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单词 Half-tone
1. There were also problems with halftone screens but anyone expecting decent halftones at 300 or even 600dpi is on a loser anyway.
2. Frequently used in discussions about scanners as a measure of their ability to capture halftone images.
3. Third, avoid bitmapped graphics generally and scanned halftones in particular.
4. This driver has a host of other very useful features, including things like resolution control and halftone angles.
5. Halftone screen a glass plate or film placed between the original photograph and the film to be exposed.
6. Moire pattern the result of superimposing half-tone screens at the wrong angle thereby giving a chequered effect on the printed half-tone.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
7. Base artwork artwork requiring additional components such as halftones or line drawings to be added before the reproduction stage.
8. The scanner manufacturers use lots of clever software to simulate halftones by a process called dithering.
9. Linen tester a magnifying glass designed for checking the dot image of a halftone.
10. Cross line screen: Standard half-tone screen.
11. JB series horizontal - lift half-tone pringting machine is a kind of half - automatic plane half-tone printing machine.
12. Hard dots: half-tone sots produced either by contact or by direct laser scanning.
13. Soft dot: Half-tone dot with soft halation or fringe around it, AS oppsed to a hard dot which is very sharp and without fringe.
14. Half-tone: Illustration created by dots of varyIng size resultIng In the appearance of contInuous tone.
15. By extension , a form of half-tone screen which imitates this effect.
16. Moire pattern: Undesirable pattern caused by incorrect relative screen angle of two or more half-tone plates.
17. Lines per inch (IPi): A unit to determine resolution or the fineness of half-tone reproductoions. The metric unit is lines per CM.
18. Wash drawing: A drawing made by a brush in washes with a single pigment of black or dark colour soluble in water, to be reproduced by the half-tone process.
19. Electronic dot generation The ability of an output scanner to generate half-tone dots directly on the output medium in a variety of screen rulings and forms.
20. half-tone negative: The negative film image produced by shooting continuous - tone copy through a half-tone screen .
21. Ghosting: An intrusive interference image on a printed area of large solid or half-tone.
22. The tint is usually a screen tint, but may be flat and thus called Flat - tint half-tone .




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