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单词 Soiled
1. His actions have soiled his family name.
2. The baby had soiled her diaper again.
3. Leave bedclothes clean and tidy and remove soiled linen.
4. Baldwin soiled his hands a little, but not excessively.
5. The youngest child was wearing a soiled diaper.
6. Wire mesh covered the stained and permanently soiled windows.
7. We were soiled with urine, hungry, thirsty, cold and sick with exhaustion.
8. The man then soiled his bed. and Butler cleaned and changed him again.
9. His shirtfront was soiled with blood and his hair was wild.
10. Clothing and sheets soiled with blood and other body fluids should be washed in a machine at a high temperature setting.
11. Each soiled bald spot pinpoints a section they most often need to look up.
12. Many of the pages had been soiled by the old man's dirty fingers.
13. If the carpet is slightly soiled get an absorbent white cloth, a quality shampoo and warm water.
14. It is a soiled and puckered hem, the golden treasury's privy purse.
15. Meanwhile Marcus's face, emerging from beneath the soiled stubble, was looking remarkably clean and young.
16. The teenager won't put her soiled clothing in the laundry basket as requested; they don't get washed.
17. He sometimes gets his shoes soiled in trying to stay out of the muck.
18. Her pretty summer dress was soiled where she had knelt on the pavement.
19. Soiled bedding is removed and fresh material is collected, by both boar and sow.
20. Where these materials have to be cleaned methylene chloride is the only chemical option once items are soiled.
21. Making the bed: pull the top sheet back and check whether the bottom sheet is soiled and needs changing.
22. The children were found in the garage wearing only soiled diapers; one of them was covered with paint.
23. He was a cheery chap who wore a frock coat and a soiled black felt hat which had seen better days.
23. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
24. Even in the bright sunlight the air feels thick and soiled.
25. An unkempt coat will provide a refuge for parasites, and if soiled with faecal matter is likely to attract flies.
26. With respect to unhygienic conditions, cells are too often soiled by their inmates.
27. She had the servants make ready an easy-running mule-cart and pack it with the soiled clothes.
28. I get the attention of a miserable looking father in a soiled habit sitting alone in his cubbyhole.
29. But it had become impossible for Mr Major to plod on with the same soiled team.
30. Two people go into that room, that room with the forceps, the soiled bib.
31. He is dressed in a shabby navy blue suit and a soiled white shirt; he carries a raincoat.
32. Lucky he'd got it cost price, slightly soiled, after the shoot.
33. The path wound off into soiled twilight purples, lavish and darkly tangled, vanishing altogether after a few yards.
34. Is the bark naturally as black as it is now, or has the dirt from the air soiled it?
35. Sunbathers might find plastic bags of soggy bread and soiled clothes, but uninvited entry into the first world was generally discreet.
36. This would be soiled over to give a better finish than presently shown.
37. The coats of affected animals in both syndromes are dull and the hind quarters heavily soiled with faeces.
38. Fremont Elementary was old and soiled, waiting for terminal erosion like the bits of tire debris that trucks leave on freeways.
39. Like Querelle, men in tatty soiled uniforms are flexing their muscles, while others stare vacantly into the middle distance.
40. The thought of soiled nappies and vomit on my clothes gives me the horrors.
41. Ensure that there is a suitable place to dispose of soiled dressings.
42. Soiled by her imposture she remains silent.
43. He was soiled and seedy and fragrant with gin.
44. Casts are usually soiled either during eating or elimination.
45. Numitor took the soiled, torn garment in his hands.
46. About their becoming easily soiled and unsanitary, perhaps.
47. The recent outbreak of salmonella soiled KFC's reputation.
48. Her slanderous words soiled his reputation.
49. Usually white coats are the standard physician's attire. However, frequently physicians neglect to change their coat when it becomes "soiled" with blood, ink, urine or even fecal matter.
50. She pulled a soiled shift down over her head and shook her hair out.
51. Norma is downstream a little on the bank, vigorously scrubbing his soiled clothes.
52. It comes with two washable liners, a moisture resistant soiled items bag, and plenty of pockets for storage.
53. Melanie held out a man's handkerchief, soiled and highly perfumed, in which some coins were knotted.
53. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
54. Boil the oil soiled by the coil in the toilet lest it spoil.
55. Ignace found in his letter box a soiled folded paper containing Kessler's twenty - five dollars.
56. Van Gogh painted among peasants, and in some part of his being he was one himself, as burdened and as earthy as a rustic out of Brueghel, as soiled and as coarse.
57. Billy came to school in soiled , bedraggled hand - medowns.
58. Sequela: The pillow towel is the easiest actually stick on skin excretive is sweat fluid, oily be soiled, because it wants everyday, contact at least 8 hours intimately with your skin.
59. Mohammed Sain, a white-bearded man in a soiled turban, said that eight of his relatives had lived in this building.
60. I hesitantly entered the aqua-blue filth-smeared corridors and headed through an impossible maze of hallways, passing unruly-facial-haired men tittering in soiled khakis and sipping tall boys.
61. What tweak does halitosis tooth be soiled have to solve do not have?
62. The booming Zuckung Zuckung Zuckung was his high heels' heels drumming on the soiled floor's tile.
63. Yet you have a few people in Sardis who have not soiled their clothes.
64. The busboy who alerted patrons of the fire at the Hills Super Club said that cigaret butts dumped into soiled tablelinen may have caused the fatal blaze.
65. And a single soiled undergarment can spread those dangerous bacteria to the whole load.
66. Together, they came back from the outside, he smiled and said, you wash it first, of a soiled bromidrosis, uncomfortable.
67. In the mornings I would sneak the soiled sheets to the washbasin and soak them.
68. Sewing clothes for her family on the old Singer treadle machine, cooking meals and baking bread, planting and tending a vegetable garden, milking the goats and scrubbing soiled clothes on a washboard.
69. Creamy Diaper Rash Ointment: change wet and soiled diapers promptly.
70. Crates lined up on the quayside at Jaffa, chap ticking them off in a book, navvies handling them in soiled dungarees.
71. All used improperly, people of the damaged or soiled are non-returnable.
72. The waves were depositing a fringe of soiled yellow foam along the waterline.
73. Spot perambulate , discover on the kitchen cement floor of victim home and extracted shoe of plane of fresh water be soiled Yin Ermei.
73. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
74. To make or become wet and soiled by dragging; draggle .
75. Soiled samples need aging before cleaning to complete soil fiber interactions.
76. Bloat when seafood and meat of be soiled livestock, birds flesh, should use the metalloid container that has a lid, put its in freezer.




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