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单词 Hillside
1. They crouched together on a shadowy hillside.
2. Two cows browsed the hillside.
3. On our left was a wooded hillside.
4. Lava from the volcano was flowing down the hillside.
5. The torrent scoured a gully down the hillside.
6. Sheep were grazing on the hillside.
7. There is a small evergreen shrub on the hillside.
8. They are quarrying the hillside for marble.
9. The rabbits burrowed into the hillside.
10. The hotel was perched precariously on a steep hillside.
11. Acid rain has caused severe erosion on the hillside.
12. She scrambled up the steep hillside and over the rocks.
13. As the hillside was covered with snow[Sentencedict], we had to walk up carefully.
14. Some of the houses on the hillside are inaccessible to cars.
15. Steps cut in the hillside give walkers an easy passage down the mountain.
16. The castle is set on a steep hill/hillside.
17. The old man laboured up the hillside.
18. They'd mined the hillside for the ores.
19. The hillside was dotted with houses.
20. He raked the hillside with powerful glasses.
21. They'd mined the hillside for tin.
22. The road twists and turns up the hillside.
23. The soldiers fanned out across the hillside.
24. A stream tumbles down the steep hillside.
25. The climbers laboured up the hillside.
26. The house was on a hillside outside the town.
27. The path steepens as you climb the hillside.
28. The shepherd re-collected his flock and went down the hillside.
29. They cut enormous blocks of stone out of the hillside.
30. I have finished my role play, now need unknown life. I want to go back home, the village in childhood frolicking hillside walk.
1. They crouched together on a shadowy hillside.
2. Two cows browsed the hillside.
3. On our left was a wooded hillside.
4. Lava from the volcano was flowing down the hillside.
5. Sheep were grazing on the hillside.
6. There is a small evergreen shrub on the hillside.
7. They are quarrying the hillside for marble.
8. The rabbits burrowed into the hillside.
9. The hotel was perched precariously on a steep hillside.
10. Acid rain has caused severe erosion on the hillside.
11. The shepherd re-collected his flock and went down the hillside.
12. She scrambled up the steep hillside and over the rocks.
13. As the hillside was covered with snow, we had to walk up carefully.
14. Some of the houses on the hillside are inaccessible to cars.
15. They cut enormous blocks of stone out of the hillside.
16. Steps cut in the hillside give walkers an easy passage down the mountain.
17. The old man laboured up the hillside.
18. They'd mined the hillside for the ores.
19. The children are on the hillside flying their kites.
20. Luxuriant forests covered the hillside.
21. We clambered up the hillside to the ridge above.
22. At early morning I went up through the hillside woods.
23. To the east of our school, there's a naked hillside.
24. He pointed the telescope at a deer on the hillside.
31. The villagers had dug terraces in the hillside.
32. She was on the hillside, part way up.
33. The missile buried itself deep in the grassy hillside.
34. She sat all alone on the hillside.
35. He dwelt in a ruined cottage on the hillside.
36. The ill-fated aircraft later crashed into the hillside.
37. The hotel perched precariously on a steep hillside.
38. The rainbow seemed to end on the hillside.
39. The path zigzagged down the hillside.
40. The children are on the hillside flying their kites.
40. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
41. Luxuriant forests covered the hillside.
42. The local rock is quarried from the hillside.
43. The airplane crashed on a hillside.
44. Our hotel was on the hillside overlooking the lake.
45. The tractor laboured up the hillside.
46. We clambered up the hillside to the ridge above.
47. Many of the chalets are set on a hillside reached by steps.
48. a bare hillside. Naked can mean 'without a protective covering':a naked sword.
