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单词 Unspoken
1. His face was expressionless, but Alex felt the unspoken criticism.
2. Something unspoken hung in the air between them.
3. There is an unspoken understanding that Hugh will be in charge while Jeanne is away.
4. There had been an unspoken agreement between them that he would not call for her at Seymour House.
5. The other unspoken fear here is of an outbreak of hooliganism.
6. Most designers share the unspoken belief that fashion is a valid form of visual art.
7. There's an unspoken assumption in the department that Sue will take over the post when Ian leaves.
8. There is an unspoken understanding that Hugh will be in charge while Jane is away.
9. The look in her eyes filled in the unspoken words in her sentence.
9. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
10. The air was suddenly thick with unspoken questions.
11. He feels himself wronged by unspoken accusations.
12. Some initiation ceremony perhaps or unspoken betrothal?
13. All this was unspoken, of course.
14. Unspoken assumptions were teased out in corporations and examined.
15. The unspoken assumption in all the speculation is that Yeltsin is too sick to serve out his four-year term.
16. There has long been an unspoken consensus across the party spectrum that challenging the system would be to enter a political minefield.
17. The words echoed unspoken in her brain, sending tiny darts of pain through her veins.
18. On board there was now a widespread and unspoken understanding of the need to husband our resources.
19. There is an unspoken recognition of a certain disposition or habitus among the social classes.
20. Such refusals or unspoken enmities are relatively rare: but they always point to the heart of a civilization.
21. By some unspoken agreement they settled quietly together to watch the night fall and the heavy tide thunder in.
22. No one told; and Jack too joined the unspoken conspiracy that all was well, that no natural order had been violated.
23. There was only one unspoken agenda: damage assessment. Damage limitation, if any was possible, would come later.
24. Afterwards her home had become a place of coldness, of ugly, hidden, unspoken emotions.
25. Failing that, lectures don't seem to work but subtle, unspoken signs can work wonders.
26. Perhaps you do not want to pass on; in which case I shall answer your unspoken question.
27. Children so treated all too quickly respond to their teacher's unspoken assumptions.
28. He held his hand out and we shook, sealing an unspoken bargain.
29. Over the past several weeks, I have broken the unspoken pact, without explanation.
30. Gibbs says the same strategy is happening again, under the unspoken banner of gentrification.
1. His face was expressionless, but Alex felt the unspoken criticism.
2. There is an unspoken understanding that Hugh will be in charge while Jeanne is away.
31. One wonders what is the unspoken view of the other authority figures involved in setting this up?
32. We had an unspoken agreement not to ask personal questions.
33. For there is an unspoken rule that to swoop too eagerly on the in-flight sweet is uncool.
34. Given the tone of our conversation and the weather, an entire nexus of unspoken intrigue suddenly surrounded me.
35. The friction that others noticed in their exchange probably rested on unspoken criticism of each other's work.
36. An unspoken reason for her attempted escape had also been the growing certainty that this attraction was coming to a head.
37. The meal, like a ritual communion, had confirmed the curious, unspoken, mutual dependence which bound them.
38. But the last unspoken question consumed her with fresh guilt.
39. Rather it may point to an unspoken assumption that it does.
40. One way of understanding this is to view the discourse as proceeding by answering imagined and unspoken questions by the receiver.
41. The unspoken question among them seems to be: What's it going to be(sentence dictionary), boxing or chess?
42. They never, however, became hard and fast friends and there was an unspoken rivalry between them.
43. All the unspoken mysteries of puberty tremble in the air.
44. An unspoken agreement grants peace and prosperity, respectively, to scholars and publishers who stay out of the public debate.
45. Taking generalised formulations of legal theory seriously can often lead into the cul-de-sac of the unspoken assumption of that theory.
46. There is often an unspoken assumption that they are a waste of resources that could be used to save younger people.
47. The gardener they had taken on also came in for her unspoken dissatisfaction.
48. Electronic commerce depends on the unspoken assumption that computers cooperate efficiently for seamless information sharing.
