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单词 Aching
1 The tongue ever turns to the aching teeth. 
2 I had a sore throat and aching limbs.
3 He felt an aching feeling in his stomach.
4 His feet were aching from standing so long.
5 He suffered torments from his aching teeth.
6 Smile though your heart is aching. Smile even though it's breaking.
7 It seemed that nothing could fill the aching black void left by Rachel's death.
8 Her left arm aches [ is aching ] .
9 I was aching for home.
10 All winter I have been aching for sunshine.
11 Alex massaged Helena's aching back.
12 My feet were sore and my back was aching.
13 My arms were aching so I shifted position slightly.
14 I am aching to join in the game.
15 There was an aching emptiness in her heart.
16 I ache/I'm aching all over.
17 He massaged the aching muscles in her feet.
18 The symptoms include aching limbs and loss of appetite.
19 She felt him knead the aching muscles.
20 He was aching for home.
21 Tim's heart was aching for her.
22 The rain-beads were aching my eyes.
23 He was aching for home/to go home.
24 Despite her aching shoulders(),[] Nancy held on.
25 She is aching to join in the tournament.
26 He was aching to go.
27 I'm aching all over after the match.
28 She was aching and feverish.
29 He was lonely and aching for love.
30 Some say love it is a hunger and endless aching need.
1 I had a sore throat and aching limbs.
2 His feet were aching from standing so long.
3 It seemed that nothing could fill the aching black void left by Rachel's death.
4 Her left arm aches [ is aching ] .
5 All winter I have been aching for sunshine.
6 The African sun beat relentlessly down on his aching head.
7 I'm aching all over.
8 My feet are aching.
9 Her back was aching from having to get down in order to put things in and out of the bottom drawer.
31 It was quite an achievement to keep smiling when his heart must have been aching.
32 I'm aching for sleep.
33 My head aches/is aching.
34 The African sun beat relentlessly down on his aching head.
35 I'm aching all over.
36 Suzy was there, making a song and dance about her aching feet.
37 The weary walkers soothed their aching feet in the sea.
38 My feet are aching.
39 He rather overdid it last Saturday playing football, and now he's aching all over.
40 She's aching and she's got the shivers, so I've sent her to bed.
41 I must have slept in an awkward position-I'm aching all over.
42 I had a long hot bath to soothe my aching muscles.
43 She continued massaging her right foot, which was bruised and aching.
44 Her back was aching from having to get down in order to put things in and out of the bottom drawer.
45 I've got one or two aching muscles after yesterday's run.
46 Her head felt hot and she was aching all over.
47 With sore legs and aching chest he shuffled over to the bathroom.
48 Parents comforted their feverish, aching children.
49 Tired, tired, lungs aching for oxygen.
50 A massage would soothe his aching muscles.
51 She complains of aching pain and has trouble sitting.
52 Aching, tearing, stitching, burning pains.
53 Then my legs started aching again.
54 Restless, anxious, aching sore and bruised pains, tearing pains.
55 Maggie's eyes and back are aching like hell.
56 The love scenes between Fawcett and Boothe are straight out of a Harlequin novel, all romance and yearning and aching passion.
57 She says a massage will help loosen you up and get the blood flowing normally and warm up those aching muscles.
58 I do believe a couple of days off helped some other parts of my body which were aching.
59 She felt an aching need for Fernando to soothe away the pain of desire from her loins.
60 Her back was aching badly now and she viewed the steep climb with some dismay.
61 Her arm was aching from his weight, and her body was sore from his eager lovemaking.
62 The sore, bruised, aching feeling makes him restless; always having to change position.
63 Her physical pain went on in the form of sensitivity, aching muscles, stiff joints, indigestion, and kidney stones.
64 His kiss deepened, and unconsciously she arched up towards him, aching for his touch.
65 Here 1 live, constantly thinking of my native land, alas, my heart is aching.
66 Music is the aspirin of the aching body. Listening to music reduces chronic pain and the frequency, intensity and duration of migraine, and chronic headache. Dr T.P.Chia 
67 He felt cold, his arms and legs aching from the rough ride of the previous day.
68 One by one the men made the shore, weary and bedraggled, limbs aching from the strain of fighting the storm.
69 Facing page: there's nothing like a brew to soothe aching limbs but where's the Kendal Mint cake?
70 Now his left shoulder was aching from the lightning fast, iron-handed blow he had taken.Sentencedict
71 Everyone suffered from that daily and prolonged exposure to a Baldersdale winter - swollen faces and aching joints were commonplace.
