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单词 Absorbed
1) All of us were deeply absorbed in happy reminiscences.
2) She was absorbed with the mathematical problem.
3) The acrobatic tricks absorbed the children.
4) He eyed the coming tide with an absorbed attention.
5) Certain chemicals are easily absorbed into the bloodstream.
6) Nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream.
7) The drug is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream.
8) A jigsaw puzzle can keep me absorbed for hours.
9) They are absorbed in the experiment.
10) He is absorbed in his book.
11) The role of administrator absorbed much of Ben's energy.
12) He is absorbed in the evolution of the story.
13) The cream is easily absorbed into the skin.
14) Let the rice cook until it has absorbed all the water.
15) The humour of it is not to be absorbed in a hurry.
16) Absorbed in her work, she was totally oblivious of her surroundings.
17) Environmental ideas have been absorbed into the mainstream of European politics.
18) Buffers absorbed most of the shock.
19) Refined sugars are absorbed into the bloodstream very quickly.
20) She was absorbed in study.
21) She is absorbed in the pursuit of knowledge.
22) The empire absorbed many small nations.
23) Aspirin is quickly absorbed by/into the body.
24) Mary was absorbed in thought.
25) Once lovely countryside is absorbed by urban sprawl.
26) His work absorbed him completely.
27) This work had absorbed him for several years.
28) The larger firm absorbed the smaller one.
29) Most little shops have been absorbed into big businesses.
30) He stopped and watched with amusement to see the child so absorbed.
1) All of us were deeply absorbed in happy reminiscences.
2) She was absorbed with the mathematical problem.
3) He eyed the coming tide with an absorbed attention.
4) Nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream.
5) The drug is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream.
6) A jigsaw puzzle can keep me absorbed for hours.
7) He is absorbed in his book.
8) The role of administrator absorbed much of Ben's energy.
9) He is absorbed in the evolution of the story.
10) The cream is easily absorbed into the skin.
11) Let the rice cook until it has absorbed all the water.
12) He stopped and watched with amusement to see the child so absorbed.
13) The humour of it is not to be absorbed in a hurry.
14) Absorbed in her work, she was totally oblivious of her surroundings.
15) Environmental ideas have been absorbed into the mainstream of European politics.
16) Once lovely countryside is absorbed by urban sprawl.
17) They absorbed a great deal of the Roman culture.
18) The beauty of it is not to be absorbed in a hurry.
19) He had been so absorbed with watching the building that he hadn 't heard footsteps on the gravel path.
20) That country had absorbed the small states into her empire.
21) Certain chemicals are easily absorbed into the bloodstream, while others are not.
22) He is absorbed in the calculation of that difficult maths problem.
31) He nodded absently, his attention absorbed by the screen.
32) We were soon absorbed into local village life.
33) The barrier absorbed the main impact of the crash.
34) They absorbed a great deal of the Roman culture.
35) The small firms were absorbed into large cartels.
36) He was totally absorbed in his book.
37) Water and salts are absorbed into our blood stream.
38) Judith lay on the settee, absorbed in her book.
39) She seemed totally absorbed in her book.
40) They were completely absorbed in each other.
41) The Colonial Office was absorbed into the Foreign Office.
42) Everyone was absorbed with the beautiful scenery.
43) Light rays are absorbed by black surfaces.
44) The market absorbed all the computers we could build.
45) Our countryside is increasingly being absorbed by/into the large cities.
46) The surrounding small towns have been absorbed into the city.
47) The beer industry had absorbed a doubling of federal tax in 1991.
48) Nutrients from the digested food can be absorbed into the blood.
49) Under normal conditions, only about 20 to 40 per cent of vitamin E is absorbed.
50) Minerals can be absorbed and utilized by the body in a variety of different forms.
51) Minerals in general are not nearly so well absorbed as other nutrients.
52) The writer was so absorbed in her work that she did not hear her visitor enter the room.
53) The beauty of it is not to be absorbed in a hurry.
