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单词 open-handed
释义  ˌopen-ˈhanded adjective  1  GENEROUSgenerous and friendly 慷慨的,出手大方的;友好的 an open-handed offer of help 慷慨地提出帮助2  done with your hand open 摊着手的;用手掌的 an open-handed slap 一记掌掴Examples from the Corpusopen-handed• It is fanciful to assume that a tight-fisted state will produce open-handed citizens.• Nevertheless my problems with my master's open-handed generosity persisted.• Martha's a very open-handed, generous person.• Not a punch; an open-handed slap to the side of the face.ˌopen-ˈhanded adjectiveChineseSyllable  generous friendly and Corpus




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