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单词 Bargaining
1. He spent hours bargaining for the valuable watch.
2. After much hard bargaining we reached an agreement.
3. The government would not intervene in private-sector wage bargaining.
4. I wasn't bargaining on any trouble.
5. He was bargaining with the salesman.
6. The dealer spent hours bargaining for the painting.
7. The women are bargaining with the dealers for the property.
8. I'm bargaining on your help to drive us to the airport.
9. There will be some hard bargaining before an agreement is reached.
10. She was bargaining about the goods in the market.
11. Some hard bargaining is called for.
12. Their obvious desperation strengthens our bargaining position.
13. They are bargaining withtheir neighbours.
14. The government has called for sensible pay bargaining.
15. We are now in a strong bargaining position.
16. We're now in a rather poor bargaining position.
17. Unions were insistent on the right to collective bargaining.
17. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
18. Collective bargaining was viewed as the alpha and omega of trade unionism.
19. Missiles were used as a bargaining chip in negotiations for economic aid.
20. After some tough bargaining, we finally agreed on a deal.
21. Rising unemployment has diminished the bargaining power of people with jobs.
22. This will increase the bargaining power of management in wage negotiations.
23. After much hard bargaining we reached an agreement with the finance committee.
24. Exporters are in a strong bargaining position at the moment.
25. Rubio suggests that oil be used as a bargaining chip in any trade talks.
26. The smaller states' efforts to exercise their collective bargaining power against multinationals have failed.
27. The information could be used as a bargaining chip to extract some parallel information from Britain.
28. Most new artists and bands aren't in a strong bargaining position .
29. The 4% pay raise was the result of some hard bargaining .
30. You need a flexible approach in devising your ground plan for bargaining.
1. He spent hours bargaining for the valuable watch.
2. The government would not intervene in private-sector wage bargaining.
3. I wasn't bargaining on any trouble.
4. He was bargaining with the salesman.
5. The dealer spent hours bargaining for the painting.
6. The women are bargaining with the dealers for the property.
7. I'm bargaining on your help to drive us to the airport.
8. There will be some hard bargaining before an agreement is reached.
9. The women spend hours in the market, bargaining about the goods.
31. Ownership of the land gives us a strong bargaining counter.
32. The release of prisoners was used as a bargaining chip.
33. I'm bargaining on your help to drive us to the railway station.
34. Bargaining at the markets is now just an empty ritual.
35. That was the cue for several months of intense bargaining.
36. In the market dealers were bargaining with growers over the price of coffee.
37. This principle of collective bargaining has been a mainstay in labor relations in this country.
38. Their efforts to exercise collective bargaining power against multinational companies have failed.
39. The women spend hours in the market, bargaining about the goods.
40. Their bargaining position with America was weakened by their foot-dragging over the Gulf.
41. Should nuclear weapons be used as bargaining chips in arms negotiations?
42. Oliver's bargaining for a raise.
43. Free collective bargaining was its watchword.
44. Naturally this bargaining power was not constant.
45. Now, surely, the hard bargaining will begin.
46. Would keep it as her final bargaining counter.
47. Western bargaining power had been eliminated.
48. Lewis, through collective bargaining, brought order out of chaos.
49. A classic case of plea bargaining.
50. Then came the consultation proper, and the bargaining began.
51. His passions were antique furniture and shrewd bargaining.
52. Faith in collective bargaining could not take root.
53. Bargaining, however, tends to be confined within the company.
54. Effective bargaining by their union has gained clothing workers a 9% pay rise.
55. The other and perhaps stronger motive for regional bloc-building is the hope of increasing collective bargaining power.
56. The current machinery broadly follows the framework of collective bargaining laid down in the 1980 Workers' Statute.
57. Smith regarded this distribution as depending in the first instance on relative bargaining strength.
58. Only Mississippi, North Carolina, and Texas specifically prohibit collective bargaining for public school employees.
59. The general sentiment among lawyers is that the Commission is likely to favour plea bargaining if sufficient safeguards can be built in.
