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单词 Smoothly
1. The dinghy sailed smoothly across the lake.
2. The different components all have to interface smoothly.
3. The engine was running smoothly.
4. She says everything is going smoothly.
5. The project goes on smoothly.
6. The boat ran on smoothly.
7. Traffic is now flowing smoothly again.
8. The runners accelerated smoothly round the bend.
9. I want this shop to run as smoothly as possible.
10. The cogs gear smoothly.
11. It'll take about three hours if everything goes smoothly .
12. Everything went very smoothly.
12. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
13. The car accelerated smoothly away.
14. The rescue was carried out smoothly and efficiently.
15. Is the engine running smoothly?
16. The colours blend smoothly together.
17. The sledge ran smoothly over the frozen snow.
18. 'All taken care of,' he said smoothly.
19. The plane answered smoothly to the controls.
20. The runners accelerated smoothly around the bend.
21. The engine was running very smoothly.
22. The motorcycle rode smoothly on the expressway.
23. Donna keeps the office running smoothly .
24. The jacket fit smoothly over her hips.
25. The rope ran out smoothly.
26. Her life had always run smoothly before.
27. She bowled the ball smoothly down the lane.
28. Preparations for the festival are now proceeding smoothly.
29. A little credulity helps one on through life very smoothly
30. We'd expected a few glitches, but everything's gone remarkably smoothly.
1. The dinghy sailed smoothly across the lake.
2. The different components all have to interface smoothly.
3. The engine was running smoothly.
4. She says everything is going smoothly.
5. The project goes on smoothly.
6. The boat ran on smoothly.
7. Traffic is now flowing smoothly again.
8. The runners accelerated smoothly round the bend.
9. We'd expected a few glitches, but everything's gone remarkably smoothly.
10. The cogs gear smoothly.
11. It'll take about three hours if everything goes smoothly .
12. Everything went very smoothly.
12. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
13. The workmen are very cooperative, so the work goes on smoothly.
14. Don't always try to start something when everything is running smoothly.
31. Things ran very smoothly for a while.
32. The bolt slotted smoothly into place.
33. The engine is running smoothly now.
34. Everything is running smoothly in our office.
35. Don't jerk the box up, pull it up smoothly.
36. The two plans meshed with each other smoothly.
37. He hadn't learned to bow smoothly yet.
38. This medicine goes down smoothly.
39. He started the car, which hummed smoothly.
40. The yacht cut smoothly through the waves.
41. Her life has run smoothly up to now.
42. Everything was going smoothly until suddenly disaster struck.
43. The system was clearly not functioning smoothly or transparently.
44. Don't jerk out your words[sentence dictionary],try to recite more smoothly.
45. Life is running smoothly for them.
46. Andy kept things running smoothly while I was away.
47. The gun traverses smoothly on its bearings.
48. Everything is ticking over smoothly.
49. The pregnancy's gone very smoothly so far.
50. The counting of votes is proceeding smoothly.
51. So far, talks at GM have gone smoothly.
52. The road was blocked for two hours after the accident, but traffic is now flowing smoothly again.
53. The workmen are very cooperative, so the work goes on smoothly.
54. The replumbing and rewiring of the flat ran very smoothly.
55. My job is to see that everything runs smoothly and according to plan.
56. Officials in charge of the camps say the system is now running extremely smoothly.
57. Did everything go smoothly?
58. When everything is running smoothly, why must he step in and foul thing up?
59. It is smoothly contoured to look like a racing car.
60. Lead is added to fuel to make car engines run more smoothly.
61. Skis are waxed on the bottom so that they run smoothly over the snow.
62. Don't always try to start something when everything is running smoothly.
63. A great deal of time and effort has gone into ensuring that the event runs smoothly.
64. Everything went pretty smoothly.
65. We need someone really efficient who can organize the office and make it run smoothly.
66. The sails flapped in the wind and the boat went ahead smoothly.
67. Civilians assume, wrongly, that everything in the military runs smoothly.
68. I'd like to thank everyone concerned for making the occasion run so smoothly.
69. If all goes smoothly, we should arrive by nine o'clock.
70. Credit must go to Fiona for making sure everything ran smoothly.
71. It's been hard work, but now the business is running smoothly you can sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labours.
