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单词 Latency
1. a state of latency.
2. That latency will get you every time.
3. He pointed out that the latency period is absent in primitive societies and is found only in higher cultures.
4. Freud emphasized the importance of the latency period for the cultural development of the individual, and hence the society.
5. Latency is friction in telephone wires that can cause delays in the response time of action gaming.
6. Optimize for responsiveness; accommodate latency.
7. Above all, can save latency time queueing up.
8. Figure 1 shows the measure of interrupt latency.
9. The average latency at which successful reject requests are processed.
10. The personality traits were not related with either latency or duration of temporalis ES2 in any group.
11. Latency is lower and more deterministic because handlers become user-configurable, schedulable entities that can be preempted and prioritized just like any other process.
12. Latency refers to the time that the garbage collector intrudes in your application.
13. With increasing demand for higher bandwidth and lower latency packet switching, communications providers introduced Frame Relay.
14. To reduce handoff latency in mobile IP, two link layer trigger methods are proposed.
15. Patients usually become symptomatic after a latency period of hours to days.
16. Deterministic behavior at a low latency time was the primary challenge of the applications done in Java.
17. The average latency at which failed publish requests are processed.
18. The amplitude of the pressure waves declined after a latency period of about 2 to 3 minutes.
19. Generally, the faster your Internet connection,( ) the lower the latency.
20. Subjects were told whether to produce an active or a passive sentence to describe the picture, and production latency was measured.
21. The time taken for this round-trip of request and acknowledgment determines the network's latency.
22. In real-time control systems based on fixed priority scheduling, the latency and jitter of task are important factors which will impact the stability of the system.
23. Once in place on authorized Synchronous Optical Networks (SONET), users will experience significantly less network delay, or latency, common to securing large information files.
24. Even with the elimination of measles, cases of SSPE may still occur 20 to 30 years after the last measles cases because of the skew of the latency distribution.
25. Because exceptions are rarely quick to process, the additional overhead of loading extra classes may push operation latency above a critical threshold.
26. In a common long-distance network environment, the bandwidth is about 1M and the latency is about 100 milliseconds.
27. AIM: To study the change in cognitive function in derogative state of different neurotransmitter by mensurating P300 amplitude and latency.
28. This is a very tough problem space to solve, but the RAMCloud project is focused on just that, combining scale with very low access latency.
29. A novel 4:2 compressor is used in the partial product compression, which further reduces the latency and area.
30. Analyses and simulation results show that the broadcast protocol can not only avoid collision, but also highly reduce the redundant rebroadcasts and the broadcast latency.
31. The electrophysiological changes were recorded continuously, The nerve conductive velocity decreased, the action potential amplitude decreased and the latency time prolonged.
32. The success with the animal model prompted the team to study in test tubes whether minocycline treatment affected latency in human T cells infected with HIV.
33. The reason is that HDD performance is limited by mechanical constraints such as head movement (seek time) and rotational latency.
34. Therefore, seek time continues to be the largest source of latency in HDDs.
35. When compared to MapReduce, Percolator can process data with far lower latency, with an additional set of resources to support random lookups.
36. Thus, it is important to study protocols and implementation of system bus to hide memory latency and increase memory access rate.
37. Median nerve wrist-index finger sensory nerve potential latency was measured by antidromic recording.
38. The experiments show that the polling latency and the network overhead of the distributed aggregative polling method are extremely lower than those of the concentrated method.
39. Inquiry and quoted is clients and enterprises' initial osculatory, and also plays an important role to obtain latency client, get client order, detain old client.
40. Certainly, one of the biggest enablers will be the full roll-out of 4G technology, which will help with issues of latency and bandwidth.
41. When the map is dragged, the prefetched data comes into view with no refresh latency.
42. The old casuistry of latency is itself a product of the sexual imaginary of surfaces and depths, and always implies a diagnosis of symptoms and prognosis for their correction .
43. This transient increase is reinforced by a positive feedback loop in the latency pathway, permitting even higher production of lysogenic proteins, and ultimately the latent outcome.
44. How do you manage base nodes or Network Deployment cells that are geographically diverse, and connected possibly through a high latency, low bandwidth network?
45. Generally, the data latency or data currency is dependent on the refresh cycle of the data consolidation process.
46. Thus, providing for a latency period of approximately half a year between credit contraction and economic collapse, based on my Olympic Games timing, I would pinpoint the bust for 2009.
