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单词 For sure
1. We cannot say for sure what will happen.
2. I don't know for sure.
3. I know for sure that...
4. No one knows for sure.
5. That is for sure.
6. I know for sure that I won't be able to go to the party.
7. She's prone to exaggerate, that's for sure.
8. No one knows for sure what happened.
9. The fighting was over for sure.
10. That first test question was a gimme, for sure.
11. No one knows for sure what really happened.
12. We'll always need teachers, that's for sure .
13. One thing's for sure, we'll never be able to move this furniture on our own.
14. One thing's for sure, Astbury's vocal style hasn't changed much over the years.
15. One thing's for sure - once the baby's born, your lives will never be the same again.
16. No one knows for sure why adolescence is unique to humans.
17. Sanders also ain't gonna like it, that's for sure.
18. Certainly not in the Aero-Space industry, that's for sure.
19. She may have jumped, no one knows for sure.
20. No one knows for sure where it began.
21. He wasn't using drugs, that's for sure.
22. It is on for this weekend for sure.
23. Yeah, you'll see him. He'll be there for sure.
24. International business man, that's for sure.
25. I think he'll be back on Monday(), but I can't say for sure.
26. I think I can come but I won't commit myself till I know for sure.
27. If you slap your face until it's swollen in an effort to look imposing, you'll suffer for sure.
28. If we could by any possibility manage to do it, we would for sure.
29. I think he's still living in Chicago, but I don't know for sure .
30. I think he lives there but I couldn't say for sure.
1. We cannot say for sure what will happen.
2. I don't know for sure.
3. I know for sure that...
4. No one knows for sure.
5. That is for sure.
6. I know for sure that I won't be able to go to the party.
7. If you slap your face until it's swollen in an effort to look imposing, you'll suffer for sure.
31. No one knows for sure what caused the crash.
32. Entertaining, for sure, but an inexact science.
33. Well, one thing is for sure.
34. Oliver's hell hounds are on his trail for sure, great slavering paisley-patterned beasts with saucer-sized eyes and claws that catch.
35. The crowd cheered us in of course, but it's not the same as coming down the last as the winner for sure.
36. The more I see, the less I know for sure. John Lennon 
37. He knew for sure what he was in for if he could not catch up now.
38. Morton was a cut above the average nob, that was for sure.
39. I choose to rise up out of that storm and see that in moments of desperation, fear, and helplessness, each of us can be a rainbow of hope, doing what we can to extend ourselves in kindness and grace to one another. And I know for sure that there is no them - there's only us. Oprah Winfrey 
40. Well it's high, for sure, and probably for aficionados, pools winners and second-time mortgagees only.
41. One thing is for sure, the lady was no pushover.
42. No one knows for sure how many people are infected.
43. If you make it a habit to make your today better than your yesterday, then for sure, your tomorrow will be better than your today. RVM 
44. Center developers say they haven't decided for sure to destroy the waterfall and realign the creek 150 feet to the north.
45. Well, one thing's for sure - if people are rude about her, she makes sure she gives as good as she gets.
46. Guns killed you for sure,[] but maybe I was only teasing him about the milk.
47. And estimates are that players wager $ 8 billion a year at the tables, although no one knows for sure.
48. Whether we get linguistic ability from our genes, or by imitating others or just from general intelligence is not known for sure.
49. Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure. Oprah Winfrey 
50. I think it starts at 8:00, but I don't know for sure.
51. The only thing we know for sure is that shit happens.
52. I must admit I liked her; she won't squander her grandfather's money, that's for sure.
53. Milan are going to win the cup for sure. They're just such a strong team.
54. It's impossible to say for sure what the outcome of the election will be.
55. He's the hardest man to get out, that's for sure.
56. The Trinidad crashed near Madrid, and to this day we still do not know for sure what happened.
57. Winston called at six to tell me he would be here for sure.
58. Although it would be a tough year for sure, revenue was not dropping anything like as much as the bookings percentage.
59. Once, only your hairdresser knew for sure and that was good.
60. The precise moment when it was first questioned is hard to pin down for sure.
61. Rubbed our souls for soothing: tip tongued slurring for sure over ripe watermelons.
62. That night I knew for sure I never would sleep again.
63. Most will never know for sure if what they have is mild flu or a bad cold.
64. Off course and approaching the mountain, they crashed into oblivion, and their families never knew for sure what happened.
65. Fisher also argues that, even if you know for sure that a bear market will occur, selling is dumb.
66. If you don't know for sure which type of drive you have check the ribbon cable running into it.
67. When the results of these tests are finally known we may at last know for sure whether dinosaurs were warm-blooded or not.
