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单词 Daylight
1. We'll keep on driving while there's still daylight.
2. They robbed the bank in broad daylight.
3. The colours look different when viewed in daylight.
4. Daylight is highly conducive to good plant growth.
5. They're just ripping the fans off; it's daylight robbery.
6. He was robbed in broad daylight.
7. How many hours of daylight do we have in a day?
8. We mustn't fear daylight just because it almost always illuminates a miserable world.
9. Daylight came in through its glass roof; this was now the only illumination.
10. People can go out to work in the daylight hours and then come to night school in the evening.
11. I prefer to work in natural daylight.
12. A little daylight was filtering through the curtains.
13. Drugs are sold unashamedly in broad daylight.
14. By daylight the fire was almost under control.
15. Towards 6 a.m. daylight broke.
16. He was mugged in broad daylight.
17. Quinn returned shortly after daylight yesterday morning.
18. Three pounds for two sandwiches? It's daylight robbery!
19. The street looks very different in daylight.http:///daylight.html
20. The machines roar incessantly during the hours of daylight.
21. The kidnapping occurred in broad daylight.
22. They emerged from the church into the bright daylight.
23. The park is open during daylight hours.
24. The view is best seen by daylight / moonlight.
25. There are still two hours of daylight left.
26. The shutters were closed to shut out the daylight.
27. £4 for an orange juice? That's just daylight robbery!
28. £2.50 for a cup of coffee? It's daylight robbery!
29. They're shy animals and don't often come out in daylight.
30. Cooped up in a small dark cell, the prisoner hadn't seen daylight for five years.
1. We'll keep on driving while there's still daylight.
2. They robbed the bank in broad daylight.
3. Daylight is highly conducive to good plant growth.
4. They're just ripping the fans off; it's daylight robbery.
5. He was robbed in broad daylight.
6. How many hours of daylight do we have in a day?
7. They're shy animals and don't often come out in daylight.
8. Cooped up in a small dark cell, the prisoner hadn't seen daylight for five years.
9. Daylight came in through its glass roof; this was now the only illumination.
10. People can go out to work in the daylight hours and then come to night school in the evening.
11. The machines roar incessantly during the hours of daylight.
12. To get there on time we must leave before daylight.
13. It is easier to read by daylight than by lamplight.
31. The daylight faded almost imperceptibly into night.
32. I can see better in daylight.
33. The evening turned cool as daylight faded.
34. In summer, the daylight hour lengthens.
35. The path was rough going, even in daylight.
36. I haven't seen your garden in daylight before.
37. She was up before daylight.
38. The public has access during daylight hours.
39. If possible, it's better to work in natural daylight.
40. Through the aperture he could see daylight.
41. Careful inspection in daylight revealed imperfections in the paintwork.
42. Painting is best done in daylight.
43. Lack of daylight can make people feel depressed.
44. She went back out into the daylight.
45. The prisoners emerged, blinking, into daylight.
46. They left before daylight .
47. The colours look much better in daylight.
48. Faint glimmers of daylight were showing through the treetops.
49. The thin curtains let in the daylight.
50. The park is open to the public during daylight hours .
51. A girl was attacked on a train in broad daylight.
52. The bridge would be a prime target for enemy aircraft during daylight hours.
53. They went so far as to rip off banks in broad daylight.
54. You wouldn't believe some of the prices they charge; it's daylight robbery.
55. During the first scene, which begins early in the morning,(http:///daylight.html) we'll dim the lights up to give the effect of growing daylight.
56. I rolled out about three o'clock in the morning to ride guard till daylight.
57. I thought about the problem for days before I began to see daylight.
58. Thick chipboard across the window frames blocked out the daylight.
59. The attack happened in broad daylight, in one of the busiest parts of town.
60. To get there on time we must leave before daylight.
61. Daylight disclosed a chain of lakes and rivers in the distance.
62. She had been mugged in the street in broad daylight.
63. Now the team need to put some daylight between themselves and their rivals for the championship.
64. He drew back the curtains and the daylight flooded in.
65. The robbery occurred in broad daylight, in a crowded street.
66. I struggled with the problem for hours before I saw daylight.
67. In broad daylight the events of the night before seemed like a bad dream.
68. Thieves had broken into the car in broad daylight and stolen the stereo.
69. A charge of £ 2 for a cup of coffee is daylight robbery.
70. Daylight was filtering through the shutters when he woke up.
71. Daylight was ebbing away.
72. £3000 for a useless old car like this? That's daylight robbery!
