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单词 For example
1 You can use any two colors — for example, red and yellow.
2 Japan, for example, has two languages.
3 Let me take Edison for example.
4 Is the allergy tied to dairy products, for example?
5 Many factors are important, for example class, gender, age and ethnicity.
6 You often write a slash between alternatives, for example, 'and/or'.
7 There is a similar word in many languages, for example in French and Italian.
8 The term "renewable energy" is applied, for example, to energy deriving from solar radiation.
9 Many countries, for example Mexico and Japan, have a lot of earthquakes.
10 Fractions can be written with oblique strokes, for example 2/3.
11 Car prices can vary a lot. For example, in Belgium the VW Golf costs $1000 less than in Britain.
12 Let us suppose, for example, that you are married with two children.
13 A touring cyclist, for example, might turn the pedals 80 times a minute.
14 Take, for example, the simple sentence: "The man climbed up the hill"
15 Offices can easily become more environmentally-friendly by, for example, using recycled paper.
16 Living in a flat is all right, but it has its limitations - for example, you don't have your own garden.
17 Love is not about running into each other in crowds. Love is an impossible meeting. For example, I am a bird flying in sky, u r a leopard in forest. We just fall in love accidentally.
18 I know many women who have a career and a family—Kehr for example.
19 There are 120 permutations of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5: for example, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5 or 5, 1, 4, 2, 3.
20 A lot of women manage to bring up families and go out to work at the same time take Angela, for example.
21 Living in such a beautiful old castle is something of a mixed blessing.Just think of the heating bills, for example.
22 You can buy fruit here — oranges and bananas, for example.
23 There are several different ways to bind a book, for example you can stitch or stick the pages together.
24 The report is incomplete; it does not include sales in France, for example.
25 There's confusion and resentment, and it's almost never expressed out in the open. Take this office, for example.
26 The upper middle class tend to go into business or the professions, becoming, for example, lawyers, doctors or accountants.
27 There are many sources of air pollution ; exhaust fumes, for example.
28 Life often seems to be marked off into different periods: childhood, schooldays, marriage, old age, for example.
29 the beauties of the nature. It is often better to use another appropriate word, for example the countryside, the scenery or wildlife:We stopped to admire the scenery.
30 It is possible to combine Computer Science with other subjects, for example Physics.
1 Living in a flat is all right, but it has its limitations - for example, you don't have your own garden.
2 You can use any two colors — for example, red and yellow.
3 There are 120 permutations of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5: for example, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5 or 5, 1, 4, 2, 3.
4 There are many sources of air pollution ; exhaust fumes, for example.
31 I know many women who have a career and a family Alison for example.
32 A few simple precautions can be taken, for example ensuring that desks are the right height.
33 Johnson, for example, was a longtime Mecham aide.
34 For example, I lost things for no apparent reason.
35 What if, for example,(http:///for example.html) she were an anti-Semite?
36 In 1980, for example, Kalmar assembled 22,800 cars.
37 Far fewer houses for example lack basic amenities.
38 Joe, for example, had a voracious appetite.
39 Additional information can often be used to increase correction accuracy and speed, for example by studying the sources of errors.
40 Barclaycard, for example, has an international rescue number and will arrange emergency cash advances or replacement cards.
41 In applications for statistical or topological modeling, for example, inputs could be frequencies, spatial locations, and so on.
42 Then another reactor would be needed to, for example, convert ammonia into hydrazine.
43 Is there any task allocation at all - for example(), do only one or two nurses give the insulin?
44 For example, while annual reports usually name the chairman and board members they do not always reveal their salaries.
45 It would thus have been as applicable to a teacher, for example, as to a practitioner of any manual skill.
46 That means our discussion programmes, for example, should not simply consist of white able-bodied men.
47 Take, for example, listening to music, which many people see as a leisure activity.
48 This is usually the case when fixed-point binary format is used to represent store addresses, for example.
49 Traditional sources of pupils are drying up: for example, the children of people in the armed forces.
50 For example, 20 percent of disabled people over pension age say household cleaning is a particular problem.
51 Technology-based changes, for example, often present this alternative, either in whole or in part.
52 For example, there is nothing about people in residential accommodation but several pages on the benefit position of 16- and 17-year-olds.