47. The number is the actual latency time in the latest monitoring interval.
48. Progressive image transmission can help reducing the latency time and raise the browsing speed when transmitting images over low band links.
49. We simulated 100 ms round-trip latency and 3 Mbps network bandwidth for these tests.
50. Waiting for responses from outside the portal server to satisfy incoming requests will introduce latency that cannot be recovered by optimizing the execution path of the portlet code.
51. The average latency at which successful enumerate folder requests are processed.
52. The SLA should specify an average round-trip latency and packet loss over a given time period -- within a month,() say.
53. Embodiments of the invention are generally directed to systems, methods, and apparatuses for improving latency by offsetting cyclic redundancy check lanes from data.
54. Business activity monitoring shortens the latency period between a significant business event and notification of the right person in the organization.
55. You can compare latency in online games to the round-trip time it takes parents to drive from home to the store and back.
56. And then they say, "Dad wins" and then they don't think about sex for several years and that's the latency stage.
57. The synchronization mechanism covers the inherent network latency and ensures the excellent interactivity by making use of the method of client prediction and dead reckoning.
58. Objective:To study the effects of two shortime hypnotics, zopiclone and triazolam, on the parameters of daytime multiple sleep latency test(MSLT).
59. In the practice fact, this thesis created three phases about how to foster creativity, including reserving phase, latency phase and breaking phase.
60. The time it takes to complete an I/O request (referred to as disk latency) is a combination of seek time, rotational latency, and disk transfer time.
61. The average latency at which successful checkin requests are processed.
62. In addition, the latency time when constituency is polling also exceeds before.
63. Maskable interrupt sources with the ability to preempt the kernel code and thus have a lower latency and are less subject to jitter, see Response Time and Jitter.
64. Give an example of a network that exhibits high bandwidth and high latency.
65. The government forces to the service competition of airline the latency time that interfere and cannot reduce a passenger to be in the place that install check.
66. That response is about 10 times slower than most wired or Wi-Fi network connections, which typically have a latency of about 10ms.
67. Dead reckoning is a technique to re duce latency and communication costs in distributed interactive simulation systems.
68. In addition, the programmable threshold detector allows monitoring of the incoming signal power, using the four fast detect bits of the ADC with very low latency.
69. AXI supports latency management to ensure correct performance of the modem in a unified memory architecture.
70. After the initial period of infection, these viruses enter a dormant state known as latency.
71. The flight track filter algorithm is usually implemented through PC, where the latency time of the system reach milliseconds and the volume of the device is bulky.
72. Results: The latency time between injury and end-stage ankle OA was 20.9 years (1-52 years).
73. The average latency at which failed approve requests are processed.
74. This avoids network latency and the overhead of inter-process communication, as well as context switching in the operating system, further contributing to extreme speed.
75. TCP allows for multiple packets to be sent without an acknowledgment from the remote side, up to 64 kilobytes (KB) by default, which can be filled when talking to higher latency peers.
76. By doing this, the seek and latency time between index lookups can be reduced.
77. Most of the threshold, refractory period, and latency recorded from the dorsal column side were higher than those in the dorsolateral funiculus .
78. The total throughput achieved is 300, 000 UDP requests/s, but the latency at that request rate is too high to be useful in our system.
79. A latency period is the length of time between catching a disease and showing signs having caught it.
80. According to instructions,() the latency period of bird flu is usually less than 7 days if a human is infected.
81. Therefore, an algorithm is proposed to reduce the queue length in the system by way of lengthening the latency for part of users to reduce the average latency for all the system users.
82. The storage for which the latency ( waiting time ) is negligible at all times.
83. Meanwhile, these alkaloids also could effectively reduce the eclamptic ratio of the mice and significantly prolong the convulsion latency.
84. A latency time period between playback and authorization for deletion gives the viewer flexibility to replay parts of the presentation before deletion.
85. With Percolator, Google is now able to process documents as they are crawled, reducing the average latency by a factor of 100 and the average age of the document by 50%.
86. The SONET Datacryptors have minimal latency and will allow the network to operate at maximum efficiency while encrypting mission critical applications.
87. Result:There was significant difference between hallux valgus foot and normal foot of the latency and amplitude of posterior tibial muscle and peroneus longus muscle.