72 For one aching, unguarded moment she wished she were back in his arms, nestled against his hard body.
73 Not suspecting polio, physicians prescribed codeine, penicillin, aspirin, and even antibiotics for their patients' aching bodies.
74 Erratic hot winds kept the air thick with dust, and the fan gave small comfort to the feverish, aching children.
75 They were not really bad dreams, more an aching yearning pain that seemed to permeate her very being.
76 The brandy tasted bitter as it flowed down her aching throat and tears stung her eyes.
77 Often has the aching brow of royalty resigned its crown, to be decked with the soothing chaplet of the shepherd swain.
78 Her ankle was aching badly and she was hot and very fed up.
79 Ruth's legs were soon aching with climbing steps, only to turn and descend another staircase in the opposite direction.
80 David's aching back is cured by faith healer called GoodNews, and thereafter his soul also undergoes a transformation.
81 This final aching agony had auburn hair, grey eyes, multiple sclerosis and a sick dislike of crying babies.
82 There are a vast number of medicines used to treat troubled sleep, aching joints, headaches and other symptoms.
83 Blanche sat slumped in the armchair, arms, legs and shoulders aching.
84 Emmie had cried until her eyes were hot and her throat dry and aching.
85 His wet, cold body was aching and calling out for a hot meal and warm bed.
86 He got back into his car, his face throbbing, his sides aching.
87 With one fierce and skilful kick of his aching foot he will mend a deep concavity in the refrigerator's flank.
88 She had been aching for him since she had first seen him straddling that bike with such lazy arrogance.
89 Marvellous for relaxing aching muscles after a hard day in the hills.
90 She looked more desirable than ever; now, closing his aching eyes behind their glasses, he felt lust rise.
91 Aching head you may have, but at least you have a head to have aches in.
92 By the time we reach the house we are soaking wet and our shoulders are aching.
93 Body beautiful A home massage will tone and improve circulation and help to relieve aching limbs.
94 My aching back woke me around 7.30, but that gave me plenty of time to use the communal bathroom and kitchen.
95 He woke up aching all over - somehow his airbed had deflated in the night and there was nothing to cushion him from the cold ground.
96 They felt - tinglingly alive, soft and warm and swollen, aching for - for what?
97 I feel an aching sadness about Belinda amongst the pine resins and cinnamon smells and the Christmas music.
98 The only instant adverse side effect is a desperate thirst, stiff aching muscles and a loss of appetite.
99 But with that knowledge there came again an aching awareness of the immensity of Time.
100 Gazzer felt his tired body relax as the heat unknotted tense and aching muscles.
100 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
101 I went to dance class last week, and I've been aching ever since.
102 He knew, too, that his head had been aching and that his mind was capable of playing tricks upon him.
103 His toes were aching so much that he went upstairs very slowly, walking flat-footed to avoid bending his tingling ankles.
104 However long she had been there, the whole stretch was a dingy aching trail of work and beatings.
105 Doubtless there were a few stiff backs and aching muscles to contend with after it was all finished.
106 Attention given or sold would be on tap; either would soothe this barren pain, this aching for contact.
107 Here are those tasteful synth parts, crystalline saxophones, and aching, hurt vocals in unashamed full-frontal exposure.
108 And she thought, with a queer aching, must we part again so soon?
109 She moved restlessly in her seat(), torn by an aching indecision.
110 When you look at them, you imagine your eyes aching in the intense glare of the desert in heat.
111 Meanwhile we had best prepare the way by showing that a medicine beyond verbal shamanism is an aching need.
112 Aching to know what she truly thought and felt during those months in the Seattle hospital, I found her reports frustrating.
113 I get this sort of aching feeling in my nose, and I give it a rub.
114 But since she'd considered herself relatively fit, she was disconcerted when her muscles began aching after just a short time.
115 There was an aching void in his heart.
116 He rubbed his aching legs with liniment.
117 She sat through lessons aching for playtime to come.
118 The aching hollowness in sleight of hand.
119 Got aching knees after running on the treadmill yesterday.
120 Besides aching, I fee 1 stiffening and fatigue.
121 Myosalgia often occurs with aching pain.
122 Why spill salt on cut is the meeting more aching?
123 His body is aching to be back in his soft king-size bed in Tianjin.
124 After picking annulus, alvine now plunging into how is aching to return a responsibility?
125 Regular have a headache, the parietal bone that always is head left nearly most is aching.
126 Taking Xue Qing's issue, we brought an expert, the private part that with respect to the female all sorts of have no way explain is aching make understanding commentate .
127 No one could go forward with a load of aching memories.
128 The signs and symptoms of lymphedema include, in a limb, a feeling of heaviness or tightness, aching or discomfort, restricted range of motion, and swelling (partial or total).
