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单词 Public transport
1. The museum is easily accessible by public transport.
2. Use public transport whenever possible .
3. Services for customers on public transport are becoming non-existent.
4. Public transport is a big problem in this locality.
5. I'm a great user of public transport.
6. The government wants more people to use public transport instead of private cars.
7. Public transport is a lifeline for many rural communities.
8. The public transport system was absolutely hopeless.
9. We had to use public transport to get around.
10. We're well-off for public transport here.
11. The government has invested heavily in public transport.
12. The future of public transport is not in question.
13. The case for better public transport is unanswerable .
14. The new museum must be accessible by public transport.
15. The elderly travel free on public transport.
16. I hate waiting for public transport.
17. The pyramids can be reached by public transport.
18. She has responsibility for public transport.
19. The town is well served with public transport.
20. I walk or use public transport whenever possible .
20. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
21. I normally travel by public transport.
22. Greater investment in public transport would keep more cars off the roads.
23. France and Germany invest far more per capita in public transport than Britain.
24. An increase in cars has resulted in the decline of public transport.
25. The owner of a car is no longer forced to rely on public transport.
26. There will have to be a sea change in people's attitudes if public transport is ever to replace the private car.
27. The money saved from the cessation of the road project will be invested in public transport.
28. 34% of people in the survey were at least partially dependent on public transport.
29. In rural areas, the corollary of increased car ownership has been a rapid decline in the provision of public transport.
30. They're petitioning for/about better facilities for disabled people on public transport.
1. The museum is easily accessible by public transport.
2. Use public transport whenever possible .
3. Services for customers on public transport are becoming non-existent.
4. Public transport is a big problem in this locality.
5. The government wants more people to use public transport instead of private cars.
6. France and Germany invest far more per capita in public transport than Britain.
7. An increase in cars has resulted in the decline of public transport.
8. The owner of a car is no longer forced to rely on public transport.
9. The availability of public transport is also part of the equation.
31. Nine per cent of commuters used public transport in 1995 and the trend is downwards.
32. They live in an area ill served by public transport.
33. Public transport has not been able to cope adequately with the travel boom.
34. As there's no public transport, I suppose we'll have to use shanks's pony.
35. The pass allows unlimited travel on all public transport in the city.
36. The availability of public transport is also part of the equation.
37. I've got to get some wheels - this public transport system's a joke!
38. They were given the task of reconstructing the city's public transport system.
39. The ever-increasing demand for private cars could be halted by more investment in public transport.
40. John's written off four cars. Now he sticks to public transport.
41. Economic growth is hindered by the inadequacies of the public transport system.
42. The lack of decent public transport is a great disadvantage.
43. The extra money could be spent on improving public transport.
44. One major disadvantage of the area is the lack of public transport.
45. The government announced plans to nationalize the public transport system.
46. Public transport is run in direct competition with the private sector.
47. There has been a big push for better public transport.
48. The provision of good public transport will be essential for developing the area.
49. It also necessitates major improvements to public transport facilities.
50. Nor does cheaper public transport help much.
50. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
51. A minimal public transport service was in operation.
52. We will support rural schools and improve public transport.
53. The Government has cut public transport subsidies.
54. Public transport was an accepted way of travelling.
55. Public transport in this country is well-run and inexpensive.
56. Strike action has paralysed the region's public transport system.
57. On the contrary, as the pool of demand has declined, so rural public transport provision has been decimated.
58. Other benefits which come from having one's community served by public transport might include economic and social vitality.
59. Britain has a particular problem because of dense population and a policy of promoting road use at the expense of public transport.
60. They usually walk, or, if the distance is far, use public transport.
61. Subject to congressional approval, it proposed increased spending on highways, mass public transport systems, bridge improvement and highway safety programmes.
