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单词 Unfavourable
(1) The conditions were unfavourable for intensive agricultural production.
(2) Unfavourable economic conditions were blocking a recovery of the American insurance market.
(3) The company will lend you money on very unfavourable terms.
(4) The committee began its work under unfavourable auspices.
(5) First reactions have been distinctly unfavourable.
(6) The play got splendid, excellent, unfavourable, etc reviews.
(7) He makes unfavourable comparisons between British and French cooking.
(8) The documentary presents him in a very unfavourable light.
(9) The disappointing profits are due to unfavourable currency translations.
(10) We found that most people are unfavourable to the idea.
(11) There has been a lot of unfavourable publicity about the hospital.
(12) Unfavourable weather has had damaging effects on this year's harvest.
(13) The whole international economic situation is very unfavourable for the countries in the south.
(14) A more unfavourable response was given today by the Prime Minister.
(15) Although they laboured under the unfavourable conditions, they fulfilled the plan.
(16) Following widespread unfavourable publicity, Grand Lodge decided to redefine its rules on public relations in 1984.
(17) The first defendant's report was unfavourable to the plaintiff and it was sent by him to the plaintiff's solicitors.
(18) Despite unfavourable weather, grain production had remained stable at around 21,700,000 tonnes, and 1,000,000 tonnes of rice had been exported.
(19) Years of unfavourable comment, of poor gold prices and worse fundamentals are being explained away.
(20) Careless spelling mistakes in a letter can create an unfavourable impression .
(21) The other way in which he could compensate for unfavourable power relations was through effective public relations.
(22) For the Republicans, it was a defensive struggle for democracy, against increasingly unfavourable odds.
(23) He was now encumbered with a record that the voters generally regarded in an unfavourable light.
(24) Though he notes occasional heroism, his general verdict on the working classes is unfavourable.
(25) The condition of insecurity which often prompts people to migrate to towns means that urban growth occurs under highly unfavourable circumstances.
(26) One possibility relates to the many cases where plural reference is made under conditions which our results show to be relatively unfavourable.
(27) Within seconds visual behaviours are sending signals which create a favourable or an unfavourable impression.
(28) Of the 43 industry-funded studies, only 6 came out with any unfavourable findings.
(29) Net margins were 14% of turnover, a very good performance considering the very unfavourable worldwide economic climate.
(30) For example, the modifications could be carried out badly, resulting in unfavourable publicity for the software company.
(1) The conditions were unfavourable for intensive agricultural production.
(2) Unfavourable economic conditions were blocking a recovery of the American insurance market.
(3) The company will lend you money on very unfavourable terms.
(31) Very often this is combined with an option to take money instead should bill rates be unfavourable.
(32) Furthermore, the unfavourable climate may have repercussions on the general attitudes to the black population in the United Kingdom.
(33) The theory states that if we receive an excess of definitions favourable over those unfavourable, then we will commit crime.
(34) The second interpretation is that the economic outcomes, unfavourable as well as favourable, have been a consequence of the government's policies.
(35) Even the truly independent are dependent on social and economic conditions, which are unfavourable to them.
(36) What happens if the conditions for establishing basic trust and security are unfavourable during the early years of childhood?
(37) And correspondingly, not to have a job is highly unfavourable so people outside paid work are considered inferior.
(38) Despite an unfavourable business environment, the stock market remained steady.
(39) It provided for higher social services expenditure, and also reflected recent unfavourable exchange rate movements.
(40) The outcome is that Scotch Whisky has been left to compete on distinctly unfavourable terms with imported wines.
(41) Certainly a high market share has not been sufficient to attract an unfavourable judgement.
(42) Specific handicaps refer to natural conditions unfavourable for agricultural production, e.g. poor soil, poor drainage or excessive salinity.
(43) A great deal of fervent and unfavourable publicity was heaped upon the papacy as a result of this issue.
(44) A less liquid market could have unfavourable effects on the cost of raising capital.
(45) And planning certainly proved incapable of maintaining accumulation once conditions became unfavourable.