49. At early morning I went up through the hillside woods.
50. Above on the hillside was a large, gaunt, grey house.
51. They sat on a hillside in the gloaming, watching the lights come on in the houses below.
52. Small stones rolled down the hillside as they ran up.
53. To the east of our school, there's a naked hillside.
54. The house is in a charming situation, on a wooded hillside.
55. He perched happily on a hillside and watched the sea.
56. It was a real scramble to the top of the hillside.
57. He pointed the telescope at a deer on the hillside.
58. A rich vein of iron ore was found in the hillside.
59. They lived in a remote cottage set high on a woody hillside.
60. The only way to negotiate the muddy hillside is on foot.
61. The primroses should begin to seed themselves down the steep hillside.
62. I was worn out after my clamber up the hillside.
63. Slowly but surely we made our way down the muddy hillside.
64. They wandered on up the hillside.
65. Virginia ran urgently down the hillside to the car.
66. They bumped up the stumpy hillside.
67. All rushing down the hillside to obey the Samhailt.
68. Chalet-style homes dot the forested hillside.
69. Something, or some one, was falling down the hillside.
70. In the stillness you can hear calls from the hillside half a mile away.
71. The granite-built house nestled into the hillside as though part of it and the gale roared overhead.
72. The plane veered off course in a severe thunderstorm and crashed into a hillside.
73. A single spark could set the whole hillside on fire.
74. The harsh logic of survival ruled out such fancies[Sentencedict], and not a voice was raised in protest from the listening hillside.
75. Her house was built on a hillside overlooking the ocean.
76. At two o'clock Sam McCready was still on the hillside where he and Johnson had been since seven.
77. We were at a little secluded cove, with large boulders strewn about, the debris of some long-past hillside.
78. At night, the whole valley sparkles with lights from the hillside villages.
79. A memory came back to haunt him: the cold-blooded murder of a soldier on a bleak snow-covered hillside.
80. In the winter of 1531, Juan Diego was walking on a hillside where he was visited by the Virgin Mary.
81. Here and there on the hillside I could see sheep and goats grazing among the wild flowers and stunted trees.
82. The garden became like an ants' nest as snaking rows of people clambered up our hillside.
83. Broughton said the codes would make it simpler to build on small hillside vacant lots in older developed neighborhoods.
84. And then she dived and rattled down the dirt-track which seemed to go on for ever across an empty hillside.
85. Burning car: Fire fighters were called to a car on fire at Hillside Avenue, Middlesbrough.
86. He could see the grassy wilderness forming a high bank beyond the old bulging stone wall that held back the encroaching hillside.
87. The Church of the Pantanassa is particularly fine, sited on a hillside ledge overlooking the valley.
88. I was about to make quietly down the hillside when he moved.
89. The hillside may be windy, but it's also in an area of outstanding natural beauty.
90. The smelt mills had long flues that in some cases snaked up the hillside and across the fell.
91. Soon they were no more than two specks on the hillside, and then nothing.
92. Above the solitary institute, with its picture postcard setting, the hillside prayer flags flutter.
93. Built in quality stone and timber, the lodges have a country elegance which blends perfectly with the richly wooded hillside.
94. Another famous hillside figure harks back to the days when, according to legends, giants walked the land.
95. He and his family lived in isolation in the hillside village of Botunje, six miles outside of Kragujevac.
96. The village is situated on a very steep hillside with steps leading up to the next row of houses.
97. Here is a Roman theatre built over barrel-vaulted substructures but gently resting in part against the hillside.
98. The Ship lurched up the hillside, straining at the indignity of restraint.
99. Control over the distribution of cocaine has been settled in the hillside slum communities.
100. Read in studio Aviation enthusiasts are calling for a memorial to be built on a hillside where a wartime pilot crashed.
100. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
101. The upper part of the village of Whittington lies on the south-east slope of a steep hillside.
102. I fell down on the hillside and lay there laughing.
103. He points to a distant waterfall like a zag of lightning on the hillside.
104. It swoops low, hawking, across the hillside, over the fort and out into the mists of Corve Dale.
105. I made myself very small as the stags crashed down the heathery, birch-studded hillside.
106. Mait's villa was in a shady cutting on a hillside above Port-au-Prince.
107. There, springs would be tapped at their source and conducted along a horizontal leat on the hillside.
108. Ahead of me I saw the cluster of small adobe homes Induk had told me about, nestled into the hillside.
109. From the sundeck one could see a hillside with growths of ponderosa and scores of sparkling amorphous swimming pools.