60. You need a flexible and adaptive approach in devising your ground plan for bargaining.
61. The unions had almost no influence on the factory floor and were ineffective in collective bargaining.
62. Even the demand for independence might be advanced as primarily a bargaining counter.
63. From this viewpoint any highly segmented representation of worker interests in relation to employers, such as via individual enterprise bargaining, had little appeal.
64. Such a state of affairs provides the seller with a unique opportunity to exploit the relatively weak bargaining position of the investor.
65. The Government introduced incentive allowances for teachers in 1987 when it removed the profession's bargaining rights and imposed a pay settlement.
66. I know that negotiations do not only constitute a bargaining process, but also serve as fertile ground for creativity.
67. This is where hard bargaining at the time that you negotiated your service contract could pay off handsomely.
68. Multi-employer bargaining makes for simplification of effort in that separate contracts do not have to be negotiated with each individual employer.
69. The defendant, through an insurance company(), is often in a much stronger bargaining position than the plaintiff.
70. Imposing such a structure in baseball will take tough bargaining and unaccustomed discipline on the part of the owners.
71. In both countries collective bargaining had emerged in a form strongly influenced by product market considerations.
72. Unions were bargaining for dental insurance, as if scraping the barrel to come up with new benefits.
73. Although informal plant bargaining does take place, the additions and amendments are not regarded as being competitive with external agreements.
74. During 1989, the company decided to end its collective bargaining agreement with the chapels of the National Union of Journalists.
75. As a result, the scope of autonomous collective bargaining was restricted.
76. Corrupt insiders should be taken to court, not thrown aside by presidents as electoral bargaining chips.
77. It acts as the sole broker in the bargaining and competition for resources between bureaucratic organizations.
78. Even its original version he had regarded as no more that a bargaining chip.
79. The developments in thinking about what happens in animal conflicts have some interesting parallels with economists' theorising about human bargaining.
80. Country size, for instance(sentence dictionary), appears to be related to the propensity to centralise collective bargaining authority within national confederations.
81. This usually took the form of institutionalized collective bargaining between trade unions and employers.
82. Distributive conflicts have to be resolved by some form of bargaining process.
83. Votes can be used as bargaining counters for future needs.
84. Collective bargaining and joint consultation processes were found to have no influence on the attitude or performance of staff.
85. The limits and possibilities of such bargaining are shown to depend on complex interactions between the actors' strategies.
86. However, herein lies the Army's greatest weakness in the bargaining process.
87. They argue for the primacy of collective bargaining at the level of the individual company.
88. Economic theory Until comparatively recently, bargaining was a subject on which economic theory had very little to say.
89. We are against the use of hostages as bargaining chips.
90. The interventionist state has political as well as economic ill-effects by inducing unrealistic expectations on the part of voters and electoral trade-offs between parties bargaining for votes.
91. This could mean that the board and Reilly still have some bargaining to do before the contract is signed.
92. The decision to allow trusts to set their own pay rates has meant that pay bargaining is now becoming devolved.
93. How successful you are in sorting matters out to your satisfaction will depend partly on your bargaining strength.
94. The product of this interaction or bargaining is the media content to which the public at large attend.
95. Thereafter, a formal machinery of collective bargaining was gradually set up.
96. In a competitive market the bargaining power of the owner of a particular commodity is limited.
97. After the 1999 legislative battle, the university system's Board of Regents appointed a committee to examine collective bargaining.
98. Tomorrow, talks are scheduled to begin on a new musicians contract to replace the collective bargaining agreement that expired Friday.
99. In contrast, decentralised bargaining systems have a restricting influence upon the degree of union membership attained.
100. They are wrong for this country's future and contrary to this party's belief in decentralised wage bargaining.
101. Yet the nature of many negotiating situations is inherent conflict, it is why bargaining has become necessary.
102. The root of these accommodations is the bargaining power possessed by state enterprises.
103. The bargaining processes within the Defence commodity market are often described in the media and in Parliament as vicious inter-Service infighting.
