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单词 Cautiously
1. He nibbled the biscuit cautiously.
2. Bankers are cautiously optimistic about the country's economic future.
3. She dipped her toes cautiously into the sea.
4. She walked cautiously up the drive towards the door.
5. She ventured cautiously into the room.
6. It was his custom to approach every problem cautiously.
7. David moved cautiously forward and looked over the edge.
8. Cautiously, he moved himself into an upright position.
9. He stole cautiously around to the back door.
10. He was treading quietly and cautiously.
11. The soldiers probed cautiously ahead of them for mines.
12. She obeyed and cautiously opened the door.
13. He eyed her cautiously, trying to gauge her reaction.
13. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
14. He peeped out cautiously from behind the door.
15. The government responded cautiously to the move.
16. These results should be viewed cautiously.
17. Andy drove cautiously along in third gear .
18. He sipped the concoction cautiously.
19. These results must be interpreted cautiously.
20. She was looking cautiously around.
21. Foreign bankers and economists cautiously welcomed the minister's initiative.
22. She climbed the staircase cautiously, holding fast to the rail.
23. She looked cautiously around and then walked away from the house.
24. Rebel sources have so far reacted cautiously to the threat.
25. It was obvious that she was cautiously weighing me up.
26. I am cautiously optimistic that a new government will be concerned and aware about the environment.
27. She took off her shoes and cautiously dipped a toe in.
28. They are cautiously optimistic that the reforms will take place.
29. The commission is cautiously favourable to Austrian membership, foreseeing few economic problems.
30. I don't want to exaggerate our chances, but I'm cautiously optimistic.
1. He nibbled the biscuit cautiously.
2. Bankers are cautiously optimistic about the country's economic future.
3. She dipped her toes cautiously into the sea.
4. She walked cautiously up the drive towards the door.
5. He stole cautiously around to the back door.
6. She obeyed and cautiously opened the door.
7. Foreign bankers and economists cautiously welcomed the minister's initiative.
8. She took off her shoes and cautiously dipped a toe in.
31. She sat down cautiously on the red canvas cushions, knees modestly together.
32. She trod cautiously along the street.
33. I cautiously take a closer look.
34. The cultural climate was bleakly corrupt and cautiously conservative.
35. Cautiously, I began appraising Gloria.
36. For 1996, however, analysts are cautiously optimistic.
37. She peered cautiously inside the temple.
38. Interest rates have been cautiously lowered.
39. The student was cautiously optimistic for the future.
40. Under less sanguine circumstances, loans are advanced more cautiously.
41. After the meeting, team members felt cautiously optimistic.
42. The information contained in the Domesday folios is, when used cautiously, also of value to the pre-plague period.
43. Again he pressed himself against the wall and peered cautiously into the hall.
44. They move slowly, cautiously, and nervously through the fields and thickets.
45. We are cautiously optimistic that the trade deal will go through.
46. The other humans said something, and the box was cautiously put down on the gravel a few feet from Masklin.
47. My father was a generous man, and so he cautiously agreed to do what he could.
48. Cautiously Grant peered round the edge of the open door.
49. John Barrell pursues a similar insight more cautiously in relation to landscape painting and poetry in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.
50. He arrived looking suitably outlandish, a traveler from a far place, some one to be cautiously investigated.
51. Disulfiram should not be used or used cautiously in any person at increased risk for having a toxic reaction.
52. The words came over clearly but cautiously: Leslie Brent was denied his ambition to be a cook.
53. He went cautiously out into the field, squatted down against a clump of thistles and began to smell the wind.
54. I walked cautiously towards the body, and noticed that her face looked mildly surprised.
55. She advanced on herself cautiously but with dignity, turning round before her turning image.
56. Trains were running, albeit a rather cautiously past the bomb site.
57. In the flickering light he appears like a cat moving around cautiously.
58. Jenny cautiously took a couple of sips of the liquid.
59. They went through, moving slowly, cautiously, side by side, using their lamps to light the way ahead of them.
60. The vehicle began to creep cautiously down a ramp of hard-packed rock, into the interior of the crater.
61. She glanced cautiously at him munching his crab in the candlelight.
62. Scientists must proceed cautiously, moving ahead only with the assent of a fair number of their colleagues.
63. He watched Harry for a while and then, cautiously, opened the mini bar and took out a block of chocolate.
64. He looked cautiously out from among the beans and then darted into the hedgerow.
65. The ideology of environmentalism was cautiously optimistic about social amelioration and human progress.
66. It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default. J.K. Rowling 
67. We approached the east landing cautiously and the cliffs awoke with bird clamour which was to assail our ears until we left.
68. When she arrived at the edge of the covert, she made her way cautiously along its downhill fringes.
69. Then she went cautiously, losing ground but keeping her bearings.
70. Mavis crossed the footbridge cautiously, listening in the dark for the river below.
71. They stood in the middle of the road as we approached cautiously.
72. A White House document cautioned political appointees such as Herman to tread cautiously in their political work.
73. But I am cautiously optimistic about the atmosphere in which the talks were conducted.
74. After a few minutes it will slowly and cautiously uncurl itself again.
75. She was weak(http://), but comfortable and I was cautiously optimistic.
76. Conversation paused then continued in lower voices and several pairs of eyes watched both men cautiously as they ordered drinks.