72. The two edges of that broken bone will knit together smoothly.
73. Feedback from the sensors ensures that the car engine runs smoothly.
74. In order to progress their project smoothly[http:///smoothly.html], they revised the plan several times.
75. The interview went smoothly.
76. The gears work smoothly.
77. The primary task of the chair is to ensure the meeting runs smoothly.
78. Apart from one or two flare-ups the match went fairly smoothly.
79. Everything worked very smoothly.
80. 'Would you like to come this way?' he said smoothly.
81. Make sure that you execute all movements smoothly and without jerking.
82. Not always, though, did effects shots proceed as smoothly.
83. Wednesday's dress rehearsal went fairly smoothly.
84. The funicular had resumed its climb, apparently smoothly enough.
85. Yes, things were running smoothly once more.
86. This allows traffic to flow smoothly between networks. 2.
87. Yet Mr Andreotti moved smoothly into the premiership.
88. The network functions more smoothly with better internal communication.
89. But it's just to keep things running smoothly.
90. But the bamboo raft ploughed forward smoothly.
91. In general, this works smoothly for their customers.
92. Riboli and his wife keep the winery running smoothly.
93. The elevator rose smoothly, then came to a stop.
94. A small panel on the hull slid smoothly back.
95. According to the newspaper the negotiations are proceeding smoothly.
96. The train ran on smoothly towards Chancery Lane.
97. Practice the scales until you can play them smoothly.
98. Our limo purred smoothly down the tree-lined road.
99. To resolve the matter smoothly might well be impossible.
100. For the first weeks, all proceeded smoothly.
101. The scalpel sliced the material more smoothly than butter.
102. Both progressed smoothly from sun-lanced church to manicured crematorium.
103. Try the demonstration yourself first to be sure it will go smoothly.
104. But what if camcorders could be controlled more smoothly, say,[] the way your eye moves from one object to another?
105. Be careful not to puree too smoothly; mixture should have some texture.
106. Use the last phrase of the previous section to get smoothly into the opening phrase of the next movement.
107. In rehearsal, everything went smoothly as volunteers ran on to the field and unfurled the tarp in the allotted time.
108. Clinton, sweeping smoothly over the recent nastiness, this week presented his friend as the visionary of a new Middle East.
109. He closed his legs and she came smoothly into a nice even gallop.
110. His words flowed down smoothly as the black cloth of his soutane.
111. Bolder colours need to be blended smoothly, as faults in application will always be more obvious.
112. Tiny, energetic, imaginative, she drove advertising sales to ever-new heights and kept the business departments running smoothly.
113. So faster wage rises were needed if the system was to function smoothly.
114. It moves smoothly and pleasantly through the course of her dedicated career without any recognition of her gender constituting a difficulty.
115. Throughout, there are no awkward melodic leaps; everything proceeds smoothly, by arpeggio or by step.
116. But on Friday night, guess what? Not a single one of these love matches was going smoothly.
117. He drove so smoothly and the tyres hummed so pleasantly on the tarred road that she knew she could easily have slept.
118. Backup power at bridge Backup power systems kept the Golden Gate Bridge toll plaza running smoothly with no delays on the bridge.
119. A track is laid to allow the camera to move smoothly, then they go for a take.
120. Above all, the notes need to be spot on while allowing the overall rhythm to flow smoothly.
121. The transfer took place during a natural cycle, and, to date, the pregnancy has gone smoothly.
122. But as experience is gained through constant repetition, each movement of the form begins to flow smoothly into the next.
123. Photos of her show her hair drawn smoothly back in pigtails and tied with the enormous ribbon bows fashionable at the time.
124. Scientists set out to accomplish the next phase, only to find that it did not proceed as smoothly as the first.
125. It has started first time without exception so far, and pulls smoothly when cold.
126. The exoskeleton slid smoothly open and a little tune - Climb Every Mountain - issued tonelessly from a small loudspeaker somewhere.
127. Everyone involved has incentive for the transition to go smoothly.
128. Once the school began functioning smoothly, Friedman turned his attention to the blacker side of the organization: interception and solution.
129. While past cease-fires and attempts at disarmament have failed, the current peace process has gone relatively smoothly.
130. Each user on the network will have his or her own private line to allow data to flow more smoothly.
131. Away to the north, curving smoothly, stretched a branch line that Holly could see illuminated by the arc lights.
132. The need for a certain amount of scrapping if accumulation is to proceed smoothly determines a necessary rise in product wages.
132. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
133. That was to say, up to a point everything went smoothly.
134. Once you have one ball moving smoothly, you can try two.
135. Hopeful that the glass panes are unbroken, that the key will turn smoothly in the lock.
136. He waltzed her around the room a little as the soft music started to flow smoothly over them.
137. These transitions would not occur altogether smoothly - flaws would be created, like the planes and lines formed when water freezes.
138. Mattie pressed the automatic device on her dashboard and the garage door eased upwards for the Lincoln to slide smoothly in.
139. Trent met it with a slight movement of the tiller bar, and the big catamaran lifted smoothly.
140. A pianist neither acquires nor executes the behavior of playing a scale smoothly because of a prior intention of doing so.
141. This elicited squeals, laughter and elaborate pay-back schemes, all tolerated only as long as the work continued smoothly.
142. Bonnie invited her input, and gave her the assignment to get things flowing smoothly.
143. The great thing about differential equations is that they produce nice smoothly continuous change in the quantities they describe.
144. The stagehands pulled on their ropes, and the curtain rolled up smoothly.
145. His hair was combed back smoothly over his round skull.
146. Taking half an hour Birmingham-Kidderminster is fine when all goes smoothly.
147. Hank was holding Louise in an old fashioned embrace, as if for waltzing, but they moved smoothly to the song.
148. She had refused to disrupt an already smoothly running system and he hadn't pressed the point.
149. Watch the blood flow freely and smoothly through the muscles.
150. Slowly and smoothly pull your abdominal muscles in tight, keeping your chest and thighs in contact with the floor.
151. And to enable coinage to function smoothly it must be properly controlled by that authority.
152. Still, she never lost sight of the smaller details that made the operation run smoothly.
153. The adjustment mechanisms are assumed to operate smoothly as the new opportunities are grasped.
154. The cruel blade slid smoothly from its sheath into his right hand.
155. One-way streets are utilized to move autos more smoothly and rapidly through the neighborhoods to their ultimate destination.
156. The front skiers break a trail in the new snow, and the rest glide smoothly behind.
157. A stream of water rose into the air, arched smoothly, and fell back into the pool.
158. The glass moved more smoothly, more quickly, then came to rest at the figure zero.
159. His legs were wide apart and she found herself slipping smoothly through the arch of his thighs.
160. I'm sure that everything will go off smoothly on the day.
161. A brittle material breaks suddenly, rather than deforming smoothly, when forced beyond a critical value.
162. In smoothly flowing medium speed winds,[] plumes from power stations can travel in a concentrated stream for hundreds of miles.
163. There were only three days now before the show and things were not going smoothly.
164. The monetary role enabled the coin to function properly as a coin by ensuring that it circulated smoothly and without interruption.
165. At root the managerialist approach assumes that private sector managerial techniques can be smoothly implanted into the public sector.
166. Once the engine is running smoothly, a backfire can be dramatic.
167. Remember how the cool salad dressing ran smoothly over the crunchy lettuce.
168. It is not a simple matter of a king giving his orders which then pass smoothly down an organized chain of command.
169. This city could reconfigure parts of itself, great vitrodur panels sliding smoothly, tilting, canting.
170. The hospital delayed elective surgeries, but the day otherwise went smoothly, a spokeswoman said.
171. The toastmaster opens the proceedings and keeps them flowing smoothly.
172. The aids had to be given positively and as Katharine became more adept, Benji performed the changes more smoothly.
173. Thus everything went smoothly when the peace conference reconvened at Michaelmas at Montlouis, between Tours and Amboise.
174. And with the treble boost you can push it hard, smoothly into distortion.
175. What was their history: had they progressed smoothly or with fits and starts?
176. The balance of creativity and business skill needed to smoothly administer the operations would in fact always elude the pair.
177. But the text merely enumerates these items and stresses their necessity, smoothly gliding over their meaning.
178. I am here to see that this runs smoothly for New York and New York delegation.
179. However, they require the cuts to be made to high standards of accuracy so that the transition is made smoothly.
180. Though they seemed to have refined the outward form of marriage, I suspected that underneath not everything ran smoothly.
181. Smoothly, Karlheinz Pintsch panned round as the aircraft passed him, sweeping down the runway.
182. Under circumstances such as these, it became very difficult to work smoothly together.
183. But with so many areas of potential give and take, the discussions did not run smoothly.
184. Today Riboli, his wife Maddalena and their children keep the winery running smoothly.
185. With anti-lock as standard, they respond smoothly and effectively to instruction and show no signs of fade during repeated hard stopping.
