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单词 Canvassing
1 He spent the whole month canvassing for votes.
2 Party workers are busy canvassing local residents.
3 I'm canvassing for the Conservative Party.
4 Candidates from all three parties were out canvassing in Darlington today.
5 I've been out canvassing for the Labour Party every evening this week.
6 He has been canvassing opinion on the issue.
7 Chapman spent the rest of May canvassing for votes.
8 They were busy canvassing and drumming up sentiment against the new government.
9 The US has been canvassing support from other Asian states.
10 He is responsible for canvassing the village for subscriptions to the evening paper.
11 They are canvassing everywhere.
12 Members of Parliament are spending the weekend canvassing opinion in their constituencies.
13 The council has been canvassing local opinion/local people to get their thoughts on the proposed housing development.
14 Our representatives are now canvassing support for that.
15 I spent the whole afternoon canvassing voters.
16 The council is canvassing local opinion before deciding next month whether to allow the concert to go ahead.
17 Spokesman Ben Ord said doorstep canvassing had registered strong support for the Liberal Democrats.
18 By far the rudest electors, in my canvassing experience, are old, white,()[] working-class men.
19 Party members were out canvassing as soon as the election was announced.
20 In that race, the canvassing board determined that John Hoff defeated write-in candidate Lowell Stevens 265 to 259.
21 Telephone canvassing, postal votes, the party machine at Labour's Millbank headquarters had all the answers.
22 As for the notion of canvassing his licentious friends, it was out of the question.
23 Now that's what I call canvassing! Bargepole I went on a freebie last week and think I am in love again.
24 Canvassing one day in a by-election in Essex, Martin was asked to cover a street of drab brick semis.
25 There was one memorable moment during Needham's canvassing in Chippenham last week.
26 Heseltine's campaign team, having been canvassing backbenchers for several weeks, had already developed a considerable momentum.
27 This speech caps a month of canvassing.
28 Lord Wilberforce examined the interests which an insurance-broking business might have in preventing an employee canvassing its clients once he had left.
29 A top adviser to the House leadership said Gingrich is quietly canvassing members about how to pay the fine.
30 Without it, it is doubtful whether the more extreme pacifists could have been persuaded to take part in the canvassing.
1 He spent the whole month canvassing for votes.
2 Party workers are busy canvassing local residents.
3 I'm canvassing for the Conservative Party.
4 Candidates from all three parties were out canvassing in Darlington today.
5 I've been out canvassing for the Labour Party every evening this week.
31 We are canvass, canvassing for the Republican candidate.
32 He is canvassing for the conservative candidate.
33 Zhuang Chen exceeds everywhere go canvassing, everywhere be rebuffed.
34 He was busy canvassing for the election.
35 We are canvassing for the candidate.
36 There can be no use in canvassing it.
37 I am canvassing for the magazine tonight.
38 We went out canvassing.
39 Whereas Ms Macleod has an army of supporters canvassing the streets of Chiswick, Mr Daker cuts a solitary figure handing out leaflets outside primary schools and train stations.
40 We have sufficient canvassing abilities to be your sole agent.
41 The presidential candidate comes out of the closet when he is canvassing for the homosexual'votes.
42 The cuts were apparently chosen in typically democratic fashion, with much canvassing of the extended Tru Thoughts posse.
43 I urged them to keep an office open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Saturday, and to follow the Bethel canvassing procedure, which would guarantee two contacts with all persuadable voters.
44 Mr. Slope will be accused of deceit in his mode of canvassing.
45 After that person bought secret recipe, go go canvassing Wu Wang.
46 Candidates face the task of canvassing voters in a constituency which has no focal point.
47 I saw her father with his rosette on, canvassing for the Conservatives.




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更新时间:2025/3/15 3:53:52