68. There is, of course, no way to know for sure.
69. For sure, though, she would be clear about how much she hated tying her self-esteem to the whims of idiots.
70. It was a comfortable place to spend your weekday evenings, that was for sure.
71. It's for sure that he'd have had respect for the course.
72. Nobody seems to know for sure as the show wraps up its 19-episode run Thursday night.
73. They would never knock on any bathroom door she might be behind, that was for sure.
74. She'll come home when she runs out of money, that's for sure.
75. Nothing can alleviate a sky so taut, but sit it out - it will break for sure into its reconciling colour.
76. Also, there is much that simply can not be known for sure.
77. No-one knows for sure the exact age of the tree.
78. It is impossible to know for sure what the fertility responses to a parental dividend would be.
79. It was the last time she was going to take diet pills before a race, that was for sure.
80. Though we can not say for sure that psychokinesis was involved, we suggest that it might have been.
81. I was certain that any minute he was going to do some crazy thing to get him up on Disturbed for sure.
82. It's a tomato sauce, but it's hot, for sure, by dint of those ubiquitous chili peppers.
83. Edward Balliol would not be couched down there, but upstairs in one of the principal bedchambers, for sure.
84. For sure she creates disruption, signifies abnormality, and incites lewdness in others.
85. Because she was beautiful and couldn't do enough for me, that's for sure.
86. Average income in the private sector is probably about three times that in the state sector, but no one knows for sure.
87. We may not have class the last week of February, but I'll let you know for sure as the time approaches.
88. They'd have to move to a smaller house, that's for sure.
89. It was not the breathing of a seventeen-year-old, that's for sure, but something more sonorous.
90. And no scientist or doctor could say for sure what I should do to protect my family.
91. He is such a rad! For sure.
92. What's the link? Boyle can't say for sure.
93. 'Ah,' said he,'that's the hitch, for sure.
94. A photo opportunity for sure!
95. This job is a real ball-breaker, for sure.
96. Boyle can't say for sure.
97. Deer hunting was over for sure now.
98. This is what I know for sure: In order to be truly happy, you must live along with and you have to stand for something larger than yourself. Because life is a reciprocal exchange.
99. The Sheffield gained contact with the Bismarck and henceforth held her for sure.
100. In fact, he made it, and Heroin is the Drug Lord of this Drug Realm for sure.
101. Nearly half of all teens say they would act unethically to get ahead or make more money, if they knew for sure they would not get caught.
102. Whether it's the region's beauty, charm of history that draws vacationers to Canada's Atlantic coast, one thing is for sure: they'll never forget the Maritimes !
103. Only, there are no spoonbill fossils from the early Cretaceous, so there is no way to say for sure.
104. "Too bad we don't have enough information to say for sure it was a love bite, " he laments, "because that would make for some really sexy paleontology."
105. President Sarkozy will be an easier transatlantic ally , for sure , but he will still be no walkover .
106. We don't know for sure what exactly the Five Feathers is (a pub? a pet store? a bird zoo?) but we do know that it's located in Barnsley - and that Budgie the waterskiing budgerigar lives there.
107. "Policy is very supportive; basically they're underwriting a put option on market," she said. "For sure the government will take further steps if the downward spiral doesn't stop."
108. Reading is for sure learning, but applying is also learning to a greater extent .
109. For big Internet companies , 2009 is going to be a very bad year for sure.
110. No one knows for sure why a domestic cat purrs, but many people interpret the sound as one of contentment.
111. No one knew for sure if I would leave my room in a wheelchair or a body bag.
112. One thing I know for sure is that happiness is connected to two key mood regulators that our brains produce - serotonin and noradrenaline.
113. While we may never know for sure if a machine is experiencing consciousness or only appears to, building such a machine would revolutionise our understanding of the brain.
114. No-one can say for sure how this particular arachnid met her end, but she may have succumbed to a natural catastrophe.
115. I don't know the number for sure -- I'll look in telephone book.
115. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
116. No one knows for sure how well cash and other big-ticket rewards work in education over the long haul.
117. But that she is very nice and that for sure she will be voted Miss Congeniality!
118. The cause of dust tail striae are not known for sure, but are possibly related to fragmentation of comet's nucleus.
119. Doctors still don't know for sure what causes dyslexia, but they say there is a correlation between left-handedness and the learning disability in many families.
120. One thing is for sure: In gastronomic terms there is not one Provence but many Provences.
121. I don't know the number for sure -- I'll look in the telephone book.
122. Frightening for sure, but even more frightening is her mug shot.
123. "The problem is that the reaction is particularly unpredictable," said Metsa Rahimi, intelligence analyst at London-based consultancy Januian. "You simply can't say for sure what would happen next."