53 Another type of aggressive child, for example, is highly reactive to sensations.
54 In July, for example, five Catholics were appointed to the Privy Council.
55 Body Shop staff adopt a young unemployed person on a one-to-one basis, helping with job applications, for example.
56 Tiny producers, for example, have little incentive to invest large sums in artificial insemination in order to breed better cattle.
57 For example, employers may not understand why some people have severe allergies to common chemicals, Frieden said.
58 For example, it may become tacitly accepted practice in a market exactly to match the price changes of the largest firm.
59 For example, male and female is not a relationship; there must exist love or desire to actualize and sustain the relationship.
60 If the valuation officer himself makes an alteration for whatever reason, for example, a renewed right exists.
61 It minimises uncertainty and helps to anticipate changes for example in demography, social factors, values and employment levels. 3.
62 Such a situation does often arise, for example in the feedback control of a chemical process.
63 Oil is needed to make plastics, for example, bauxite for aluminium cans, and wood for paper.
64 Hardened firewall hosts also offer specific advantages, for example: Concentration of security.
65 It can be argued, for example,(http:///for example.html) that teaching can be accomplished more effectively if teacher and student adopt their appropriate roles.
66 This ignores the objects and would appear as: This could be analysed in more detail to include, for example, sub-groupings.
67 S., for example, there are 1, 844, 000 alcohol-related traffic accidents a year.
68 For example, make sure you have some kind of contact point-an email address is the minimum.
69 Hydrolases are enzymes that split molecules with the addition of water, for example, amylase, lipase, and alkaline phosphatase.
70 For example, suppose an investor has correctly anticipated a rise in the price of his or her chosen security.
71 For example, a social service agency might allow an experiment on different practice models.
72 For example, applying this analysis to mental and different kinds of practical tests produces the following scheme shown in Table 2.1.
73 Some Democratic Unionists do precisely this by, for example, listing their active involvement with the Orders on their election literature.
74 For example, some Health Authorities tried to obstruct the competitive tendering process for ancillary services.
75 For example, the period 1945-51 has come to acquire a retrospective glow which it may not altogether deserve.
76 For example, if he had to smoke in her flat, he could at least have the decency to empty the ashtray.
77 Thus, for example, customs duties, discriminatory internal taxation and quotas have been abolished.
78 These totals exclude mortgage interest and disregarded income, for example, attendance allowance.
79 Linear regression, for example, requires all the data to be collected ahead of time and then processed all at once.
80 Padayachee has tested people since 1984, for example in clinics for sexually transmitted diseases, antenatal care, family planning and tuberculosis.
81 For example, quite often the mood of a patient who is severely depressed on admission will lift remarkably after admission.
82 He presented me with three different theories about the afterlife, for example.
83 Individuals acclimatize to cold, for example, by adjusting physically, physiologically or psychologically following cold exposure.
84 The controls and instrumentation of a modern fighter aircraft, for example, are bafflingly complex.
85 There may, for example, be circumstances which make such an appointment undesirable.
86 For example, what do we mean by the actual number 3?
87 It could, for example, be the Product title with an integer appended to represent the copy number of the Issue.
88 Bigamy, for example, is a serious crime in Britain yet it is normal and accepted practice in other countries.
89 There may, for example, be changes in public opinion towards the police and the reporting of criminal activity.
90 One of the main arguments for Canoa Hills, for example, is that it will create jobs.
91 For example, the enactment of import quotas, designed to compensate particular industrial supporters, may impose substantial additional costs.
92 Staff can produce an individual handbook covering specific aspects of care, for example pre-operative preparation or a doctor's preferences for treatment.
93 For example, the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis has the ability to produce crystalline spores which act as natural insecticides.