62. Investment and commitment are also needed to rebuild a viable public transport system.
63. The greatest incentive, however, to reduce car use is to provide an efficient and popular public transport service.
64. If door-to-door journeys are to be possible, then effective integration with public transport is essential.
65. This form of public transport was first introduced into London by George Shillibeer in 1829.
66. Research shows that both men and women have some safety concerns when using public transport, especially at night.
67. Raids on farms were also reported and public transport was paralysed in the capital, Lima, as bus operators withdrew services.
68. It would be bad for public transport and for congestion.
69. Co-ordinated public transport planning; Personal mobility with particular emphasis on disabled people.
70. Circulation space for vehicles should be reduced in favour of pedestrians and cyclists, with public transport benefiting from this and other favourable measures.
71. Railway Street is a name retained as a fond memory for a public transport system axed by Beeching in 1966.
72. The Toronto Protocol is entitled: Public Transport -- a major contributor to liveable communities and sustainable development.
73. If parking is difficult in a built-up area it may be better to go by public transport.
74. For example, the Docklands Light Railway has improved public transport within a traditionally isolated part of London.
75. As the Tory manifesto boasts, there are 18 mini-charters, covering health, public transport, education, local government and so on.
76. They also want to integrate access with public transport and cycle routes.
77. Delays Extension of period of insurance is automatic without extra charge if necessitated by delay of Public Transport services.
78. Citizen discussion panels need to explore issues such as public transport, community care, or response to unemployment.
79. By investing in public transport, we start to transform commuters' lives and create a cleaner environment.
80. Assisting people in rural areas by making concessionary fares on local public transport widely available.
81. Public transport to Roos is poor: without a private car[ ], residents are as isolated as their forefathers were.
82. I find it annoying when people eat smelly foods on public transport.
83. Public transport is poor - with buses only adequate for local use - and there is no rail service.
84. They were keen to combat acid rain, freeze carbon dioxide emissions and improve public transport.
85. Transport Until public transport became an every day means of travel getting from one village to another was quite a problem.
86. The public transport safety target would not be achieved if single-pilot public transport operations by pilots over sixty were to be permitted.
87. Be vigilant on public transport and at tourist sites, as pickpockets operate in these areas.
88. Only better public transport, according to the new consensus, can save the city centres from the threat of gridlock.
89. We should add that animals and farm produce are no longer allowed on public transport.
90. Within six months we will review the roads programme and mobilise private capital for large-scale public transport investment.
91. Focuses on encouraging urban renaissance, securing a prosperous and multi-purpose countryside and promoting increased use of public transport.
92. How many other gold medallists in the world travel by public transport?
93. The most extensive option is forecast to generate around 31,000 extra public transport passengers per day.
94. Although no public transport service precisely covers the above itinerary in that form, local public transport makes the main points accessible.
95. But the difficulty of getting there by public transport is a real problem.
96. We need to reduce the demand for travel and see a dramatic shift towards public transport, cycling and walking.
97. Public transport services clearly have direct benefits to those who use them but there are additional benefits of public transport provision.
98. With a background of socialism, these PTAs were not averse to spending public money on promoting public transport.
99. Getting around Stresa isn't a problem with its extensive network of public transport.
100. I will walk, cycle or use public transport whenever possible.
101. The Public Transport Unit has no evidence of demand to justify the likely cost of the service.
102. We support the location of new industrial and commercial developments in areas already well-served by good transport infrastructure and public transport.
103. Public transport in Caracas was not affected after 35,000 subway conductors and public bus drivers voted not to join the strike.
104. She takes little exercise, does not even walk much, and prefers to use the car or public transport.
105. Buses and underground trains were so expensive that it was no longer accurate to regard them as public transport.
106. The medical advice remains that public transport single-pilot operations should not be permitted by pilots who have passed age sixty.
107. Achieving environmentally-sustainable mobility must include an expanded role for public transport, and requires many kinds of action.
108. Receipts from the sale of the licences would be ploughed back into the provision of improved public transport.
109. However, the decline of public transport and the far-from-universal availability of private transport militates against this in practice.
