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单词 For instance
1 There are a number of improvements; for instance, both mouse buttons can now be used.
2 Murder, petty theft and tax evasion, for instance, all have different motives and consequences.
3 Teenage sex, for instance, may come not out of genuine desire but from a need to get love.
4 You cannot rely on her; for instance, she arrived an hour late for an important meeting yesterday.
5 What would you do, for instance, if you found a member of staff stealing?
6 In the electronics industry, for instance, 5000 jobs are being lost.
7 For instance, the more versatile Singaporeans, with richer experiences of life, might have been deterred from taking part for fear of losing face within sight of friends and relatives, should they perform ignominiously.
8 How about another music industry bash, for instance?
9 A chest of drawers for her clothes, for instance.
10 For instance, lasers could cut cloth into small segments.
11 For instance, it's the custom to beat the wife.
12 For instance, a bomb went off last week.
13 For instance, an extra demand at home or abroad for goods made either cheaper or better by electronics will add to employment.
14 It took a bit of doing - for instance, the disposal site had to check out 100 percent.
15 In man, for instance, the genes that control gender are on the Y chromosome.
16 Mark Andrews, for instance, was asked what was Adrian Garvey's most annoying habit.
17 Resurrection ferns, for instance, lose their color during dry conditions and may even appear to be dead.
18 A child may, for instance, be born with serious handicaps or developmental problems requiring extended periods of care.
19 Few, for instance, are found near the critical regions known as homeobox gene clusters.
20 For instance, all schools are concerned with improving and maintaining good attendance.
21 For instance, many people learn in high school that alcohol is a depressant-a kind of chemical sledgehammer for the mind.
22 For instance, mankind could be replaced by humanity, craftsman by artisan, forefathers by ancestors, spaceman by astronaut and so on.
23 He was deceitful, not telling his parents, for instance, that he got honey from the carcass of a lion.
24 Moore, for instance, treasures a collection of sayings Penny Scaggs had written for her in calligraphy.
25 For instance, I've heard of representative assemblies of large co-operatives choosing their own director.
26 Traditionally, collaboration in the classroom, for instance, has been taboo, condemned as a form of cheating.
27 We need to rethink the way we consume energy. Take, for instance, our approach to transport.
28 Several of his friends came: Ben, Carol and Mike, for instance.
29 The system will handle not only telephone calls and data messages but other signals that need high bandwidth, for instance those that encode TV pictures.
30 A typical example is the tendency to blame yourself for instance, for smoking for many years before developing lung cancer.
1 There are a number of improvements; for instance, both mouse buttons can now be used.
2 We need to rethink the way we consume energy. Take, for instance, our approach to transport.
3 You cannot rely on her; for instance, she arrived an hour late for an important meeting yesterday.
31 For instance, it was by trusting the bifocals of Euhemerus that Heinrich Schliemann rediscovered Troy.
32 For instance, Mr Culboon and his wife both had big old floppy pot bellies.
33 It is sufficient that, for instance, the accused is allowed to borrow something.
34 For instance, the network has shelled out big bucks to snare Bill Cosby for a new sitcom in the fall.
35 In toads, for instance, the males sit on the backs of females for a few days before the female lays her eggs.
36 For instance, members can now receive radiation oncology, eye surgery, and emergency cardiac care from Summit Medical Center.
37 They may assert, for instance, that crucial evidence was covered up or a confession was coerced.
38 However, many excess mortgage allowance schemes run for a shorter time, for instance, for five or seven years.
39 For instance(), stomach muscles propel the motion on forward and backward rolls.
40 Which parts, for instance, of a car, a television, a house, are based on chemical products?
41 For instance, the use of purveyance began to attract criticism in the last fifteen years of the reign.
42 In Texas, for instance, the total amount of punitive damages awarded between 1968 and 1971 was $ 85, 000.
43 Entering a name into the diary for instance can be used to trigger an address search.
44 Garlic, for instance, can raise low blood pressure and lower high blood pressure.
45 On one artefact from Nevada, for instance, Newman has identified big cat, sheep, bison and bear blood residues.
46 Why, for instance, are musicals assumed to be are the only way of attracting a popular audience?
47 In 1986, for instance, Dole supported an inheritance tax code that greatly benefited the Gallos.
48 The digital 24-hour clock, for instance, can be set with one hand.
49 For instance, while brain cells do die and are not replaced, their loss is not an explanation for senility.
50 For instance, despite the continued strong national economy, a record 1 million people filed for personal bankruptcy protection last year.
