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单词 Blackmail
1. I'm never prepared to surrender to blackmail.
2. She had already tried emotional blackmail to stop him leaving.
3. She started off by accusing him of blackmail but he more or less ignored her.
4. "Do you mean blackmail?" she enquired sweetly.
5. They tried to blackmail me .
6. It's a clear case of blackmail!
7. He broke her by the threat of blackmail.
8. That was a terrible case of blackmail in the paper today.
9. The strange man tried to blackmail the clerk into helping him draw the money, but he failed.
10. I thought he was trying to blackmail me into saying whatever he wanted.
11. They used the photographs to blackmail her into spying for them.
12. The journalist used blackmail to make the lawyer give him the documents.
13. He denies false imprisonment, assault and blackmail.
14. There is emotional blackmail over custody of the daughter.
15. Capshaw was going to try to blackmail him.
16. Guns, blackmail ... the list is endless.
17. However, this definition shows that blackmail protects economic interests.
18. All the rest is emotional blackmail.
19. I reckoned I could blackmail him into a job.
19. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
20. Be especially wary of using emotional blackmail.
21. Damn McIllvanney, I thought, and damn his blackmail.
22. Possibilities of blackmail or undue influence.
23. Bates got a 5-year jail sentence for blackmail.
24. In a position of authority, a weakness for the opposite sex leaves you open to blackmail.
25. It looks like the pictures were being used for blackmail.
26. The tactics employed can range from overt bullying to subtle emotional blackmail.
27. The foreign minister declared in a statement to the press that he would never submit to blackmail.
28. I don't believe she would ever stoop to bribery or blackmail.
29. He can be ruthless in getting what he wants, but I believe he would stop short of blackmail.
30. He's been in a lot of trouble - drugs, guns, blackmail - the list is endless .
1. I'm never prepared to surrender to blackmail.
2. In a position of authority, a weakness for the opposite sex leaves you open to blackmail.
3. It looks like the pictures were being used for blackmail.
4. She had already tried emotional blackmail to stop him leaving.
5. She started off by accusing him of blackmail but he more or less ignored her.
6. The foreign minister declared in a statement to the press that he would never submit to blackmail.
7. The journalist used blackmail to make the lawyer give him the documents.
31. For all I knew she might have been a psycho or a girl with a little blackmail on her mind.
32. New evidence implicates Mr Stapleton and his wife in the blackmail attempt.
33. I thought you might be a Windmill girl ... come to blackmail me about some drunken indiscretion of mine.
34. Many elements in its tale of crime, rape, blackmail and luxury beyond dreams are duplicated in the Fujian affair.
35. In the 1950s, male homosexuality was a frequent cause of suicidal attempts or feelings, because of the pre-Woolfenden potential for blackmail.
36. Wetherby may have decided to feather his nest by blackmail.
37. He seeks to blackmail Headstone but succeeds only in driving the man to desperation.
38. This is a move that immediately suggests a preliminary to political blackmail.
39. No, he used some pretty outrageous emotional blackmail on me.
40. The threat of all Darlington Catholics voting against him was the most astute piece of political blackmail I have ever seen.
41. She's always using emotional blackmail and playing on other people's feelings.
42. This cleans the slate making it less likely that you will feel guilty or succumb to any future pressure or emotional blackmail.
43. Any relationship that has to depend on emotional blackmail can't be a healthy one.
44. They said if I didn't do the overtime I'd lose my job - it was blackmail.
45. You cannot blackmail a man who has nothing to hide.
46. He'd get the whole yarn about the blackmail, perhaps even Laura Channing's name or telephone number.
47. Using the picture of a sad little kid in their advertisement seems like emotional blackmail.
48. She recounted the harassments and blackmail threats by Atkins and his undercover colleague.
49. A person's power to confer rights on others by his consent does, however(http://), expose him to blackmail and abuse.
