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单词 Rooting
1. Who are you rooting for?
2. Most of the crowd were rooting for the home team.
3. We're rooting for the college baseball team.
4. Good luck, we'll be rooting for you.
5. What are you doing rooting around in my desk?
6. Good luck-I'm rooting for you!
7. Cats had been rooting in the garbage bags again.
8. Good luck! We're all rooting for you.
9. Who's been rooting around in my desk?
10. We're rooting for the Bulls.
11. She heard her classmates rooting for her.
12. You can do it - I'm rooting for you.
13. We're all rooting for you good luck with your job interview!
14. "It's in here somewhere," he said, rooting about in his desk.
15. She was rooting around in her drawer for a pencil.
16. 'It must be here somewhere,' she said,[http://] rooting through the suitcase.
17. A soldier fell on her, grunting and rooting.
18. The crowd roared, all rooting for Roosevelt.
19. And, by rooting out abuses, they actually helped the interests of ordinary Trade Unionists.
20. I sat 60 foot under the stage, rooting my feet into the wooden earth, smelling the butter in the churn.
21. Some rooting hormones have added fungicide, which reduces the risk of the cutting rotting before it roots.
22. Their long mobile noses are used for rooting around in search of small animals.
23. Dip the base into a hormone rooting compound and insert into a free-draining compost.
24. The biggest tragedy is in respect of the rooting out of thousands of olive trees, many of them ancient.
25. There is nothing to be afraid of. We are all rooting for you.
26. It is a typical aquatic plant with a very short rhizome; stems are very thin, rooting or floating in water.
27. After some really lackluster efforts we are put in the uncomfortable position of rooting for an injury.
28. The ruling Kuomintang is desperately in need of reform, including rooting out blatant corruption and severing gangland ties.
29. Saguaros in bloom, the glare of a horned owl and javelinas rooting for a bite to eat.
30. It is a minute, very decorative herb with a thin and creeping rooting system.
1. Who are you rooting for?
2. Most of the crowd were rooting for the home team.
31. The noise hypnotised the Wooltons, rooting them to the spot.
32. And then I was like rooting around in your things, and found this, and I thought-cool.
33. These include massacres and dislocation of civilians in the name of rooting out supposed guerrilla sympathizers.
34. The stems are creeping or floating, rooting mostly at the nodes.
35. The stem is delicate, seldom branching, prostrate, and rooting as a marsh plant.
36. She was poised and full of grace, and he was rooting for her.
37. Henry was rooting about among some old biscuit tins in the pantry when the phone rang in the hall.
38. Dip a quarter-of-an-inch of the rooting end into hormone rooting powder and tap off the excess.
39. Dip the cut ends into hormone rooting powder before planting.
40. The crowd of 3, 523, clearly rooting for Seles, broke out in nervous laughter as the second set unfolded.
41. Over the years of football authorities have become obsessed with rooting out drug abuse in the game.
42. Not all cuttings benefit greatly from a rooting hormone, but it is worth using.
43. The task force will concentrate on rooting out theft of trade secrets and high-tech components, particularly integrated circuits.
44. Then she makes her nest, carrying mouthfuls of bedding to the chosen spot before rooting and pawing it into shape.
45. Dear, it's me, your roseate bellflower. Rooting.
46. He keeps rooting for a nice expensive vacation.
46. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
47. Rooting and transplantation of blackwood.
48. Rooting for the underdog in the tennis championship.
49. The pig was rooting about for food.
50. Therefore, we propose holding bipartisan talks on an equal rooting.
51. As for the selection of rooting agents, auxins are suitable for Aceraceae plants, and the combination of two or more agents is favorable to rooting.
52. But for the record, I was rooting for you to land him.
53. Effects of different culture methods and different media on the rooting of Carnation ( Dianthus caryophyllus) to vitro shoots are studied.
54. Rooting from the experience in the past one decade, 2007Beijing New Year Concert magically joins its traditional artwork together with the Britannic musical features.
55. Most of the content of nutritive substance declined with the emergence of callusing and rooting. The conventional rule of C/N value didn't suit for Taxodium distichum.
56. Many choose to root in Shandong owe to economic factors, enterprises' own characteristics, the host Government and other factors which are interwound for the rooting.
57. The greenwood cutting rooting effect on ground cherry shoots which were picked in different growth periods and different cultivars and age of trees were studied.
58. TIBA stimulates rooting, its effect is relative to the concentrations of zeatin.
59. Her Majesty was last night rooting for Helen to win an Oscar.
60. Advances in the researches of rooting agent in cutting propagation of Aceraceae plants were reviewed. The selection and proportion of rooting agents were discussed.
61. Effects of environmental factors such as temperature, light intensity, photoperiod and PH value on rooting of the tissue- cultured plantlets in sweet pepper were studied.
62. Effects of 4 matrixes, spraying of "Yuhualing", a kind of biotype organic nutrition on the rooting and seedling rate of papaya cuttings were studied.
63. Influences of the concentrations of cane sugar and CO2, light intensity on the growth of tissue cultured seedlings of Moth orchid in the rooting stage were studied.