88. The average latency at which successful approve requests are processed.
89. Compared with that of volunteers, height and velocity of larynx elevation decreased, opening width of cricopharyngeal muscle reduced and swallowing latency prolonged in dysphagia patients.
90. The birth of modern logistics science ends the long history that Logistics System operates at its latency stage .
91. Mobile technologies such as EVDO and HSPA provide wide area coverage with consistent bandwidth guaran- tees; while technologies like WiFi provide high band- width and low latency.
92. Some problems in realizing the "high bandwidth, low latency" of interconnection system are solved to increase the interconnection communication ability and efficiency.
93. For God sakes , Alvy, even Freud speaks of a latency period!
94. The paper also makes real-time performance evaluation both external interrupt response latency and task scheduling latency.
95. If you have several disks, splitting load onto separate spindles is an effective way of making reads and writes faster because the largest component of disk latency is the seek time.
96. Simulations results show that the method can efficiently save rebroadcast rate of packet to transmit and broadcast latency time in the case of guaranteeing broadcast success rate.
97. Experiments show that ADERM consumes less bandwidth and endures less latency.
98. Low latency MIDI input for real - time synthesizer feedback.
99. Results Vertigo attack of PC-BPPV had such characters as brief period, positioning, latency and fatigability.
100. The short latency period and the high incidence of thymic lymphoma represent a valuable model for future use in histogenetic, immunophenotypic and therapeutic investigations of T-cell lymphoma.
101. There are large handoff latency and the packet being easier to lose on mobile IP handoff.
102. Anti-epileptic peptide makes the latency period of the epilepsy caused by cephalosporin shorter than the contrast group, the extent lighter(), and the continual period shorter.
103. CSP onset latency was inversely correlated with JOA score and N13 amplitude, and was positively correlated with central motor conduction time to abductor digiti minimi.
104. This loop consists of 3 instructions also with unknown sum of latency.
105. The notion of adjacency of pages to reduce disk head or arm movement and thus latency during I/O does not apply to SSDs, of course.
106. As processor gets much higher speed, the memory access latency a bottleneck that restricts higher performance.
107. Each stream being watched will require a megabyte a second of bandwidth and a latency of less than 60ms if it is to deliver crisp, pin-sharp video and pristine sound.
108. Then give an example of one with low bandwidth and low latency.
109. It is an unexpected finding considering that for most cancers,(http:///latency.html) the latency period -- the time between exposure to a carcinogen and expression of disease -- tends to span decades.
110. Therefore, the data write-in method can reduce meaningless data migration to improve the system efficiency and avoid the long write latency time.
111. The average latency at which failed enumerate folder requests are processed.
112. First, the jitter control algorithm aims at smoothing the jitter variance with low queueing delay latency.
113. Objective To establish the normal values of pudendal somatosensory evoked potential (PSSEP) and sacral reflex latency (SRL) in children.
114. Both new waveform convergence algorithm and latency algorithm are introduced to accelerate the rate of waveform convergence.
115. Some experiments prove that the approach can not only improve the system's performance, but also decrease the average latency time of tuples and improve the output rate of tuples greatly.
116. In order to meet the future need of real-time and quasi-realtime applications, the OBS network design requires short latency time.
117. Interrupt latency is the key metric assessing the real-time performance of Windows CE.
118. First, from the perspective of encoder designing, we study fountain codes with short code-length, which is likely to reduce the decoding latency and buffer requirement.
119. The scheme improves the reliability of data transmission, and reduces system overhead and the latency of recovery.
120. Latency impact - many commercial WAF appliances can be deployed out-of-line in a sniffing mode which provides access and visibility to HTTP transactions without impacting the latency by being inline.
121. Six studies gave results for malignant brain tumours in that latency group.
122. The average rotational latency is one-half of a revolution of the disk platter.
123. The latency time between injury and OA depends on fracture type and severity, occurrence of complications in the healing process, and patient-related factors, for example, age.
124. In Figure 1 above, queue "B2R_2" had a WebSphere MQ latency of 0.4 second in the last interval (rightmost bar).
125. Results show that the new system has a high bandwidth, low latency, expansibility, large-scale, high security and low cost so that it is suitable for a mass storage system.
126. Therefore, Dihuang Yinzi could shorten the latency time and increase the number of target quadrant.
127. Objective To mensurate the normal latency of facial nerve-evoked brain potentials in rats, and establish a database of normal values of facial-nerve evoked brain potentials for our lab.