51 The closest basin to a bidet in the United States in 1897, for instance, was a hip bath.
52 If you go fertilizing with unsterilized bonemeal, for instance, hold your breath; the stuff can be crawling with anthrax germs.
53 I like classic hats - this baseball cap, for instance, or a bowler hat.
54 For instance, in capitalist society, managers, administrators and professionals receive relatively high salaries because of the demand for their services.
55 The singer, for instance, believed himself to be a great tenor performing before an adoring audience at La Scala.
56 For instance, landowners who find their land scheduled for housebuilding may enjoy an immediate increase in capital value.
57 For instance, Work Recovery has yet to file its audited financial statements for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1995.
58 For instance, the intended subjects are boxes of plants which remain in place and do not change rapidly.
59 For instance, most of our business schools talk a good game when it comes to globalization.
60 There is a similar argument concerning leisure activities, the theatre, for instance.
61 For instance: Ban all polystyrene, such as packing chips, meat trays and some egg boxes.
62 It is appropriate, for instance, to think about human-computer interactions as theater.
63 I mean, I don't object to sensible changes - saying chairwoman when it's appropriate, for instance.
64 In 1921, for instance night patrols made thirteen arrests for cattle stealing in the Southern and Western Provinces.
65 For instance, if the airspeed is too high and begins to reduce, this is your indication to start levelling.
66 For instance, he collects on his little card index all references in Wells to feeding, eating, and patent medicines.
67 Richard Branson's Virgin Records, for instance, grew and diversified, including a successful foray into cheap transatlantic flights.
68 For instance, the commonly-used coconut matting got muddy very quickly after a game and was hard to clean.
69 Shop, for instance,(http:///for instance.html) sells alcoholic beverages at three stores in the Bay State.
70 For instance, blue conveys a sense of calm and tranquility because we associate the colour with blue skies, calm water.
71 Mountain Dew -, for instance, contains 54 milligrams of caffeine per can.
72 We have, for instance, a jazz band and the more advanced patients do some very good playing.
73 For instance volunteer groups create external benefits by improving the appearance of the environment, through best-kept village competitions or reclaiming old canals.
74 This fear became a regrettable visitor on certain anniversaries, my birthday, for instance, or I should say ours.
75 If adopting the tiger style, for instance, the hands would be shaped like claws.
76 One tapestry, for instance, shows an Elf and a Dwarf in animated discussion.
77 For instance, the Expert can observe regular patterns of irregularities in the mains supply and anticipate them in future.
78 For instance, if environmental changes are capricious, the animal's migration viewed in isolation will also be capricious.
79 For instance, Piers's unforthcoming remark about avoiding love because he had once tasted it and it had left a bitter after-effect.
80 For instance, flying level on a heading, if you are checking height there is no need to refer to the airspeed.
81 For instance, she cited studies that had been extensively discredited methodologically as though they had not been.
82 The residue, a carbon-based char, can be used instead of activated carbon in, for instance, sewage works.
83 At dinner in the garden one evening, for instance, two perfectly ordinary businessmen suddenly burst into a Verdi duet.
84 Delta, for instance, is providing refund forms at ticket counters and through travel agents.
85 Companies may arrange such loans through a third party - for instance, through the relocation company.
86 Why, for instance, would two individuals want to form a legal marriage instead of simply cohabiting?
87 Of course, the coal industry faces real challenges - environmentally, for instance.
88 In some of these, for instance California and Wyoming, the material was apparently ignored by the aboriginal inhabitants.
89 Key figures, for instance, argued that devaluation would cripple Labour's chances of re-election.
90 At Bury, for instance, the abbey owned the whole site and could lay it out as it pleased.
91 For instance, an adult female will purr while suckling her kittens and when she courts a male.
92 For instance, one medication, derived from bitter almonds, claims to boost the immune system.
93 They may wish, for instance, to change the balance between teaching and non-teaching staff.
94 Nikon for instance produce a telephoto lens, several wide angle lenses and a fish-eye for their range of models.
95 Presidents Truman and Kennedy, for instance, each granted more than 40 percent of all clemency requests.
96 The robber bridegroom could be a drug pusher in-stead of a homicidal cannibal, for instance.
97 For instance, the company is attempting to bring Internet access to a mass consumer audience through an agreement with Continental Cablevision.