54) He had been so absorbed with watching the building that he hadn 't heard footsteps on the gravel path.
55) You become so deeply absorbed in an activity that you lose track of time.
56) He had been so absorbed in watching the car passing by that he didn't notice his friends coming.
57) She allowed her life to be absorbed by his, taking on as if by osmosis his likes and dislikes.
58) That country had absorbed the small states into her empire.
59) Simon was so absorbed in his book,[http:///absorbed.html] he didn't even notice me come in.
60) I was so absorbed in my work that I lost track of time.
61) The surrounding villages have been absorbed by/into the growing city.
62) Certain chemicals are easily absorbed into the bloodstream, while others are not.
63) The movement and noise of the machines absorbed him completely.
64) The information is presented so that it can be readily absorbed.
65) The writer was absorbed in his writing that he forgot to flick the ashes from his cigar.
66) The molecules are absorbed into the bloodstream and consequently affect the organs.
67) The chemical agent, whether it be mustard gas or nerve gas, can be absorbed by the skin.
68) These committees were gradually absorbed into the local government machine.
69) He is absorbed in the calculation of that difficult maths problem.
70) He was so absorbed in a book that he did not hear the bell.
71) Time passes quickly when you are absorbed in reading a good book.
72) It absorbed vast amounts of capital that could have been used for investment.
73) Cook the rice until all the liquid is absorbed.
74) We've made them lighter and they're easily absorbed.
75) The suit had absorbed the impact.
76) Once it is absorbed, calcium is added to plasma.
77) The stuff absorbed by those meadows outside.
78) I was completely absorbed in my climbing.
79) It was absorbed by the towel. 43.
80) A four-poster bed absorbed the remainder.
81) For the next two hours she was absorbed in the film, which turned out to be as good as she had hoped.
82) Eventually, all the non-turbulent regions have been absorbed and the boundary layer is wholly turbulent.
83) Add the peel and boil slowly until all the sugar syrup is pretty much absorbed.
84) To our left, the sliding glass door absorbed our profiles.
85) It came across the field, darting from side to side, absorbed in its own terror.
86) To make pancakes, in a large mixing bowl, combine flour and water, stirring constantly until all water is absorbed.
87) Moreover, mercury in the banned products can be absorbed by the skin and lead to hypertension, stroke and heart failure.
88) Alcohol in fizzy drinks is absorbed more quickly than alcohol in still drinks.
88) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
89) But Mark had now become absorbed in an idea for a sermon that had suddenly come to him.
90) In the end, I didn't see them anyway, I was absorbed in my grief.
91) Reduce the heat, cover the pan and simmer for 12-15min, until all the liquid is absorbed.
92) I frankly became rather absorbed in the film, which I found very touching.
93) But laxatives prevent potassium from being absorbed by the body.
94) The noise was pitched to a level of pain he absorbed as a personal test.
95) Simmer the rice for 20 minutes until all the liquid is absorbed.
96) Oxygen is absorbed into the water by surface movement, where a gaseous exchange takes place releasing carbon dioxide and absorbing oxygen.
97) In retrospect, the United States never fully absorbed the significance of that vote.
98) One of the processes of digestion is to reduce food to a substance which can be absorbed in the bloodstream as sugar.
99) He appeared to understand, but whether he absorbed every detail I cannot say.
100) But both of these contain caffeine and other chemical stimulants which are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream.
101) His stare challenged her to look right at him and be absorbed by him in some way.
102) An instantaneously absorbed dose of five grays would prove fatal within the space of two weeks.
103) She was absorbed in the primitive ritual of the hunt and work was erased from her mind.
104) The proximal tubule is freely permeable to water, and water freely follows the absorbed solutes.
105) It absorbed so much arsenic that, in just two weeks, arsenic comprised two per cent of its entire weight.
106) But Pam absorbed more than the luxuries of life from her close proximity to men in power.
107) If they do so for long enough, one species may be absorbed into another.
