety boots.
182, So after the early strawberries have been protected, use the cloches as a fruit cage.
183, The role of Government should be to ensure that such pensions met sensible regulation so that the public interest was protected.
184, Drawings are prepared for most designs and drawings are protected by copyright as artistic works, irrespective of artistic quality.
185, The golden eagle, at one time persecuted to near extinction by game keepers, is now a strictly protected bird.
186, All thoroughly unlawful but there is a limit to public patience when the law- abiding feel they are not protected by officialdom.
187, Nor had the courts outlawed most patronage hiring and firing and protected most employees from wrongful discharge.
188, The opponents also wanted to ferret out the guilty, but they insisted that the rights protected.
189, The board argued that the dispute was not protected by the First Amendment since it was an internal personnel matter.
190, I am sceptical about the proposition that minority rights can be protected by redrawing internal frontiers.
191, Protected areas of global importance, including the Wolong Panda Reserve, may experience radical changes.
192, Generally, however, printed circuit boards will be protected, through their preparatory drawings, by copyright.
193, On the one hand, people in communities hard hit by criminal activity need to be protected.
194, Finally we locate the top pitch, a fine crack and poorly protected traverse.
195, Every society must be protected from a too facile flow of thought.
196, For instance, the various ownership rights of the capitalist class will be enshrined in and protected by the laws of the land.
197, Why, after all, should public bodies be specially protected from the grievances of citizens who feel strongly enough to litigate?
198, The dome is protected by a timber roof and is tiled on the exterior.
199, One folk tale about Johnson suggested he was protected by an extraordinary power.
200, The wearing of an armband to express certain views is the kind of symbolic act protected by that amendment.
201, Against doctor's advice, and protected by specially made up mesh clothing, he continued to the finish.
202, Protected by his enchanted armour Aenarion stood unscathed at the centre of the firestorm.
202, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
203, The best-class rubbish is found at the gates of high-walled mansions, their privacy protected by barking Alsatians and uniformed guards.
204, They ceased to be fortresses protected by strong doors and iron bars and became elegant shops with windows in place of grilles.
205, Muelle Deportivo is protected by its own breakwater and is located in the southern extremity of the main harbour.
206, The clearing house is also protected from excessive credit risk through the operation of a system of daily price limits.
207, So if the market falls, he is protected by the option.
208, Protected by officers, the team staked out a farmyard where the goatsucker was believed to have attacked.
209, For example, in some cases the bill would make it illegal for Internet users to access information not protected by copyright.
210, You feel protected and at rest and you have a great desire for solitude.
211, What if these citizens were quietly protected, even aided and abetted, by our elected officials?
212, And then, protected against the pitfalls of this curious patois, you can book your ticket to Tokyo in complete confidence.
213, The engine compartment is completely wax protected and the whole car has three layers of paint rather than two.
214, Certain protected expenses were to be financed in full from the budget, and submitted to the Supreme Soviet for approval.
215, His body was protected by armour fore and aft.
216, Plants must be covered with a leaf-mould or similarly protected if frost threatens.
217, All are aposematuically colored , suggesting that they all are chemically protected.
218, Its rare and protected fauna species rank the 2 nd nationwide.
219, Neither the timber frame nor metal chassis were protected against rot.
220, As the protected infant industries grow,[] their costs sometimes fail to decline.
221, Caribbean reefs protected by no - fishing zones despite rise in predators.
222, Our infantry was protected by a curtain of artillery fire.
223, The purchaser of this automobile is protected by the manufacturer's warranty.
224, A firm secures a needed commodity and is protected against price fluctuation.




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