94 This currency could be accumulated by holding, for example, the proceeds of foreign trade sold for foreign currency.
95 For example, an upstream team might be building circuit assemblies that a downstream team installs in a finished subcomponent.
95 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
96 Development plans show future road improvements which may affect development, for example where new access on to an existing road is not permissible.
97 Some of the keys on the keyboard, and for example, have no ASCII code.
98 For example, the words hot and cold are antonyms that describe physical temperature.
99 A feminist might interpret a text very differently from an army officer, for example; or a teenager from his parent.
100 Consider, for example, the myriad adventure stories, most of which contain a definite love interest.
101 For example, the beat can be distorted if the coronary arteries are not wired correctly inside the heart.
102 Comparing these subjective judgements with actual costs might suggest that people are wrong about, for example check trading being cheap.
103 Male viewers, for example, may not like a certain woman anchor, believing her to be too aggressive.
104 Tracy Chapman, for example, certainly owes her fame and a lot of her money to her brief appearance at it.
105 During the Second World War, for example, one achievement by actuaries was to forecast the likely incidence of flying bombs.
106 For example, will a Raider home game appear on local television again this year?
107 For example, one can fulfill the role of being a food server, and thereby help to alleviate hunger.
108 This applies to, for example, gold, petroleum, copper, iron ore, lead, silver, nickel and zinc.
109 Iron is more easily absorbed into the body if mixed with vitamin C; have an orange with your meal, for example.
110 It can't be used, for example, for casting off a few stitches at the armhole.
111 That enabled the Belfast Telegraph, for example, to carry a huge article on the real cost of the sell-off.
112 This is not just an academic matter - it affects practice, for example in the arts.
113 For example, inversion to Hospitals, Military will cause this heading to file alongside other headings commencing with the word Hospitals.
114 There were some cases, nevertheless, of clear discrimination: age discrimination in the police department, for example.
115 The only possible scope for early development is in association with its agricultural use, for example living accommodation for farm workers or owner-occupiers.
116 But he acknowledged that, for example, education could achieve the same objectives.
117 Cell movements, for example, may bring tissues in apposition resulting in new interactions leading to further movements.
118 For example, cubism is very little like its object, and abstract art, not at all.
119 Take, for example, an executive who is sent abroad on a two or three year contract.
120 If there is, for example, an active regional policy, then regional issues need not be on the competition policy agenda.
121 This can be done, for example, if the company acquires a source of income, such as opening a bank deposit account.
122 I was amazed, for example, by how much he talks about being black.
123 Prudential Assurance, for example, pays a tax-free allowance of £77 per child towards the cost of replacing school uniforms.
124 There are circumstances in which the incorrect diagnosis and inappropriate administration of a thrombolytic would be disastrous; for example, acute pericarditis.
125 Citrix Systems Inc., for example, develops and sells client-server software to make Microsoft Windows applications more effective.
125 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
126 It is, for example, a public space and yet a private one too, as an extension of the adjacent buildings.
127 Lovers, for example, are generally kept apart by wars or political circumstances rather than by simple misunderstandings.
128 For example, ants are able to memorize the path through a maze and are capable of applying this learning to other mazes.
129 The principle of the separation of powers is, for example, clearly evident in his views on administrative law.
130 For example: Handwriting contains many similarly shaped characters which must be distinguished from each other to achieve effective recognition.
131 Garlic, for example, must only be used in tiny amounts or it will blister the skin.
132 For example, edges tend to activate the visual system more than areas of uniform brightness.
133 For example, they might send themselves to all the contacts in your email address book.
134 For example, how can such a vast quantity of knowledge be acquired?
135 Most meetings, for example, would benefit by regularly having a 15 minute review as the last item on the agenda.
136 For example, under the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, age may be taken into account in certain circumstances.
137 The Miami Police Department, for example, screened applicants for the department with an allegedly biased test.
138 Contemporary architecture, for example, is increasingly abstracted from the social and spatial contexts in which it is constructed.
139 Sign language is therefore less accessible than french, for example.
140 For example, consider an application involving an interactive video system.
141 In the workplace, for example, there oftentimes are no accommodations for people who have the responsibilities of parenthood.