129 It is commonly used to treat headache, insomnia, epigastralgia, arthralgia syndrome, numbness of the limbs, aching and paralysis, etc.
130 Everyone felt aimless[/aching.html], with a kind of strained and aching relief.
131 Tenderness of exit of pillow big nerve, have radiative painful, sensitive to pinprick or cervical skin is slow, cervical and aching provisionality reduces drawing.
132 Recently study founded this kind of patients often with symptoms, such as the curve of cervical vertebrae change, neck and shoulder aching , myotonia , etc.
133 Indigotic color: Can mediate muscle, can affect vision, hearing and smell, can reduce the body to be opposite aching sensitive action.
134 By the end, the predicament of this intense threesome is genuinely moving and there is a clear parallel with the aching sense of life adrift in Ishiguro's earlier novel, The Remains of the Day.
135 I should be a mass of aching muscle, unable to move.
136 Giddy dazzled, tinnitus, lumbar genu aching and limp is faint.
137 Sometimes it rose to an aching chord that caught the throat.
138 The hard meninx of skull bottom is right aching all more sensitive.
139 Occurrence bump of left costal region, mix have aching feeling, what disease can you be?
140 Repeat above act repeatedly, coxal muscle has the feeling of aching and limp, practice wanting to hold to 3 minutes every time, daily can repeat an exercise several times.
141 Is it an aching type pain or is it a colicky pain?
142 The tsetse fly bite erupts into a red sore and within a few weeks the person can experience fever, swollen lymph glands, aching muscles and joints, headaches and irritability.
143 The function loses the plant nerve that this disease basically includes a body to change form of disease of obstacle, hypochondriasis, body harmonic the aching obstacle of formal body form.
144 Third, existence paraesthesia , to aching feeling quite slow and so on.
145 He still has an aching pain in his bandaged stumps.
146 Chronic lip is phlogistic all have commonly longer and persistent strut, debaucjed, take off bits, oozy , aching, Sao itchs wait for a symptom, stand or fall, often have a relapse instead.
147 As a result of XuWine, the person that excitant food and medicaments are caused, have epigastrium more unwell, aching, anorexia, disgusting, vomiting, general very not serious.
148 Due to secretion's stimulation towards urethral orifice, it will cause emiction frequency, urgent emiction, aching emiction, heaviness inside vagina, hot and fatigue.
149 C-Cool Oil is a mentholated, relaxing, and cooling massage oil which relaxes your stiff and aching joints and muscles.
150 But Spain was a country aching to get away from its past.
151 Some say lave, it is hunger, an endless aching need.
152 Is the person in afflictive be why can you feel aching?
153 After violent campaign, knee inside is aching, ligament or meniscus have a problem, how should do?
154 Indigotic color: Can mediate muscle, decrease or stop to bleed, can affect vision, hearing and smell, can reduce light body to be opposite aching sensitive action.
155 Many also suffer aching toes as they constantly scrunch them up to grip the thong, while there is also the danger of the odd stubbed toe.
156 Yes, she was sick of the hospital, the foul smells, the lice, the aching, unwashed bodies.
157 For cervical spondylosis Yaotui whole body aching pain immunocompromised persons have very good results.
158 The significance of the optimization of the oral communication te aching.
159 Bone of left hand finger often ineffable and aching, be why?
160 Looking outside, the snowflakes are drifting in the air frigidly, I felt my heart starts aching again.
160 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
161 He knew that Buddy was yearning to be with him, aching to share his confidence.
162 The 13 minutes I have spent outside left me out of breath, swearing and aching all over, my face so red it looks like I've just returned from a week on the Costa del Sol.
163 Scarlett with an effort lifted her head on her aching neck.
164 Bravo : Do you have any tips against heart aching?
165 As we secure the worldangerous weapons, we are fighting aw ar against af ar-re aching network of hatred and violence.
166 The person that has chronic pudenda ache can feel aching when make love normally, but the fit below the circumstance that also can be less than in complete expect occasionally.
167 Symptoms Aching neck, dislike of bright lights, shivering, vomiting and, for meningococcal septicaemia, a rash which is visible after pressure is applied.
168 You certainly have some hotness, pain , stiffness , or aching somewhere in your body now.
169 Expert of department of gynaecology estimates: The woman that has 15% is sustaining different level " chronic pudenda is aching " harrass.
170 If you saw too much arc light when welding, it is better to cover you eyes with an iced towel before sleeping and not watching TV. This can help prevent your eyes from aching.




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