108) Lead that gets into your body is absorbed into the bones.
109) Sunlight is absorbed by dark surface materials and heats the surface to temperatures that sometimes approximate normal room temperature on Earth.
110) Gandhi gave the party some attention but social uplift absorbed more of him.
111) It is absorbed by our bodies and used in a wide range of metabolic processes.
112) Half were given plasters impregnated with nicotine which is slowly absorbed into the body.
113) We were totally absorbed in one another and in our work.
114) This process can speed up metabolism when digestion products are absorbed into the bloodstream.
115) So the patron saint had become absorbed into the feudal world.
116) In the last 10 years, California has absorbed 35% of all legal immigrants to the U.S.
117) Her admitted object was the instruction of the kitchen maid, who had absorbed none of Mrs Geary's genius.
118) Then add the remaining ingredients, cover and cook slowly until all liquid is absorbed, about 25 minutes.
118) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
119) Our own unpublished data on absorption from these enemas indicates that less than 0.02% of administered bismuth is absorbed.
120) Though there were undercurrents here, I was absorbed by the sense of family, the polished details of hearth and home.
121) No doubt if she had been less absorbed, she would have heard the footsteps ring out into the frosty night behind her.
122) Some of these are more easily absorbed by the body than others.
123) Hector was heavily muscled with long arms and big, high-knuckled hands that caught sharp and hot metal surfaces and absorbed grease.
124) But it would be straining credulity too far to expect that everything will be absorbed.
125) Medicaid has recently absorbed many people who would otherwise have lost health coverage.
126) Ultracare 3 is quickly absorbed into the skin and forms a protective grease-free barrier.
127) Usually the same amount of heat is absorbed in the reverse reaction, when the oxygen is released by the haemoglobin.
128) The large stack of giant bamboo which had once been piled on the beach had vanished, absorbed into the raft.
129) The first is that enormous amounts of professional time and effort will be absorbed in explaining apparent differences between classes and schools.
130) In other words, dietary fat is absorbed through the intestine in the form of chylomicrons.
131) Barbara had been in flesh contact with the screen, but had not been absorbed.
132) In principle, there was nothing that could not be absorbed into this radically Christianized world.
133) Coming through the door off - balance, taking the deflected kick - he'd absorbed that.
134) I trembled like a tuning fork, but my shoulder fakes absorbed the worst of the shaking.
135) I felt part of it all - absorbed as I had been absorbed by the worshipping crowd packed into the shrine.
136) His body absorbed 30,000 volts of electricity, 15 times the charge of an electric chair.
137) It is true that if some one talks to intelligent people regularly and is well informed and advised, then much is absorbed.
138) The railway, by then completely absorbed by the L.M.S., was completely dismantled in 1936.
139) An estimated US$1,500 million of this assistance, however, was expected to be absorbed by foreign debt service payments.
140) It is toxic by inhalation or ingestion and can be absorbed through the skin.
141) A sound wave has a much greater chance of being scattered and absorbed by such dense vegetation.
142) Let us suppose that the proportion of any additional income absorbed as leakages is 0.6.
143) There was the altar, with its gilded borders and red sheen that absorbed the glazed white bowls and cups.
144) The energy absorbed during the reaction is first taken from the reaction mixture.
145) Any surface oil not absorbed after 10-15 minutes should be blotted off with a tissue.
146) But despite Darwin's efforts, evolutionism was at first absorbed into the search for a universal order.
147) So at low temperatures, oxygen is absorbed more strongly by most species' haemoglobin, and released less easily.
148) Soon, they will be absorbed into it and disappear from the bird books.
148) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
149) The force-carrying particle then collides with another matter particle and is absorbed.
150) He seemed, though, to be absorbed in conversation with Belle Maman.
151) But the playroom is to be absorbed into the retreat and conference centre next year.
152) A large portion of the State's scarce resources was absorbed in upholding the serf-owners' authority and subsidizing their income.