142 Walking amongst the ruins of an ancient city, for example, it is impossible to gain an overall impression of the layout.
143 For example, Unison Industries kept an advanced electronic ignition system for light aircraft off the market.
144 For example, the project left open whether coaches would be assigned responsibility for specific teams.
145 For example, the cigarette ash referred to above remains in place some 24 hours after being discovered!
146 This may become an especially acute problem for a newly installed revolutionary regime, for example the Soviet Union.
147 For example, one organization might adopt budgetary accounting, cash accounting and fund accounting simultaneously.
148 It is the basis of quantitative chemical analysis, for example.
149 You must have lived in your home a certain amount of time, for example.
150 For example, one individual's aggressive behaviour was ascribed to his loss of able-bodied friends following impairment.
151 Similar success stories can be found in other countries - for example, the aerospace exhibition at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington.
152 For example, a third party may claim the right to accede to a treaty in accordance with its terms.
153 For example, the number of women suffering from arthritis is more than three times that of men.
154 For example, the rule of not having two adjacent needles tucking.
155 Castells's interest in the politics of consumption and the political alliances surrounding consumption have, for example, been developed by Dunleavy.
155 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
156 Texas Instruments, for example, is finding good success with applying data compression techniques to the training sets.
157 For example, one year Marvin Lugar allowed the children to buy one acre of wheat with their savings.
158 All church buildings are subject to normal planning control over, for example, changes of use and significant alterations.
159 Animals might mature faster: a pressurised poultry house, for example, could hurry chickens to earlier adulthood.
160 Some of the schools will be converted to new uses: adult education centres, for example.
161 You may, for example, have been given an assignment to do on the organisation of a business.
162 For example, in some cases the bill would make it illegal for Internet users to access information not protected by copyright.
163 For example, you could break national advertising down into media buying, production, and creative development.
164 For example, he hid his underpants in the lavatory, and took the cooker apart.
165 Giant video screens were erected, for example, to greet passengers arriving at the main London rail termini.
166 Goldsmith, for example, paroled in 1987, was arrested on the firearms charge in 1992 and convicted in 1993.
167 Internet Explorer and Netscape, for example, can restrict access according to a rating system.
168 For example, Rose Greenacre's agoraphobia was a useful container for Bob Greenacre.
169 Effects on family life probably include contrary tendencies - accelerating or delaying decisions to start families, for example.
170 To issue ( a denunciation, for example ) thunderously.
171 For example, Amazon is one advertiser.
172 In 1948, for example, IBM decided not to enter the computer business because the market small.
173 Compere: Be in for example material and the results on fortune?
174 Most holidays and festivals are now commercialized, Christmas for example.
175 Ten - year - old April Cutler , for example , has had trouble with math since second grade.
176 Pleo moves naturally using 28 motors and joints, for example, arching its back when stroked.
177 For example, the archegonium ( female organ ) of the moss Funaria secretes sucrose.
178 Crocodile and alligator collagensequences, for example, were not available for comparison.
179 AS usually cause serious cardiovascular disease, for example , angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, thrombus and so on.