110. Thorn said that midsummer sunset was observed from a small platform on a steep hillside overlooking the stone.
111. Some of the horses have been living wild on a hillside overlooking the farm.
112. An outcrop of white rock from the steep hillside seemed to the children as tall as a cliff.
113. I really can't. 2 Suddenly he heard the sound of footsteps on the hillside above him.
114. Whilst the hillside location creates a strong visual impact it also provides practical uses.
115. The dung only penetrated as far as my upper thigh as we struck up the devastated hillside towards Meall a' Choire Leith.
116. George would spend early evenings lying on the hillside with her, professing his love.
117. The high hillside was hollowed out a long, long time ago, in order to create an amphitheater facing the sea.
118. It winds up the hillside, and looks as if it could become a raging torrent in wet weather.
119. An architect planned for a house that follows the contours of the hillside.
120. This explains those tiny hillside pens bounded by rock walls.
121. Hillside Trains and Bayside Trains each have half the electrified Melbourne suburban services.
122. He smiled tightly and waved a hand at the slowly diminishing figure on the hillside far below.
123. The narrowest, poorest alleyways glow with flames, lighting up the hillside paths.
124. The sun was just catching the summit of the opposite hillside, making a corona of light over the towering cypresses.
125. The Brain was three buildings that looked single-storey from outside but they went deep into the rocky hillside.
126. The line here ran through a deep little valley and the hillside on both sides of the line was very rocky.
127. Eventually, I did get to the village, which perches high on a hillside above the Vltava.
128. Manitoga is a created landscape, reclaimed from a plundered hillside once gouged with quarries and stripped by loggers.
129. Pergamon was an imposing hillside city and full advantage was taken of this dramatic site.
130. Eventually the track emerges from the woodland on to open moorland[Sentence dictionary], and climbs up the hillside.
131. Horacio shifts into first gear and the bus begins to struggle up the hillside.
132. The white blanket rolled down the hillside and lapped over the roofs of the dwelling and outbuildings of the little farm.
133. Heavy rains caused a wall of mud to cascade down the hillside.
134. These houses are laid out in terraces on the hillside with porticoes and colonnaded peristyles.
135. Lynchets are strips of land one oxen-width wide that were ploughed into the hillside by Anglo-Saxon farmers.
136. Leave the path and walk along the hillside until you come to three prominent cairns - the Grey Lads.
137. And so we slogged on, spending our Saturday afternoon working on a drenched hillside, until we had had enough.
138. The Tatry is just a little further off the High Street, situated on a wooded hillside overlooking Zakopane.
139. She climbed the rickety steps set into the hillside and got up to the porch of the Katz house.
140. Go north along the lower edge of the fence, around the hillside and up the main path north-east to the summit.
141. Continue on a clear path up the hillside to reach a stile on the ridge.
142. And when they gave over I ventured back to see from the hillside, where there was some cover.
143. There is nothing uglier than a redundant ski-tow out of season, with its pylons marching up a scarred, broken hillside.
144. He moved the rocks on the hillside and turned the course of the rivers.
145. The monastic buildings surround the church and spread up the hillside above.
146. Clinging to the hillside amid scenic splendour, these houses sternly defy gravity by not tumbling down to the sea below.
147. Nestling in the hillside in the grounds of the Estate are some of the most exclusive holiday homes in the world.
148. Many of the chalets are set on a hillside reached by steps - not ideal for the infirm or very young children.
149. Soon the path led him down a very steep hillside.
150. The sough of wind through the pines on the hillside above me.
151. A little temple presided over a sloping hillside with a prospect of open fields and river lined with reeds and willows.
152. A common sandpiper bobbed on a boulder on the hillside, quietly piping, a muted whistle.
153. Flowering bushes appear to be taking over the hillside and then we enter what looks like a real rain forest.
154. The sniper is believed to be shooting from a hillside just east of the freeway.
155. All that remains now of the sixteen dwellings Seller burned are a few tumbled stones, scattered over the green hillside.
