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单词 Shabby
1. You look rather shabby in those clothes.
2. She wore shabby old jeans and a T-shirt.
3. The old house has grown shabby with age.
4. He wore a shabby old overcoat.
5. They wore shabby clothes and their feet were bare.
6. His clothes were old and shabby.
7. She looked at his shabby clothes with distaste.
8. This used to be a shabby house.
8. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
9. Her shabby appearance drew sniggers from the guests.
10. You shouldn't put up with such shabby treatment.
11. The town today is a shabby, down-at-heel place.
12. He even plays a shabby trick on his father.
13. The old man was shabby and unkempt.
14. Hugh's jacket was old and shabby.
15. I felt the whole affair was a bit shabby.
16. He walked past her into a tiny, shabby room.
17. It was a shabby way to treat visitors.
18. His shabby appearance creates a bad impression.
19. She was ashamed that she looked so shabby.
20. A small shabby man was trotting beside Bardi trying to get his attention.
21. She tried to make up for her shabby treatment of him.
22. The other house got old and shabby(), and that cut into the value.
23. She spoke out about the shabby way the case had been handled.
24. The hotel looked shabby from the street, but it was fine on the inside.
25. I knew it was shabby of me, but I couldn't help feeling slightly disappointed.
26. Shabby, 40s-style gangster-movie buildings stretch for mile after mile.
27. The outside of the house was beginning to look shabby.
28. Her home is a rented one-bedroom flat in a shabby part of town.
29. He hesitated and told me he was brought up in a shabby and dirty town.
30. It was hard to say why the man deserved such shabby treatment.
1. You look rather shabby in those clothes.
2. She wore shabby old jeans and a T-shirt.
3. The old house has grown shabby with age.
4. He wore a shabby old overcoat.
5. They wore shabby clothes and their feet were bare.
6. His clothes were old and shabby.
7. The outside of the house was beginning to look shabby.
8. She looked at his shabby clothes with distaste.
8. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
9. He even plays a shabby trick on his father.
10. The other house got old and shabby, and that cut into the value.
31. Emily sighed as she stood in the shabby kitchen.
32. By then, of course, it was totally shabby.
33. That dreadful, badly cut shabby old coat and skirt!
34. Shabby men were walking about, in ones and twos.
35. Solid provincial comfort, a little shabby now, but solid.
36. Bognor today is a shabby, down-at-heel place.
37. John was standing in the doorway in his shabby blue suit.
38. He was wearing the unobtrusive shabby clothes with soft shoes that would allow him to plod round the streets without being noticed.
39. He says that they could have turned the company around. he feels they've been treated in a shabby way.
40. Rather than cut shabby deals[http://], he should call a general election.
41. They were not the shabby workmen, but were dressed in what looked like blue and white satin.
42. The gilding was flaking off a clumsy clasp and some stitches had broken on the handle, leaving it frayed and shabby.
43. Reminding himself that there was nothing to fear he set off, past the loose boxes with their heaps of shabby treasure.
44. He was stuffing drawing and painting materials into a shabby old bag.
45. It was an ugly room with tasteless decorations and shabby furniture.
46. He was unshaven and wearing a shabby towelling bathrobe with threads hanging off it.
47. After this, Tate Britain at Millbank feels cramped, parsimonious and a bit shabby.
48. Theda felt shabby by contrast, and was hit by a passing pang of envy.
49. She wore shabby black clothes, with holes in the elbows of her jacket.
50. He wore shabby clothes and shoes and a black silk scarf, always, outdoors and in.
51. Passing through a tiny village called Babylon, the buildings are shabby and unkempt.
52. The characters should be in a shabby flat, seated at a refectory table, facing the audience.
53. He reappeared, grasping the unfortunate by the scruff of his shabby collar.
54. It was a shabby finale for a grand and loyal Palace servant.
55. Therese was huddled in nearly every garment she possessed, slacks, jumpers, her shabby grey coat and the multicoloured shawl.