50. That's good because the letter could contain blackmail, be a love letter or anything.
51. Their spokesman acknowledged the valuable role played by the Friends but argued the letters bordered on blackmail.
52. He said Shooter, who admitted the blackmail plot at an earlier hearing, was an author of several works of fiction.
53. Gina tried to blackmail him, by threatening to tell his wife about their affair.
54. She had tried to use the photographs to blackmail him into marrying her.
55. It was also extremely stupid, because it means she knows about it and so you can't blackmail me.
56. Many of the spies had been involved in murder, blackmail, or other nefarious activities.
57. Nowhere is it easier to blackmail than in the criminal underworld and the grey areas of conduct that surround it.
58. Accordingly, using force without threat is robbery, only because there must be menaces in blackmail.
59. Now he would have to depend upon cruder means - on bribery and blackmail.
60. And if they could ... Here Rosa's brain became paralysed as she tried to imagine the process of blackmail itself.
61. Blackmail has always loomed large in intelligence work, but never more so than today.
62. Some people even resort to emotional blackmail and games, which can end in making everyone unhappy.
63. It even crossed my mind that she might blackmail some one.
64. To blackmail a man because he likes dressing in women's clothes.
65. Was there an intention to try to blackmail her in some way as well as Derek?
66. Or some one greedy for money, or open to blackmail?
67. It fostered an atmosphere of intimidation and blackmail within which realism came to sound like racism.
68. It's not emotional blackmail - but once or twice recently, I've felt that I've nearly bought it.
69. What is more, if people resort to blackmail and other threats, why not throw them into jail?
70. For drama, the old boyfriend shows up with blackmail on his mind.
71. His attempt to get us to help him is just a veiled form of blackmail.
72. Yusef wouldn't blackmail for money.
73. You came here to blackmail us.
74. She demanded $ 1000 blackmail from him.
75. But surely Miss Springer would never accepted blackmail money?
76. Opponents accused him of blackmail and extortion.
77. Hijack ing is a form of blackmail.
78. Abbess Julia: I'm going to blackmail the Marquise.
79. It's blackmail, pure and simple.
80. Supposing he tried to blackmail you?
81. Stabler encounters a university computer expert who is attempting to blackmail the SVU team into investigating the disappearance of his brother.
82. Mac: No, actually it's called blackmail. Entrapment is what cops do to thieves.
83. Then you blackmail her into keeping on doing it with you.
84. If someone tried to blackmail me I would tell the police.
85. Camorra . a Neapolitan secret society organized about 1820, notorious for practicing violence and blackmail.
86. Extortion, taxes, blackmail drove others over to seek a way of living.
87. A total ban on any action on anonymous pseudonymous complaints to check the culture of blackmail.
88. Study offered me entry to new worlds far from the stifling atmosphere of my mother's emotional blackmail. This led to my becoming an actor, a theatre director and, eventually, a playwright.
89. Yet it has given license to widespread discrimination against gay Indians, in particular encouraging the country's thuggish policemen to terrorise and blackmail gay men.
90. Such as blackmail, robbery, hijacking, kidnapping, they live with us everywhere.
91. The existence of gangdom brought serious problem to Korea, threaten, blackmail, a series of evildoing such as staking added social unrest element greatly.
92. The Chinese people are not to be cowed by U.S. atomic blackmail.
93. Blackmail is my Life (1968) follows the fortunes of a crew of hustlers who attempt to graduate from small-time extortion scams to taking down the yakuza and corrupt government officials.
94. Besides killing, burying alive and terrible taxation, the people of Anyang also had to endure extortion, blackmail and kidnaping.
95. She was a prime target for blackmail, don't you see?
96. He was the string - puller behind the scenes of the blackmail.
97. The ploy was a bait and switch, an act of emotional blackmail.
98. Their income is largely derived from protection money, security services, financial fraud, stock manipulations, gambling, blackmail, prostitution, and loan sharking. They call themselves "yakuza.
99. Malo employed Shiteenwude General Search Time and again,(/blackmail.html) he and his small daughter Carmen blackmail people.
100. These regimes could use such weapons for blackmail , terror, and mass murder.
101. GALE: Your name will be synonymous with cynical opportunism and blackmail. You won't get a cent.
102. We can't let Macmillan practice this emotional blackmail on us.




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