73. It is easier to read by daylight than by lamplight.
74. In spring we usually set the clocks ahead one hour to take advantage of the summer daylight.
75. The daylight penetrated to the far corners of the room.
76. On the opposite side, daylight shone through glass doors.
77. Daylight varies with location, season and weather.
78. Check the carpet's appearance in lamplight and daylight.
79. Daylight hours are long in midsummer.
79. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
80. Birbeck reeled out into the daylight, bemused and shocked.
81. If possible, natural daylight should be given.
82. The robberies usually occur during daylight hours.
83. In the daylight, it resembled a gigantic anthill.
84. Montana will have no speed limit during daylight hours.
85. Just about daylight, we heard mortars in the distance.
86. Daylight is most conducive to good growth.
87. Daylight hours are long in midsummer in Alaska.
88. Daylight streamed through the aircraft windows.
89. Typical long-netting scene, dissecting woodland for daylight netting.
90. I could see daylight through a keyhole.
91. Another who knocked them up before daylight.
92. I couldn't see daylight either.
93. But none of those projects saw daylight.
94. When daylight came she got up and dressed.
95. This extremely elegant, complex wine leaves little daylight between it and the finest roses of Champagne.
96. We are driving through parts of Brixton that look like they've never seen daylight.
97. But she made it to daylight in one hell of a hurry.
98. A woman was attacked in broad daylight, right in front of our office.
99. Good natural daylight and attractive views are less important but should certainly be taken into consideration.
100. Visions or nightmares for others, but for him daylight events, in full consciousness.
101. In daylight in winter through the bare trees you can see odd corners of the ornate Victorian glasshouses.
102. Even though it was still daylight, the alleyways and runnels were dark, closed off by the houses built on either side.
103. The cell block stood just off the L-shaped charge room, a corridor almost completely without daylight.
104. At the height of the Maine summer; when dawn came early, the town did not see the daylight.
105. With daylight and without the restraint of the fires outside the walls, they are more restive than ever.
106. But now they were almost there, the blackness was turning gray; now he had stepped out joyfully into the daylight.
107. Daylight broke, a stiff breeze struck up and the sky clouded over.
108. This will minimise uneven shading in daylight, which is more noticeable on a plain carpet.
109. What baffles me is how anyone could escape from the jail in broad daylight.sentence dictionary
110. By dawn the gale had abated, and the daylight showed the full extent of the damage.
111. At five o'clock, with daylight creeping round the curtains, she had got up and dressed.
112. She pounded after him desperately; she could still see him, though daylight had all but died.
113. Rosie O'Dell peered through the narrow gap, her eyes half-shut against the glare of daylight.
114. The crew was exhausted, the seas still heavy, and without daylight we could not see what we were doing.
115. When the dinosaurs at last died off they could, for the first time, roam about increasingly in the daylight hours.
116. Also the relative positions of the sun and moon through the daylight hours should be similarly mapped.
117. Daylight is worse; the red indicator on the speedometer fades out of sight, and the red illumination is invisible.
118. Dawn had begun to break, and daylight crept over the barren countryside.
119. A large delivery van was almost blocking the narrow street, its high sides nearly shutting off the daylight from her windows.
120. Another story she told was about a peasant who kept trying to bring daylight into his windowless hut in a bucket.
121. The map also highlights the parts of the world that are in daylight, darkness and twilight at the current time.
122. Moreover, he only works on one picture at a time and only by natural daylight.
123. When he came out into the bright white daylight he had a shock.
124. She had been up before daylight, helping Johann with the milking, as she often did.
125. Only the topmost branches were still gilded by daylight, the illuminated areas shrinking as the sun dropped below the misty horizon.
126. Jess wormed through the crush, at last emerging into daylight.
127. The doorway, there was grey daylight coming from the doorway.
128. And it was here that we spent the last three hours of daylight in the top of an old apple tree.
129. A id-inch solid shot from the Manhattan struck her plating with such force that daylight was let through to her interior.
130. His frustration with not carrying the ball at this time of year is as routine as the end of daylight savings time.
131. The headland looming ahead of us out of the growing daylight would be the one immediately to the west of the cottage.