98 Take for instance the pattern of incivility and disrespect displayed over the past several years by Chicago Bulls basketball star Dennis Rodman.
99 For instance, there almost certainly was no free oxygen in the atmosphere./for instance.html
100 The ownership of all three of Chrysler's carpet suppliers, for instance, changed hands within one year.
101 For instance, the various ownership rights of the capitalist class will be enshrined in and protected by the laws of the land.
102 For instance in use at Edinburgh Zoo there is a cement ant hill for chimpanzees which was developed to enrich their environment.
103 For instance, how is one to decide whether or not an individual makes undesirable choices when better options are available?
104 The Provencale beef daube and the zucchini casserole, for instance, were decent but not distinctive.
105 The first 1990 budget deal, for instance, was rejected by the House but eventually was salvaged.
106 For instance, the animal is coming after you with the idea of tearing your head off.
107 Here, for instance, were hand-sized wolves, with the wings of canaries.
108 For instance a dynamic model may be used to show the effect of changes in advertising expenditure on sales.
109 For instance, the larger the sales force, the less the need for heavy advertising expenditure.
110 For instance, is one to extol or to expose?
111 For instance, enhances the great displacement excise tax.
112 For instance, Hitler speaks indiscriminately of the German Reich.
113 James Bond: Operation Grand Slam, for instance.
114 For instance, Darwinism, but is not the separate.
115 For instance to Chinese military force deployment scale indication.
116 A certain plant in China , for instance , has prickly leaves, and each prickle contains poisonous venom.
117 For instance, a schematic can be converted a PCB with one mouse click.
118 For instance, it becomes a burden to our inefficient transportation system.
119 For instance, some snorers a condition called obstructive sleep apnea.
120 We will also visIt'some museums, for instance, the Forbidden City.
121 Say, for instance, that you settle into an enveloping sense of space or consciousness.
122 For instance , they prefer the food that is not cooked such as sushi and sashimi.
123 Australias great aquifer covers the eastern half of the country, for instance.
124 Suppose , for instance, that you wanted to expand the range of the Roman numeral conversion functions.
125 Penicillin, for instance, prevents the final cross - linking step, or transpeptidation, in the macromolecule's assembly.
126 On the Newtonian theory, for instance, acceleration varies with distance, but distance also varies with acceleration.