56. Mrs Kulass put on a ratty fur coat, a shabby felt hat, and put her hands inside an old muff.
57. At 29 Howard's Avenue the builder's skip was still outside and the rusty scaffolding blinded its shabby windows.
58. I watched him as he bounded up a flight of narrow concrete steps and banged his fists on a shabby door.
59. Home was in Peckham, in the shabby house whose light spilled each evening out on to the street.
60. The villages and towns they passed through were shabby where buildings had long since been left to decay.
61. Everything in it was old and shabby; little had been chosen by Edward himself.
62. Steyne Street was a narrow street in a shabby but respectable part of town.
63. The sitting room had shabby chintz furniture, and faded curtains in the long window alcove.
64. Elsewhere, the condition of many of the great monuments ranges from shabby to ruinous.
65. There was no sound from below and, carefully, Craig opened a door and stared out into the shabby passageway.
66. Poor bantam building block, what had you ever done since the beginning of time and space to deserve such shabby treatment?
67. The drabness of his surroundings, his own shabby clothes were explained and transformed by these books.
68. It is a shabby justification for bad behaviour to say that society or bad housing or education is responsible.
68. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
69. They packed into the shabby state-run hotels or took rooms at the small guest-houses.
70. Politically, it was essential last summer to distance the government from what had clearly been a shabby episode.
71. They have dark skin, long noses and wear shabby farmers' smocks.
72. Their financial status seems to have varied at different times in her life from the reasonably comfortable to the distinctly shabby genteel.
73. He was a stock irritant, an ugly man in a shabby dressing gown over a stained shirt.
74. And weren't defectors like displaced persons, small and shabby with cardboard suitcases.
75. If you can find a gnarled peasant woman making shabby artefacts from twigs, point your readers in her direction.
76. This script began with Aunt Lilian's release from the shabby asylum in which she had been held for decades.
77. She sat in the dishevelled shabby glamour of her bedroom and stared out of the window for hours at a time.
78. The old and shabby rooms, flower-filled and soft with candlelight, would ring with voices and laughter.
79. These may seem long periods but the work was so well done that the paintwork was never shabby.
80. Tim noticed that they looked shabby, their clothes were worn at the edges, the collars dull and frayed.
81. It was a shabby army-surplus shoulder-bag which some one had painstakingly embroidered with purple stars.
82. He is dressed in a shabby navy blue suit and a soiled white shirt; he carries a raincoat.
83. A small neat iron bed with a shabby well-washed coverlet had one lumpy pillow and sheets which were hard to the touch.
84. But they circulate among the small rooms as gingerly as tourists, reluctant to touch the somewhat shabby furnishings.
85. He was wearing a shabby green uniform and a crumpled forage cap, and he carried an automatic rifle.
86. Old opinions were shed, stuffy woolly shabby old liberal vests and comforters were left piled on the shore.
87. Much to the consternation of the operators, Humphrey's shabby figure would appear and then disappear into high-speed machinery.
88. At the top of the Holiday Inn tower in Des Moines, a shabby room has been brightened with balloons.
89. The shiny black Porsche purred through the slightly shabby suburb.
90. He seemed to have been stuck in this shabby, overheated room for days.
91. Her shabby appearance and the battered portmanteau had weighed heavily against the genteel tone of her voice.
92. Underneath some shabby canvas tarps on the cargo deck were stacked a dozen bulky mattresses and twenty thick pine boards.
93. For example, they tend to do their brilliant work in spartan, even shabby, surroundings.
94. Many of the remaining posts are shabby, unsafe and ill-equipped.
95. All were so shabby they might have been worn by a dressy tramp.
96. Saskia wakes before dawn in her cold, shabby room to imagine herself navigating with Odysseus and marking the constellations.
97. He is a shabby, needy man.
98. Mew : Ahaha ! Not too shabby,[] little firefly!
99. The flat was small but attractive, if rather shabby.
100. He looked unshaven, shabby, and down-and-out.
101. 'Black, two straps, very shabby -- good.