104. Such laws usually include more detailed procedures for resolving negotiating impasses that may arise during the bargaining process.
105. It recognizes that professional decision-makers often form themselves into factions for the purposes of bargaining.
106. The exercise itself actively helps you to formulate your aims and strategy for bargaining.
107. Yet the desire for protection and security and some measure of equality in bargaining power would not down.
108. He emphasises the actual similarities in the pattern of bargaining despite the differences which exist in the formal structures.
109. Uncle Miller was constantly making propositions, and to develop a mood more congenial to bargaining he passed the whiskey freely.
110. Negotiation is about bargaining and the latter occurs in an endless variety of forms at the workplace.
111. The commune provided some marginal bargaining power for the peasantry since concerted resistance could not be lightly dismissed.
112. Decree 507, the new Public Order Law, prohibited all collective bargaining and strike action.
113. First, by removing entrenched collective bargaining arrangements embodied in nationalisation legislation it has provided management an opportunity to restructure employee relations.
114. Courts have also differed on whether evaluation procedures and student discipline procedures are mandatory subjects of bargaining.
115. Localized wage bargaining was symbolic of the decentralization of decision-making in general, a process involving a profound change in managerial culture.
116. With the conference at last on the calendar, the various countries began preparatory activities to enhance their bargaining positions.
117. After much bargaining, we agreed to share the profits 50-50.
118. The process of negotiations between unions and employers is called collective bargaining.
119. Do all teachers have a right to join a union and engage in collective bargaining?
120. The system in Britain is not as dominated by plea bargaining, but it is certainly present.
121. Are local officers, or staff reps, really capable of collective bargaining?
122. But it does lend itself to careful analysis and preparation which may well pay off during the actual bargaining.
123. The government's concern has led it to exert fairly direct, although informal, control over the pay bargaining process.
124. What legal responsibilities does the school board have in the bargaining process?
125. However, with standard form contracts directed at consumers, the legislature has interfered because of the imbalance in bargaining power.
126. The United States seemed to be withholding its signature to achieve increased bargaining power.
127. Progress, as expected, was slight, although everyone left with a heightened sense of urgency about the bargaining ahead.
128. The politically optimal policy toward the foreigner may be precluded by the inequality of factors affecting the balance of bargaining.
129. Yet they did have an important influence on the evolution of bargaining structure and the characteristic form which it assumed.
130. The third category relates to private transactions, where an equality of bargaining power is usually to be presumed.
131. Sometimes this can be done before negotiations start and occasionally during the actual bargaining itself.
132. But they say methods such as plea bargaining help to stop the courts becoming congested.
133. Chapter 9 explores this theme by looking at the role of the trade unions in political bargaining over new industrial relations strategies.
134. Yet his spokesperson was quick to explain that this was coincidence, not a coded reference to the coalition bargaining in Vienna.
135. On this basis Polaris, and even Trident, could be retained as at least a bargaining counter.
136. The provisions described below, however, are generally part of all collective bargaining contracts: 1.
137. Maybe it was because the season began with players bitterly divided over a new collective bargaining agreement.
138. Finally, the collective bargaining contract must recognize any rights that exist under other contracts currently in effect.
139. Bargaining might be said to help fill the vacuum that in other systems is occupied by disciplined political parties.
140. The real wage rate is not a variable which can be directly negotiated in the bargaining process.
141. Mr. Evans Did the Minister discuss with the unions concerned the maintenance of free collective bargaining and union recognition in the agencies?
142. One avenue for provision of such resources may be through collective bargaining.
143. The new collective bargaining agreement called for 10 weeks of subscription programs plus a four-week summer season.
144. As the debate moves into the final stretch, Britain is not without its bargaining cards either.
145. The unions flourished, gaining over 4 million more members by 1945, and collective bargaining became more widely accepted.
146. This was perceived necessary soas to bolster the bargaining position of consumers.
147. Instead of the central board of directors foisting decisions on unwilling parties, policy formation reflects endless bargaining between diverse competing interests.