(46) A fierce debate arose among those trying to respond to the unfavourable economic and social effects of occupation.
(47) The conditions of 1930-3 were unfavourable to unity among employers.
(48) Whilst some now characterise the relationship as grossly unfavourable,[] others draw the line at calling it less favourable.
(49) In their place is the belief that human problems arise from the interaction of individual experience with unfavourable social and environmental conditions.
(50) Furthermore inflammation is frequently accompanied by fever and an increased temperature is unfavourable to survival of some microorganisms.
(51) There is a good deal of unfavourable comment.
(52) The conditions were unfavourable for agriculture.
(53) Excessive moisture is unfavourable for soybean germination.
(54) An amoeba forms a cyst when conditions are unfavourable.
(55) President Mubarak was particularly unfavourable to the idea.
(56) The weather was unfavourable for shooting.
(57) Acute cerebral death complicated hyponatremia patients have unfavourable prognosis.
(58) The footbridge is designed to accommodate loads of public crowds, taken as full or partial loading in the most unfavourable conditions.
(59) Not only can the Soviet state abandon the way of socialism, but the Bolshevik party can, under unfavourable historic conditions, lose its Bolshevism .
(60) This paper presents the producing cause of different unfavourable flow conditions in the outlet area of approach channel for ship gate and its perniciousness.
(61) I am at an unfavourable position in being conversationally unacquainted with English.
(62) The high rate of nitrogen and phosphorus is unfavourable to the photosynthesis of the phytoplankton.
(63) This double - whammy drives prices in a direction unfavourable to the customer.
(64) He had acquired the knack of snatching his siesta in the most unfavourable circumstance.
(65) By using principal of stationary multi-variable function, an analytic equation to decide unfavourable location about absolute maximum deflection was also obtained.
(65) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
(66) Geminiviruses may have favourable or unfavourable effects on the development, survival and reproduction of the whitefly.
(67) Citing as an example a high-precision small-signal inverting summing amplifier, this paper discusses briefly the possible operational errors of the electric circuit under unfavourable conditions.
(68) Natural causes include drought, flooding, unfavourable weather conditions, plant disease, and insect infestation.
(69) There are some deep reasons for the unfavourable problems appeared in the performance of current tariff system.
(70) Lower average molecular weight of LGV samples was unfavourable for the adsorption and hydration.
(71) Intimidate book sellers by confiscating books deemed unfavourable to the Barisan government.
(72) Unfavourable weather doubtless has exacerbated the shortcomings of Soviet agriculture since 1979.
(73) In addition the vigilance of the enemy was undoubtedly relaxed owing unfavourable phase of the moon.
(74) The results show that sulphur and alkali have either favourable or unfavourable effect on mineral formation of clinkers, especially on the formation of alite.
(75) Under unfavourable work conditions a dangerous section forms on the inner wing of the joint between sprag and grip, where the stresses are concentrated.
(76) We've got a fairly unfavourable exchange rate at the moment.
(77) Basically, these splits are unfavourable to the counter-revolution and favourable to the revolution.
(78) Attention to balance diet and intake enough bean products helped increase bone density and too many intake of vegetality food was unfavourable to increase bone density.
(79) The swine flu outbreak only exacerbated an unfavourable trading environment.
(80) Long period of financial straitness exerts great spiritual pressure and psychological obstacle on the exceptionally poor college students, which was unfavourable to their growing up healthy and sound.
(81) All these indicate that combined action of many unfavourable factors caused the landslide, and provide useful data and information for design and construction of soft clay slope in future.
(82) This attack having failed, another, less direct, was made a few years later by the authorities of the University of Leyden, which forbade all mention of him, whether favourable or unfavourable.
(83) The over-expression of HER2 in these cancers and succedent unfavourable prognosis such as tumor hyperplasia, recurrence make HER2 become the desirable therapeutic target.
(84) Their unfavourable trade balance for July stood at 29 million pounds.
(85) Hong Kong instantly realized the unfavourable position he appeared to be in.




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