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单词 Direct action
1. Environmental groups are threatening direct action if plans for the new road go ahead.
2. Peaceful direct action by pressure groups has a powerful effect on public opinion.
3. I have always believed in direct action.
4. We felt we had to take direct action.
5. Consequently, nonviolent direct action as a strategy endured.
6. Meanwhile, direct action against nuclear tests becomes more frequent./direct action.html
7. He wanted a campaign of direct action and mass protest, not an organisation which would take up individual cases of discrimination.
8. But the mechanism of direct action is unknown and the subject remains highly contentious.
9. Soon direct action civil rights protesters were busily working with the administration to register voters.
10. The first is the sensorimotor level of direct action on the environment.
11. Direct action by central government would necessitate substantially increased expenditure and therefore revenue.
12. The group, he said, owed its origins to direct action by environmentalists in Britain.
13. Would any direct action stem from promptings of age or gender?
14. Before this period, behavior has always been a direct action of the child on objects.
15. But even they had been known to take direct action when driven to desperation.
16. More direct action is required.
17. Shareholder action system comprises shareholder direct action and shareholder derivative action.
18. The direct action of changed conditions leads to definite or indefinite results.
19. Earth is taking direct action as the pattern of combustion is so devastating unto her field.
20. But he argues that rule-making is none the less a useful device, and that it is often preferable to direct action.
21. But its author, William Powell, now says he is older and wiser, and has renounced violent direct action.
22. They are spooking away at the window and Charlie and Emma take some direct action and soak them in water.
23. I left Hong Kong because I felt I could only direct action movies there.
24. The platitudes of rich pop stars won't change a thing - direct action just might.
25. In terms of dealing with the mistaken image of you, there is not much direct action to take.
26. A couple of the more radical organisations have said they respect a diversity of tactics ranging from popular education to direct action.
27. These charges were dropped in 1916, but by then Sanger was looking to-ward more direct action.
28. Three civil rights activists found dead.Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) dedicated to non-violent direct action against racial discrimination.
29. Even if it doesn't work, there is something healthy and invigorating about direct action.
30. At other times it has been by His own direct action.
31. It would appear that climate has some direct action on the hair of our domestic quadrupeds.
32. Only with mass direct action will we obtain such change.
33. The development of a direct action Safety interlock device controlled machine and electricity is introduced.
34. The gens attempted to uproot the entire conjugal system of the period by its direct action.
35. We shall not get anywhere unless we take direct action ourselves.
36. Functionally, there is evidence showing a direct action of gonadotropins on ovarian tumor cell growth.




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