128. Data transfer times are typically fractions of a millisecond, so rotational latency and seek time are the primary sources of disk latency on a physical HDD.
129. Arsenicosis has a latency period as long as 20 years, and over the next decade, even as more wells are installed, more cases are diagnosed.
130. Manage branch servers that are geographically dispersed and reachable only through a low bandwidth, high latency network.
131. This algorithm can get performance metrics such as the packet loss rate, round trip time, and latency variation according to the returned status of the measuring probe packets.
132. Latency afferent inhibition was partially normalized by STN stimulation in the medication - on condition.
133. Because EFDs have no moving parts, they are not constrained by seek time or rotational latency in the way that FC and SATA HDDs are.
134. Would latency between you and the cloud - service provider pose a problem?
135. In the ideal case, the latency of the rendering of one page is the maximum latency over all portlets on that pages in contrast to the sum of latencies if all portlets were rendered sequentially.
136. Now, the most commonly used enterprise hard disk drives (HDDs) are limited by the rate of head movement, the speed of the spinning platter, and seek latency.
137. Stagnation of monlchamus road and the number of rollers, rollers the more its cumulative total latency.
138. All components are controlled via PC compatible software which also analyses the response latency.
139. This paper describes the implementation of buffer manager that is used in switch circuit, provides a request shift method to handle the latency between input buffer and central arbitration.
139. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
140. The capabilities of latency time, utility of resource and throughput of the process model and its subnet are calculated through the solving of steady probability.
141. Rather than add the latency, complexity, and overhead of summarizing, logging, and processing information, it is often better to provide direct access to live system performance data.
142. This service is hosted by an Internet market data provider and has a potentially long latency time.
143. The incidence of errors and latency period measured by electric surge test in iodine excess and iodine deficiency groups were significantly higher than those in the normal group.
144. From the 13th day, the mean latency period of treated group is shorter significantly than control's in adhensive-removal test.
145. What is interrupt latency?
146. Consider possible optimizations for WebSphere Commerce and eXtreme Scale placement, such as sharing the same frame (p-series architecture) to further reduce network latency (shown in Figure 3).
147. Increasing flash frequency increased latency time of the negative wave, but decreased the amplitude of the small positive wave.
148. This paper studies the interrupt latency and context-switch time of embedded real-time operating system, and about the interrupt latency a non-maskable interrupt idea is put forward.
149. In PMRG and ATG , P 300 amplitude increased and P 300 latency shortened.
150. Modern processor performance increases at a rat of 60% per year, while the bandwidth of a DRAM chip increase by only 15%-20% per year, with latency improved by only 7%.
151. The average latency at which successful checkout requests are processed.
152. When tuning this value, note that the optimal transmission window is related to the bandwidth and the latency in a straight-forward way.
153. Fetching each instruction involves a certain latency that can be avoided by prefetching instructions and storing them for later execution.
154. Off-chip memory latency is mainly determined by DRAM latency,(sentence dictionary) and memory bandwidth is determined by data transfer rate through the memory bus.
155. Conversely, if you are working on an interactive system such as a web application, then a low latency garbage collector is generally the best choice.
156. Conclusion The phase-locking and the latency in the subdivisions of the inferior colliculus are different.
157. Access time is the sum of seek time and rotational latency and command processing overhead.
158. The injury is characterized by latency, torpidness, complex, and difficulty in diagnosis and therapy.
159. The second solution is a large-grained one that returns all the information you need in a single invocation and ensures minimal effects due to network latency and system I/O.
160. Latency measures how long it takes in milliseconds for a data packet to travel over the Internet from your computer to a central server and back again.
161. Due to the latency difference between main memory and on-chip memory cache, POWER7 was designed with three levels of on-chip cache (see Figure 1).
162. Disk performance can be measured in terms of several important characteristics: seek time, latency, access time, and the spin speed of the disk.
163. This review will focus on the structure and gene expressed character of Epstein-Barr virus. The gene expression of Epstein-Barr virus in latency infection and the function of latent cycle gene ...
164. A mechanism for ensuring that a bus master does not extend the access latency of other masters beyond a specified value.
165. The latency of memory is measured in nanoseconds as it is typically independent o-n processor clock speed.
166. After a seven day latency period a distractor device is activated 1 mm per day until the desired expansion is obtained.




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