153) Like a dreamer, the Apolline artist is absorbed in contemplation of something outside himself and does not identify with it.
154) He was under sedation, Sister Cooney informed Rim, and was best left alone until he had absorbed the shock.
155) So the oxalic acid in your meals is easily absorbed.
156) The others were absorbed in their economic problems, social enjoyments, and political activities.
157) Iron is more easily absorbed into the body if mixed with vitamin C; have an orange with your meal, for example.
158) Hypo-allergenic, non-greasy and easily absorbed: it's just right for your baby's skin.
159) The lessons of September seem to have been absorbed by both sides.
160) Because it dissolves easily in water, it is rapidly absorbed from the digestive tract and mixes easily with blood.
161) Eat plenty of easily absorbed carbohydrates, such as potatoes, rice, corn and wheat products.
162) The chitin-rich liquid is then absorbed through the still permeable new skeleton back into the insect's body.
163) It is hoped that many of the employees at Eagle Mill will be absorbed into other sections of.
164) Shula-Slawa would tell you how she was run down while absorbed in a Look article by mounted policemen pursuing an escaped deer.
165) Now absorbed in the new Highland Region, it is still there and as mad as ever.
166) If they do so for long enough, one species may be absorbed into another. Human interference is often to blame.
167) It is not absorbed into the bloodstream, nor does it influence hormone levels, the company says.
168) In the long run, both absorbed their invaders, but at very great cost.
169) Here, nutritive material is absorbed through the gut wall into the bloodstream, while bacteria break down less-digestible substances such as cellulose.
170) Bodies crushed and absorbed, Tallis-Holly herself became trapped in the quivering, silent forest that filled the stone place.
171) Heating probably begins at quite shallow depths but because the downgoing plate is cold virtually all of this heat is initially absorbed.
172) She turned her head away, scalding tears coursing down her cheeks and on to the pillow which had absorbed her earlier grief.
173) Like pectin, psyllium forms a gel which is not digested or absorbed, thereby increasing the viscosity of the meal.
174) When the laser reaches the pale stone surface the light emitted is bounced back instead of absorbed and the process ceases.
175) Desiccated liver is approximately 80% protein and is easily broken down and absorbed by the stomach.
176) He was the kind of man who absorbed ideas unconsciously, made them his own, and pushed them to new limits.
177) As the emitted particles are absorbed by the surrounding matter, their energy of motion is transformed into heat.
178) Brown vertical trunks absorbed the righteousness of the fields and shot heavenward like sacred pillars of an ancient pagoda./absorbed.html
179) In the long run, other institutions have absorbed gender integration with only minor difficulty and have thrived as a result.
180) They were worth every penny of the large chunk of the Hochhauser budget they absorbed.
181) The soap can cause foetal damage, anaemia and kidney failure if too much is absorbed through the skin.
182) Light energy from the sun is absorbed by the chlorophyll in the leaves and the water molecules are split.
183) The more menacing the progress of the tank, the more absorbed the boy becomes in his physical discomfort.
184) This was where John passed his early years, absorbed in a largely outdoor life.
185) He was absorbed, as host, in the task of getting his guest safely below decks.
186) The protagonist is totally absorbed in watching the ethereal mechanism come to rest.
187) While the council absorbed this shock, the 1990 recession hit-knocking revenues down another $ 1. 5 million a year.
188) Continue stirring and mashing potatoes for about 5 minutes, or until the water is absorbed and potatoes are soft and lumpy.
189) This process generates short chain fatty acids which are absorbed, and hydrogen and carbon dioxide.
190) Do they wait around, to be absorbed into any passer-by?
191) Every year a couple hundred thousand migrants from Greater Los Angeles are absorbed by other California counties.
192) As it vanished, absorbed in the veils of blackness, Stephen stumbled over a twisted root and fell headlong.
193) During the eighteenth century the irregular Cossack hosts were gradually brought under control and absorbed into the regular army.
