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单词 roadie
释义  Related topics: Music, Occupationsroad·ie /ˈrəʊdi $ ˈroʊ-/ noun [countable]  informalAPMBO someone whose job is moving equipment for rock musicians 摇滚乐队设备搬运者Examples from the Corpusroadie• He spoke to a motor cycle messenger who had once been a roadie for King Crimson.• If a band rents a van or hires a roadie, that is of no interest to the agent.• Gedge's girlfriend, Sally Murrell, is a roadie and full-time worker for the band.• The Magic lost their last seven roadies and finished 18-23 away from home.• One fan sang along and plucked at an imaginary guitar, but he turned out to be the roadie.• The Managing Director and his Assistant were the band's two roadies.road·ie nounChineseSyllable   whose job equipment Corpus is someone moving




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