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单词 Feel like
1 I don't feel like doing anything today.
2 It's perfectly normal to feel like this.
3 I don't feel like eating anything.
4 I feel like I've died and gone to heaven.
5 I feel like a swim.
6 They'd made her feel like a fifth wheel.
7 I feel like throwing up.
8 I feel like a million dollars.
9 I don't feel like it.
10 Do you feel like a cup of tea?
11 After all these years I still feel like a schoolboy when I hold your hand.
12 I don't feel like cooking tonight,[] it's too much hassle.
13 Whenever I go to London I feel like a provincial.
14 I feel like a real drudge — I've done nothing but clean all day!
15 Don't let a bad day make you feel like you have a bad life.
16 When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on so long in the first place.
17 I feel like a nice cool glass of lemonade.
18 I feel like going back to bed.
19 I feel like splurging on a new dress.
20 I feel like a drink.
21 Do you feel like another drink?
22 I feel like sleeping 24-7.
23 I feel like doing something completely frivolous today.
24 I feel like a good cry.
25 Sometimes I feel like I'm living with a stranger.
26 I feel like a martyr to this vacuum cleaner.
27 I feel like I'm being watched.
28 Women feel like outsiders in that club.
29 I don't feel like work today.
30 Nothing will ever completely replace playing the game I love, however I feel like I'm starting a new adventure.
1 I don't feel like doing anything today.
2 It's perfectly normal to feel like this.
3 I don't feel like eating anything.
4 I feel like I've died and gone to heaven.
5 I feel like a swim.
6 They'd made her feel like a fifth wheel.
7 I feel like throwing up.
8 I feel like a million dollars.
9 I don't feel like it.
10 I don't feel like cooking tonight, it's too much hassle.
31 Do you feel like going to a movie?
32 I don't feel like going out tonight.
33 He didn't feel like going to work.
34 She didn't feel like discussing weighty matters over dinner.
35 I feel like a nerd in these shoes.
36 Do you feel like eating out tonight?
37 I feel like going out and getting completely bombed.
38 I feel like staying in tonight.
39 Do you feel like you could do with a change?
40 I feel like an intruder when I visit their home.
41 With my working - class background I feel like a fish out of water among these high - society people.
42 The restaurant's supposed to be great but I don't feel like schlepping all the way out there.
43 She was the first teacher who'd made Paul feel like he was somebody.
44 Could we take a walk? I feel like a little exercise.
45 Smokers today are often made to feel like social outcasts by the moral majority.
46 Jim was beginning to feel like his old self again.
47 I feel like a small child on the shore of the ocean who has picked up a pretty shell.
48 The refugees were made to feel like unwanted guests in the country.
49 I feel like I've been cooped up in this flat for days.
50 I love to cook,[] but I don't feel like spending the energy every evening.
51 I feel like chucking it all in and going back to Africa.
52 I never feel like a screw when I wake up in the morning.
53 "I know it sounds silly, but when I get to the beach I feel like a kid again." "We noticed, " she said drily.
54 When you're waiting for an operation, you feel like there's a cloud hanging over you.
55 I just didn't feel like work so I threw a sickie.
56 They've only been trained to compete with other men, so a successful woman can make them feel like a real loser.
57 After being ill I didn't feel like eating but I managed to force something down.
58 "I've made you late." — "No that's all right. I can roll in when I feel like it."
59 With these people he'd feel like a fish out of water.
60 That holiday did me the world of good - I feel like a whole new woman since I came back.
61 Exercise is great. I feel like there's a new bounce in my step.
62 I feel like I've been offered a new beginning .
63 When my mother is staying at our house, I feel like I'm walking on eggshells.
64 Sometimes I feel like packing it all in and going off travelling.
64 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
65 I was at a party till three o'clock this morning and I still feel like death warmed up.
66 We'll go for a walk if you feel like it.
67 The truth was he did not feel like intimacy with any woman.
68 I didn't really feel like going out, but I am glad I made the effort.
69 When I've got a cold, I don't feel like eating.
70 I was beginning to feel like a ritual sacrifice.
71 I feel like a bomb about to detonate.
72 I feel like such a failure.
73 My actions made me feel like a puppet.
74 I feel like a maggot in a carcass.
75 Do I feel like having potatoes?
76 But Rachel did not feel like a bride.
77 Not what you happen to feel like blurting out.
78 I didn't feel like quibbling over the price.
79 "I feel like quitting," she said hopelessly.
