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单词 Cat
1. A gloved cat catches no mice. 
2. A cat may look at a king. 
3. When the cat’s away, the mice will play. 
3. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. Ale will make a cat speak. 
5. The scalded cat fears cold water. 
6. A cat has nine lives.
7. There's more than one way to skin a cat
8. A blate cat makes a proud mouse. 
9. The cat shut its eyes while it steals cream. 
10. A scalded cat dreads [fears] (even) cold water. 
11. When the weasel and the cat make a marriage, it is a very ill presage. 
12. The cat and dog may kiss, yet are none the better friends. 
13. The cat and dog may kiss, yet are none the better. 
14. It is said that a cat hath nine lives, yet care would wear them all out. 
15. Curiosity killed the cat.
16. Care killed the cat.
17. There are more ways of killing a cat than choking it with cream. 
18. It is clear that the cat has eaten it!
19. A cat was basking on the window sill.
20. They finally found the cat up on the roof.
21. A cat is a tame animal.
22. The cat is creeping silently towards the bird.
23. The cat insinuated herself into the kitchen.
24. Our cat usually stays out at night.
25. Our cat has glossy black fur.
26. The cat laid a dead mouse at my feet.
27. The cat snoozled its head against my leg.
28. The cat was clawing at the door.
29. Our cat produced kittens last week.
30. A cat was beneath the table.
1. A cat was basking on the window sill.
2. They finally found the cat up on the roof.
3. A cat is a tame animal.
3. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. The cat is creeping silently towards the bird.