194) This is the stuff from which good beer is made as it is hard and has absorbed a tangy flavour.
195) The different approaches to industrial development have absorbed an enormous amount of resources and effort in the postwar period.
196) These compounds are absorbed into the epithelial cells surrounding the central lumen containing the colloid.
197) However, the fraction of light absorbed is an exponential function of the pigment concentration in a leaf of a given thickness.
198) They had even absorbed and beaten off a full-scale attack on their street distribution structure by a powerful enemy.
199) Once cooked, the lentils should have absorbed all of the water and feel soft in texture.
200) Only one Valence had returned, to die slowly of poisons he had absorbed during the long march.
201) When she blinked, the tears overflowed and ran back along her cheekbones to her ears, where the swaddling absorbed them.
202) Kenny was in the distance, crouched, absorbed in something on the ground.
203) They say salting improves the texture and decreases the amount of oil absorbed during cooking.
204) Water is absorbed directly through the skin - no adult amphibians are known to drink.
205) Commercial and investment banks, both domestic and foreign, rapidly absorbed most of London's traditional stockbrokers and jobbers.
206) A photographer as well as a painter, Eakins was absorbed by the problems of animal locomotion.
207) Most of all, the Colonel was intrigued that the wet blanket had absorbed the energy of the pistol shots.
208) The individual suspends his critical judgement and involvement in external reality to becoming passively absorbed in an imaginary world.
208) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
209) Even when Pearce's innards had been completely absorbed and digested, the thing's need was still strong.
210) Nature Alcohol is absorbed into the blood stream via the stomach and takes effect within 5-10 minutes.
211) The Federation established industrial co-operatives with the intent that they should not be absorbed into or controlled by the Consumers' Movement.
212) Non-persistent systemic weedkillers are absorbed through the leaves and move throughout the plant, including the roots.
213) Multiple cDNA clones were identified by screening the U251 library with a bacterial lysate absorbed polyclonal antiserum against human tenascin.
214) Too often time on site is absorbed in dealing with contractor's queries rather than in looking at the work.
215) He was absorbed in eating, and his blond, straight hair fell forward over his forehead.
216) A man is not idle because he is absorbed in thought. There is a visible labor and there is an invisible labor. Victor Hugo 
217) Radium is readily absorbed into the body where it concentrates in the bone marrow and gives off very damaging alpha particles.
218) I threw myself into farm work, as absorbed by this job as I had once been by literature and teaching.
219) Oxygen in the air that fills the tracheae is absorbed through the wall at the extremities.
220) Sheldukher, absorbed in his map, seemed not to have noticed its newly acquired air of placid servitude.
221) Her body absorbed the silence that swelled through the darkened room.
222) Other organizations could not be absorbed but could still be brought within the Central Office orbit.
223) A U251 cDNA library was screened with bacterial lysate absorbed polyclonal antiserum against human tenascin.
224) The product that hasn't been absorbed is causing these unsightly specks.
225) China absorbed 49% of the net increase.
226) Vitamin K is not absorbed from the upper intestine.
227) The morality they absorbed was beyond question.
228) Today's flexible jobs markets allow oil shocks to be absorbed less harmfully.
229) Of these, the most troubling is iodine-131, which can be absorbed by the thyroid when inhaled, causing thyroid cancer and leukemia.
230) TEM cross section analysis of the cells showed further that the Fe3O4 nanoparticles were for the most part strongly absorbed by the surfaces of the cells and coated the cells.
231) A closed car on a sunny day is like a solar collector. As sunlight passes through the car's glass windows, it is absorbed by the seat covers, walls, and floor of the car.
232) RESULTS: Of 21 eyes with retinal holes, 18 (85 7%) had been sealed and subretinal fluid had been absorbed completely after laser photocoagulation.
233) Innovative absorber, fully absorbed, super absorbability could lock the blood and provide more comprehensive protection.
234) The graft rate can be changed with the variations absorbed doseabsorbed dose rate and irradiation environment.