80 I just feel like calling you babe, babe.
81 Phoebe began to feel like a housewife.
82 My legs, by now, feel like jelly.
83 Does he feel like offering a similar apology?
84 It's starting to feel like we're in injury time.
85 I feel like an Edwardian princess or something!
86 I just don't feel like doing anything tonight.
87 I feel like I'm going to puke again.
88 It made me feel like an idiot.
89 Thus wired, many patients feel like a clumsy marionette.
90 The school made you feel like shit.
91 Feel like shouting at your micro?
92 It had made Sammler feel like a fool to go immediately to a phone booth on Riverside Drive.
93 I no longer feel like a needy child waiting for Santa Claus to hand me something from his limited supply of goodies.
94 Away from her,[http:///feel like.html] he must feel like a boy let out of school.
95 If you inject the right amount you could feel like you had six glasses of your favourite tipple.
96 And the rare kisses given me feel like butterfly wings against my cheeks.
97 I'm with the kids all day, and I'm starting to feel like I'm losing my mind.
98 We feel like a patient with a possible terminal illness that no one will tell the results of the tests.
99 He says it makes you feel like bashing your head against a brick wall.
100 I don't feel like doing anything very energetic this evening. I've had a tiring day.
101 I feel like I should order you a sandwich or something.
102 What I want to say now is that you are my mum and you feel like my mum again.
103 Just thinking about it made him feel like a man in possession of something.
104 I feel like I do have a family(), they are my friends and they really mean everything to me. I dont know what I'd do without my friends. Drew Barrymore 
105 If he was here this minute I would feel like killing him.
106 This is another annoying trend among some of the slicker glossies: leaving page numbers out whenever they feel like it.
107 Students do not need to be victims of racism, sexism, religious discrimination, or homophobia to feel like outsiders.
108 And it used to make me feel like shit to hear that.
109 Smokers today are quite often made to feel like social outcasts by the moral majority.
110 It's quite normal for a mum to feel like that and they can talk to each other about it and support each other.
111 Maura had never dreamt that she could feel like this.
112 Drinking lifted his mood, made him feel like an old-fashioned dirigible, floating over everything.
113 Your true passion should feel like breathing; it's that natural. Oprah Winfrey 
114 The new accordion made him feel like a professional musician for the first time.
115 And the brakes feel like they could stop an express train.
116 When a woman's voice is used freely and has power, it can sound and feel like a flow of light.
117 The stress and expense of holiday shopping is enough to make anyone feel like a Scrooge.
118 Why she should suddenly feel like bursting out laughing, Leith had no idea.
119 Those days when we feel like were retaining more water than a rain forest.
120 The overall result is not immediately noticeable, although it does feel like the machine's been crashing less.
121 They were the first of thousands of Tiller Girls who would feel like crawling home after rehearsals.
122 If you feel like writing a scathing letter and then ripping it into little pieces, do it!
123 I feel like a warmed Up corpse, but I wanted to get to you before the police thought of it.
124 I feel like this: The good Lord takes care of all of it.
124 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
125 If you have some air-conditioning, ceiling fans can make it feel like you have more.
126 I watch them nod their heads, bow, kiss the hands of the women, and I feel like laughing.
127 The situation made me feel like an applicant who is absurdly unqualified for a job-or a felon appearing before a parole board.
128 Do you ever feel like you missed out on things?
129 Soho, meanwhile, enthuse and make me feel like a miserable old fart.
130 I go colour of rump steak, feel like burning cigarette end all over shoulders, thighs, feet.
131 Once she had been proud of being rootless, but now she was beginning to feel like a boat without a rudder.
132 A spotlight on them in this company and they would feel like tax inspectors.
133 For years, he said, merely crossing his legs had made him feel like a penguin.
134 People who fail focus on what they will have to go through; people who succeed focus on what it will feel like at the end. Tony Robbins 