5. The cat clawed the chair.
6. Our cat usually stays out at night.
7. Our cat has glossy black fur.
8. The cat laid a dead mouse at my feet.
9. Our cat produced kittens last week.
10. The cat sank its teeth into his finger.
11. The cat was sitting on an upturned crate.
12. We look after the neighbours' cat while they're away.
13. It is natural for a cat to catch mice.
14. The cat clawed the wall.
15. The cat dug his claws into my leg.
16. Who let that flaming cat in?
17. Have you fed the cat?
18. How did we get on to your grandmother's cat?
19. The cat fled from the dog.
20. The cat was wailing to be let out.
21. What sex is your cat?
22. The cat family embraces lions and tigers.
23. The cat crouched in the grass, poised to jump.
24. Have you fed the cat yet?
25. The cat had sleek fur.
26. The cat sat licking its paws.
27. I usually feed the neighbour's cat while she's away.
28. The cat rubbed itself against my legs.
29. The cat purred as I stroked its fur.
30. The cat jumped onto the table.
31. The cat hogged himself to attack a big dog.
32. I want a cat as a pet.
33. The cat kept clawing at my trousers.
34. The cat sank its teeth into his finger.
35. The cat was sitting on an upturned crate.
36. We look after the neighbours' cat while they're away.
37. It is natural for a cat to catch mice.
38. The cat clawed the wall.
39. A cat brushed against his leg.
40. The cat dug his claws into my leg.
41. With an easy spring the cat reached the branch.
42. The cat was under the table.
43. Who let that flaming cat in?
44. The domesticated cat retains its predatory instincts.
45. Have you fed the cat?
46. The cat tangled the ball of twine.
47. That cat will scratch you with its claws.
48. How did we get on to your grandmother's cat?
49. The cat fled from the dog.
50. The cat was wailing to be let out.
51. What sex is your cat?
52. The cat family embraces lions and tigers.
53. The cat crouched in the grass, poised to jump.
54. Have you fed the cat yet?
55. The cat leapt from the chair.
56. The cat crept silently towards the bird.
57. The cat had sleek fur.
58. The cat sat licking its paws.
59. I usually feed the neighbour's cat while she's away.
60. A cat has nine lives onil in one.
31. I didn't let the cat out of the bag.
32. The cat lay on the sofa, washing itself.
33. She opened the door and the cat whipped in.
34. A cat lay in front of the fire.
35. Don't be too sentimental about the cat.
36. The cat was lying fast asleep by the fire.
37. The cat hissed as the dog came near it.
38. The cat tore the paper to shreds.
39. My cat likes dozing in front of the fire.
40. The cat is from the house next door.
41. The lion is a member of the cat family.
42. The rug was covered with cat hairs.
43. Our cat likes to sharpen her claws on the legs of the dining table.
44. The cat curled into a ball and went to sleep.
45. I was trying to keep the party a secret, but Mel went and let the cat out of the bag.
46. The cat was clawing at the leg of the chair.
47. They are offering a reward for the return of their cat.
48. My cat hates dogs.
49. That cat won't jump.
50. The police played an elaborate game of cat and mouse to trap him.
51. A cat was walking along the top of the fence.
52. Carla, curled up on the sofa, was smoking a cigarette and stroking her cat.
53. The cat was hiding in the bushes, ready to pounce.
54. The poor cat has been enclosed in the garage all night.
55. They wouldn't let their cat outside for fear it would get run over.
56. The literal meaning of the word " cat " is an animal.
57. I grasped the cat by the back of its neck.
58. Just then the door opened and the cat whipped out, with the dog chasing it.
59. The cat catches mice.
60. They haven't a cat in hell's chance of getting over the mountain in weather like this.
61. The cat scrunched up to sleep.
62. A cornered cat becomes as fierce as a lion.
63. The cat crouched,(/cat.html) ready to leap.
64. Our cat eats out of her own dish.
65. The cat rubbed itself against my legs.
66. The cat purred as I stroked its fur.
67. The cat jumped onto the table.
68. The cat slowly half-inched his game.
69. This is a black cat with white paws.
70. I didn't let the cat out of the bag.
71. She turfed the cat out of the chair.
72. The cat lay on the sofa, washing itself.
73. A cat was sleeping underneath the table.
74. She opened the door and the cat whipped in.
75. A cat lay in front of the fire.
76. Our cat is too lazy to mouse.
77. Don't close the door(), Tom. The cat wants in.
78. Shelly took the sick cat to a veterinarian.
79. Don't be too sentimental about the cat.
80. The cat was lying fast asleep by the fire.
81. The cat hissed as the dog came near it.
82. The cat ensconced itself in the armchair.
83. The cat tore the paper to shreds.
84. Let the cat out of the bag.
85. My cat likes dozing in front of the fire.
86. The cat knocked over the vase on the table.
87. The cat is from the house next door.
88. The cat flew at the mouse.
89. My cat spat at a dog.
90. The lion is a member of the cat family.
61. He made a frightened noise a little like the miaow of a cat.
62. The cat sat in the tree ready to pounce on the ducks below.
63. When changed into the passive, 'The dog chased the cat' becomes 'The cat was chased by the dog'.
64. The cat has left her loose hairs all over the ground of the house.
65. I've arranged with the neighbours about feeding the cat while we are away.
66. He seems to have 9 lives, like the proverbial cat.
67. The cat managed to find a spot to sleep amidst all the clutter of my study.
68. The tiger is a common representative of the cat family.
69. He had a grin on his face like a Cheshire Cat.
70. I left the door open and the cat got out.
71. The cat padded silently along the track.
72. Your vicious dog is menacing my cat!
73. The cat fought fiercely to defend its young.
74. The new security guard is a burglar — that'll put the cat among the pigeons.
75. In " the black cat " the adjective " black " modifies the noun " cat " .
76. He was the cat they captured to frighten the monkey.
77. It is cruel to drown the cat in the river.
78. The cat lay stretched out beside the fire in sleepy content.
91. The cat moved on silent feet.
92. The rug was covered with cat hairs.
93. She's too sentimental about her cat.
94. Our cat likes to sharpen her claws on the legs of the dining table.
95. The cat curled into a ball and went to sleep.
96. I was trying to keep the party a secret,(Sentence dictionary) but Mel went and let the cat out of the bag.
97. Cat would eat fish and would not wet her feet.
98. The cat was clawing at the leg of the chair.
99. They are offering a reward for the return of their cat.
100. The cat tried to get between the chair and the wall.
101. The cat wouldn't leave my kitchen,so I had to push it out.
102. The cat bit back.
103. The hen gave a squawk when it saw the cat.
104. The police played an elaborate game of cat and mouse to trap him.
105. A cat was walking along the top of the fence.
106. Carla, curled up on the sofa, was smoking a cigarette and stroking her cat.
107. The cat was hiding in the bushes, ready to pounce.
108. The poor cat has been enclosed in the garage all night.
109. They wouldn't let their cat outside for fear it would get run over.
110. The literal meaning of the word " cat " is an animal.
111. I grasped the cat by the back of its neck.
112. Just then the door opened and the cat whipped out, with the dog chasing it.
113. He watched the cat cleaning the milk off her whiskers.
114. The cat fell into the hole and couldn't climb out of it.
115. Put the food where the cat can't come at it.
116. They haven't a cat in hell's chance of getting over the mountain in weather like this.
117. He made a frightened noise a little like the miaow of a cat.
118. The cat got run over by the lorry and squashed.
119. Turf the cat out if you want to sit in the chair.
120. I left my cat in trust with a neighbor while I went on holiday.
121. The cat sat in the tree ready to pounce on the ducks below.
122. When changed into the passive, 'The dog chased the cat' becomes 'The cat was chased by the dog'.
123. The cat has left her loose hairs all over the ground of the house.
123. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
124. See how your cat has messed up my ball of wool.
125. I've arranged with the neighbours about feeding the cat while we are away.
126. He seems to have 9 lives, like the proverbial cat.
127. The cat managed to find a spot to sleep amidst all the clutter of my study.
128. The tiger is a common representative of the cat family.
129. He had a grin on his face like a Cheshire Cat.
130. The cat picked up the kitten by the scruff of its neck.
131. I left the door open and the cat got out.
132. Has your cat been spayed yet?
133. The cat makes a punctual appearance at mealtimes.
134. Sam put the cat out of the door roughly.
135. The cat walked round, exploring its new environment.
136. a cat with a monotone coat.