127 For instance, awl thread, ladder - shaped thread and triangle thread etc.
128 For instance, RAS cells developed into tumors when a wound was induced in the tissue.
129 Thailand's baht, for instance, has risen more than 11 % against the dollar this year.
129 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
130 Emerging - market bonds and shares, for instance, may jitter further.
131 For instance, the apostle Paul almost single - handedly spread Christianity throughout the Roman Empire.
132 When receiving kudos, for instance, publicly thank everyone who helped you.
133 GE's ultra - cheap electrocardiogram , for instance, is a state - of - the - art algorithm.
134 Some can swim, as for instance, fishes, molluscs, and crustaceans, such as the crawfish.
135 One recent listing , for instance, was for a Cheap ro zeny building - superintendent couple in Halifax, Scotia.
136 Whenhe was, for instance, his father gave him a compass with a magnetic needle.
137 For instance, why must we crack down on economic crime?
138 Whole foods are basically unprocessed -- whole wheat bread instead of white bread, for instance.
139 There is, for instance, a self - deluding interpretation of the contemporary world situation.
140 Both sides admit that a volition, for instance, had occurred.
141 A chance was missed to redesign the tax system - by, for instance , including a new carbon tax.
142 For instance, the protea beetle ( Trichostetha fascicularis ) gathers nectar from various species of proteas.
143 In flowering plants , for instance, the early stages of endosperm development are often acellular.
144 For instance fees, policy controls, handset platform size limit and so on.
145 Adelie penguins, for instance, employ yawning as part of their courtship ritual.
146 Speculation is rife, for instance, that Qatar and Arab Emirates are about to break their pegs.
147 It's enough to impress even a geologist Richard Waitt, for instance .
148 Noise pollution, for instance, is an extension of air pollution.
149 Major League Baseball, for instance, has 11 players over the age of 40.
150 I like a novel with plenty of meat in it, for instance Tolstoy's War and Peace.
151 In the past, for instance, he has advocated a single payer for healthcare.
152 For instance, we stood in diametrical opposition to Chiang Kai - shek's Kuomintang.
153 For instance, fictitious money worth is worth formerly how check and ratify?
154 For instance, electrocardiograph can detect heart's condition. Electroencephalograph can detect brain's condition.
155 The auspicious graciousness likes the movement, for instance tennis, ski, Sinuoke ping - pong and swimming.
156 For instance a car up is evildoing, it delays efficiency of the job, influence, cause contradiction.
157 For instance, may and rub the waterproof formula's latex paint, is advantageous will maintain the future.
158 Newborn stars, for instance, are surrounded by disks of leftover material.
159 Manchester United, for instance, were outclassed when Barcelona relieved them of the trophy three months ago.
159 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
160 For instance, Your Orca will always unload one too many missiles into a near dead opponent.
161 A 12 - ounce can of regular soda pop, for instance, contains about 10 teaspoons of sugar.
162 For instance the sharp - witted men and Demetrius the Platonist and Eudaemon, and anyelse like them.
163 For instance, common vocabulary found in Hakka, Min and Chinese languages.
164 Relatively high disposable income, for instance, is flattered by large welfare benefit payments.
165 For instance we advocate, link besides the authorised edition other mark pilfer edition, this is feasible.
166 An optional raster unit name. For instance, this might indicate linear units for elevation data.
167 Every cat with an owner, for instance, is running a small - scale study in operant conditioning.
168 A computer archive, for instance, may be on magnetic tape.
169 D: Have you ever had any other illness, for instance nephritis, gall - stones or any gynecological diseases?
170 For instance, if input: One day which can Paris see the next time total eclipse?
171 For instance, cars and airplanes can act like Faraday cages.
172 For instance, tonight I will rely on you to do the dishes.
173 For instance , Borsk Fey'lya is of the clan Alya.
174 For instance, state capitalism , as stipulated, is to be put into practice gradually.
175 Our friend Yin - chiu here , for instance , had suffered at his hands in exactly that way - "
176 For instance, Aloe and Milk massage lotions are available for client's selection.
177 For instance, using an attack mode against a psionic hydra affects the creature as a whole.
178 For instance: Maintenance of free breakdown of freeware public domain software of computer knowledge interlocution.
179 Baldy Li, for instance, has a toilet seat plated with gold.
180 For instance, some states think it is lawful to nationalize foreign property without compensation; others disagree.
181 For instance, guidelines for invoicing and settling trade in renminbi need to be harmonised.
182 Consistency: How often parents follow through with forewarned punishment, for instance.
183 For instance, you are getting a story for your school paper on an assembly speaker.
184 Occasionally UAVs found a valuable niche, for instance as targets for anti - aircraft gunnery.
185 For instance, working overtime could affect metabolism or mask depression, anxiety and sleeplessness, they caution.
186 What, for instance, is the right reference point on the latest news on India's economy?
187 For instance, he probably never visited Japan or Madagascar although they were described in the book.
188 For instance, a Barbarian will never see a dagger that only a Witch Doctor can use.
189 For instance, they calculate interest flat interest method. It's not exponentially derived.
189 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
190 For instance , instead of steroid for vasculitis, anticoagulant is used for APS.
191 Online ad exchanges yet to take hold in China, for instance.
192 For instance, with vegetables the focus has been on fresh salad greens.
193 For instance, the critical temperature of a high - Tc superconductor is quite sensitive to its oxygen pressure.
194 The two Chinese debs, for instance , have chosen Dior and US designer Carolina Herrera.
195 France has, for instance , been using special forces to fight rebels in the CAR's north - east .
196 Families with children , for instance, tend to'gravitate toward families with children.
197 Leather - covered seats were an optional extra, for instance - the standard seat covers were made of quality velour.
198 Take , for instance, a mortgage of a thousand pounds on a landed estate.
199 So, for instance, your spot prices are dollar Deutschmark, OK?
200 LL : Sure , for instance , at McDonald crank out hundreds of hamburgers every day.




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