132. It was not until daylight broke that the sheer scale of the devastation could be seen.
133. The hosepipe ban made it hard for Pa to water during the hours of daylight.
134. Pieces of abstract art do not suddenly change colour because we have moved them from artificial light to daylight.
135. He can do his gallivanting in the daylight hours with or without milk bottles.
136. By the time daylight got there, Gary and I were up to our arms in water in the foxhole.
137. It was commonly believed that some evil spirits lost their strength in daylight.
138. This resulted in some success in lowering dolphin mortality, but it is still at least twice as high as during daylight hours.
139. She was very ill for a while, and since then has not seen daylight.
139. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
140. You start off learning about it by studying natural light, daylight.
141. The daylight faded and she was alone on the sea.
142. At three a.m. she was Jay-in-love-with-Lucy, writing bad poetry or self-indulgent screeds of what daylight sneered at as a journal.
143. From the one narrow window the daylight was draining away.
144. Two tables have been specially built for this purpose, allowing a large area of carpet to be viewed under daylight bulbs.
145. Yet the onset of daylight, with its much better conditions, brought the kiss of death.
146. Daylight showed a rough-walled stone entranceway and several small tunnels leading off from it.
147. If it is injured or sick it may sit quietly in an unusually visible position during daylight hours.
148. She slept unexpectedly soundly, and when she next opened her eyes, daylight was filtering in through the rather grimy window.
149. He knows there's a door and he has daylight and can see the river through the metal curtain.
150. That did not matter for soon burning aircraft lit the scene as though it were daylight.
151. Remember, it is very important to try a new foundation on your jawline in daylight.
152. Noreen quickly took her from Jock and with her brothers beside her ran through the porch of the church into the daylight.
153. It is because at this time the warning light is more easily visible in the twilight than in the daylight.
154. Small Dave ground his teeth and spat into the daylight.
155. I wish to exchange this flash-of-lightning faith for continuous daylight, this fever-glow for a benign climate.
156. Her bedroom was darkened, brown velvet curtains pulled to against the daylight.
157. Back in daylight, Vatanen has been the driving force behind the Banbury team today.
158. The lighting of the galleries has also been transformed and computer controlled blinds fitted to prevent damage from excessive levels of daylight.
159. Admission to all the museums is free; all are open daily during daylight hours.
160. The hours passed, daylight faded(), and the sounds of a warm September evening came in through the open window.
161. He enjoyed the dance, and, returning with his Confederate escort, was safely landed in his own lines before daylight.
162. The shift was ended, the sun was not yet up, though it was daylight, full strength and gray.
163. After many complaints, the residents got them to agree to work only during daylight.
164. Until now the hard discipline to follow through has rousted me outdoors on sub-zero days even before daylight.
165. Both are instant daylight process, via a motorised or manual processor, which provides you with the finished image on site.
166. But a very well worked try by New Zealand winger Ritchie Stevens just before the interval put daylight between the teams.
167. It was the daylight, what bit that was getting through the cracks of the curtains.
168. By 1975, almost everyone on the reservation went armed, and few dared to walk around outside even in daylight.
169. Do it in daylight, in the dark, when it's raining and in windy conditions. 2.
170. A percentage of all rabbits stay above ground during daylight.
171. She was looking for stars, knowing that stars were visible in daylight from deep wells, but she saw none.
172. He gunned down a man in broad daylight and got away.
173. It floated mockingly through his sleep and came like a mirage between his eyes and the daylight.
174. Even after this short apprenticeship, it is refreshing to return to daylight and safety.
175. Plants need to photosynthesise in order to grow. Natural daylight is not enough to allow for this process.
176. In the summer I do more daylight hours on the medical end.
177. There are three main sources of light, the first of which is the sun which provides natural daylight.
178. Work in natural daylight if possible or under a soft lamp or candlelight.
179. Daylight was dawning; a troop of horses coming from Latium caught sight of the shining helmet of Euryalus and challenged him.
180. She went back out into the daylight and began to gather together some of the larger rocks that were scattered about.
181. Daylight reveals pure new wool in its true to life colours.
182. Nor will the spider give away the presence of her home during daylight hours.
183. The windows are not designed for ventilation, but to admit daylight and control solar gain.
184. Mind, you wouldn't believe some of the prices they charge up West, talk about daylight robbery.
185. White Lies ... in contrast, is about lying in the daylight.
186. Poinsettia plants need a lot of daylight to keep healthy.
187. For the entire month, families abstain from eating and drinking during daylight hours in an act of sacrifice and purification.
188. Daylight was quickly fading as they walked up the street to the nurse's house.
189. She was blind as an owl in daylight without glasses: therefore nothing to look at.
190. It was deep inside the building and, like the cell corridor, received little daylight through its small, high windows.