148. Most criminal cases are therefore settled without trial by the process of plea bargaining between the prosecutor and the defense attorney.
149. By tilting bargaining power towards labour, it encouraged big pay claims.
150. My friend E., an investment banker, is a consultant for Steelworkers locals in collective bargaining.
151. State laws, local board policies, and collective bargaining agreements set forth the specific reasons why teachers can be dismissed.
152. During the 1950s, however, employers began to press successfully for coordinated, central wage bargaining, which has continued subsequently.
153. The Raptors will have an exclusive bargaining window beginning in August.
154. Thirty-five percent or more of the employees in the bargaining unit must petition for an election to be held. 2.
155. Another familiar failing was his distaste for the give-and-take of bargaining.
156. The bargaining steps are as follows: 1 examine your opponent's position in depth.
157. But much of the collective bargaining went beyond legal minima.
158. The enterprise-based bargaining structure is closely intertwined with the structure of workers' trade unions.
159. The collective bargaining agreement between the educational employer and educational employees, if any, has expired. 5.
160. There were voices, if as yet in a minority, within both industry and government favouring the establishment of free collective bargaining.
161. In most bargaining circumstances a deal can be struck that will satisfy all sides.
162. Finally, some states prohibit superintendents from participation in a bargaining unit with teachers.
163. A different conception of collective bargaining in terms both of its character and role is applicable in socialist countries with centrally-planned economies.
164. A deal to free the hostages fell through, apparently because their release would have left the rebels without bargaining power.
165. Mr Adamec cited pressure from the opposition in bargaining over the shape of a new government as his reason for stepping down.
166. Here and there were crowds of men bargaining over cattle and horses.
167. The recession of more recent years does not appear to have induced a reversion back towards multi-employer bargaining.
168. New research also stresses empirical work, using controlled experiments to see how people behave in real bargaining situations.
169. This bargaining power is likely to push the real value of a deal through the £4 million barrier.
170. Under these circumstances, the wages of many different types of labour are determined by the process of collective bargaining.
171. We aim to illuminate the nature of their dilemmas and to show how they affect the bargaining relationships with foreign investors.
172. Inflation will rise if workers try to compensate for the reduction in purchasing power by bargaining for higher pay.
173. Particular attention was directed to the lack of accordance between bargaining outcomes and national, economic policy objectives.
174. By clarifying in your own mind the exact nature of these positions you can enter into bargaining with much greater confidence.
175. For example, management might suspend all negotiations about pay and conditions until employees agree to work normally during the bargaining.
176. Essentially the formal recognition of a union legitimises workers' resistance, and this can immeasurably strengthen their bargaining position.
177. The dynamics of partnership bargaining are hardly propitious for the specific kinds of cooperation that marriage and family require.
178. Regional banding could not be agreed to simply on the basis of national wage bargaining.
179. Fox was one of two player reps who voted against the collective bargaining agreement.
180. But even this little collection of cottage garden produce won't change hands without some stern bargaining.
181. If the talks prove fruitful, the working groups will start bargaining in May.
182. Within the civil service the Priestley pay bargaining system was abolished which linked civil service pay to rates in the private sector.
183. It was clear that the longer the current unstable crisis atmosphere persists, the stronger the opposition's bargaining position becomes.
184. These considerations will be an important influence on collective bargaining.
185. Mr. Hughes I do not share my hon. Friend's contention that one should support national wage bargaining.
186. But there is, of course, another side to the wage bargaining coin.
187. In this model power is seen in relative terms, hinging upon a process of bargaining and exchange.
188. The scope for political exchange complicates the nature of bargaining in state enterprise industrial relations.
189. In one important area the Navy held its ambitions in check for bargaining reasons within the Whitehall market-place.
190. Bargaining is centralized, highly formalized, and wide-ranging with highly codified agreements, and there is extensive joint consultation.
191. New patterns of collective bargaining, of management organisation, and of trade union organisation will emerge within this framework.