156. He stared at the house for a long moment, then turned to lean on the gate and gaze down the hillside.
157. There are two excellent public houses and a charming hillside parish church, all worth visiting.
158. Olives look romantic on a hillside in Provence.
159. There is a zigzag path up the hillside.
160. On the hillside, aspen trees present a similar picture.
160. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
161. The thermodynamic characteristic of the mountain histosols was superior to that of dark-brown soil of hillside, which was beneficial for plant growth and nutrient accumulation.
162. By Daisy called from hillside - By Bobolink from lane.
163. The local people turned the hillside series of ascending terraces for farming.
164. It comes without a whisper , quiet as thistledown, brushing the corner of a hillside garden.
165. Far is a village below desert hillside those who do an ironworks is panoramic.
166. Flashing past familiar constellations Taurus (top) and Orion, the extremely bright meteor was captured by a hillside camera overlooking the 2008 Okie -Tex Star Party.
167. 29The bodies of Japanese soldiers lie strewn across a hillside after being shot by U.S. soldiers as they attempted a banzai charge over a ridge in Guam, in 1944.
168. On the sloping hillside of a quiet valley in Galilee stood the village of Nazareth.
169. The Naqing landside that is middle-sized hillside landslide has developed on the granite area.
170. Many of them dotted the hillside, some more strangely formed than others, sort of like mutated topiary on steroids.
171. A flock of geese graze on a Shropshire hillside as they are reared in their free-range environment for the Christmas market in Shrewsbury, England.
172. We shouted in the valley, and in an instant the echo came from the hillside with great distinctness.
173. Worse still, the annual torrential rains washed the topsoil from the hillside.
174. Great quantities of sand were washed down the hillside by the rain.
175. A rainbow arcs over trees blooming on a hillside in the West Indies island of Dominica.
176. Three cowboys spend a lazy afternoon on the dude ranch , when what should come down the hillside but a lost man, dressed in a very European suit and beret.
177. They can also be used as the pre-reinforcement elements of a scarp to be re-profiled in order to limit hillside decompression associated with cutting.
178. "Geomantic gentleman " express, the house is in hillside position, it is overland all round, need has water to allocate the balance of the five elements, because this suggests his pisciculture .
179. It is the wild shrub in the hillside of the dry area in Provence. Cutting down hackmatack is both harmless to ecology and protective to environment.
180. When carrying out airflow on slope soaring momentum, the pilot near hillside has a priority. The lower pilot also has a priority on right-of-way.
181. , and no plumbing or furnace in the gambrel-roofed cottage Salinger bought on a 90-acre hillside tract overlooking the Connecticut River.
182. We drove up a hillside and finally stopped on a high ridge.
183. Firefighters work to reach four workers trapped inside a collapsed hillside lime kiln, used to produce quicklime , a key ingredient in mortar and other compounds.
184. I plight again,[http:///hillside.html] By every sainted Bee - By Daisy called from hillside - By Bobolink from lane.
185. In 1905, Pollard started to build churches and schools from this desolated hillside.
186. We can overlook the whole of the harbor on the hillside.
187. Great quantities of soil were washed down the hillside by the rain.
188. Then the grass turned to bushes and the hillside steeper.
189. The Austrian trenches were above on the hillside only a few yards from the Italian lines.
190. An entire hillside was covered base to summit with Hellcat husks and Invid and Garudan corpses.
191. Medellin is located in a valley, the region's residents in many poorer simple houses, built on the hillside as a residence.
192. If you are landscaping a hillside home or other sloped site, have your landscaper evaluate your soil type.
193. A bevy of girls were picking tea on the hillside.
194. Prevented from ascending the hillside by rows of Invid soldiers and vulnerable below to the Inorganics' unchecked advance, the vulpine XTs were being slaughtered.
195. Mr. Wang: Shijiagou is a cave dwelling building in Shanxi, in fact it is a hillside building which located in a valley with the terrain.




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