77. A low, squarish object covered by a dust sheet caught his eye and he cautiously headed towards it.
78. We stepped in cautiously and discovered a series of bare, empty rooms.
79. He moved slowly and cautiously across the pitch-dark room until his knees touched the edge of the bed.
80. Grainne raised herself cautiously on one elbow, trying not to wake Raynor, and looked towards the door.
81. She wiped away her tears and glanced around cautiously to see if anyone were staring at her.
82. She sidled cautiously towards the equipment, and perched on the edge of a deep mahogany box.
83. He pulled cautiously on my coat, his eyes fixed on my face.
84. Congar had in point of fact expressed himself cautiously enough, yet several of his books were proscribed.
85. So, on the whole I am cautiously in favour of machines inspecting passports at great speed, a scheme experimentally working at Heathrow.
86. Maggie sipped cautiously at the wine, aware all the time of dark, sardonic eyes watching her.
87. He moved stealthily through the darkness, making his way cautiously towards the jetty.
88. Moreover, he is cautiously optimistic about the future of societies, claiming there has been a recent rekindling of interest.
89. Sincerely yours, R. von Krafft-Ebing Cautiously, trying not to waken him, Anna disengaged from the carezza.
90. Despite these difficulties, Catholic biblical scholarship had advanced, albeit cautiously, particularly as far as the Old Testament was concerned.
91. Next morning, Juliet woke to find the sun smiling cautiously between the trees.
92. The patient is still in a critical condition but doctors say they are cautiously optimistic that he will make a full recovery.
93. He moved slowly and cautiously, and kept his hands in clear view.
94. Isoproterenol to increase heart rate can be tried cautiously until pacing is instituted.
95. But here on the Tatshenshini they cautiously skirted the edges of the whitewater, seeking the most prudent line.
96. I thought she might be under the front part of the colonnade, and peered cautiously round the corner.
97. The rector opened his door cautiously, and Barnabas dived into the barking throng.
98. The pilots cautiously relaxed their grip and let their muscles slacken.
99. Fifteen minutes later they made their way cautiously through the garden towards the house.
100. He survived the surgery, and I cautiously began to pose questions.
101. Defries and Ace crawled up to a hollow, and peered cautiously over the lip.
102. He wanted the West settled slowly, cautiously, in a manner that would work.
103. She advanced through the shadows less cautiously, her only fear now that there would be no one to meet her.
103. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
104. She dried herself, wrapped the soft, fragrant robe around her slim body and cautiously descended the staircase.
105. But you are cautiously optimistic because of the constructive atmosphere in which the talks took place.
106. She grasped the heavy iron handle and turned it cautiously.
107. Something, though ... something tall, something like an animal ... quite motionless ... She approached it cautiously.
108. It is known which specific immune responses are required for therapeutic benefit, so we have proceeded cautiously.
109. The great merit of our constitutional arrangements is that they have developed cautiously and case by case.
110. Julie, still gripping the bloodied hammer, looked cautiously through the window by the front door.
111. As they rode cautiously along, Fenella caught glimpses of movement in between the trees.
112. Drug traffickers and guerrillas mix with spies and mercenaries, all cautiously watching their backs.
113. The government is only cautiously expanding the limited free-market alterations of its socialist economy begun four years ago.
114. The Kurd entered the first of them cautiously, sniffing for wild beasts, then beckoned them in.
115. The explorers paddled their canoe cautiously upstream.
116. Early expanded his new construction business cautiously.
117. Therefore(), the choledochojejunostomy should be taken cautiously and strictly.
118. Parsimonious East Chimericans live more humbly and cautiously.
119. He cautiously picked up the nails.
120. They cautiously approached the enemy pillbox.
121. The two young men advanced cautiously towards the ridge.
122. Many international aid organizations are cautiously positive.
123. Winston reached down and cautiously scratched his varicose ulcer.
124. She toed cautiously into the room.
125. Fearing an ambush, the enemy troops advanced cautiously.
126. Suprahyoid neck dissection should use cautiously.
127. He untied the skiff at the stern, slipped into it, and was soon rowing cautiously upstream.
128. As far as I am concerned, I would be cautious to choose one as a friend and still cautiously make as many as I can.
129. The side effects of Jiang Can include allergy reaction and abdominal distension. Patients with hemorrhage diviation and hepatic coma should use cautiously.
130. In the testing field, Guo Jingjing did not have in athletic field fierceness, opens cautiously.
131. The dollar has come under pressure as investors cautiously returned to risker assets after Europe laid out a basic framework to tackle its debt crisis last week.
132. When she cautiously faced around again, a peach lay before her.
133. Creeping to the window,() he peeped cautiously between casing and blanket.
134. For F4, to avoid chatter mark growing, it is necessary to select work roll diameter cautiously at preset rolling speed.