192. Shopfloor bargaining became standard in large plants and effective national negotiations became the norm.
193. Compromise Bargaining, negotiating, conciliating.
194. No one comes to the bargaining table with thoroughly clean hands, but we can be thankful that they still show up.
195. The second category is the national stoppage resulting from the breakdown of negotiations and the exhaustion of the bargaining machinery.
196. Most states also describe the procedure to be followed when there is an impasse in collective bargaining negotiations.
197. Every collective bargaining contract is different, reflecting the concerns of teachers and school officials in diverse districts.
198. This was followed by weeks of bargaining with the smaller parties over ministerial posts and policies.
199. Collective bargaining is a flexible instrument and can build upon the minimum standards which the law lays down.
200. Government control depends on bargaining, rather than on formal sanctions that are generally ineffective.
201. The first part of the research uses game theory to analyse wage bargaining and employment decisions in models with explicit institutional setups.
202. If state laws establish certain certification requirements for teachers, the collective bargaining contract can not set up conflicting standards.
203. Bargaining, or haggling over a price, is still expected in most establishments.
204. However in commercial bargaining or in interchanges between departments or divisions both sides may emerge with a real gain.
205. Additionally, bargaining is a closed, private activity which sits uneasily astride the current emphasis on open government and public participation.
206. So the bargaining takes on a nouveau comic tone, and we all become role players in the funny business.
207. Bargaining politics implies a clear role for politicians which may suggest that officials will occupy subordinate positions.
208. The present system of bargaining and control is therefore best understood by tracing its origins and developments.
209. Escalation has conceptual affinities with bargaining theory.
210. When collective bargaining failed, the unions resorted to strikes.
211. The result might inject more sense into future bargaining.
212. Some wore the cunning look of bargaining and plotting.
213. Certified collective bargaining agent for American Pilots Union.
214. Chinese companies should establish their own IPR system, build up their own patent pool. Then they will have bargaining power and may solve IPR dispute by cross licensing.
215. Freedom of association, collective bargaining and the right to strike are fundamental rights enshrined in the Preamble to the 1946 Constitution, which is still valid.
216. He had him now . " Twelve's my price , " Hearn barked. " I'm not bargaining. ".
217. Beijing and Moscow are using their close ties as a bargaining chip vis - a - vis Washington.
218. Together with other unions, the Knights of Labor tried to make changes through collective bargaining.
219. The execution of collective bargaining right of labor union is helpful in buffering conflicts and defusing differences between labor and management in a peaceful and non-facedown way.
219. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
220. Right of collective bargaining is realized and protected by the collective bargain system of law.
221. As former Chief Justice Warren Burger declared in Buckley v. Valeo, "the enlightened labor legislation of our time has enshrined the secrecy of choice of a bargaining representative for workers."
222. If we stick together, we'll have a better bargaining position.
223. With the passage of time, however, the balance of bargaining strength shifts.
224. Practicing an early form of nonalignment , the new nation discovered the benefit of neutrality as a bargaining tool, just as many an emerging nation has since.
225. FDR had no fear of implementing big ideas that ensuring bank deposits, regulating the stock market, guaranteeing collective bargaining rights, or providing old age insurance and minimum wages.
226. Downturns have opposing effects: they make workers angry also reduce their bargaining power.
227. "The expiring collective bargaining agreement created a broken system that produced huge financial losses for our teams," said Adam Silver, the NBA deputy commissioner.
228. We urge that both sides put the public interest first in any event. In no circumstances should either use it as a bargaining counter.
229. The owners' collective bargaining agreement with the player is set to expire after the season which kicks off tonight.
230. Worked in the front line of adjudgement for many years. Judged a lot of important and difficult intellectual property and bargaining cases which carried weight as a chief umpire.
231. Bargaining chip in the new distribution mechanism, the online network of institutional investors is also under - take - all.
232. Anti-union employers: Regardless of a rich tradition of trade unionism, collective bargaining and workplace representation, there are plenty of companies that are quite hostile to trade unions.
233. Second, their bargaining power has improved with tighter labor markets.




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