235) Centrifugal glass cotton can be made into wallboard, ceiling, space sound-absorbing body etc, can be absorbed in a room, reduce doubled the reverberation time, reduce indoor noise.
236) The energy absorbed by the electronic load simulator can be turn back to the utility system.
237) Acetylsalicylic acid absorbed from the gut is rapidly hydrolysed to salicylic acid by esterases in the erythrocytes of the portal circulation and the liver.
238) A swarm of planets absorbed most of the available angular momentum.
238) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
239) This ethnic group was absorbed into the Han Nationality centuries ago.
240) Useful information provided by steady state flow method can also be obtained from dynamic experiment as the concentration of the absorbed species on the catalyst surface changes with time.
241) Tetrandrine is well absorbed at all segments of intestine in rats.
242) The air stream breaks up into turbulence, the excess energy is absorbed by the turbulent eddies and this energy is irrecoverable. This is where the majority of the energy is wasted.
243) The 1990s boom in technology stocks absorbed larger and larger amounts of investors' money until that speculative stock surge collapsed in 2000.
244) Unlike many heartburn medications, TUMS does not need to be absorbed into your bloodstream first. which means they can take hours or days to fully work.
245) Methods:Carbon tetrabromide in the air of workplace was absorbed by 10 ml Ethanol, then analyzed by GC(ECD).
246) Much from those trips would, Spurling notes in "Pearl Buck in China, " "be absorbed and distilled a decade later in the magical opening sequence of 'The Good Earth.'
247) Thus we have the essential absorbed energy initiation unique interpretation theory frame to form have own characteristic thinking mode, and instruction creation practice.
248) Absorbed in his own thoughts, Tu Hsuehshih did not hear the quip meant for him.
249) Conclusion: DIT was absorbed in molecular form, not in form of I -.
250) But then you have some neutrons that do 235 end up being absorbed in the fuel, uranium 235 and then there's a certain likelihood that some of these neutrons absorbed in the fuel do not fission.
251) Contrastingly , the majority of teenagers and those in their twenties already have plenty of growth factors, which is why the same products would not be fully absorbed when used by younger people.
252) In this paper waterproof sheet material and geotextile were compounded and used as stress absorbed layer , which was applied in composite pavement.
253) Byzantine Christianity had absorbed the hierarchical view of the universe propounded by late Greek philosophy.
254) It is obvious effect because refined giantarum starch forms reticulate structure, protein and impurity will be absorbed on the net, the Honey wine will be clarified.
255) The neutron absorbed dose rate distributions for ttnnour and natural histiocyte are calculated respectively based on this software and the results are analyzed.
256) Application: Apply appropriate amount to face and neck and then massage till it is absorbed; it will give a better effect if used after solarization or at night.
257) The region a duchy in 1806 and was absorbed by Prussia in 1866.
258) Modeling 2.1 Heat Transfer modeling The laser beam is gaussian in shape and results are generated for fixed values of absorbed power during each computer run.
259) Undoubtedly, children be most likely be absorbed in study not in fantasy.
260) But after Lionheart kingdom absorbed his nation, he left his own land and joined Axe and Spear to wait a day to avenge.
261) Whereas we saw in the Alcibiades the close relation between "Take care of yourself" and "Know yourself", taking care of yourself eventually became absorbed into knowing yourself.
262) According to the Roman historian Plutarch (c. 46-120 AD/CE), Mithraism began to be absorbed by the Romans during Pompey's military campaign against Cilician pirates around 70 BCE.
263) The desiccant can be reused simply by heating it up to boil off the water it's absorbed.
264) However, it does not require an absorbed vapour layer to become effective.
265) Mayonnaise can be digested and absorbed because of its emulsive state, but it is high in calories because of its high vegetable oil content.
266) They are taught to fix their minds unwaveringly upon a single subject, becoming so absorbed in it that all else is successfully blotted out of consciousness.




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