110. At the local level,[http:///public transport.html] there has been a considerable range of approaches to public transport provision.
111. For these smaller cities, less expensive and more modestly scaled public transport and traffic restraint policies are more appropriate.
112. Public transport is seen as a vital link to the shops and services of the town centre.
113. Wearing his transport hat, Mr Prescott came up with several strategies for improving public transport and taking cars off the road.
114. Most transport investment has gone on road construction and not on public transport.
115. Timings are arranged to allow most people to reach the assembly point from home that day by car or public transport.
116. Coal prices rose sixfold, those of electricity, gas and petrol rose fourfold, and public transport fares were doubled.
117. Why not spend some of that money on improving public transport schemes - more energy efficient, safer and less polluting?
118. If dependent on public transport, the Chamonix bus stops at Grenoble mid-morning.
119. A report by development services director Stephen Tapper says bus lanes produce considerable time savings by allowing public transport unrestricted access.
120. Better public transport means fewer drivers on the road, less congestion and quicker journeys for professional road users.
121. People will remain disabled and dependent until they have access to the public transport systems which exclude them.
122. Five explosions on buses in the early hours were carried out in support of a strike by public transport workers.
123. There are plans for over 2,750 free parking spaces, whilst the prospects for public transport look less promising.
124. Do you have a car or do you rely on public transport? 2.
125. What Britain needs is serious government investment in public transport infrastructure-and lower fares.
126. Public transport of the future may use fuel cells to achieve zero emissions.
127. In addition, public transport is much more subject to direct government policy and to the influence of political decisions.
128. We will improve public transport, reduce traffic congestion, and encourage pedestrianisation and cycling schemes.
129. Investments in public transport in these areas have concentrated on expensive high technology systems of rapid rail transit.
130. Ministers believe these partnerships are vital to their pledge to revitalise the health service, public transport and education.
131. This is one of the last bastions of single-pilot public transport flying.
132. Planners hope to encourage the move towards increased use of public transport.
133. The report claims, however, that she dislikes using public transport, multi-storey car parks and driving on motorways.
134. Go out and mix with people - in their homes, at social functions, on public transport, in community activities.
135. Since Gadfly readers know his fondness for public transport perhaps there will be a substantial saving when it happens.
136. It says unlicensed minicabs are the most dangerous form of public transport.
137. This had some value, leading old ladies to get up and give me their seat on public transport.
138. Traffic lights can be reprogrammed to give public transport instant priority over other road users.
139. It is essential that this is dovetailed with the sixth policy strand, that of integration with public transport.
140. They're always telling people to use public transport because there are too many cars on the roads.
141. the radial pattern of public transport facilities.
142. Should public transport be subsidized?
143. The technical performance public transport service is the basis for realizing and improving public transport quality.
144. Economic expedience and low wage levels in general dictated the predominance of a heavily subsidized public transport sector.
145. Third, public transport fares are to be heavily subsidized (Bater,[http://] 1980).
146. The Austrian capital, with its ornate buildings, public parks and extensive bicycle network recently reduced the cost of its annual public transport ticket to 1 euro a day.
147. "We want to tell them don't urinate in public, don't spit, keep your houses and shops clean, keep public transport safe and such things," Delhi tourism chief Rina Ray told the Hindustan Times Friday.
148. This paper presents the research status quo of intelligent dispatching system of public transport in the world, and analyzes the research situation in China.
149. A popular software application on Apple's iPhone, called Stanza, already turns that device into a book reader, with one-handed page turning that is ideal for public transport.
150. According to the land use, population density and coverage percentage of the public transport station, the sharing of public transport among traffic zones and their travel demand can be determined.
151. All the accredited people will be travel free charge on the Beijing public transport system.
152. General medium city public transport inventory above 2000, but adds on the national large-scale city, 23 cities, the mass transit monitors the market absorption capacity to be huge.