137. The cat and the lion are related species.
138. The cat rubbed against my legs.
139. Their favorite cat clawed a hole in my stocking.
140. The cat was shut in the garage all night.
141. A cat brushed against her leg in the darkness.
142. Watch that cat stealing up on the mouse.
143. Your cat got a bird this morning!
144. The cat is twiddling with its tail.
145. The cat keeps clawing at the rug.
146. The cat jumped to the table.
147. reminds me. I must feed the cat.
148. The cat lapped milk from a dish.
149. I nearly tripped over the cat.
150. I had to swerve to avoid a cat.
151. The cat quickly lapped up all the milk.
152. Their cat was badly bitten by a dog.
153. We rewarded him for finding our lost cat.
154. It's a cat,(http:///cat.html) not a dog.
155. Does your cat have any distinguishing marks?
156. Luisa reached out her hand to stroke the cat.
157. Lions and tigers belong to the cat family.
158. I think the cat wants out.
159. She's a lovely cat. Will you breed from her?
160. The cat looked very sleek and well fed.
161. My cat hissed when I stepped on its tail.
162. I just avoided running over the cat.
163. The cat was curled up asleep under the bush.
164. We heard the mew of a cat.
165. The cat will finish up the fish.
166. Don't forget to feed the cat.
167. Dog, cat, horse, shoe-which is the odd one out?
168. Our cat is hopeless at catching mice.
169. A cat was rubbing against my leg.
170. She watched the cat arch its back.
171. She braked suddenly to avoid a cat.
172. The cat purred loudly, rubbing against her legs.
173. About 30 major medical centers in the United States have xenon CAT scan technology.
174. The cat arched its back when it saw the dog.
175. The cat shot across the garden, and up a tree.
176. The cat licked up all the milk which had overflowed onto the floor.
177. Then she told them she was dropping out of college. That really set the cat among the pigeons.
178. A cat detects vibrations through the pads of its feet.
179. My cat had its ear ripped open by a dog.
180. One cat is black and white, the other solid black.
181. I held the cat still while the vet gave the injection.
182. I didn't get on with her at work either - we fought like cat and dog.
183. She was like a cat on hot bricks before her driving test.
184. There is one popular story in the village of a man-eating cat that lives in the forest.
185. We've just got a new cat, but we haven't named him yet.
186. Don't kick the cat out like that, it's cruel; lift it out gently.
187. His party does not have a cat in hell's chance of ever being returned to government.
188. Your biochemistry is almost identical to that of your cat.
189. When a cat has finished eating, it usually washes itself.
190. 'Let the cat out of the bag' is an idiom meaning to tell a secret by mistake.
191. The cat has left white hairs all over the sofa.
192. Old Mother Adams next door has lost her cat again.
193. The door was ajar, so the cat was able to come in.
194. He was like a cat on hot bricks before his driving test.
195. Mike likes to make out that he's tough, but he's a pussy cat really.
196. We witnessed the extraordinary spectacle of an old lady climbing a tree to rescue her cat.
197. The birds took fright at the sight of the cat and flew off.
198. The cat arched its back and hissed at the dog.
199. The cat sat and watched us from a safe distance.
200. The cat righted itself during the fall, and landed on its feet.
201. The bowl was tipped over by the cat which jumped in through the window.
202. The cat is in a rage when his tail switches.
203. The cat arched her back when she saw the dog.
204. They have two dogs to find a home for, without mentioning the cat and the bird.
205. A picture of a cat on a log is a rebus for catalog.
206. The cat tried to cling to the edge by its claws.
207. Just when I put the glass safely down on the table,the cat jumped up and knocked it off.
208. There is a strong possibility that the cat contracted the condition by eating contaminated pet food.
209. He excused himself by saying he was "forced to rob to maintain my wife and cat".
210. In the ancient world, it was probably rare to castrate a dog or cat.
211. There was a cat yowling outside my window last night.
212. The cat acted as a surrogate mum to the chicks.
213. The bank is poised to put the cat among the pigeons this morning by slashing the cost of borrowing.
214. A cat can retract its claws, but a dog can't.
215. He nudged the cat off the sofa so that he could sit down.
216. Our cat produced four kittens during the course of the night.
217. Our next-door neighbours say they'll look after our cat for us while we're away.




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