180 It is being actively pursued by amphibian specialists, for example.
181 For example, food can look extremely appetizing and delicious in a full - color magazine advertisement.
182 Dell's first smartphone, for example, will run on the Android platform.
183 To depreciate ( currency, for example ) by official proclamation or by rumor.
184 Nautical To secure or fast ( a rope, for example ) by winding on a cleat pin.
185 To refer to ( an authority, for example ) in support or corroboration; cite.
185 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
186 A visit to central Asia - to the shrinking and polluted Aral Sea, for example - provides evidence of that.
187 For example, instead of the graduation some schools now collet ( call it ) a promotion ceremony.
188 For example, dinosaur fossils - have been found in Alaska and Canada well above the Arctic Circle.
189 For example, Mrs. Nesbitt decreed that maids could no longer carry feather dusters.
190 For example, figure 1 shows an outer cylinder clevis plated into the lug transition.
191 For example, a letter to non - client Mary Smith would be given the computer file name SMITH.
192 On May 15 th, for example, Cornell University sold $ 250 m - worth of bonds.
193 For example, Shakespeare would come after Poe and before Wordsworth.
194 For example: Angina Pectoris, Cardiac Neurosis, Congestive Heart failure and Heart Palpitations.
195 Through vmware s aix interface, a snapshot of virtual machine operation. pdf for example code.
196 To about or analyze ( a literary text, for example ), following the tenets of deconstruction.
197 Media: The material that stores or transmits data, for example, floppy discs, coaxial cable, etc.
198 Used most often with foreign languages, for example, in accenting a word.
199 To extinguish ( a fire, for example ) by cutting off air.
200 For example : Number 1 engine cowling ; number 3 latch is not secure.
201 For example : R 2 service door assist accumulator discharged.
202 For example, a businessman in Arlington, Virginia, belongs to the National Guard.
203 For example , Fullerton Global's 2003 zero coupon bond is exchangeable into Singa - pore Telecom shares.
204 A method of operation; for example, the binary mode, the interpretive mode, the alphanumeric mode.
205 Meringue is also used on other desserts, for example angel food cake, pavlova, and baked Alaska.
206 The electron, for example, has negative charge, whilst its antiparticle, called the positron, has positive charge.
207 Most artificial sweeteners - saccharin aspartame and sucralose, for example - offer the sweetness of sugar without the calories.
208 The Sahara desert, for example, creeps southward at a rate of thirty miles annually.
209 Rolling on earthworms or dead bugs, for example, is a popular dachshund pastime.
210 For example, we can supply fluorescent lamp of conforming to EuP directive.
211 To revoke or annul ( a decision or decree, for example ).
212 For example, some American Indian groups have nearly 100 percent type O.
213 For example , you might use a oscilloscope to determine if a articular interrupt a ered.
214 To make and serve ( ice - cream sodas, for example ) at a soda fountain.
215 For example the current astrological signs each have positive and negative characteristics.
216 To absolve from payment of ( a debt(sentence dictionary), for example ).
217 For example, Dopple radar, airspeed , waterspeed, or some form of ground - based aids might be used.
218 Ammoniacal synthesis procedure has some dangerous characteristics, for example: temperature, press , flammability, explosive and so on.
219 To dispatch or consign a ship, for example to an agent or factor.
220 For example, you can open a command prompt and type.
221 A refusal to answer questions for example, could amount to contempt of court.
222 See , for example, the Creation Science Association for Mid - America, in Cleveland , MO, USA.
223 For example, an int object cannot accept a decimal point and has a scale of 0.
224 For example, do a crossword puzzle or read a new book.
225 For example, one person called to report the outbreak of a contagious disease that constricts breathing.
226 For example, eBay, Amoy Ridge Shopping Center and other large networks have been frequent.
227 For example, commonweal establishment is a definite epitome and abstract with concision.
228 Cyprian, for example, talks of exhibitions of shame and modesty.
229 For example, MC cloze sometimes is used to test only vocabulary and grammar knowledge.
230 For example , heat hardening, anneal, temper and so on.
231 To align ( a gun, for example ) with a target.
232 For example, when I am driving, I always travel as the crow flies.
233 For example, antispasmodic drugs that treat abdominal pain by relaxing the intestine tend to cause constipation.
234 For example , it is not success in the fundamental and derivational function of liver and kidney.
235 To write about or analyze ( a literary text, for example ), following the tenets of deconstruction.
236 So , for example, 3 is the absolute value of both 3 and - 3 .
237 Article. For example the correspondence power supply equipments of the Chinese ambulation.
238 For example: A Texan was boasting to an Arkansan about his ranch.
239 For example, one college student was missing for several days.
240 To deflect or ward off ( a fencing thrust, for example ).
241 To extract ( juice, for example ) by squeezing or compressing.
242 In Brazil, for example, the government has set deforestation reduction targets.




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