135. Try to picture this scene: With 50, 000 men watching intensely, a 15-year-old young man, Trent—blindfolded and barefoot—begins stepping cautiously across an outdoor stage.
136. Economic reforms proceed cautiously because of deep-rooted political and social conservatism.
137. Well, did you know that in several laboratory experiments scrub jays , relatives of the blue jay, hid their extra food more cautiously when other jays were around?
138. Then he stole on very cautiously, dodging from tree to tree.
139. Their next step likely target initial please act cautiously any indiscreet counteraction prohibit.
140. Caught between these competing pressures, the federal government has moved cautiously, setting up a fact-finding panel whose report, likely to be controversial, has already been delayed.
141. The patrol car inched down the empty street and I turned cautiously toward Elgie.
142. Wu Yong of waterworks factory director a city cautiously the reporter says.
143. Ready again: The Yankees had proceeded cautiously with setup man Kyle Farnsworth, citing his unavailability in most back-to-back day situations.
144. Cautiously add, dropwise, 30 percent hydrogen peroxide, allowing the reaction to subside and again heating between drops.
145. Copper market cautiously higher in front of U.S. nonfarm payrolls figures on Friday - Frank Lesh, broker and futures analyst with Future Path Trading in Chicago.
146. Mizuho sounded a cautiously optimistic note on the outlook the Japanese economy.
147. Corticosteroids should be used cautiously in patients with ocular Herpes simplex because of possible corneal perforation.
148. It must be cautiously used for animals with renal dysfunction because of delay of sulfanilamide excretion.
149. So, the timing signal should be set cautiously with the aid of other measures such as adjusting the interval duration, propaganda of traffic safety and rules.
150. Gerard bent cautiously to the rat's box—would it spring out, bite him, then scurry away across the floor to live behind the baseboard forever, like some cartoon incarnation?
151. Kava root should be used cautiously -- particularly in people at risk for liver problems, scientists say.
152. Unifying the sentencing criterion and cautiously recognize as well - known trademarks.
153. We are cautiously optimistic that the tilting and distortion of the aerogel were minimal.
154. The battle began at 5.30 a.m., when shots were exchanged over Marsh Creek. In the face of Buford's resistance, Heth pushed on cautiously until he reached a point about two miles west of Gettysburg.
155. South Korean media and analysts were cautiously optimistic, too, and the won currency rose against the dollar in response to the North's shift and a rising stock market index.
156. The central government has been cautiously encouraging a sudden burst in food safety muckraking.
157. Tom Thumb and Hunca Munca went cautiously across the hearthrug.
158. He looked cautiously through a half-inch space between the curtains and saw an empty bedroom.
159. The Commission is cautiously optimistic that the privacy issues raised by online behavioral advertising can be effectively addressed through meaningful, enforceable self regulation.
160. The fishman will position his boat on the trailer hook very cautiously.
161. I descended cautiously to the lower regions, and landed in the back-kitchen, where a gleam of fire, raked compactly together, enabled me to rekindle my candle.
162. A head stuck out cautiously - a square, pimply, purplish face with thick eyebrows and round eyes.
163. Please customer to cautiously check merchandise and voucher while take goods.
164. Berg got up, and cautiously embracing his wife so as not to crush the lace bertha, for which he had paid a round sum, he kissed her just on her lips.
165. High doses of frusemide are associated with severe electrolyte disturbance and metabolic alkalosis , and should be used cautiously.
166. But emesis is prohibited for pregnant women and must be applied cautiously to the weak.
167. The fishman will position his boat on the trailor hook very cautiously.
168. Fearful of a flood of refugees should Mr Kim's regime implode, China has responded cautiously.
169. To use this two- edged sword properly, the media enterprise has to act cautiously in choosing the topic, arrangement of agenda, and in the choice of proper angles of reporting and tendentiousness.
170. Also, Beijing is moving cautiously. Many individuals and other participants, including mutual funds, won't be permitted to deal in stock-index futures immediately.
171. Home-builder Lennar Corp also struck cautiously optimistic note on the housing market and said it was on track to make a profit this year.
172. So while fleeing vehicles sped away from Tatiana's Tavern, Jack drew the Browning Hi-Power from his shoulder holster and moved cautiously toward the building.
173. The hikers cautiously made their way down the somewhat steep and rocky declivity that led to the river.
174. Balzac was once lying awake in bed, when he saw a man enter his room cautiously.
175. Go cautiously and use the intersection the same way you would use an intersection with all-way stop signs.
176. My shoes removed, I entered a low - ceilinged room, treading cautiously on the soft tatami matting.
177. And the person with exalted, cultured moral character often can father at be self restrained, consistent, although be in, also can accomplish not speak and act cautiously, maleficent.
178. Because of its offensive nature, each issuing country follows the principle of respecting comity and acting with conservatively and cautiously.
179. Brisk walking cautiously planning small step "If you want to be too big, start smaller, faster expansion" is a global information system engineering building consensus.
180. Ms. Gu peeps out a difficult color, she very cautiously looked the beam Nan namely the eye seem to be excrescent dispassion.




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