64. This study was carried out to investigate the effect of proliferation, rooting, and acclimatization of Gardenia jasminoides Eills for large-scale culture.
65. The result showed that the successful rooting system was closely related to the concentration of macronutrient of MS medium, auxin concentration and developing state of the explant.
66. Making research of ibuprofen's influence on the cutting rooting, stem leaf growth and the quality of Dendranthema morifolium seedlings.
67. By optimizing the culture conditions , the rate of adventitious bud induction , elongation and rooting reached to 100 % , 83 %, and 100 %, respectively.
68. Rooting Buddha in my heart makes me the coolness in flaming fire, being eternal of life. Even for death, I am like the phoenix.
69. The branch cuttage of Akebia trifoliate Koidz belongs to the type of integrated rooting.
70. To plantlet regeneration, different growth regulator levels played important roles in rooting culture.
71. According to the ecological characteristic and growth characteristic of Ligustrum henryi Hemsl, a rooting experiment was carried out by using different density and kind of plant growth regulators.
72. Rooting depth and root and shoot biomass were measured for seedlings of 20 species in both watered and unwatered sand columns.
73. In that case, The Boss is rooting for some kind of pacifistic neutral political philosophy.
74. Exogenous 6- benzylaminopurine ( BAP ) inhibited the rooting of cotyledon top section and restrained the rooting-related changes on IAA and proteins.
75. So China, as usual, will be rooting for the KMT.
76. The algorithm constructs matrixes by using covariation or covariation coefficient and estimates bearing and range of near-field sources by rooting method.
77. Soluble sugars ,[] endogenous hormones and their ratio in the tea softwood cuttings during rooting were analyzed.
78. Rooting ability and new shoot sprouting was best as cutting in winter.
79. The root mechanism of the growth of Industrial Agglomeration is Social Networks Rooting.
80. A series of factors affecting rooting were studied in embryo culture of Chinese Date ( Popozao ) .
81. The results of experiment showed that the rooting capability of young ramulus cuttings with the xyloid basis and old cuttings with the flower buds removed was stronger than that of the control.
82. A shepherd's purse seed as long as the appropriate place to fall, it will doggedly rooting and germination.
83. You literally crawl in the dank, damp forest trying to find disturbances in the duff where animals may have been rooting around.
84. The representation of Wordsworth on imagination, always rooting his topics in the flashback of memory.
85. Sometimes she didn't even take the field, but she was always there, rooting loudly for the winning team.
86. Paclobutrazol, chlormequat chloride (CCC), and daminozide(SADH) significantly enhanced the rooting of excised cucumber cotyledons , respectively.
87. Effect of eight kinds of base materials on the cuttage rooting rate of Hydrangea ser.
88. Lignified twigs without bud were difficult to take root, but when cut in the muddy loess, the effect of rooting powder (ABT) was prominent.
89. The tissue culture of Granny Smith apple was studied in this paper from sterile culture, primary culture, subculture, rooting culture to transplantation. A rapid propagation method was established.
90. The feasibility of tap water replacing distilled water, white sugar replacing sucrose when making medium for potato, chrysanthemum, and Gypsophila paniculata during their rooting period was studied.
91. Malkki, Liisa. "National geographic: the rooting of peoples and the territorialization of national identity among scholars and refugees. " Cultural Anthropology 7, no. 1 (1992): 24-44.
92. It is especially convenient for rooting the unrooted trees obtained from parsimony, distance or maximum likelihood tree-building methods.
93. Objective : To obtain the fragment related to rooting gene of mutant Populus tomentosa.
94. DuckCroc, about 3 ft. long, had a broad snout for rooting in shallow water and onshore, duck-like,(Sentence dictionary) for fish and frogs.
95. The rooting medium should be moist, well aerated, and sterile.
96. The rooting rates of P, davidiana in phytotron reached 85%.
97. The rooting percentage of shoot cuttings were more than 90% under ex vitro conditions with peat moss medium in plastic shallow cases arched by a lower plastic film tent to keep a high humidity.
98. The organogenic calli of Slash Pine(Pinus elliottii)were used to study the differentiation, rooting and histological anatomy of adventitious buds.
99. I saw many of my friends and neighbors and coworkers in the courtroom, rooting for me.
100. Effects of three different plant growth regulators ABT, NAA and IBA on rooting of ten- der branch cuttings of Celastrus orbiculatus Thunb.
101. Charcoal prevents browning of tissues and stimulates embryogenesis and rooting.
102. The experiments showed that the rooting ability of hardwood cuttings was determined by both presence of latent root primodia and balance of endogenous hormones bark.
103. The rooting experiment of cultivated fresh stems of asparagus fern was carried out in this paper.
104. Rooting in atrocious survival environment, pants, which invented by local people for withstand frigidity and safeguard their bodies, enwrap peoples' legs.
105. Mr. Obama acknowledged criticism of the United States by several leaders, like Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega, but said the entire region is rooting for America's success.




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