135 When processes are so complex nobody really understands them, employees feel like anonymous cogs in a big machine.
136 If you like her, if she makes you happy, and if you feel like you know her-then don't let her go. Nicholas Sparks 
137 I try to avoid stress — it makes me feel like I'm rubber-stamping all my organs "Urgent!". Terri Guillemets 
138 He could choreograph for the company that was coming to feel like a millstone, and he could tour.
139 I told Mike today that I feel like a young kid.
140 I feel like I spend all my time picking up after the kids.
141 A quick dip into this must make ordinary Joes feel like natural leaders.
142 In that case I would peak earlier and higher and then feel like hell for the rest of the day.
143 I was made to feel like a petulant child who has flown into a temper because his favorite toy was removed.
144 It makes me feel like the bars are clamped on the window.
145 I look around me, I feel like this is a foreign country.
146 You know, I put my hand inside his shirt and I feel like some one else is doing it.
147 Farm workers are apt to complain that they now feel like strangers in their own village.
148 There are no set times or anything, I just do what I feel like.
149 I feel like a robot, playing a rival robot, for a price.
150 It will feel like an eternity, but you will have learned to handle silence for half a minute.
151 It's an amazing ride. You really feel like you're flying.
152 She would feel like a spoiled child insisting that she wanted to go home.
153 Walk up to the gates and you feel like you have been sandbagged in the stomach.
154 Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush. Doug Larson 
155 She didn't like being made to feel like an underage teenager who couldn't control her emotions.
156 I feel like I left these careless notes lying around informing the world of my every move.
157 You never really feel like you have accomplished anything tangible.
158 It doesn't feel like fair play,[] but I have to forgive them.
159 It must have been odd for Ralph, I thought, to feel like an intruder in his own library.
160 But it has started to feel like I am being rude and ungrateful, dO you understand?
161 The heat of the day made the gymnasium feel like an oven.
162 You made me feel like I was your family, a part of you.
163 I feel like I can move more freely constantly moving with my partners, changing my role as needed.
164 I feel like I have a corpse in the passenger seat.
165 Do you feel like going out for a drink tonight?
166 What makes earth feel like hell is our expectation that it should feel like heaven. Chuck Palahniuk 
167 Rolling blackouts and spiraling heat and electric bills surely feel like a crisis to many homeowners and businesses.
168 After a disastrous first marriage to a young soldier, Kylie didn't feel like rushing into another relationship.
169 The central question, however, is: what does it feel like to be a humanities student?
170 What would it feel like to abandon herself to his touch?
171 I didn't feel like asking for more details, because they were obviously bad.
172 Many of these huts provide overnight accommodation if you feel like being a bit adventurous.
173 I laughed at how easily the man could make me feel like a fool.
174 I feel like a naughty schoolkid who's standing in front of the headmaster.
175 Which is why I feel like I sort of owe him this.
176 It was furnished with a certain meanness of equipment that made them feel like poor relations.
177 Inevitably, New Historicist case studies of specific texts and specific contexts start to feel like metaphors for the whole culture.
178 They're specially chosen for summer drinking, when you feel like giving yourselves a connoisseur's treat.
179 I love Barry and I feel like I have known him all my life.
180 When farmers feel like owners, the theory goes, they will guard against the thieving that feeds the black market.
181 She made him feel like an insect playing at being human.
182 We feel like a family, with private jokes to share, a history.
183 There are so many things that we wish we had done yesterday, so few that we feel like doing today. Mignon McLaughlin 
184 Perhaps you might even feel like not dieting for one or two days.
185 She begins to feel like an unwanted post-menopausal monster in his home.
186 Work inhibition is so frustrating to parents and teachers that they are bound to feel like exploding.
187 But suddenly, that funny feeling in your stomach is stronger,[Sentencedict] and you feel like you will have to burp.
188 She had done nothing wrong, yet between them Rourke and Rebecca were making her feel like public enemy number one.
189 I didn't feel like passing the laundry once more - don't ask me why.
190 But to the sensitive child, a loud voice, a rough grab, may feel like a major calamity.
191 If you feel like going completely over the top, why not grow some rhubarb chard near your gaudy cabbages?
192 It comes from her personality, which can make you feel like a down-home lemonade or a fine Chablis.
193 You only cuddle them when you feel like it, and they never make a mess.
194 The best negotiator makes both sides feel like winners.
195 Don't allow your web visitor feel like that shopper.
196 How does the third base feel like?
197 Do you feel like your neighbors are being nosy?
198 My teeth feel like they're covered with velveteen.
199 I don't feel like dealing with such touchy problems.
200 Some days I feel like Sisyphus. Remember him?
201 MELANIE: I feel like I'm inside Aurora's head. She's such a pack rat.
202 You feel like you are not in the right field for your interests, skills and personality.
203 Any sharp noises, while in trance, feel like a physical blow to the Solar Plexus.
204 It has small white berries light bottle that feel like leather.
205 I feel like a sitting duck for crime working the night shift at the convenience store.
206 I wear my good sports coat to the market if I feel like it.
207 It has small white berries and leaves that feel like leather.
208 While bar - hopping you might a pool table and feel like a quick game or two.
209 I hope she'll always feel like a daughter of America, and not like a stepchild.
210 I began to feel like I was treading water, instead of drowning in it.
211 Sian: Let's eat out tonight, I don't feel like cooking.
212 AC : Whew ! I feel like I just made it through the Underground Railroad. Fried chicken anyone?
213 Otherwise, you got one day, or this'll feel like a Swedish massage.
214 And you, Dr. Gibson, I hope you won't feel like a widower once again.
214 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
215 Are you lacking in proletarian vigor? Do you feel like a listless capitalist stooge?
216 A: What do you feel like eating? How about that new Mexican restaurant across the street?
217 I. I hope she'll always feel like a daughter of America, and not like a stepchild.
218 HPVelotechnik Scorpion - HPVelotechnik's first trike definitely doesn't feel like a first effort.
219 I feel like was robbed, a court in a fit of pique.
220 I feel like I just got back from the rodeo.
221 Why wait around for thanksgiving when you could get a wishbone whenever you feel like it?
222 That makes me feel like I'm treated as an old person.
223 You feel like you're investing in your health, so a little splurge can't hurt.
224 Isaac Davis: I feel like we're in a Noel Coward play. Someone should be making martinis.




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