191. The light affects my eyes. In daylight I can see better.
192. Curiosity satisfied, it is rather a relief to emerge from darkness to daylight.
193. By daylight we could try to dry out whatever we had managed to salvage.
194. And then what a cheat, to be dragged back to daylight!
195. Taking a deep breath, the youth stepped lightly into daylight.
196. Further, he received nourishment at the empty house of Cori Pollenwith the daylight door.
197. You can walk for hours and never see daylight, under the Paris Opera House.
198. The place of its emergence into daylight will be seen on the return journey.
199. There was so little daylight it felt like a late winter evening.
200. Even the smell of the Spring flowers became apparent, something he had never even noticed before in daylight.
201. Recently, an electronic device has been marketed which gives advice on when you should expose yourself to daylight at your destination.
202. Few people have not woken to the sounds of the dawn chorus nor seen moths drawn to artificial lights as daylight fades.
203. The daylight was fleeing from the wilderness that he could not see but whose emptiness beyond the shuttered windows he understood.
204. Spitzer produces his drawings in a darkroom by applying a titanium mixture on to parchment, which gradually turns black in daylight.
205. For eight days on end, beat officers, half the rank-and-file establishment, saw little daylight.
206. A single corner window presents the problem of where to allow the curtain to hang during daylight.
207. We're nearly there, so let's press on while it's still daylight.
208. And during daylight hours Jean-Claude told me he used to sit concealed in the hollow in front of the cave.
209. Mist silvering the droplets on the bare thorns Slower than the change of daylight.
210. Due to its high latitude, the hours of daylight are very long during summer.
211. She squinted up at the sun to calculate the remaining daylight.
212. It doesn't take a degree in surveying to spot daylight between tiles, damp marks or old wiring.
213. I'd like to look at the house again in daylight.
214. Daylight began to fail early, but still we pressed on, knowing that Donald could make an appearance at any moment.
215. A hummingbird, taking advantage of the dying minutes of daylight, feeds on flower nectar in the fragrant garden.
216. Even in bright daylight the pictures kept blowing through his head.
217. The daylight did not penetrate far into the room where only his desk lamp was lit.
218. Craning my neck, I eyed the rubber flaps anxiously as they parted to reveal a glimpse of daylight.
219. Chesil Beach gave dabs, pout and small whiting during daylight with odd dogfish at night.
220. I stepped into a cool, dark room, where heavy wooden shutters kept out most of the daylight.
221. At the other extreme is the park to which the public has unrestricted access during daylight hours.
222. The daylight lengthening as summer approaches.
223. When I awaked, it was just daylight.
224. It is not good economy to burn daylight.
225. The poor expect to see daylight.
226. The milkman was up before daylight.
227. She looks older by daylight than at night.
228. Drink less, and go home by daylight.
229. Is daylight savings time in effect?
230. They robbed the jewelry store in broad daylight.
231. There is a daylight lamp hanging over the table.
232. It turned out it was the country of Germany, under Kaiser Wilhelm,(http:///daylight.html) that put in daylight saving time first.
233. In the United States during peacetime, daylight saving was a subject of controversy.
234. By 4:15 p.m. Eastern Daylight Savings Time, the strongest thunderstorms were directly over Washington, D.C.
235. Lights burned in a ground-floor room that would, in daylight, offer a spectacular seaside view.
236. The recent murder happened in broad daylight in a supposedly "safe" part of London.
237. And then, just as daylight was fading, we had our sighting of Fuji-san.
238. On the right above the desk hangs a daylight lamp .
239. Unfortunately, you have to manually update this for Daylight Savings Time. Lame, we know, but will be fixed in the future.
240. Light: under in-direct daylight or equivalent lumination for example, under 40W daylight lamp.
241. Even without daylight the crab's skin colour continued to change exactly on time.
242. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA's Aqua satellite captured this true-color image of Hurricane Celia at 1:55 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time (20:55 UTC) on June 24, 2010.
243. They flew into Mogadishu in Black Hawk helicopters in broad daylight.
244. Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) is in use outside the camp.
245. Roofed architectural structure, freestanding or attached, and open on one or more sides. It is Built in an elevated position to provide a view and capture daylight and fresh air.
246. The iPhone alarm system failed to recognise changes in daylight savings time in 2010, causing some users to sleep in an hour longer.
