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单词 Mesopotamia
1. He served in Mesopotamia during the First World War, came home in 1916 to transfer to an infantry regiment.
2. Fighting spreads to central Mesopotamia.
3. Woven cloth originated in Mesopotamia around 5000 BC.
4. An ancient city of Mesopotamia in the Euphrates River valley of present-day central Iraq. Its extensive ruins have yielded valuable archaeological evidence about Sumerian culture.
5. In Mesopotamia, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon were one of the Seven Wonders of the World.
6. Mesopotamia was probably the first region of the world where humans gained mastery over major rivers.
7. Most of Mesopotamia then became part of the Parthian Empire of the Arsakides.
8. Cultures such as those in Mesopotamia Egypt and Indiadeveloped the process of brewing beer.
9. So: the great civilizations of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and the area we refer to as the Fertile Crescent, of which a little part here about the size of Rhode Island is Canaan.
10. Persian culture by the cultural impact of Mesopotamia, the use of cuneiform.
11. Similar seals were found in Mesopotamia, which seems to indicate possible trade between these two civilizations.
12. An ancient empire of Mesopotamia in the Euphrates River valley. It flourished under Hammurabi and Nebuchadnezzar II but declined after562 b. c. and fell to the Persians in539.
13. The oldest CIVILIAZATION was in mesopotamia in modern day Iraq. These people were of nomadic indo-aryan descent from the steppes of Asia.
14. The absence is too striking and consistent not to reflect basic differences in craft organization and productive activities between Harappa and Mesopotamia.
15. It was erected in honour of the Emperor and his two sons Caracalla and Geta for their victories in Mesopotamia.
16. Slums or poorer residential and industrial quarters have not been extensively excavated in Mesopotamia.
17. The sense of insecurity which affected the city-states of Mesopotamia led to a rudimentary interest in the history of social order.
18. By the twentieth century, it was still active, maintaining a theological school at Nisibis in northern Mesopotamia.
19. The first true writing we know of is Sumerian cuneiform- consisting mainly of wedge-shaped impressions on clay tablets - whichwas used more than 5000 years ago in Mesopotamia.
20. Other nonperishable objects, such as long, elegant beads made of carnelian ( a form of red agate) and shell bangles from the Indus Valley, have been dug up in Central Asia and Mesopotamia.
21. Mithraic sanctuaries and mausoleums were built in the city of Hatra in upper Mesopotamia.
22. This last five fold division is clearly borrowed from ancient Chaldean ideas current in Mesopotamia.
23. Water Gulf region, Iraq has the Euphrates and Tigris in Mesopotamia.
24. This, in effect, brought to an end three thousand years of self-rule in Mesopotamia.
25. BCE : India - Cultural exchange between the Indus Valley civilization and MESOPOTAMIA ( present day Iraq ) is especially prominent.
26. Chemical traces in the dust allowed the scientists to pinpoint its origins in Mesopotamia.
27. Greek literature major form - myth, circulated a thick Mesopotamia atmosphere.
28. The common conception of the city as a dense grid of masonry buildings dates to early desert oasis civilizations such as Mesopotamia but was uncharacteristic of many other environments.
29. It is almost as old as the oldest writing of all, theearliest cuneiform from Mesopotamia.
30. Sumerian and Akkadian Babylonians inherited the achievements of human civilization and carry forward the civilization of Mesopotamia to the peak.
31. Dagan was the animal managing center in ancient Mesopotamia and studying its documents will be the most important task for understanding the palace economy of Ur III Dynasty.
32. And even now the empire grew in the 2nd Century AD shifting eastward to add Mesopotamia, Syria and Arabia. The empire now stretched 3,000 miles from end to distant end. Riches continued to pour in.
33. Assyriology now applies to a much wider field: the study of all the civilizations in Mesopotamia and all related questions.
34. While probably originating in Mesopotamia, the caduceus found its way eastward to India and westward into the Mediterranean.
35. If America could choose again(), it would not step into a civil war in Mesopotamia.
36. Tribes of Arameans were, meanwhile, moving into Mesopotamia from the west, pushing the boundaries of Assyria back to the capital Ashur.
37. Then there are the ruins of Dura-Europos, a Parthian caravan center founded in 300 B.C., halfway between Syria and Mesopotamia and known as the "Pompeii of the East."
38. A year has passed since Alexander's victory at Issus. Camped in Mesopotamia, his men while away the time competing in sports to keep their edge. Behind the scenes, their leader is making plans.
39. A similar scene found in Mesopotamia is associated with the Gilgamesh epic, in which the hero strangles a pair of lions.
40. As Enlil and Ninurta are increasingly away, central authority also deteriorates in Mesopotamia.
41. This is not good but not so bad as for the Aral Sea and Mesopotamia.
42. Evidence indicates the wheel was created to serve as potter's wheels around 3500 B.C. in Mesopotamia—300 years before they were used for chariots.
43. Cyrus II, also known as Cyrus the Great, ruled Persia for 30 years. During his reign, the Persian Empire encompassed much of the Middle East, including Iran, Israel and Mesopotamia.
44. First evidence of the item was in diagrams on ancient clay tablets: there were pictures of a potter's wheel that was used in Ur in Mesopotamia, c. 3,500 BCE.




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