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单词 Wedged
1, He wedged himself through the narrow window.
2, The streets are wedged solid with near-constant traffic gridlock.
3, She wedged a chair firmly under the door handle.
4, I shut the shed door and wedged it with a log of wood.
5, Victoria wedged herself into the passenger seat.
6, Someone had wedged the door open with a brick.
7, The boat was now wedged between the rocks.
8, She wedged herself into the passenger seat.
9, The phone was wedged under his chin.
10, The people wedged me into the corner.
11, He wedged himself through the narrow crack.
12, His bag wedged in the crack of the door.
13, He wedged the door open with a bit of wood.
14, This table must be wedged up because it is unsteady.
15, I was so tightly wedged between two other passengers,(http:///wedged.html) I couldn't get off the bus.
16, A rumpled bed is wedged behind the seats.
17, Groves wedged a muslin snake bag behind his belt.
18, The mountains rise abruptly from the wedged defiles, separating the hollows where the dwellings are clustered.
19, There were eight empty liquor cartons tilted and wedged across the rear seat.
20, That was four hours too long for Billie wedged in behind the ferry tanks.
21, Rusted dairy cases had been wedged in along its sides and four corners to keep it balanced.
22, He wedged the picture inside the locker door and stood staring at it.
23, So letters were left under large stones, wedged firmly in flowerpots or slipped under the door.
24, In female flowers, the flies are wedged in tightly, the thorax pollen being rubbed off on to the stigma.
25, What looked like a wedding ring was wedged on her thumb.
26, At first Alistair took them for other screenplay writers and wedged himself behind the door, at the back of the queue.
27, She stood against the glass partition by the double-leaved doors with the violin and the suitcase wedged behind her calves.
28, She kept asking her gym teacher, imploring until her enthusiasm wedged her into the program.
29, He heaved his bulk round, but saw only the tightly wedged backs of the mob out in the street.
30, I desperately tried to paddle away but the canoe move and I was wedged in.
1, The streets are wedged solid with near-constant traffic gridlock.
2, She wedged a chair firmly under the door handle.
3, I shut the shed door and wedged it with a log of wood.
31, She wedged the door open with a stone and then, without once looking back, strode off through the woods.
32, MacLane was still on the running board, his arm wedged into the squashed wreck of the car.
33, The second time around, Stafford was fast asleep, wedged in between two large blond businessmen.
34, Now they slept with Timmy's cot wedged between the partition and his bed.
35, I left the overstuffed backpack on the floor, wedged between my feet.
36, Finally they wedged the ends in place between boulders and the bridge was complete.
37, We wedged it in place firmly, but not too tight against the lintel, leaving room for adjustment.
38, Simon had wedged the handle under his thigh to stop the knife from sliding off into space.
39, Now the main lights were on, the ruffled gold curtains closed across the screen, the exit doors wedged open.
40, She wedged their magazines between old paint tins and imperfectly washed milk bottles and towers of flowerpots, and crept away.
41, A group of teenagers sat, wedged in behind the fixed tables and seats in the alcove.
42, A couple of minutes later she heard the chair that had wedged the door handle shut being moved.
43, He wedged the knife upright in the cutlery drawer while jamming it shut with one knee.
44, Not since Clarenceaux wedged a beer-mat between the bell and the clapper.
45, The church Hanson founded had a long name with Pentecostal wedged in it somewhere.
46, My own camp was wedged between the two branches of my immediate family.
47, All along the windshield wipers they got wedged under with legs and wings in disarray.
48, It stuck, only a third open, wedged on broken glass on the floor.
49, He was wedged between two fat ladies.
50, The hotel's wedged right between the two airports.
51, Her foot wedged in the narrow crack.
52, He wedged me door open.
53, He wedged the door open.
54, He wedged himself in [ into ] the queue.
55, I wedged it under the wiper arm.
56, He wedged the window to prevent it from rattling.
57, The bone wedged in his throat and strangled him.
58, Prince Nesvitsky stood with his big body wedged against the railing.
59, But after just 30 minutes of sifting through the garbage mountain, he struck lucky when he spotted a tiny glimmer surrounded by black sludge, wedged between two brown bags.
60, And he distracted them with news of the chest of gold which was, indeed wedged behind the false bottom of the carriage, just where Mahaduta himself had hidden it many times in past years.
61, Wedged between two enemies—India with its Hindu majority and Muslim Pakistan—Kashmir has been caught in the cross fire for a half century.
62, Methods Using stomach tube whose end has air - balloon, wedged in the cr ack of esophagus, bracing and enlarging the cavity of esophagus, and anastomosing with stomach or intestinal expansionary.
63, This elongated country, wedged between the deepest ocean and the longest mountain chain, straddles a tectonically unstable region.
63, try its best to gather and make good sentences.
64, Wedged between Europe and Asia , Turkey serves as a big transit route for people - smuggling.
65, This may be attributed to a wedged vertebra that causes repeated microtrauma and resulting avascular necrosis on the adjacent vertebra.
66, Currently, knee braces and wedged orthotic shoe inserts are used to relieve the load on the knee joints of patients with osteoarthritis, but everyday footwear is also a factor to consider.
67, With Nim and Daphne wedged tightly into the back of Thurston's Pinto, Daphne squeezed his arm.
68, Methods:14 cases of spinal kyphosis were treated by wedged three-columniation-osteotomy and AF pedicle screw system fixation through posterior procedure.
69, The second side of Charlie Wilson was the man who represented the piny woods and the oilfields of east Texas, with small dry towns wedged among forests named after Sam Houston and Davy Crockett.
70, By means of the bin, a comparative test of tractive performance between the wedged paddle wheels and nonrim ones ofpaddy-field tractor(P. F. T. ) is analysed.
71, In monkeys, the team discovered a piece of what could be "junk DNA" wedged in at the start of the gene.
72, Emma took his offering but despair was wedged in her throat.
73, A small part of Hebei, an exclave disjointed from the rest of the province, is wedged between the municipalities of Beijing and Tianjin.
74, His massive family wedged into a small car for vacation.
75, The experimental and numerical results show that the energy distribution of wedged jets in space is different from that of the circular jet with the energy at the center being transported sidewise.
76, She was wedged into some branches that stuck out over the water.
77, Supercool is an adjustable lamp that can be wedged between floor and ceiling.
78, Geocell Wedged - shaped Flexible Slab is a new technology to treat bridge bump.
79, The young filly needed to be freed from the tree after curiosity got the better of it and it wedged its head between separate sections of the trunk.
80, Her aged body wedged in a narrow space between the fence and the bottom step.




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