49. We do not, by unspoken consent, talk politics when we meet.
50. Unspoken was the obvious fact that people already knew whether they had a family member on board.
51. There would have to be an unspoken agreement between them.
52. He left unspoken the fact that he hoped the friendship between himself and Diana could be renewed and developed upon his return.
53. Meanwhile, residential social work is hedged about with overt and unspoken rules in any effort to improve matters.
54. All through the day, remember to show him you like him in unspoken ways like smiles, pats and brief hugs.
55. It often appears in general Synod with some unspoken assumptions about the text of the Bible.
56. I suspect that there is a deal, spoken or unspoken, which further undermines the Prime Minister's negotiating position.
57. Or need I look no further than the old man's unspoken mistrust of my intentions?
58. Tolonen had been of the same generation as the T'ang and they shared the same unspoken values.
59. But its massed forces instinctively address the unspoken areas of emotional politics that are in the long run more fundamental.
60. And Cardiff seemed to hear that unspoken question again: Is it you?
61. Their attempts at lovemaking dwindled to the point of non-existence, until there was an unspoken agreement not to try any more.
62. Stepan is falling ill without knowing it; his unspoken, unimagined destination is delirium and death.
63. Thus unspoken assumptions about work actually interfered with business goals.
64. They become a prey to nameless and often unspoken fears.
65. The dominant male ethos even leads to an unspoken complicity between cop and criminal.
66. Whatever secret he had been hoping to confide on that short walk to the House would remain for ever unspoken.
67. He left swiftly and she gazed after him, the words of refusal unspoken.
68. It was an unspoken understanding between Stu and me that I was going to be a lawyer and he was going to be an engineer.
69. Everywhere an unspoken question seemed to hang heavily in the air: Would we have been better off without Home Rule?
69. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
70. Although unspoken, its overriding goals are survival and maintenance, rather than improvement and growth.
71. The words were left unspoken.
72. The deepest feelings unspoken, no one is seen and nothing heard.
73. More generally, all the perverse forms of seduction have the following in common: they betray its secret and the fundamental rule, which is that the rule remain unspoken .
74. The unspoken words of the news is that chinese live under the burden of house. In plain terms, most of chinese have been annoyed at buying house.
75. The unspoken mobilization order for the silkworm campaign reached everywhere and everyone.
76. Theira unspoken message was " my pheromone are in business. ".
77. Mainly, his essays struck a cord in viewers by pointing out life's unspoken truths or more often complaining about its subtle lies, earning him the "curmudgeon" status he wore like a uniform.
78. We have an unspoken collected pact to pretend climate change wasn't happening.
79. The unspoken answer, for many European countries, is " Russia ".
80. Before Takel could continue his rant, he was quickly executed by Hissa with a shot from his sidearm blaster at Trioculus' unspoken order.
81. "Tough, isn'tit?" was all she said, but Amy felt the depth of her unspoken sympathy.
82. She was fanciful, had all sorts of unspoken preferences, and was easily offe nded.
83. Pub - goers will indicate in unspoken ways if they are interested in chatting.
84. The importance of his ideas is that they represent the unspoken opinion of the silent majority.
85. International businesspeople should learn both the spoken and unspoken language.
86. Learn how to act out unspoken thoughts in your audition with this free video clip from a professional theater director.
87. Culture, in compelling but unspoken ways, dictates the proven, acceptable methods by which members of the group address recurrent problems.
88. On top of that, several of my close friends had recently moved to the West Coast, and I missed the unspoken love and understanding that had always been just a coffee klatch away.
89. If one firm cut its prices, destroying the unspoken deal to carve up the market, it would succeed only in starting a price war.
90. "Unresolved issues, unspoken anger, unhealed hurt, unless we get rid of them, they all hinder our happiness" says the outspoken and always combative, Dr. Phil.
91. The power of humor to dissolve a hostile confrontation often lies in its unspoken promise.
92. I came to understand the unspoken words in his work.
93. This was, as it were, his unspoken apology to everyone.
94. Asthe men and women of First Battalion, 87th Infantry deployed, planeload afterplaneload, to Afghanistan this year, there was an unspoken question in the air:Who among them wouldn't make it home?




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