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单词 Discourteous
1, It was discourteous of you to arrive late.
2, It would be discourteous to ignore his request.
3, I was offended by his discourteous reply.
4, It would have been enormously discourteous.
5, The sales staff were discourteous and slow.
6, It would have seemed discourteous to refuse his offer.
7, All this, discourteous though it was,(http:///discourteous.html) seemed normal enough.
8, He claimed that the officer had been discourteous to him.
9, Staff are often discourteous and sometimes downright rude.
10, The above telephone conversation is not only discourteous, but also hurts business prospects.
11, A later book received a rather discourteous reception in the San Francisco Chronicle, in which the reviewer wrote, "mental unsoundness is everywhere visible in this book.
12, Lateness is discourteous to your classmates and to your professor.
13, These adjectives mean abrupt and sometimes discourteous in manner or speech.
14, His behaviour was wanting in courtesy , ie discourteous, rude.
15, Discourteous are also errors included in business letter - writing.
16, Be courteous -- even when people are most discourteous to you.
17, According to the customer survey, 6% said employees were unhelpful and discourteous.
18, He was fascinated by Laura's stories of psychoanalysis and his overenthusiastic questions almost verged on the discourteous.
19, I have allowed several interruptions and, although I do not wish to be discourteous, I should get on.
20, Female respondents also complained that men drive too fast and are often very discourteous to others.
21, Europe's grudging attitude to the new president is not only discourteous. It is unwise and self - defeating.
22, Do not arrive tardy, can let superior had waited again long and discourteous.
23, If your thoughts are predominantly self - directed, a discourteous person is what you will be.
24, Mr Kingman's performance was described by committee members as " dozy " and " discourteous "




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