247. Equinox means equal night and with the Sun on the celestial equator, Earth dwellers will experience nearly 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness.
248. Officials say the operation will be carried out in full daylight.
249. While the arris threw a warm light, the car was lit by the cooler 8-foot Kino flo daylight fluorescent fixture.
250. Methods:Forced degradation testing was carried out at different concentration nifedipine solution while fluorescent lamp, ultraviolet lamp or daylight was employed.
251. The anthers were sterile under long daylight exposure. Some anthers occurred to abort before uninucleate pollen stage, but others were sterile after binucleate pollen stage.
252. The researchers chalked this up not just to darker roadways, but also to drivers having a difficult time adjusting to the end of daylight savings.
253. M: That might be the artificial lighting, madam. Of course, if you could come back in daylight, you might find it's exactly what you are looking for.
254. Dawn / The day was breaking , ie Daylight was beginning.
255. We thought we should never finish this work; but now we can see daylight.
256. Skylight : Roof opening covered with translucent or transparent glass or plastic designed to admit daylight.
257. In a wide-ranging speech focused almost entirely on domestic issues, Mr Medvedev also wondered aloud whether Russia really needed to continue changing the clocks twice a year for daylight saving.
258. It was still daylight but all the cars had their headlights on.
259. Vision in bright light, mediated by cone cells of the retina; daylight vision.
260. One veteran Atlantic City lifeguard caught a couple having sex under a blanket in broad daylight.
261. As the last rays of daylight dwindled and disappeared, absolute blackness settled down on Treasure Island.
262. Some localities reverted to standard time after the war, but others retained daylight saving.
263. He had the audacity to pick pockets in broad daylight.
264. Today about 70 countries use Daylight Saving Time ( DST ).
265. Noah raised the ark's huge roof, and daylight streamed in.
266. I always forget to advance the clock one hour forward during Daylight Savings.
267. Do your inspection in broad daylight on a dry day or in a well-lit garage.
268. Lighting systems in working offices, lit by electric lighting and daylight guidance, were surveyed.
269. The gentle curve of the plywood louver creates its own structural brace and rigidity while softening the daylight around its profile.
270. Daylight Saving was first introduced during World war I in Australia.
271. CS Electronic have announced that they upgraded their popular Daylight lamp and renamed it the Daylight Evolution.
272. By the time we had gone seven or eight hundred miles up the river, I had learned to be a tolerably plucky up-stream steersman, in daylight, and before we reached St.
273. And be aware that there have been further changes related to Daylight Savings Time since this Spring in New Zealand.
274. Belvedere:Roofed architectural structure, freestanding or attached, and open on one or more sides. It is Built in an elevated position to provide a view and capture daylight and fresh air.
275. In Baquba, the Iraqi police detective flipped pointlessly through a file on his desk; the daylight was too faint to read by and the electricity had long since gone off.
275. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
276. The fact stood out cut in stetl on the pitiless daylight.
277. How can a thief walk off with a safe in broad daylight?
278. You forgot to set your watch back. Daylight saving time was over at midnight last night.
279. The public square is as brightly lit as in daylight.
280. When her requirements were not met, she threatened to bring their under-the-table business out into the daylight.
281. You are extremely audacious to steal a purse in broad daylight!
282. When he woke, daylight was shining in between the curtains, and his fair - haired enchantress was gone.
283. Using ultra - strong phosphorous light , with the collected light of several beams of daylight lamp.
284. In short daylight, the tillering numbers of the varieties insensitive to photoreaction changed a little, but that of the varieties sensitive to photoreaction were increased extremely significantly.
285. In addition to tall windows, Martha has a glass-paned kitchen door. Translucent, lightweight shades can be lowered for some privacy, while still letting daylight through.
286. One difficulty rarely mentioned is not just the flakiness of GPS in towns but the difficulty of reading a mobile screen on the move, especially in strong daylight.
287. This includes natural daylight and all the colors of the rainbow.
288. If you take pictures of your family in bright daylight, or waiting for sunrise or sunset for landscape picture, or use aritificial light in studio, this mode is not for you.
289. European wildcat, marginalized by hunting and human encroachment, pauses during a daylight hunt in Moldova.
290. You will never find anybody who can give you a clear and compelling reason why we observe daylight savings time.
291. In some bedrooms, the traditional daylight lamp is always burning, and everything goes in accordance with the traditional custom.
292. The scuttle was open, and the good daylight shone in.




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