186. There was no point in trying to make her marriage run smoothly, interceding for her happiness.
187. He wanted it all to go smoothly right down to hailing a taxi.
188. Nevertheless, as the Daimler drove smoothly away, he scribbled its number in his notebook.
189. This has not made for a smoothly running society, whose members all feel part of a common enterprise.
190. It was already off the deck and bearing them smoothly upwards.
191. Generally it is recommended that there is more fibre in the diet to keep the gut working smoothly and efficiently.
192. On a par with Mom's, the flaky pie goes down smoothly.
192. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
193. With Minna, we thought things would run smoothly, but then Zbigniew did a really crazy thing.
194. While most of the day went smoothly, there were moments of tension among some of the officers.
195. Microsoft executives emphasized that Explorer, when integrated with other company software, can smoothly run large company intranets.
196. She lifted the glass in a toast and the drink went down smoothly.
197. She appointed officers, kept a watch over financial affairs, and made sure the work was progressing smoothly.
198. Check all zips and drawstrings are running smoothly before you set off camping.
199. Mr Felix also won very smoothly, going on five out and winning by eight lengths from Celtic Chimes.
200. Like every other business, it needs good management to keep it running smoothly[], especially during times of change.
201. Fifty years now; fifty years to establish themselves and set up Encyclopedia Foundation Number One into a smoothly working unit.
202. Cretans who like their salt to run smoothly add a few grains of rice to absorb moisture.
203. The engine has been overhauled and runs much more smoothly now.
204. As the viscosity increases, the lava flows more slowly and smoothly, not as boisterously as at first.
205. Publishers such as Ackermann had to employ a considerable body of engravers and watercolourists to keep the work moving smoothly.
206. The goal looked like the signal for Bucks to move smoothly towards their first championship since 1982.
207. They each had their own duties to perform to keep their household running smoothly.
208. Nothing went smoothly,even when it appeared that the most minute details had been described with no further room for misunderstanding.
209. Together they pulled back the high door, which despite its rustic appearance, ran smoothly on well-greased and balanced rollers.
210. Rex later commented on how smoothly she rode out the waves.
211. And while her comeback has had its moments, not everything has gone smoothly.
212. My job as duty officer involves keeping Teesside Airport running smoothly at all times.
213. Though the court view is rendered well and rotates smoothly, there is one minor flaw.
214. If all goes smoothly, we can get the drug in about two weeks, but life becomes very stressful.
215. The marmalade should dribble off from several points, rather than running off smoothly from one spot.
216. Smoothly synchronised endocrine function, an intrinsic factor in determining youthfulness, is also notoriously liable to become unbalanced through stress.
217. If you succeed in this, your cuts will be effectively invisible, and the images will flow smoothly.
218. This minor invention, which enables traffic to move smoothly and with a minimum of accidents, exploited a process need.
219. Golden Freeze cut out much of the early running but Waterloo Boy moved smoothly into the lead three out.
220. In capitalist society: The development of the productive forces is by no means a smoothly rising curve.
221. I thrust into rough grass and smoothly penetrated your loamy depths.
222. Her eyes drifted from his face to the smoothly muscled shoulder near her cheek.
223. Infants quickly catch on to the mechanics, and the whole process begins to work more smoothly.
224. With one-way streets, cars will move more smoothly and rapidly through the neighborhood.
225. Gathering research data has an impetus of its own and this part of the research procedure was carried through reasonably smoothly.
226. If everything goes smoothly, this may be by the end of March.
227. Director Scott Michell acquits himself admirably; this is his first feature, and it moves along smoothly, professionally, rhythmically.
228. A close working relationship is crucial if policy is to develop smoothly and clearly.
229. In radio control parlance this is called the frame rate and determines how rapidly and smoothly the servo position can be updated.
230. The transition to the new order did not seem to be going smoothly.
231. Your guidance aided the work to go on smoothly.
232. The continuous transformation connects smoothly to the unit operator.
233. After being touched up, the essay reads more smoothly.
234. The elective surgery was performed smoothly under general anesthesia with endotracheal intubation./smoothly.html
235. Steve and I worked frenetically to ensure that everything would go smoothly.
236. " Play'My Old Kentucky Home,'" he suggested smoothly, and Scarlett gratefully plunged into it.
237. Most operations are successful and the patient progresses smoothly to complete convalescence and rehabilitation.
238. He looked at Sohlberg smoothly , ironically, while the latter flared up.




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