124. Who can know for sure when teenage anguish will homicidal?
125. No update, it's something we hope to do, it's not designed or in any sort of implementation phase so until we reach that point and either hit a revelation of it working or not we won't know for sure.
126. But one thing is for sure: as with previous booms, signature deals will come to epitomise its excesses.
127. "We are seeing more people this Christmas than last Christmas for sure," said Shawnee Community Center volunteer Verta Morris.
128. For sure, I would prefer if Valentino did it away from the cameras and would say something to me quietly without always having to have proof, " commented Stoner.
129. A real smurf? Probably wouldn't have those exaggeratedly round features and silly hat, that's for sure.
130. That's for sure. Do you think I should cook sausages or Canadian bacon?
131. And the Brits would never have been televised last week that's for sure.
132. We say that we're running in arbitrary thread context if we don't know for sure to which process the current user-mode address context belongs.
133. Now has no way to put in for sure whether being able to or not , we may squeeze these things in in the process of encasement to the full going in.
134. No one knows for sure why Deinocheirus had hands like this – some say they were probably too dull to use for killing...he may have just used them to climb trees.
135. Reading is for sure learning, but applying also learning to a greater extent.
136. Even when a city is still a live center of ambition, you won't know for sure whether its message will resonate with you till you hear it.
137. That was mainly because I was in Hong Kong already and I couldn't be bothered to figure out how to do an absentee ballot and I thought for sure Al Gore was going to win.
138. Whatever, the applicable law for the assumpsit would be"Postal Law of people's republic of China"for sure, the only way to solve the dissension of postal contract.
139. He is very difficult to psychoanalyze. I would not want to be his enemy, that's for sure.
140. All we know for sure is that Sennacherib abandoned the siege and galloped back in disgrace to his kingdom, where he was murdered 18 years later, apparently by his own sons.
141. Think that all past are for sure dust-covered, they can open up only when future.
142. Does that mean that we will see a much harsher pullback for sure?
143. J : Well , we can't cut the production budget, that's for sure. I don't know about sales.
144. It's not a big-bang approach for sure but a evolutionary re-platforming of the middleware based on the project portfolio - managed by the business.
145. I had always been emphatic that I didn't know whom I would marry, but one thing was for sure --he would not be a farmer or dairyman!
145. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
146. And, for sure, you wonder, loudly, if what happened to rock and roll will happen to hip-hop, if it hasn't already.
147. You will feel the energies of this new moon, for sure!
148. And the only way you will know for sure is to jump in with both feet.
149. Even though there are no inscriptions to attribute it for sure, the villa's location and luxury make it likely it was Vespasian's birthplace, Coarelli said.
150. These are low-cut socks, often in eye-catching colors, with sticky dots or patches on the soles for sure footing.
151. Nevertheless, one thing that I know for sure: it must be a place with an angelical prebase, San or Santa something, or at least a mysterious precinct of saints and angelets, de la orilla.
152. What we know for sure is that when the curtain opens on Act III, the throne is occupied by a young boy: the nine-year-old Tutankhaten ("the living image of the Aten").
153. 'I wish them all the happiness in the world, I know for sure it's a true love match! '
154. KR : Yeah, it's the best place to start so for sure it was nice.
155. You're going to have idiosyncratic risk, for sure, issue-specific risk, so credit analysis is very important in the high-yield market.
156. SD : Well, for sure we are not happy at all but that the the situation.
157. The other thing we know, per Verlaine's assessment of your commentary, is that you really, for sure, do not harbor any residual romantic feelings for Heather.
157. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
158. But in "Ragnarok" he would kill that monster for sure, but he also will be killed by his venom as well.
159. One thing we know for sure -- it is not the Higgs boson.
160. This could shape up to be a rough holiday season for XM though, that's for sure.
161. Reference counting is a semi-automated memory-management technique, meaning that it requires some programmer support, but it does not require you to know for sure when an object is no longer in use.
162. Apart from Psycho, she only appeared in one other film, Francis Ford Coppola's 1962 soft-porn comedy-western Tonight for Sure.
163. For sure , it's not same as Lithuania, where basketball is a religion.
164. It's Saturday morning, and she knows it is for sure because there's nothing on TV but cartoons, and the groundskeeper isn't out there 15)mowing the lawn or tending the roses.
165. For sure, 2012 -- specifically December 20, 2012 -- is a key date for the Mayas, as it represents the end of the fourth of these millennial cycles which elders say is symbolized by water.
166. Who will come out victorious in this all-out battle? No one knows for sure. Watch National Geographic Channel's Gerbils Plague6 to find out.




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