102. Lupin for the first time on the Hogwarts Express , wearing extremely shabby wizard's robes.
103. The third Reich was expiring, as it had begun , with a shabby lie.
104. The diners too, the most prosperous of Londoners, had a peaked and shabby look.
105. The house of beautiful lotus home is the old-style house of two bricks timberwork , special ground is shabby.
106. His clothes, ill - made and shabby, were puton untidily.
107. Some of the Nazi top brass wanted rid of Lafont - the austere old Prussians who believed the Reich's honour was being besmirched by consorting with shabby crooks.
108. About a mile from my house there's a slightly shabby strip mall housing a Dollar Store, a Ross Dress for Less, and something called a 'Grocery Outlet'.
109. The taxi stopped in front of a shabby, third - rate hotel.
110. For you, a plump oversized shabby - chic sofa is perfection.
111. An old man in shabby clothes came to the door.
112. In the trucks little yellow men in shabby greenish uniforms were squatting, jammed close together.
113. Image above: The facade of the fireplace was originally covered in a decoupage of broken plates (a little too shabby chic for our tastes).
114. It's shabby to speak ill of others behind their backs.
115. Selling their fans short in such a shabby way is not acceptable.
116. At first glance the middle-aged man, grinning widely to reveal missing teeth, holds the kind of shabby cardboard sign used by rough-sleepers the world over.
117. The bald-headed , short, fat, little man sat under the lamp in his dark, meticulously brushed, shabby coat.
118. Who could have ever expected that a dragoon would drink sixpenny ale, smoke horrid bird's-eye tobacco, and let his wife wear a shabby bonnet?
119. What I learned in that shabby hotel room with the moldy shower curtain and the iron burns on the carpet was that I had what it took to go all the way: pure, unadulterated bullheadedness.
120. He had caught sight, across the house, of Winsett's shabby round-shouldered back, and had once noticed his eyes turned toward the Beaufort box.
121. Maria has just inherited an old and shabby steam locomotive!
122. She is none the less beautiful for her shabby clothing.
123. I remember the shabby little clapboard house we all grew up in. But it had an enviable nice little plot with a kitchen garden bordered by lilac bushes.
124. What a shame such a shapely sash should such shabby stitches show.
125. They're ostentatiously shabby, his collars never clean and his tie's never tied properly.
126. Even the parking lot of a three-star hotel we stayed in was full of fancy cars and that made my Jeep Compass look shabby.
127. The old man is in shabby clothes all the year round.
128. What a shame such shapely sash should such shabby stitches show?
129. A work-room should be like an old shoe; no matter how shabby, it's better than a new one.
130. At first she did not recognise the shabby, baggy figure.
131. So the horse, rather shabby, stood in an arrested prance in the boy's bedroom.
132. However, if she had seen her own dad pushing the heavy dung-cart in the shabby clothes as they were , how would that have made her feel?
133. There was clearly nothing to do but flop down on the shabby little couch and howl.
134. In such a shabby place Yuan Xian didn't think it was hard. He could play music in heartsease without revealing any feeling of fidget.
135. The firm's modest space, a step up from the garage where Erskine first hashed out the idea, seems more dot-com shabby than financial-services chic.
136. From these places emerged the "beatniks", typically dressed in shabby clothes, sporting a beard and wearing sunglasses at all hours.
137. Grant was of humble origin, shabby in dress, rough in speech and manners.
138. A special model contest was held in the Korogocho slum in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, where female residents displayed their best attire on shabby catwalk, AFP reported.
139. The place is a bit strange in the sense that it's a tourist trap but not really a resort — the bungalows are quite dull and a little shabby and the food so-so.
140. This is where Lionel Logue comes in – a bullish Australian with bohemian manners and shabby premises on Harley Street.
141. He looked so shabby, in an old hat and a long overcoat.
142. He saw the Justice , a shabby , collarless, graying man in spectacles, beckoning him.
143. The old, rather shabby room struck her as extraordinarily pathetic(John Galsworthy.
144. On his arrest, he had been careful to take with him a threadbare cap and a shabby sheepskin coat that he had saved from his years in exile.
145. Asa and Elvira run a shabby religions mission in Kansas City.
146. One man drove his car tardily through the congested traffic flow, when he stopped at a red light and heard a knock by a shabby boy on the window to aks if he would like to buy flowers.




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