153. Frequency improvement and terminal change to Tiu Keng Leng MTR Station Public Transport Interchange.
154. A: I think the best way to re - duce traffic and polution is more public transport.
155. Usually, rapid public transport and large volume of traffic with electric energy power and by wheel running mode is referred to as rail traffic.
156. Build three - dimensional radiation pattern of the new public transport network.
157. This text mainly inquired into the establishment of the city public transport system evaluation index system and the research of the evaluation method.
158. New urbanism emphasizes small high-density urban land use, narrow streets and sidewalks comfortable, the former residential gateway, close to public transport, mixed land use and municipal center.
159. The training center is located in the heart of Guangzhou, easily accessible and public transport.
160. The optimial fare structure for public transport networks with elastic demand is discussed with the assumption of fixed transit service frequency.
161. The card gives you free entry to 75 museums and attractions, free travel by public transport, free sightseeing by boat as well as several other bonus offers.
162. All of the public transport facilities serving the Olympic Park will be accessible to wheelchair users.
163. As a part of the urban public transport system, Beijing metro is designed and constructed abortively with the standard of modernization and the idea of international metropolis.
164. Based on the theory above, the public transit system of Huhot Inner Mongolia is studied as an example of the design of public transport priority system.
165. He still flies economy, drives a nondescript Volvo, never wears suits and catches public transport.
166. Considering the characteristics of our public transport system, this paper presents the frame of bus dispatching system and analyses the supporting technology of intelligent bus dispatching system.
167. Then the paper discusses public-private partnership of urban public transport service abroad and suggests some referential experience.
168. ARTICLE 21 public transport station owners shall determine station management unit by inviting public biding.
169. Provide footbridge, Multi - storey Carpark, Public Transport Interchange and Subway.
170. But Anderson's platform may not match the tough-on-crime Alliance. She wants affordable housing, better public transport and decriminalization of marijuana and prostitution.http:///public transport.html
171. Never a penny in my pocket and forced to cheat on public transport.
172. You shouldn't have been out and about on public transport this evening.
173. Transportation planning in metro hub at the core, through the rail transportation planning, public transport, pedestrian traffic seamless.
174. Terminal change to Tseung Kwan O MTR Station Public Transport Interchange.
175. Non-immune people should consider wearing a mask, surgical or N-95 if available, when unavoidably exposed to crowds of people, such as on public transport.
176. Both the provision and three-dimensional structure of its public transport system are quite developed and sophisticated.
177. The idea's is that public transport site leads to city's development and outward expansion. The arm is to solve the urban traffic problems by mass rapid transit.
178. In order to reduce the cost of power and the time of transmission in the public transport vehicle wireless data transmission, this paper proposes a schedule strategy based on Wireless Fidelity(WIFI).
179. Re-planning the layout of public transport lines, the Beijing Urban Construction is an important component of the hardware and software breakthroughs to improve a key link.
180. Urban Rail trains running in the city on the ground floor, ground or elevated railway on the public transport.
181. A trial Park and Ride scheme was introduced at Sheung Shui to encourage drivers to switch to public transport.
182. Non - car owning household trips are captive to public transport.
183. Using the integrated benefit of the system as optimization objective, and traveling time as restriction, an optimum model of public transport network is built.
184. Airport side to remind the traveling public, the South is now blossoming spring, postganglionic relatively inexpensive ticket for public transport cost savings.
185. "One of the most positive legacies will probably come about inadvertently in the form of improved public transport and the bus-rapid-transport system specifically," said Cartwright.
186. The city an extensive infrastructure and highly developed system of public transport, including the Kiev Metro.
187. Paradoxically, they may do so even more because of new rules guaranteeing minimum service, ensuring that strikes do not paralyse public transport.
188. Specially, as an example, the stochastic user equilibrium assignment model for the congested public transport network with elastic demand is proposed together with an effective solution algorithm.
189. "Watching a LOT of fashion mistakes go past whilst waiting for the bus, " a British Twitterer pouts. "This is why I don't use public transport."




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